Stock Pick Contest Year 2020

Insider Asia's Top 10 stocks for 2020 - 2029

Tan KW
Publish date: Sat, 04 Jan 2020, 05:08 PM
Tan KW
0 460,025
A blog to collect Stock Pick Year 2020 from i3 members

Insider Asia's Top 10 stocks for 2020 - 2029

KUALA LUMPUR (Jan 4): Stock picking is hard enough, imagine selecting counters to invest in for a decade.

That is exactly what InsiderAsia has done, in the latest issue of The Edge.

“Ten years is a very long time by most measures, more so in the ever-changing world of business. Multi-billion companies can be made in a decade. Multi-billion companies can and have gone bust before within a decade,” the independent investment research firm says.

Nevertheless, InsiderAsia has proceeded to pick 10 stocks for the 2020s.

While acknowledging that selecting stocks for the long term is extremely difficult, it says there are certain factors in the stock picking exercise that could raise the success rate.

What are these factors?

More importantly, what are the 10 stocks you must have in your portfolio in this new decade?

This issue also features a special report on navigating the 2020s, where ministers, thinkers, industry experts as well as staff writers were asked to consider the trends that will emerge in this decade.

Read all these and more in this week’s issue of The Edge.


1 person likes this. Showing 7 of 7 comments


thx for posting.
now i no need buy the Edge paper. wahahaha

2020-01-04 23:13


we cant forecast what is good in 12 months, what more in a decade

2020-01-05 08:48


agree with BillyK.

Inari 自己都自身難保. 10 years 簡直荒謬.

2020-01-05 09:56


The bunch of analyst in that underperforming outfit need to be shown the door ! Looks like their old recommendations that has underperformed , willowgen stands out as a proven loser , thks for a good laugh !

2020-01-05 10:19


Nestle, QL still cheap?

2020-01-05 11:18


All these are rubbish. My own performance even better haha

2020-01-05 11:29



2020-01-05 17:45

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