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Reflect on Ku Li’s harsh criticism against Muhyiddin, Puad tells Umno members

Publish date: Sat, 03 Apr 2021, 01:19 PM

AN Umno leader has urged his party members to take stock of party veteran Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah’s criticism against Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin and Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

“What Ku Li said against Muhyiddin, Anwar and Datuk Seri Mohamed Azmin Ali was harsh. He stated that all three of them are unqualified to become Prime Minister.

“But why are they unqualified? Do understand that Ku Li’s comments are open and based on his vast experience,” Umno supreme council member Datuk Puad Zarkashi said in a Facebook post.

In a no holds-barred interview with The Vibes, Tengku Razaleigh, popularly known as Ku Li, did not mince his words in describing the trio.

He described Muhyiddin as “lazy” and lacked ideas. The Gua Musang MP made the assessment based on his experience having the former as his deputy in the International Trade and Industry Ministry from 1984 until 1986.

He also claimed that Anwar would “bankrupt the nation in three days” if he becomes the Prime Minister.

Tengku Razaleigh, however, reserved his harshest criticism on Azmin, whom he labelled as “unqualified and unfit” for a ministerial post.

However, it is to note that Muhyiddin and Anwar were part former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s team during the latter’s bitter feud with Tengku Razaleigh at the height of the Umno leadership tussle in 1987, which saw the party getting deregistered.

Puad, a former Batu Pahat MP, urged Muhyiddin to respond to Tengku Razaleigh’s criticism as people are now having doubts about his leadership.

“What is our direction for the economy? For example, the Government continues to sell of Khazanah Nasional Bhd’s assets despite being the company being in the black.

“Silterra Malaysia, owned by Khazanah, was recently sold off to a Malaysia-China joint venture company.

“Yes, I agree Silterra used to be in the red for but from 2015 until 2017, the Government led by former Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak made it profitable again. It’s recorded profits of RM204 mil annually then.

“Silterra focuses on sensor technology. Despite the booming semiconductor industry, our Government decided to sell it off anyway,” he added.

Puad added: “So why did the Government sell the company? That is why I find Ku Li’s description of Muhyiddin as very interesting.” – April 3, 2021.


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The best PM material is Rafizi bcos he is hardworking, bright, open minded & creative loh!

2021-04-03 14:12


But, Rafizi support tax on stock capital gain, are you sure he's the best???

2021-04-03 14:17


najib is not like madey la, never ever hv enough of pm position

2021-04-03 14:20


tak apa lah....make money on capital gain kasi dia tax sikit lah....!!

Tapi if got capital tax relief mah...!!

Posted by chinaman > Apr 3, 2021 2:17 PM | Report Abuse

But, Rafizi support tax on stock capital gain, are you sure he's the best???

2021-04-03 14:21


najib now only in umno as a senior member, just same no different to ku li

2021-04-03 14:22


this is unfair tax mostly chinese at stock market from hard earned savings eating magee mee only lei. GST is the fairest tax of all.

2021-04-03 14:23


zahid-najib is an unbreakable decades long iron quality partnership, not like fragile brittle zahid-annuar musa partnership

2021-04-03 14:24


This balls loh....during the GE 14 election....KULI was the 1st choice lead be PM if wins....but this KULI bo balls chose not to accept & stay in mahathir was selected as the 2nd choice loh!

2021-04-03 14:25


i vote KJ as PM material

2021-04-03 14:31


zahid has already led umno & successfully navigated umno through umno's stormiest darkest most turbulent most trying time in umno history

he has ubiquitously & clearly proven his mettle, so he thoroughly deserves to lead umno through one more term at the very least

2021-04-03 14:32


umno guys will make the wisest choice for umno

non-umno outiders can bark & whine & bittcch as much as they like

2021-04-03 14:35


ku li is a much more loyal respected member of umno than madey, daem, or raes yatem

2021-04-03 14:41


umno warlords all look old, exhausted, I C B C, dinosaur era....Need youth, young, healthy dynamic like KJ to do rebranding of dumno ma. wakaka

2021-04-03 14:52


For 64 years...msia has been rule by UMNO PM or Ex UMNO PM...go for a change & think outside the box loh...!!

Go for Rafizi & Nurul the future PM material...not tainted mah!

2021-04-03 14:53


Post removed.Why?

2021-04-03 15:00


To rephrase again....actually without the 'PM' position....any "political party " is nothing loh...!!

Just like Mahathir previously....with the smallest party...can dictate their biggest political partner, bcos he is the PM.

2021-04-03 15:03


read old dinasour at PKR comment....this fellow also tak boleh pakai...
quote### Opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim described Foreign Minister Hishammuddin Hussein calling China a "big brother" to Malaysia as an insult to our non-aligned position.

Anwar said China is a friend and efforts should be made to improve trade and investment cooperation but said such language was inappropriate in international diplomacy.

"This is not the language or style that should be used in global diplomacy and international relations.

2021-04-03 15:03


Just call USA the big brother mah...!!

Also China the big brother also loh...!!

Like that everybody happy.....msia wins mah!!

This is what diplomacy should be loh!!!

2021-04-03 15:09


without this big brother, nations already bankrupt long time ago....anwar imprisoned too long, dont know outside world change so fast.....PKR also need change.....not dumno only. wakaka

2021-04-03 15:14


That is what we already practising, stockraider

2021-04-03 15:17


We ally with china in economic matters

Same time, we ally with US + US allies in defence & security matters

2021-04-03 15:19


But we can never let china or anybody else simply trample & trod on us on matters of sovereignity & territorial integrity

2021-04-03 15:21


ye mei?? why US ask to extradiate north korean citizen to US ....we follow blindly??? so, kowtao US is right? china is wrong???wakaka

2021-04-03 15:26


extradition is a case by case thing

we do not simply obey anybody

we study the matter thoroughly first, got justification or not etc.

2021-04-03 15:30


china grabbing SCS territory in SEA region is definitely wrong

2021-04-03 15:32


china already got plenty land in tibet, yunnan, manchuria, mongolia etc.

why still so greedy grabbing territory in SCS

2021-04-03 15:33


U need to Understand...this history & strategy mah...!!

China need to GRAB SCS 1st, if not USA & allies will grab it & never return back to china loh!!

Just like Daiyou island.....belong to china....the USA allies grab it pass it to the japan....this is a big blow in china history as china is a friend & allies of USA fighting JAPAN during world war 2

Posted by BeastOfTheEast > Apr 3, 2021 3:32 PM | Report Abuse

china grabbing SCS territory in SEA region is definitely wrong

2021-04-03 15:37


Why never extradite zakir to india despite the India Govt request leh ?

Posted by BeastOfTheEast > Apr 3, 2021 3:30 PM | Report Abuse

extradition is a case by case thing

we do not simply obey anybody

we study the matter thoroughly first, got justification or not etc.

2021-04-03 15:40


thats why I said case by case basis

2021-04-03 15:41


aiya.... MY, SIN also do sea grab...we do land reclaimation at johor, now Langkawi, Penang. land reclaimation destroy fisherman's it right??? wakaka

2021-04-03 15:42


Tapi itu within msia & spore trritory ....very short distance mah!

Posted by chinaman > Apr 3, 2021 3:42 PM | Report Abuse

aiya.... MY, SIN also do sea grab...we do land reclaimation at johor, now Langkawi, Penang. land reclaimation destroy fisherman's it right??? wakaka

2021-04-03 15:43


Indis is small potato. no need to kowtao like US ma. wakaka quote###Why never extradite zakir to india despite the India Govt request leh

2021-04-03 15:45


itu india sudah hamtam itu china at itu border skirmish in galwan valley last june leh

lu tadak baca itu news kah aah chinaman

2021-04-03 15:48


Tapi msia no respect loh!

Posted by Want2Win > Apr 3, 2021 3:48 PM | Report Abuse

itu india sudah hamtam itu china at itu border skirmish in galwan valley last june leh

lu tadak baca itu news kah aah chinaman

2021-04-03 15:51


don't play play wor, itu india army

2021-04-03 16:05

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