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Umno's decision to cut ties with Bersatu confusing, says Guan Eng

Publish date: Sun, 07 Mar 2021, 06:50 PM

KAMPAR: Umno's decision to sever ties with Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Bersatu) has sparked confusion among the people as the party remains in the government, Lim Guan Eng said.

The DAP secretary-general said such a situation showed that Umno intends to dominate the next general election, whatever the situation may be.

"Umno is still in the government. That sparks confusion among the rakyat and we don't know who to trust because we have been reading different statements.

"Though the party president (Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi) has said they want to sever ties with Bersatu, but his ministers say otherwise and some states still cooperate with Bersatu. 

"I don't know what Umno is up to. Do Umno members follow (Tan Sri) Annuar Musa (former Barisan Nasional secretary-general) or its president (Ahmad Zahid)," he said.

Lim told reporters this after opening the DAP Malim Nawar Service Centre in Jalan Balai here. Also present was Perak DAP chairman Nga Kor Ming.

Lim also described Umno as buttering both sides of the bread and this resulted in political unstability in the country.

"If they have made a firm decision to sever cooperation with Bersatu, they must leave the government … but they are still part of the government.

"This results in political instability and it will definitely affect the country's investments and economy.

"But I think this has become a normal thing for them (Umno) because Pas is also the same," he said adding that Pas was playing it safe by straddling both Perikatan Nasional and Muafakat Nasional (MN).

Asked whether such political instability would bring an advantage to Pakatan Harapan (PH), the Bagan member of parliament said the answer was in the hands of the rakyat.

"The rakyat can realise for themselves … so, we should wait and see. Which party bring benefit to the rakyat ... I believe they will take this matter seriously and make the right decision," he said.


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Best for LGE to shut up and let Nga Kor Ming take over!

2021-03-07 20:31


Tobby when foreign funds can come back?

2021-03-07 20:35


I wish i know!

2021-03-07 20:36


But i do know foreign investors blacklist Malaysia because of Lynas! It was very badly handled affair!

2021-03-07 20:37


Scenery, never ever ask this question to a keyboard warrior.

2021-03-07 20:47


Tobby OK la..

2021-03-07 20:48

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