
CAB Cakaran - undervalued hidden gem

Stock Kingdom
Publish date: Thu, 23 Mar 2017, 02:47 AM

Stock market is now an exciting place again with the bullish sentiment everywhere and global economy is expected to recover from the bottom since the early of the year.

"As you can see, this kind of opportunity doesn't come every time, and you have to make the crucial decision. There is no right or wrong in any of the decision made, but only different consequences in the end." - bonescythe

I have been looking around for opportunity but most stocks have gone up lately, until I read an article from a famous blogger, WealthWizard, the following is his article:

CAB CAKARAN: Malaysia Broiler/Chicken Giant in Making (Part 1)

In the article: "Market has not responded to the above quarterly results. In fact, the company's share price has been flat for almost 1 years as at today."

I did my study & found out that RM1.90 was only 11% from the average price of RM1.70 for the past one year!


The management commented on the Prospect in the report @ 31 December 2016:

The prospect of the integrated poultry farming and processing division is expected to be better in the second quarter as demand and price of broilers are expected to be higher especially during the Lunar New Year. The overall shortage in the supply of broilers in the local market will likely maintain the present high average selling price of broiler over the next quarter.

It means both demand & selling price will be higher than the previous quarter!!

I do not know how high until I read this from WealthWizard:

I did my calculation over night & I get this:

It is almost 100% double to the previous year's result!!

I don't know if the above is correct or not and I really have no idea what will be the price of CAB after the market received above results in the coming quarterly report.

Now at the price of RM1.91, which is still below RM2, if you have missed Mycron & Ekovest, don't miss this golden chance.

I don't want to miss this boat & I decided to jump in, good luck to you, and me.

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6 people like this. Showing 12 of 12 comments

Stock Kingdom

CAB Cakaran - undervalued hidden gem

2017-03-23 02:55


Have you considered the current bird flu epidemic...

2017-03-23 05:15

Mohd Fahmi Bin Jaes

already up

2017-03-23 06:40


CAB has gained 0.23 in 2 days but 0.39 for a whole year. Think about it.

2017-03-23 07:29



2017-03-23 07:30


CAB雄踞北方,之所以要买FARM BEST就是看中他们在南方的市场强大占有率,买下FARM BEST能让CAB在全马各地都有肉鸡生产地,就算吉兰丹有传禽流感,也不会影响其他的鸡场。


2017-03-23 07:30


Very interesting & good observation, well done, StockKingdom

2017-03-23 08:13

Stock Kingdom

Thank you moneySIFU

2017-03-23 08:18


So fast already calculate the earnings....he he

2017-03-23 09:14


well done.. im eager to read healthwizard part 2... already on boat the cab boat 2 days ago. lets huat together

2017-03-23 20:51


Very well said, 张天师

2017-03-31 13:15


this guy can move market one.

2017-03-31 13:22

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