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A convict as your economic adviser? Some advice for Ismail By Zulkifli Mohd Bakar

Publish date: Fri, 10 Sep 2021, 06:55 PM

Recently, the grapevine has been abuzz with talk of ex-prime minister Najib Razak being roped in as the economic adviser to newly minted PM Ismail Sabri Yaakob.

This talk gained further credence with former minister Nazri Aziz lauding the proposal, citing Najib’s vast experience including nine years as PM and having served as the finance minister.

Seriously? What have people in Putrajaya been smoking that they would even entertain the notion of Najib’s return to the corridors of power? Have we forgotten that Najib is the man at the centre of the country’s largest financial heist in history, the 1MDB scandal?

It was an operation so extensive, involving sums of money so obscene, carried out with such brazen bravado, that some one dozen countries launched probes and prosecuted perpetrators in this shameful transnational crime. The 1MDB scandal also resulted in global media infamy for Malaysia, described as a “kleptocracy” by the US Justice Department, under the leadership of Najib.

And as much as Najib tries to distance himself from the skulduggery that has come to define Malaysia’s sovereign wealth fund, he’s a convict sentenced to 12 years in prison and a fine of RM210 million – a conviction against which he is appealing. This is not to mention the slew of other charges the man referred to as “MO1” by the US authorities is facing, almost all of which are related in one way or another to 1MDB.

The High Court judge who handed down Najib’s sentence, in his written judgment, described the crime as “the worst case of abuse of position”. With that in mind, are we now ready to roll out the red carpet for Najib to a position where his hands will be dangerously close to our national kitty?

What kind of message does Ismail, who has yet to warm his seat in Putrajaya, want to send to the nation about his priorities and principles, or lack thereof? Is the country so bereft of qualified professionals that the PM has to rope in an economic crime convict as his economic adviser?

If Najib were to defile the inner sanctum of political power with his return, would that not jeopardise the criminal proceedings he faces by way of perceived political interference and pressure?

The Najib administration was roundly rejected by voters during the 2018 general election, chiefly because of his involvement in 1MDB, where he was chairman of the company’s board of advisers.

The court has found him to be corrupt and of having abused his powers. If not for the appeal process, Najib would now be behind bars, not a heartbeat from the centre of political power where he was convicted of having committed grand theft.

Should the PM bring Najib back to Putrajaya, from which the latter was booted out in 2018, Ismail himself risks being kicked out of power, considering the short stints our previous two PMs ruled. Consider this a warning shot, Mr Prime Minister!

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no choice, when sheratocrap can't perform better than kleptocrap

2021-09-10 19:38


Post removed.Why?

2021-09-10 19:46


like this 2.50 coming very soon.

2021-09-10 19:59


Without a doubt.

2021-09-10 20:00


like this better buy more TAWIN, 0.25 enough

2021-09-10 20:01


Why not?

2021-09-10 20:02


need advice on how to setup 2MDB

2021-09-10 20:04


Semail Sabri looks more of a puppet on a string, should also invite Jho Low back and head MOF, if this is an eventual appointment. The entire world will be laughing at Malaysia. Jibby is indispensable as there is no more talent in Malaysia, have to hire a crook.

2021-09-10 20:39


no worries

Jho Low should be invited back to be in charge of:-


and some say Kastam too

2021-09-11 00:26


Just economic adviser! Not a biggie! The current administration need all the advise it needs! After Harapan and PN bad way of managing investment, why not!

2021-09-11 00:34


To me, Ismail Sabri must give top priority to bring back HSR into fruition! Should not have been scrap!

2021-09-11 00:36


Next cut the size of civil service and reintroduce GST at lower rate! But cutting civil service is another top priority!
Take JPJ for example, Pos Malaysia can do what JPJ is doing much better! why employ so many excess staff with pension when Pos Malaysia could streamline it's operation at much lower and efficient in comparison! And end of the day, no need to pay pension for low fruit pickers!

2021-09-11 00:38


Go for it.

Travel Boom coming.

Revenge spending coming

2021-09-11 09:32


NO anwar NO LGE NO Sabo

Najib will be BACK

2021-09-11 10:01


Anwar LGE Mat Sabu! They are bunch of total jokers! I mean, you really want to see LGE comeback as MOF! He was the worst ever in our history! You want Mat Sabu, a fail cook! He cant' even finish his culinary course! You want Anwar, who mishandle our economy and destroyed our education system!
Haix, you can't expect to win the race with this type of faulty lawmakers! But in Malaysia, what to do, the other side is far worse!
As for Najib, look, if you think Najib is the wrong person to be economic advise, then please submit someone who is qualified! You can't right! Oh, wait, you want Mahathir! Hihihaha!

2021-09-11 12:29


there are many public listed. co. but with time bomb of 1mdb trait, in particular with billions of debts., but not so politicised like najis 1mdb....if not due to amanah saham, or EPF, support- close shop long time ago

2021-09-11 12:40


funny why nobody complaining about convict being ph leader & ph perennial favourite pm candidate

2021-09-11 16:41


one man's meat, another's poison

what else is new

2021-09-11 16:42


maybe blog author zulkifli mohd bakar is someone's strategic proxy in disguise, eh?

2021-09-11 16:45


Posted by ProsperousRealm > Sep 11, 2021 4:41 PM | Report Abuse

funny why nobody complaining about convict being ph leader & ph perennial favourite pm candidate

Answer : True! Anwar is a ex convict! Najib is found guilty! So how come nobody talk about Anwar been one of the same!

2021-09-11 17:37


Really lower the Malaysian standard to the lowest of low. Are we so lack of capable people? What is going on?

2021-09-11 18:52


Ini ialah Malaysia Boleh... One Malaysian Big Family... our new motto. What a Good Idea. So in the end, no frienemy lah in Malaysia. All included, Canteek.

2021-09-12 18:08


Any anti hopping law?

Any maximum 2 terms for PM in Malaysia?
Let’s see for your self.

2021-09-12 18:10


Agong can pardon anyone. He is not a convict yet. So nothing to pardon.

2021-09-12 18:22


ph fin min also almost convict

if his good lawyer friend whom he lobbied hard to become ag didn't gugor his rasuah case, good chance he also would have become a convict

why nobody complaining about this here then

2021-09-12 18:29


simply branding other guys convict la what la, just to defame, slander, spite & condemn the other side opposite to his

but when it comes to his own side, he suddenly becomes blind, deaf, dumb & mute

2021-09-12 18:36


HSR will be revived!

2021-09-12 18:42


Ahhh, GOD knows who are the real convicts.
In this world all wayang only.
Next world is a forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever world. Those convicted by GOD will stay in HELL forever and ever and ever and ever.
Human doesn’t understand the concept forever and ever and ever and ever?
I understand that concept... and very afraid of GOD judgement.

Posted by ProsperousRealm > Sep 12, 2021 6:29 PM | Report Abuse

ph fin min also almost convict

if his good lawyer friend whom he lobbied hard to become ag didn't gugor his rasuah case, good chance he also would have become a convict

why nobody complaining about this here then

2021-09-12 19:30


juliana, any idea when your next world is going to begin, and where the likeliest location is going to be

2021-09-12 23:23


VolatileIsMyGold, so unlucky question you ask yourself first when you want to go?
Don’t ask my time to go. God determine my time lah.

2021-09-13 08:20


So how do you think you're going to look like in your next world

Anything near like how you look now in this world?

2021-09-13 12:44


Correction! Anwar is an ex convict! Najib is not yet a convict! He still appealing his conviction!
Tell me, how come we blindly accept ex convict to be PM! How come there's no issue there!

2021-09-13 12:46


Between Anwar and Najib, Anwar won't issue that many bonds (future Malaysian generations money). Because most bumi don't know economics or common sense about money, there is a loophole for politicians to get future money without the knowledge of most rakyat.

2021-09-13 12:48


Stockfreak! Yeah, anyway, Najib still have to pay one billion tax! So i think he is heading to jail and declare bankrupt at the same time!

2021-09-13 12:51


Oh, calm down, dude

It has not actually happened yet

2021-09-13 18:28


What is actually going to play out & how it is going to play out is not going to be dictated, in any way whatsoever, by what you are personally thinking yourself just in your own mind

2021-09-13 18:35


yep tobby needs to learn to restrain himself a bit

tends to get overexcited too easily sometimes

2021-09-14 16:11


wonder if zulkifly mohd bakar himself really thinks deep enough when he writes anything about something

2021-09-14 23:05


sound like he was only rambling & babbling away for all it's worth

2021-09-14 23:06


chinaman, why are you cherrypicking on the negatives & only talking about the debts of 1mdb

you should be talking about the assets of 1mdb too

do you know that trx is a subsidiary of 1mdb?

2021-09-15 00:14


fyi, chinaman, the assets of 1mdb surpass its liabilities by several billions

2021-09-15 00:20

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