Stockman blogs

its important to reconsider

Publish date: Sun, 27 Nov 2016, 11:41 AM
Trade at your own risk. I am here only to vomit out my feelings

Consider this article before you start speculating on infrastruture stocks and new contracts



After reading this article, my only conclusion is that Najib may have to reconsider / delay all major projects that have large import components and that have been announced but  have not yet been signed.  That is the only right thing to do. 


All the  major infrastruture projects  that were announced before the recent currency crisis is at risk. 

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msia is vlunerable due to its currency and reserve…
overall weakness affect individual stock at the same time and cause volatile rather than trending north…
msia gov appear no way to stimulate economies due to high debt laden less cashpiles…

2016-11-27 11:59



  日本国土交通省和观光厅10月31日公布的统计数据显示,截至10月30日,2016年访日外国游客已超过2000万人次,这是年度赴日游客首次突 破2000万人。而今年1月至8月,中国前往马来西亚的游客人数达140万人,比2015年同期的111万人增加了26.3%。而且,据参考消息网报道 11月4日报道,马来西亚文化及旅游部长纳兹里宣布,中国游客入境马来西亚免签证措施将延长一年至2017年12月31日。

2016-11-27 12:00


Economic worst, what can we do? Go singapore? Go nz 摘apple?

2016-11-27 12:10


Gdp positive, got China backup. How to be worst? Only can't be very good. Just don't buy blue chip stocks. Life is as usual.

2016-11-27 12:49

yeekarwai 95

impossible, major infrastructure projects have huge economic multiplier effect. Just like someone mention "government revise budget 2016,so will cut off major infrastructure projects"at the beginning of 2016. However,what happen in the end? mrt,lrt going on.

2016-11-27 14:37

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