Revenue Inside


Publish date: Sun, 05 Feb 2023, 06:49 PM银丰集团真正的坏人/

我想在这段时间里有跟随银丰集团动向的各位,心中都一定有一个疑问 – 「究竟谁才是这个纠纷里真正的坏人?」

到底是 Eddie Ng?还是Brian NgDino Ng 两兄弟?


在接下来的文章里,我们会提供 Eddie Ng 犯罪的证据。
⁃ 伪造及修改单据/发票,并把该文件提交给大马反贪会(MACC),导致 Brian 和 Dino 被逮捕。
⁃ Eddie Ng 如何串通妻子,女儿,儿子,还有董事会成员把公司资金转移出去,导致两位不愿意狼狈为奸的首席财务官(CFO)辞职。




Eddie Ng 一直以来都在与多位控盘手炒卖多家公司的股票。
这可以追溯到银丰集团上市后,他从Goodway Integrated Industries Berhad 的炒卖里尝到甜头开始。


也因为这样,Eddie 开始疯狂的炒股(除了其他的公司外,自己的公司他当然也不会放过)。
可惜上得山多终遇虎,Eddie 在多次的「投资」失败及「烧伤手」后,欠下了控盘手及大耳窿一大笔的债务。

了解 Eddie 的股友们应该都懂, Eddie 不断地抛售自己公司的股票,当中还被追加保证金(Margin Call)。
相较之下, Brian 和 Dino 两兄弟这一路来都没什么卖他们手上银丰的股票。这些资料大家都能在网上核实,我们也不需要多加解释。

我们发现,其实 Brian 和 Dino 两兄弟在2022年里根本没有卖过他们手上的银丰股票。反而 Eddie 好像非常迫急地抛售到乱。

最后, Eddie 泥足深陷。他发现即使他把自己手上的银丰股票卖完,也偿还不完他在这段时间里所欠下的巨额债务。所以,他起了动用公司资金及资产的念头。。。

当 Brian 和 Dino 两兄弟发现此事后,他们极力在股东大会里对所有 Eddie 的决策投下了反对票。但 Eddie 还是以 0.04% 的微差通过了。

在 Eddie 众多的债主里,所欠债务最多的应该是恶名昭彰的 Francis Leong Seng Wui。经过他对 Green Packet BerhadCaely Holdings Berhad 的所作所为后,相信我们也不需要对此人物多加介绍。

基于 Eddie 根本无法偿还他所欠下的债务,他的唯一解决方法就是动用公司的资金。但因为 Brian 和 Dino 两兄弟的极力阻拦, Francis Leong 使出了他在企业斗争里最拿手的一招 – 背信罪(Criminal Breach of Trust)及对他想铲除的人提出诉讼。

当然,各位也可以从Google里搜寻 Francis Leong 这号人物对他干涉的公司所做的「好事」。

银丰集团里的都在传 Eddie 在公司里已经没有控制权了;他现在只是他债主 Francis Leong Seng Wui 的扯线木偶。因为大家觉得热敏纸卷,「动用公司车」这些滑稽的理由,及把大马反贪会(MACC)牵连进来都是 Francis Leong 的手段。Eddie 本身根本不可能策划得到如此复杂的计划。

公司的员工怀疑从公司秘书,审计员,到银丰集团聘请负责进行 e-EGM(线上紧急董事会议)的 Agmo Digital 都已经跟不折手段想操纵选票的 Eddie 一伙人狼狈为奸了。


我们可以很确定的告诉你,如果 Brian 和 Dino 两兄弟在来临2月17日的紧急股东大会(EGM)里被移除的话,股东们所投资的钱一定冻过水。

当然,你若不投票把 Eddie Ng 一伙人赶出银丰集团。结局也是一样的,你所投资的钱肯定会付诸流水。

Eddie Ng 一伙人肯定会把公司榨干榨净,剩下的就只有之前被 Eddie 骗进来的可怜股东们。




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To be honest, I would not imagine that the fight for power in the group would go to such drastic level, as to some inside-insider information was published to the public.

There was one article in particular that highlighted that there are suspicious related party transaction to a company called RapidCloud (M) Sdn Bhd, where the ultimate beneficiary would be Datuk Eddie Ng Chee Siong.

I think that the article provided much info on the transaction with RapidCloud (M) Sdn Bhd, but I still have my doubts on it.

1. According to the article, the author mentioned that Brian Ng Shih Chiow and Dino Ng Shih Fang is completely unaware of the transaction made with RapidCloud (M) Sdn Bhd. I mean, really?

It is very hard to believe the two brothers are completely unaware of the transaction.. to be honest, if they are unaware, then it is their negligence, which is very disappointing as they themselves are the major shareholders of the company.

2. The article had also mentioned a total transaction value of RM356,894.27 billed to Wannapay Sdn Bhd by Rapid Cloud (M) Sdn Bhd. It is a very strange and weird to say the person who was in-charged of finance did not know about this.

Anyway, since the issue of related party transaction (RPT) was mentioned… yours truly here wore student hat and downloaded the bursa guideline (link here) and look up the section on RPT. Ok, the threshold for reporting RPT is RM500,000 according to bursa… so these transactions below the reporting amount and do not need announcement.. hmm, this explain why it is not disclosed in the annual report.

Also, my own research on the company had shown that RapidCloud (M) Sdn Bhd had RM4.2 million in revenue for their financial year 2021 on CTOS.

2023-02-07 18:53


I think any novice person like me can buy the report to study also lol, and I got inspired by the article.

Anyway, the transaction with Wannapay Sdn Bhd stands below 10% of RapidCloud (M) Sdn Bhd total revenue. Now, this is an important point.. this means >90% of sales come from other customers. Further check on the company website says that RapidCloud has been in existence since 1999 and has provided solutions to over 46,000 clients. You can check out the website here.. look like this is a legit company.. not a RM2 company set up to solely serve Revenue. So it could just be ordinary business transactions at arms length. Agree? Now come to think abt it, the author didn’t mention in the article what law was broken..

Well, I do not know if the value of the cloud server and other services provided are at market rate, discounted or premium, readers please let me know if you know the market rate.

3. Art of distraction?

If you work the article backwards, the writing seems to have the intention to increase the odds of winning for the two brothers prior to the EGM. To me, that is questionable, but I will still attend the EGM.

To me, and perhaps to all minority shareholders, the most critical part of the whole EGM is actually on the diversification into property. Once it is approved, then Revenue can participate in any construction and property related activities lol, then definitely I’m not holding the shares anymore.

Please do not attack me as I’m just stating some of the observations from the article that does not make sense to me, see you at the EGM. Let’s vote and make our voice heard!

A Revenue investor who is holding 100,000 units and continues to pray for share price to recover.

2023-02-07 18:53


这些 Eddie Ng,Brian Ng, Dino Ng 是什么关系?

2023-02-07 23:28

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