Value Investing

家具股 - 涨势已久,易攻为守

Publish date: Wed, 09 Dec 2015, 04:04 PM
0 155
坚守长期价值投资, 催化复利累进效应, 实现财务自主与享受写意人生
Value Investing & Joys of Compounding

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星洲财经 | 02 Dec 2015

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Furniture industry cyclical meh ? People keep repeating this as though it is a truth, but so far nobody has come up with figures to substantiate

2015-12-09 18:06



2015-12-10 10:05


Still very cheap. Mostly traded at PE around 10 only. So cheap if you compare with Gloves at PE 30.

2015-12-10 11:25


Logically, furniture industry links to property industry. So if property industry is cyclical (I believe all agree so), so as the furniture industry.
The property market in US is improving, more properties are purchased, more home owners need to furnish their homes, and therefore, Latitude can sell more of it's furniture to US.
I suppose this explains furniture industry is cyclical, no ?

2015-12-10 12:34


no doubt furniture is benefit from strong US but risk higher than glove. Please do not compare glove and furniture. Most of gloves will be disposed after use. Can most of furniture dispose after used? Please speak in logic and do not mislead new forumers.

2015-12-10 13:21

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