Why I believe Notion Vtec's can easily raise up to $3.00 and beyond

Why I believe Notion Vtec's share price easily go $3.00 and beyond

Publish date: Wed, 29 May 2024, 04:16 PM

Why I believe Notion Vtec's can easily raise up to $3.00 and beyond

Let us review why Notion Vtec can hit $3.00. Based on latest Q2'FY24 (Mar) qtr result, EPS was 2.72sen. If refer to what Mr. Thoo's high confidence predict that Notion revenue achieve RM1bil by FY26.

Q2'FY24 (1 Qtr) = EPS 2.72 x 4 Qtrs = 10.88 sen,

let assume per Mr. Thoo's prediction, based on estimation of Notion's revenue increase 3x folds from RM342mil FY23 to RM1bil FY26, assume all remain the same, multiply with 3x folds; that in total are EPS 32.64sen by FY26.

Let say, if PE 10, that share price is $3.26

if PE 15, that Notion's share price is $ 4.89

if PE 20, that Notion's price is $ 6.52

This all calculation method still have not factor in the uprising of AI cloud & datacenter storage theme which require massive HDD, SDD storage capacity yet. If does, this will extra boost Notion, JCY, Dufu sales orders demand to next level with higher ASP price to meet surge in AI cloud, data center requirement.

Likewise, we all knew starting April'24 mth, both Western Digital & Seagate stated clearly will increase all HDD & SDD's ASP price ~15% to meet raising demand order.

Better catch up this train now, hold firmly and dont miss this opportunity again and regret later like what Nvidia share price shoot up, 10x foldS to $1139 by playing timing, end up lose the big surge in appreciation share price. Just wait and hold firmly, let it roll up as long as business revenue growth, fundamental is intact.

Stay Happy, Stay Invest!

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2 people like this. Showing 11 of 11 comments


this kind of story recycled 10 years ago. so boring, no new story kah

1 month ago


Vtec = Honda engine technology laaaa

1 month ago


AI cloud & datacenter are overhyped. Same like dotcom bubble 24 years ago. 95% of the people cannot even define what it is.

1 month ago


This is the beauty of investment mah..
How come rumours can push up the stock price multiple time for certain stock but good earning like ytl will tank?

.... Market like blur blur event but not fact..

1 month ago


Blur blur correct

Bull run already started with Hdd/Ssd makers

Western Digital
5 year up 104%

Seagate 5 year chart up 125%

Nvidia who is starting Data Center in Sedenak
Up 3,300% in 5 years

So Jcy, Notion and Dufu are prime beneficiaries

1 month ago


This is pump n dump stock lah bro , dont bring people to holland ! Only vstecs , ranhill are the real AI , DATA CENTER ,5G benifited stock !

1 month ago


Haha jepun bro, u also in this forum kah. Cheers!

1 month ago


Vstec? Or Ecs ict 4 years ago when Calvin promoted at Rm1.17 on 29 May 2020. After one for one free bonus Vstec was only 58.5 sen and now Rm3.72 which means it is up 635%
Where were you when Vstec was 58.5 sen?

Now some day in future when things are clear like Vstec then too late to buy Hdd bull stocks

1 month ago


Happy morning all
We are in the 4th industrial revolution

Long ago for thousands of years men have used horse drawn carriages
Then came the motor car
And it was no bubble or mirage

I was in Penang for two years from ,
1979 to 1980 when Fdi came to Penang. Bayan Lepas was dotted with factories. Today after more than 40 yeas they are still there (no bubble)
In fact factories grew and spread to Batu Kawan

Now is Data Center time. And these are also real
Will be here as a permanent feature
And part of our life to use handphone , iPad, Laptop, PC (personal computers ) and Artificial intelligence
In fact intelligence is found in our lives every day when we use Waze to drive out cars
Google maps help us to locate all import addresses
And many many more

Certainly concrete and real and no bubble at all

1 month ago


I believe some investor might not read my research and finding from what Mr. Thoo, Executive chairman during TheEdge interviewed session last week. This prediction of $3.00 and beyond still not factor in the massive opportunity revenue create from AI cloud & data center yet for Notion. This revenue is purely on new existing & new catalyst business for Notion instead only, that already potential boost to Rm1bil revenue generated, starting FY25 and will report real core revenue but FY26 alone.

Imagine what happen if you include AI cloud & data center massive increase sales order and better ASP price for all Notion , JCY & Dufu bring towards it's revenue in 2H'24... What's that will happen as more and more big giants corporate Nvidia, Microsoft, Google committed to invest total Rm30billions+ and more to come in Msia to build data center here. What the future ahead for data center which contribute to data storage of HDD & SDD throughout now till year 2030? That will be a blowout massive revenue for all related Western Digital, Seagate & other tier2 , tier3 supply chain.

Do the maths, that you know why Notion, JCY & Dufu their huge potential of revenue growth.

1 month ago

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