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Tourism minister has authority to appoint, terminate Tourism Malaysia DG, says KSN

Publish date: Sun, 25 Feb 2024, 12:01 AM

KUALA SELANGOR: Chief Secretary to the Government (KSN) Tan Sri Mohd Zuki Ali  has clarified that the authority to appoint and terminate the services of the Malaysian Tourism Promotion Board (Tourism Malaysia) director-general Datuk Dr Ammar Abd Ghapar, rests with the Tourism, Arts and Culture Minister.

He explained that this matter was clearly outlined in the Malaysian Tourism Promotion Board Act 1992 (Act 481).

"In fact, the authority to appoint the Malaysian Tourism Promotion Board director-general lies within the jurisdiction of the Tourism, Arts, and Culture Minister, as defined by Act 481, granting the minister the power to appoint and terminate an individual's services.

"At times, it becomes necessary to provide clarification to the public, as I am aware that this issue has been raised and circulated widely on social media and other platforms.

"The official statement released to the public explicitly states that the authority falls under the jurisdiction of the respective minister, and any further clarification will come directly from that minister," he said after attending the rehearsal for Sunday’s (Feb 25) closing ceremony of the Central Zone Madani Rakyat program at the Kuala Selangor Sports Complex on Saturday (Feb 24).

Mohd Zuki said this in response to reports in the local media and social media about Ammar's dismissal as Malaysian Tourism Director-General which was allegedly stated in a letter dated Feb 22.

According to the letter, the termination of Ammar's service, effective next Monday (Feb 26), was under Subsection 10 (1) of the Malaysian Tourism Promotion Board Act 1992 (Act 481), read together with Section 47 of the Interpretation Act 1948 and 1967 (Act 388).

Earlier, Tourism, Arts and Culture Minister Datuk Seri Tiong King Sing on Saturday denied that Ammar was terminated from the post but instead demoted to the post of Tourism Malaysia deputy director-general.

Tiong said the decision was made due to Ammar's declining performance, which was described as unsatisfactory, despite being advised several times to improve.

Meanwhile, Mohd Zuki said that over 55,000 visitors had attended the Central Zone Madani Rakyat program, and he anticipated an even larger turnout to enliven the Showcase Kita Selangor 2024 concert scheduled for Saturday night.

"There are 163 services offered in this programme, and visitors are still making their way to the area, demonstrating the effectiveness of the implemented services," he said.

Mohd Zuki explained that the Madani Rakyat programme in the central zone was a collaborative effort with the Selangor government, aiming to bring government services directly to the public.

He also announced plans to extend this programme to the northern zone in Penang, southern zone in Johor, and eastern zone in Pahang.

The three-day programme, which runs from 9am to 10pm, was a continuation of the Madani Government One Year Programme, which was a forum for the community to obtain information about 163 federal, state and related government services. - Bernama

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Wow. 😮 That is the first Swak minister to demote 🔥 a staff.

2024-02-26 08:18


Was the former DG given show cause letters? Was he given the opportunity to reply to the allegations? DG of a department is a civil servant and his conduct is governed by Public Service General Order, any disciplinary action must be taken as per General Order Bab D which include Dismissal and Demotion which are the most severe punishments. If procedure not strictly followed, then the former DG can take up a civil action against the Minister, KSN, and the govt. 100% govt will lose the case and the former DG reinstated.

Right of being heard is the basic principle in civil society and form the fundamental for any civil laws.

2024-02-26 08:51


Power to appoint and Power to terminate an employee is different from what we saw in the China's Drama shown in youtube. Probably he watch too much China Drama.

2024-02-26 08:58


Yes. The letter of Appointment/ Dismissal must be signed by the Minister, but it cannot be done without following the rule and procedure.

2024-02-26 09:01


Salute, dare to remove or demote the deadwood. There are many such deadwood in many organisations, hehe

2024-02-26 19:16


Great, a good action against deadwood. hehe

Chief Secretary to the Government (KSN) Tan Sri Mohd Zuki Ali has clarified that the authority to appoint and terminate the services of the Malaysian Tourism Promotion Board (Tourism Malaysia) director-general Datuk Dr Ammar Abd Ghapar, rests with the Tourism, Arts and Culture Minister.

He explained that this matter was clearly outlined in the Malaysian Tourism Promotion Board Act 1992 (Act 481).

"In fact, the authority to appoint the Malaysian Tourism Promotion Board director-general lies within the jurisdiction of the Tourism, Arts, and Culture Minister, as defined by Act 481, granting the minister the power to appoint and terminate an individual's services.

"At times, it becomes necessary to provide clarification to the public, as I am aware that this issue has been raised and circulated widely on social media and other platforms.

2024-02-26 19:18

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