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Kit Siang: Budget 2023 will not solve Malaysia's economic crisis; reset of policies, principles needed

Publish date: Sun, 09 Oct 2022, 11:59 AM

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 9 — DAP veteran Lim Kit Siang today said that the highly anticipated Budget 2023 wasn't anything special despite it being the highest ever budget in Malaysia's history.

The MP for Iskandar Puteri said Budget 2023 will not stop Malaysia's decline on the global and regional stage as the country will continue to struggle to compete with other nations whose economy and quality of life are way better.

"Budget 2023, though the biggest in the nation’s history, is no game-changer to resolve the economic crisis, raise the quality of education, ensure that Malaysia will not be a poor performer in another global pandemic or make Malaysia a world-class great nation.

"It rained money, with goodies all around, but did nothing to reverse the trajectory of the country in the past few decades of losing out to Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong, South Korea, Vietnam and more countries to come in future years.

"And clearly, it will do nothing to ensure that Malaysia’s ranking and score in the 2022 Transparency International (TI) Corruption Perception Index (CPI) which will be announced in January next year will not be worse than TI CPI 2021," he said in a statement this morning.

"What Malaysia needs is a reset of nation-building principles and policies to transform Malaysia from the trajectory of a kleptocracy, kakistocracy and a failed state to a "tiger” economy and a world-class great nation," he added.

Lim said Malaysia still needs separation of powers with the rule of law and an independent judiciary so the country can have a healthy Parliamentary democracy following decades of abuse.

To do so, he urged everyone to vote for Pakatan Harapan in the upcoming general elections and elect Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim as the next prime minister.

"I call on Malaysians regardless of race, religion or region to stand solidly behind PH to make Anwar Ibrahim the tenth Prime Minister of Malaysia in our journey to make Malaysia a world-class great nation, if not in this decade, at least by Malaysia’s Centennial," he added.

Budget 2023 was tabled last Friday with its allocation increasing to RM372.3 billion compared to RM332 billion for Budget 2022.


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As usually, using the same object card! But upon reading Senior Lim statement, contains zero solution! Only flower power rhetoric as usually!

2022-10-09 13:34


How about offering solution like building HSR to weather current slowdown! Or implement GST to lift government revenue! Or abolishing lawmakers pension that need 30 billion a year! Or the bloated civil service which badly need trimming! Senior Lim won't dare to say this thing!

2022-10-09 13:36


LGE his son was Finance Minister for 22 mths n Malaysia economy wen down...debts increased drastically, etc

2022-10-09 14:05


The Lims should admit their can't and not competent to advise on fiscal policy! And they don't have any solution to strengthen our economy! Just the usually flower power rhetoric baiting half brainers to scream and shout with them!

2022-10-09 14:07


What the Lims say is for the betterment of the nation. You cannot find anyone more patriotic person than the Lims unlike the so called Bumiputras who swindle national resources and put the judicial system in a tight noose. If not now, one day their alarm bell will ring loudly and by that time anarchy would rule and it will be too late.

2022-10-09 17:35



LGE his son was Finance Minister for 22 mths n Malaysia economy wen down...debts increased drastically, etc

3 hours ago"
LGE did not inherit a green economic. the previous government saddled with heavy debts. It did not rain money to settle those debts. It is like your wife owing Ah Long and those thugs demanding you pay. This analogy is for those who cannot understand or pretend not to understand. But I think you belong to the second category.

2022-10-09 17:38


Dickyme! Talk is easy! But we did put the Lims in charge! And please dont blame rakyat for the short 22 months Harapan administration! Harapan had good majority! The collapse was due to internal Harapan lawmakers crossing over! Don't blame Umno! Umno lawmakers cross over to Bersatu! Not a single Harapan lawmakers cross over to Umno, zero!
It does not matter if it's 22 months or 22 years! The thing is, what has Harapan done for the 22 months that rakyat are very appreciate of!
I couldn't think of anything! But i can recall plenty of self inflicted statements and blunders during that time!

2022-10-09 17:40


LGE was the MOF! And what fiscal policy did he introduced that have major positive impact on our economy! Zero! He was more of a book keeper than actual Finance Minister! LGE was too busy quarreling with MCA leaders! UTAR was handle badly! UEC recognition never materilized because it couldn't be implement due to very obvious reason!
LGE even admitted billions of taxable revenue were not recovered! Instead he was so proud of his Japan debt!

2022-10-09 17:43


That same "Talk is easy" applies to you.
Harapan or rather LGE was not given a free hand to administer,
There was constant sabotage from within and the old cock pariah mamak, including civil servants. On top of that, opposition were constantly making issues out of petty matters like Tommy not knowing Malay. WTF!! I could imagine how LGE was in a cooking pot.
Only idi -ots expect magic pills to their problems instantly. It does not happen in real world, but in La La fairly land. Even your wife would take nine months to deliver your litter otherwise it would be a pre-mature baby.

2022-10-09 17:47


Well, Harapan leaders made a super fantastic fake promises! Did they deliver any! None! Zero!
Dude, i will cast my vote for Harapan! Dont' get me wrong! But this round i expect Harapan to be realistic!
Can't we the rakyat just give our 1 cent view to them! Or are Harapan leaders so righteous that any criticism will be met with harsh words from their cybertroopers!
To me Singapore model is the best for Malaysia! Why the heck Senior Lim constantly brag about Jowoko! I mean, Jowoki term is ending! The next fellow will not follow Jowoko methods for sure! It will be back to zero for Indonesia!
Instead Harapan leaders must look at Singapore model! PAP has a 100 years planning! The same method used by CCP! In fact CCP copypasted Singapore to be honest!

2022-10-09 18:01


My 1 cent to Harapan leaders! Be realistic! Have a 10 years or 100 years vision for Malaysia! Not another round of fake promises with adhoc patches just to win some hearts! They have done this before and it was total failure!
And don't blame Mahathir! They know Mahathir is Mahathir! Even Umno leaders have long thrown Mahathir under the bus! Why collect Mahathir and turn him into Harapan's poster boy! We didn't vote for that you know!
And now trying to bring MUDA which is Mahathir's very own mole party! Haven't the Lims learn their lesson! Apparently not!

2022-10-09 18:03


Failure is when you repeatedly do the same thing that has failed again and again.
Mahatir is Atok, Muda is led by his cucu.

2022-10-09 21:19

Michael Kwok

Everything reset.from income to budget.who going to give way.chinese 90 percent no.maybe lim guan eng and lim kit siang start first to reset sell all the things and distribute 30 percent to the poor.
Can LGE and LKS do it no.last time say reset malaysia agreement.distribute income fairly among states.there thing this heaven...

2022-10-09 22:57

Michael Kwok

Last time lim guan eng say no gst product price good go down,ringgit go all opposite side.stock market also down after takeover as federal in mei 2018.ben u are right for ur message.
139 posts

 Posted by ben0303 > 8 hours ago | Report Abuse
LGE his son was Finance Minister for 22 mths Malaysia economy wen down...debts increased drastically, etc

2022-10-09 23:02


Qqq! You are right! Out of 320 billions, 230 billions for bloated civil service and lawmakers! That's how the latest Erection Budget is all about! Development, only 90 bilions, but you know i know probably half end up in tycoons and those corrupt malay politicians pocket!

2022-10-09 23:43


Qqq! Yeah, apparent non lawmaker like you can see it clearly! Sad right!

2022-10-10 03:56


You all here talking kock. You all here don’t see on the Bumi Malay Majority perspective.
You all see thru Chinese perspective… you want to trim or downsize civil servants, cut debts, DO YOU THINK THE MAJORITY MALAY WILL VOTE FOR HARAPAN if you only want to downsize civil servants, cut debts, fiscal and monetary prudent. Think wisely. Even Biden government spending money lavishly to placate his supporters in order to stay in power.
If Majority Malay don’t vote HARAPAN, then HARAPAN can’t govern lah and all your fiscal prudent and monetary prudent are all your pipes dreams.
Majority Malay doesn’t care about Jibby corruption, bigger government debts. I THINK THIS IS OUR ONLY SOLUTION…
No. Majority Malay will vote for Umno who will spend to placate them. Umno 60 years mayhem do you think HARAPAN can cure in 5 years or one Parliament term???

2022-10-10 06:07


Spend Gov money wisely to keep the economic pie bigger for all races to enjoy.
Don’t belt tightening, you will not get Malay votes.
Control CORRUPTIONS to a bare minimum .
These are the only way forward.
We must tread cautiously because we are walking on a tight high top buildings ropes… need to take care of Malay Majority and at the same time Make bigger economic pie.
Ok or not depends on getting Malay majority VOTES FIRST

2022-10-10 08:36


some one GOD FATHER NAJID 1MDB left behind 30 Billons debt for us

well deserved for malaysians

2022-10-10 10:08

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