Furniture design and making companies
The secret to successful investing is to figure out the value of something and then-pay a lot less.
Joel Greenblatt
[2000 years ago, there were not at many choices for professions as there are today. Sure there were farmers, politicians, merchants, artists, and guards. But you can bet back then, carpentry was a key profession. And when you look around your home or office today, what do you see? The results of carpentry: tables and cabinets everywhere.]
Think about it, furniture making business should be a viable business. Every household needs furniture, doesn’t it? Hence the business of furniture design, and making companies like Homeritz, Lii Hen and Latitude should be able to last a long time. Don’t you think so? The earnings of these furniture export companies have been doing very well recently with their stock prices moving northwards in tandem. But which of these three companies offers the most attractive investment for investors?
We will first look at the operational efficiencies of the three companies and see which is the best company.
Profitability and operation efficiencies
In terms of net profit margin (NPM), Homeritz excels by a wide margin of 15.9%, followed by Latitude and Lii Hen at approximately the same margin of 6.5% and 6.2% respectively.
The high profit margin of Homeritz in turn boasts up the return of equity (ROE) and return on invested capital (ROIC) of 20.6% and 29.9% respectively which are the highest among the companies as shown in Figure 1 and Table 1 below. Homeritz’s high ROE is also achieved with little financial leverage of just 1.2. These returns are way above its costs of capitals. Its cash return (Free Cash Flow/Invested Capital) is also remarkable at 29% (>>10%). FCF is also high at 16% of revenue (>>5%). Homeritz obviously beats the other two hands down. It must have been enhancing its shareholders value greatly with these operating numbers.
Figure 1: Profit Margin, Return of equity and invested capital
Table 1: Operating efficiencies |
Homeriz |
Lii Hen |
Latitude |
Net profit margin |
15.9% |
6.2% |
6.5% |
Asset turnover |
1.1 |
1.8 |
1.1 |
17.3% |
10.8% |
7.1% |
Leverage |
1.2 |
1.5 |
1.6 |
20.6% |
15.9% |
11.6% |
29.9% |
18.0% |
13.3% |
Lii Hen follows with respectable ROE and ROIC at 15.9% and 18% respectively (Table 1). Latitude comes in last with ROE and ROIC of 11.6% and 13.3% respectively, which are still good as they are above the costs of capital.
Latitude’s cash flow is however, much better than that of Lii Hen with FCF 10% and 18% compared to Lii Hen’s 2% and 6% of its revenue and invested capital respectively.
Ranking in operation efficiencies
With the past year profitability, efficiencies and cash flow of the companies, I who is one emphasize cash flow very much would rank the companies from the best to the worst as follows:
I would expect the market to give the highest valuation for Homeritz, followed by Latitude and the last Lii Hen. But does the market do so? Let’s look at Table 2 below.
Market Valuation
Homeritz is indeed given the highest valuation with a PE ratio of 7.0, followed by Latitude and Lii Hen at 5.3 and 4.2 respectively. This appears to be as expected from their performance.
Table 2: Market Valuation |
xxxxxxx |
Homeriz |
Lii Hen |
Latitude |
PE |
7.0 |
4.2 |
5.3 |
EV/Ebit |
3.9 |
2.9 |
5.1 |
4.6 |
11.6 |
4.3 |
However a better market valuation should be based on enterprise value of the whole firm, rather than just the equity. This is because some firms have relatively lower debt, or larger amount of excess cash such as Homeritz with 40% of its net asset in hard cash.
Referring back to Table 2 above, It appears that Lii Hen has the lowest enterprise value in relation to its Ebit of just 2.9 times. However due to Lii Hen’s poorer cash flow, its EV in relation to FCF is the highest at 11.6 times. Hence in my opinion, Homeritz has the most attractive valuation as its enterprise values are low at 3.9 and 4.6 times respectively of its Ebit and FCF.
Taken all into considerations, my personal ranking of the market valuations is as follow:
So which furniture company do you favour as an investment?
KC Chong (3/11/13)
A month has passed since I wrote a comparison of three furniture companies in Bursa, they are Homeritz, Latitude and Lii Hen. I have stated my preference on Homeritz due to its high margins, efficiencies and reasonably priced as compared to others.
Since then Latitude has released its latest quarterly report on 30/9/2013. Its revenue and net profit for the first quarter 2014 jumped by 27% and 63% to 531m and 30m respectively. The market also reacted positively with its share price rises by a whopping 38% from RM1.31 to RM1.81 at the close on 8/12/13. What a windfall for shareholders of Latitude. Another furniture company, Poh Huat also rode on the wave and its share price increased by 25% from 73 sen to 91 sen. Not sure why was that so as Poh Huat’s financial results are not impressive at all. On the other hand, the share price of Homeritz and Lii Hen remain unchanged from the same period.
Let us review the comparison on investing in those furniture companies again with the updated results. Also included are another four more furniture companies; Hevea, Eurospan, Poh Huat and Tafi.
Market valuation
First we examine which has the cheapest market valuation of all the furniture companies here with their latest prices and their twelve months trailing financial results as at 8th December 2013 as shown in Table 1 below:
Table 1: Market valuations of furniture companies
Company Homeriz Lii Hen Latitude Eurospan Hevea Poh Huat Tafi
Price 0.575 1.650 1.810 0.510 0.950 0.910 0.270
PE Ratio 7.7 5.9 4.3 6.8 4.2 5.9 NA
EV/Ebit 4.3 3.4 3.7 3.3 7.1 4.2 NA
EV/Ebitda 3.9 2.8 2.7 3.0 3.6 3.1 5.4
All except Tafi were making good profit for the past one year. We will rule out Tafi as an investment option because of its losses. They are selling cheaply too as all PE ratios are single digit with the lowest at 4.2 for Hevea and Latitude. Homeritz appears to be the most expensive at 7.7. In term of enterprise value, Hevea appears to be the most expensive at EV 7.1 times it Ebit. This is mainly due to its heavier debt burden. For the rest, EV is not much different from each other and they are all in a very low and tight range of 3.3 to 4.3 Ebit and 2.8 to 3.9 times Ebitda. However, Lii Hen and Latitude appeared to be the preferred choice as far as market price is concerned. Let us look at their operation performance for the past one year to see which company is indeed a better investments.
Margins and efficiencies
Table 2 below shows the margins of the business of each furniture company.
Table 2: Margins of furniture companies
Margins Homeriz Lii Hen Latitude Eurospan Hevea Poh Huat Tafi
Gross Margin 45.0% 15.1% 15.3% 21.1% 13.4% 16.7% 14.5%
Operating Margin 18.3% 6.7% 9.1% 5.7% 7.0% 5.7% -1.6%
Net Profit Margin 15.9% 5.3% 7.4% 5.6% 5.5% 3.8% -0.3%
All furniture companies have low to moderate gross margin in the teens and operating and net profit margin in the higher single digits. The exception is Homeritz with each of its margin from double to triple of the rest. For example its gross margin is 45%, three times that of Laitude and Lii Hen. Net profit margin shows the same difference. Thanks to its niche which differs from others in its design and manufacture of upholstered home furniture. It also has its own brand Eritz. Homeritz high margin business has return on invested capital in ROE and ROIC of 21% and 30% respectively, outperformed the rest of the furniture companies by a wide gap as shown in Table 3 below.
Table 3: ROE and ROIC of furniture companies
xxxxx Homeriz Lii Hen Latitude Eurospan Hevea Poh Huat Tafi
Net profit margin 15.9% 5.3% 7.4% 5.6% 5.5% 3.8% -0.3%
Asset turnover 1.1 1.6 1.1 1.2 0.9 1.5 0.5
ROA 17.3% 8.6% 8.5% 6.5% 5.2% 5.7% -0.1%
Leverage 1.2 1.3 1.5 1.2 1.8 1.6 1.1
ROE 20.6% 11.4% 13.1% 7.8% 9.3% 9.3% -0.2%
ROIC 29.9% 14.5% 16.7% 11.5% 8.5% 9.8% 4.8%
Two other companies, Latitude and Lii Hen also garnered ROE and ROIC comfortably above the cost of capitals above 10%, while the rest are marginally acceptable with the exception of Tafi. Wondering why some people chose Tafi. They must have something we don’t know.
Taken all into considerations, I still favour Homeritz as the top pick in furniture company to invest in. Although it has a slight higher enterprise value over its ebit, its margins and operational efficiencies are way above the rest. My personal top three ranking of the market valuations is as follow based on their respective market price now:
1. Homeritz
2. Latitude
3. Lii Hen
So which furniture company do you favour as an investment?
KC Chong in Auckland (8/12/13)
Posted by kcchongnz at Dec 9, 2013 11:24 AM
Chart | Stock Name | Last | Change | Volume |
Created by Tan KW | Jan 02, 2014
Created by Tan KW | Nov 08, 2013
Created by Tan KW | Sep 06, 2013
hi mr chong, could you also include Eurospan in comparison to those furniture companies. Eurospan's performance is improving and has very lean balance sheet.
2013-11-05 10:43
This was a e-mail to me from a good fundamental investor some time ago for your information. I concur with his views about Hevea.
What is your view between HOMERITZ vs HEVEABOARD which I recommended to you a few months back. HEVEABOARD is in the same business except that it also produces particle boards besides furniture. You used fcfe valuation for heveaboard and came up with intrinsic value of RM1.41 which presents a larger margin of safety than HOMERITZ.
However comparing a few things between these 2 companies, I feel that HOMERITZ is a better value because :-
1. Balance sheet is stronger, no debts vs a high D/E for Heveaboard
2. Higher margins than HEVEA
3. Better ROIC, FCF/sales, lower EV/EBIT
4. Better dividend yield
5. Particleboard manufacturing involves higher capex, is more like a commodity hence poorer margins.
Plus side for HEVEABOARD
Less competitors compared to furniture makers due to higher entry cost and high capex. The demand for particleboard would be more widespread as it is used as a raw material for house renovations, construction industry whereas furniture.
2013-11-05 10:47
Eurospan stopped giving dividends after the bumper 40sen payments in 2010. Shareholders have not been getting any dividend for the last 3 years. It is a very small company but the margins have been well maintained in the past few years. With 44m shares, RM1m to RM2m net profit after tax is impressive enough but equally it is nearer to loss should there be any cost overrun. All in all, I like Eurospan. All furniture companies are now moving.
2013-11-05 12:05
Homeritz revenue rely heavily on the export market especially from US (19%), Eurozone (39%), Asia Pacific (43%) for year 2012, these 3 geographical segments alone contribute to about 87% to the company revenue FY2012
the weakening of MYR against all these major currency will do a lot of good to this counter, while the strengthening of MYR against these major currency will do opposite effect.
furniture directly related to property business. property business down = furniture business down, property boom = furniture boom. US & Eurozone properties business coming back? Asia Pacific region- I read measurements to cool off property sector from Singapore, China to HK ....
they are listed back at the end of year 2009, 4 years track records. if only they were listed a little bit longer period, the confident level towards this counter will be a lot of different
2013-11-05 13:03
Posted by jiehan > Nov 5, 2013 10:43 AM | Report Abuse
hi mr chong, could you also include Eurospan in comparison to those furniture companies. Eurospan's performance is improving and has very lean balance sheet.
Eurospan is a very smallish company compared with the rest. Its market capitalization is only 24.7m. It has relatively higher gross margin. However due to its very small turnover of just 61m, and hence higher percentage in operating cost, its net margin at only 5.1%, is very much lower than the rest.
As a result, its ROE and ROIC is also relatively low at 7.3% and 9.7% respectively. This operating numbers do not meet my personal requirements.
Its market valuation with PE ratio of 7.6 and EV/Ebit of 4.7 is also inferior to others.
However, Eurospan's first quarter result appears to be very good at 3.5 sen per share. As for the rest of the year, it may be too early to say. So for me, I prefer the rest than Eurospan.
2013-11-05 17:05
updated based on latest rolling 4qtr
Market statistics Homeriz Lii Hen Latitude
Price 0.57 1.65 1.55
No of shares 200000 60000 97208
Market capitalization 114000 99000 150672
Minority interest 5855 119 49484
Total debts 2672 17557 91269
Excess cash 34710 43333 118695
Enterprise value, EV 87817 73343 172730
Revenue 112905 311615 531061
Profit before tax 20566 20148 44171
Net Income 17941 16417 29952
Net Profit Margin 16% 5% 6%
PE 7 6 5
EV/Ebit 4.3 3.6 3.9
EV/Sales 0.78 0.24 0.33
thanks kcchongnz for sharing
2013-11-30 20:38
A month has passed since I wrote a comparison of three furniture companies in Bursa, they are Homeritz, Latitude and Lii Hen. I have stated my preference on Homeritz due to its high margins, efficiencies and reasonably priced as compared to others.
Since then Latitude has released its latest quarterly report on 30/9/2013. Its revenue and net profit for the first quarter 2014 jumped by 27% and 63% to 531m and 30m respectively. The market also reacted positively with its share price rises by a whopping 38% from RM1.31 to RM1.81 at the close on 8/12/13. What a windfall for shareholders of Latitude. Another furniture company, Poh Huat also rode on the wave and its share price increased by 25% from 73 sen to 91 sen. Not sure why was that so as Poh Huat’s financial results are not impressive at all. On the other hand, the share price of Homeritz and Lii Hen remain unchanged from the same period.
Let us review the comparison on investing in those furniture companies again with the updated results. Also included are another four more furniture companies; Hevea, Eurospan, Poh Huat and Tafi.
Market valuation
First we examine which has the cheapest market valuation of all the furniture companies here with their latest prices and their twelve months trailing financial results as at 8th December 2013 as shown in Table 1 below:
Table 1: Market valuations of furniture companies
Company Homeriz Lii Hen Latitude Eurospan Hevea Poh Huat Tafi
Price 0.575 1.650 1.810 0.510 0.950 0.910 0.270
PE Ratio 7.7 5.9 4.3 6.8 4.2 5.9 NA
EV/Ebit 4.3 3.4 3.7 3.3 7.1 4.2 NA
EV/Ebitda 3.9 2.8 2.7 3.0 3.6 3.1 5.4
All except Tafi were making good profit for the past one year. We will rule out Tafi as an investment option because of its losses. They are selling cheaply too as all PE ratios are single digit with the lowest at 4.2 for Hevea and Latitude. Homeritz appears to be the most expensive at 7.7. In term of enterprise value, Hevea appears to be the most expensive at EV 7.1 times it Ebit. This is mainly due to its heavier debt burden. For the rest, EV is not much different from each other and they are all in a very low and tight range of 3.3 to 4.3 Ebit and 2.8 to 3.9 times Ebitda. However, Lii Hen and Latitude appeared to be the preferred choice as far as market price is concerned. Let us look at their operation performance for the past one year to see which company is indeed a better investments.
Margins and efficiencies
Table 2 below shows the margins of the business of each furniture company.
Table 2: Margins of furniture companies
Margins Homeriz Lii Hen Latitude Eurospan Hevea Poh Huat Tafi
Gross Margin 45.0% 15.1% 15.3% 21.1% 13.4% 16.7% 14.5%
Operating Margin 18.3% 6.7% 9.1% 5.7% 7.0% 5.7% -1.6%
Net Profit Margin 15.9% 5.3% 7.4% 5.6% 5.5% 3.8% -0.3%
All furniture companies have low to moderate gross margin in the teens and operating and net profit margin in the higher single digits. The exception is Homeritz with each of its margin from double to triple of the rest. For example its gross margin is 45%, three times that of Laitude and Lii Hen. Net profit margin shows the same difference. Thanks to its niche which differs from others in its design and manufacture of upholstered home furniture. It also has its own brand Eritz. Homeritz high margin business has return on invested capital in ROE and ROIC of 21% and 30% respectively, outperformed the rest of the furniture companies by a wide gap as shown in Table 3 below.
Table 3: ROE and ROIC of furniture companies
xxxxx Homeriz Lii Hen Latitude Eurospan Hevea Poh Huat Tafi
Net profit margin 15.9% 5.3% 7.4% 5.6% 5.5% 3.8% -0.3%
Asset turnover 1.1 1.6 1.1 1.2 0.9 1.5 0.5
ROA 17.3% 8.6% 8.5% 6.5% 5.2% 5.7% -0.1%
Leverage 1.2 1.3 1.5 1.2 1.8 1.6 1.1
ROE 20.6% 11.4% 13.1% 7.8% 9.3% 9.3% -0.2%
ROIC 29.9% 14.5% 16.7% 11.5% 8.5% 9.8% 4.8%
Two other companies, Latitude and Lii Hen also garnered ROE and ROIC comfortably above the cost of capitals above 10%, while the rest are marginally acceptable with the exception of Tafi. Wondering why some people chose Tafi. They must have something we don’t know.
Taken all into considerations, I still favour Homeritz as the top pick in furniture company to invest in. Although it has a slight higher enterprise value over its ebit, its margins and operational efficiencies are way above the rest. My personal top three ranking of the market valuations is as follow based on their respective market price now:
1. Homeritz
2. Latitude
3. Lii Hen
So which furniture company do you favour as an investment?
KC Chong in Auckland (8/12/13)
2013-12-09 11:24
dear kcchongnz, may i know how to you get your EV? i been trying different numbers, cant get your 3.9 for homeriz, thanks in advance
2013-12-19 20:39
The 3.9 you mentioned is the EV/Ebit, not EV. For computation of EV, please refer to the following link:
Ebit is the earnings before interest and tax. For Homeritz, it was 20.7m last financial year. EV I got is 104.8m. It changes because of the market capitalization affected by the changing share price. For its latest price of 65.5 sen now, the computation is shown below:
Market statistics Homeriz
Price 0.655
No of shares 200000
Market capitalization 131000
Minority interest 5855
Total debts 2672
Excess cash -34710
Enterprise value, EV 104817
Ebit 20703
Earnings yield, Ebit/EV 20%
EV/Ebit 5.1
EV/Ebitda 4.5
EV/FCF 5.9
EV/Sales 0.9
2013-12-20 05:33
Hi kcchongnz, for ROIC homeritz, you got 29.9%. From my calculation, I obtained 25.35% as follows:
ROIC 2012 NOPAT 14,699,677
PPE 35,315,119
Receivable 7,078,371
Inventories 22,951,687
Payable 7,368,184
ROIC 25.35%
Can you please enlighten me what went wrong?
2014-02-05 20:56
There is nothing seriously wrong about your computation of ROIC for Homeritz except that you are using the audited account for 2012, whereas i used the latest unaudited account ended 31 March 2013.
check your computation of NOPAT
NOPAT=EBIT*(1-tax rate)=EBIT*[1-(Tax/EBT)]
I got ROIC of 28.5% as i tweak the Ebit a little, for example to exclude interest income etc, but it doesn't matter that much as it involves art of interpretation. Your 25.4% is close enough.
Below is the little tweaking I made for the 2012 income statement.
Revenue 103246
Cost of sales -56924
Gross profit 46322
Admin expenses -13410
Other expenses -13217
Other operating income 424
EBITDA 20119
Depreciation -2524
Profit from operation, EBIT 17595
Financing cost -166
Interest income 244
EBT 17673
Taxation -923
Net Income 16750
Attributed to:
Equity holders of the company 14700
Minority interest 2050
2014-02-05 21:29
i do not know what happened but can anyone tell me?i think KKY gave rm20m or so to KC to invest,then suddenly KC is no longer his FM. AND KKY calls KC stupid, while furnitures stocks were KC top picks even long ago,but i dont see credit being given to KC! so what happened?>
2015-10-14 09:59
Kim Yap Lau
How abt Hevea?
2013-11-05 10:38