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Contradicting Guan Eng, PAC concludes no GST refunds ‘robbed’

Publish date: Mon, 15 Jul 2019, 02:15 PM

KUALA LUMPUR, July 15 — The Public Accounts Committee (PAC) that investigated Lim Guan Eng’s claim that the Barisan Nasional (BN) government “robbed” public coffers of billions in Goods and Services Tax (GST) refunds has found no such losses.

PAC chairman Datuk Noraini Ahmad said in a statement ahead of the parliamentary tabling of the investigation report that the shortfall was instead the result of a projection error.

In July last year, Finance Minister Lim alleged in Parliament that the BN administration “robbed” the country of an estimated RM19 billion meant for GST refunds.

“There was no loss of funds from GST revenue collections. The revenue not transferred to the GST refund pool was used to fund management and development expenses.

“The government previously overestimated the net GST collections by 65 per cent,” she said.

However, she said the PAC found that the previous government did not abide by the legal provisions to allocate the refund payments into the appropriate account.

Instead, it entered the funds into the Consolidated Account and only transferred these to the refund pool as and when needed.

“This is inconsistent with the provisions in Section 54(2) and 54(5) of the GST Act 2014,” she said.

The PAC also found that the previous government failed to transfer adequate funds to the GST refund pool and only returned 35 per cent of annual revenue when it should have set aside 42 per cent, she said.

Noraini further said the delay in transferring the funds to the GST refund pool was to prevent the government’s accounts from going into deficit.

The PAC is recommending that the government abide by its prescribed laws in its financial affairs.

It also advised all officers entrusted with the administration of federal financial matters to advise the government on all laws, procedures and accounting details without fear or favour.

The PAC investigated the matter over 11 months beginning from August 2018.

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2019-07-15 17:41


Good guys will be overthrown. Sad politics. Back to 1980s.

2019-07-15 19:49


Most of the businessman did not vote BN due to unrefunded GST. The ordinary folks who are net savy did not vote BN due to fake news law passed by BN which put every internet surfer at risk.

2019-07-16 11:44


If money is diverted from suppose GST refund account and to be used in other accounts for the other purpose of paying brim, subsidy, compensation & buying vote,s are this not robbing from GST refund account of tax payers ah ??

That why need petronas dividend to repay the GST tax payers bcos of these robberies loh....!!

2019-07-16 12:45


KUALA LUMPUR, July 15 — Former prime minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak conceded today that money meant for tax refunds should have been put into a trust account but insisted he had the power to divert these elsewhere.

Amid growing calls for him to be investigated for recording collections meant for Goods and Services Tax (GST) refunds as revenue in the Consolidated Account, the former finance minister insisted that the GST Act provided for this.

“Yes, it is true Clause 54 (2) of the GST Act requires that all GST collections be entered into the GST refunds trust.

“But Clause 54 (5) of the GST Act also empowers the finance minister (which was I at the time) to order that the collections be recorded into any other account,” he wrote on Facebook.

The Act has been repealed by the Pakatan Harapan government that reintroduced the Sales and Services Tax after winning the general election last year.

Najib also insisted that the practice of entering GST revenue into the Consolidated Account was consistent with other nations that collect a consumption tax including Singapore.

He further argued that refunds took a very long time to verify and insisted that the Customs Department did not ask his administration to increase the amount set aside for GST refunds.

The PAC investigation into Lim Guan Eng’s claim that BN “robbed” the country of RM19.4 billion in GST tax refunds did not come to the same conclusion as the finance minister.

However, it did conclude that money meant for the GST refunds was unlawfully diverted into the Consolidated Account and that the Najib administration did not provide enough funds to make the needed refund payments.

2019-07-16 12:47


KUALA LUMPUR, July 15 — Authorities must investigate former Barisan Nasional (BN) officials responsible for unlawfully registering money meant for tax refunds as revenue in the Consolidated Account, said two Pakatan Harapan MPs today.

Kota Kinabalu MP Chan Foong Hin said the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) investigation into Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng’s claim that BN “robbed” the public of RM19 billion in Goods and Services Tax (GST) refunds clearly came identified this diversion.

Chan further argued that the diversion corroborated Lim’s “robbery” remark despite the PAC disagreeing with this conclusion.

“By diverting the RM19.4 billion meant for refund elsewhere, Najib has indeed ‘rompak’ companies and entrepreneurs off their time sensitive business opportunities.

“These law-abiding citizens have faithfully paid their taxes but had been most unfortunately deprived off their precious funding when they need the money the most! It’s RM19.4 billion being used elsewhere and there’s nothing the rightful owners of this money could do!” Chan said in a statement.

Separately, Tanjung Malim MP Chang Lih Kang insisted that the unlawful accounting of money meant for tax refunds was both a breach of law and of trust.

Chang said provisions in the GST Act clearly stated that input refunds must be paid within 14 days whereas the Najib administration had delayed these by more than 730 days in some cases.

He said such delays contributed to rising business costs, which in turn led to higher consumer prices.

“The previous BN administration had violated the law and allowed the refund of GST Input Tax be delayed indefinitely. It is a serious criminal offence and people were tormented by skyrocketed goods price because of their deed,” Chang said in his statement.

Both MPs concurred with Attorney General Tommy Thomas that the diversion was unlawful, before pressing him to pursue those responsible.

This morning, PAC chairman Datuk Noraini Ahmad said the missing RM19 billion that Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng accused the BN government of “robbing” from public coffers was the result of grossly overestimating GST tax receipts.

However, she said the PAC found that the GST revenue was unlawfully included in the Consolidated Account rather than the GST refund pool, which violated provisions from the GST Act.

The PAC also concluded that the money was spent on operating and development expenses.

2019-07-16 12:50

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