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“I was there since day one”: Netizens pan the PM for rewriting history on flood disaster

Publish date: Thu, 20 Jan 2022, 07:51 PM

EARLIER today, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob attempted to rewrite history on the devastating floods that hit parts of Peninsula Malaysia last month.

In a special session of the Dewan Rakyat, the PM claimed that he was already on the ground when flood waters inundated parts of Malaysia.

“So, if some of you say that they did not see my face, I have been on the ground, in the field since day one. I do not know about the others. I did not see their faces; MPs, state assemblymen,” The Star reported the Bera MP as saying.

He even accused Opposition politicians of going missing during the catastrophic floods.

Pakatan Harapan leaders did not take Ismail Sabri’s accusations lightly, and so did netizens, who took to social media to berate the premier.


(Hypocrite. Aren’t you guys getting sick of trying to fool the people? The machineries to help flood victims are under Putrajaya’s control but on the day of the flood, the prime minister was cutting a cake. Misplaced priorities)

Aide to DAP adviser Lim Kit Siang, Syahredzan Johan shot back by saying:

“Dapat briefing pun dekat tengah malam. Midnight baru keluar kenyataan (He only got a briefing at night and came out with a statement later that night).

Segambut MP Hannah Yeoh retorted:

It is to note that on the first day of the flood, both UMNO and Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Bersatu) held their annual general meetings.

Ismail Sabri was even photographed cutting a cake during the assembly, while many people from Selangor and Kuala Lumpur saw their homes getting inundated by flood waters and getting stuck on their rooftops.

Weakling Ismail Sabri

FocusM itself reported while the authorities dragged their feet in rescuing flood victims, the public and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) took it upon themselves to help each other during the crisis, using social media to track those sending distress calls.

On Dec 21, Free Malaysia Today reported that the Malaysian Armed Forces (ATM) “bulldozed” their way to save flood victims after getting exasperated waiting for the National Disaster Management Agency (NADMA) to give instructions.

“But it came to a point where the Defence Ministry (MINDEF) decided ‘to hell with NADMA’ as flood waters were rising and there was no point waiting any longer,” the report stated.

On that note, user Hadi Nor scoffed at Ismail Sabri for his pathetic attempt to absolve his Government of their failure to help flood victims.

“Datang pun lepas dah berapa hari banjir, lepas tu kata tak nampak ADUN. ADUN pagi banjir tu dah terpacak depan masjid Batu 14 hahahahhahah.”

(He only came few days after the flood and claims that he didn’t see any Opposition lawmakers. One lawmaker actually got stuck in front of the Batu 14 mosque due to rising waters)

Dusun Tua state assemblyman (Selangor) Edry Faizal mocked the premier, adding: “Mana ada ghaib, kami menyorok belakang sampan je. Pakcik @IsmailSabri60 kat mana masa tu? LEMAH la Mail.”

(We didn’t disappear. We were just hiding behind a sampan. Where were you then uncle Ismail Sabri? What a weakling!) – Jan 20, 2022

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vote Pakatan Harapan. If you still want Malaysia continue to rot like this, it's your own choice. You pass a broken nation to your own children..

2022-01-20 21:40

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