Stockman blogs

Stop deleting my posts, you cowards.

Publish date: Fri, 21 Jul 2017, 09:29 PM
Trade at your own risk. I am here only to vomit out my feelings

so popular to make successful investments sounds so mathsy, so complicated. 
but KYY is living proof that successful investments do not need to be mathsy or complicated. 


yes, I am developing an alternative approach to be successful in the stock market. 


One that challenges the conventional wisdom that successful investments needs to be very mathsy, 

Or that successful investments must only follow the "approved "approach.  


One stick cannot conquer the world

And low quality , low PE, high NTA is not even the best stick.


There are other approaches which works just fine for so many other sucessful investors.


if the busybodies are not so busy deleting my posts, we can then enter into some meaningful and useful discussions about alternative approaches to the stock market which have already proven their success. 


so...Mr Cowards, who keep deleting my posts...what are you so scared of?




cowards keep deleting my posts. 

its despicable. 

and Koon's approach to stock market is liberating....and it has worked for him. 

kc...has your method worked for you?


liberating because you don't have to be shackled by " approved" approaches.







1 person likes this. Showing 50 of 100 comments


Post removed.Why?

2017-07-22 14:05


You shut up, then no deletion liao

2017-07-22 14:11


[ Deposting Comrades, DO NOT DELETE MANMY'S answere plsss ]

i confuse liaw ...[ answer plsss ]

How come i being practising the mistery X ; by detecting JingHeng / Pearl Chicken / lately Rooster EGgs ... non of one u have 100 shares ?

Only, 1 explanation ... are u simply juz say anything u like ?

i'm a practisioner ... i come , i fight , and i conquer ... of course i matter my results in specific time frame above all .

2017-07-22 14:15


Lets all flag the entire posts pages by pages

2017-07-22 14:31


Don Flag manmy plsss ...

impending my answere from the X factors original creator xp

2017-07-22 14:51



The best approach is... to drop the fame..... and.. when the right window of opportunity comes... totally take over.... totally take control...

..... i.e. be a syndicate..... be a syndicate

And...... very importantly.... to know when to stop


2017-07-22 16:36


100 time lose money we bankrupt lo. Like that also proud?

Posted by 稻田·* 片片绿青~粒粒芳香 > Jul 22, 2017 01:46 PM | Report Abuse


Mana Ada talk bad.

Dragon knew how I made mistake from HSI.. Rchi Kor also got read I huhuhuhu pasal lose money ma.... Its good when lose money we shout loud loud so pl won't say we manipulate lo... Kekeke

2017-07-22 16:39


Post removed.Why?

2017-07-22 17:12


Post removed.Why?

2017-07-22 17:13


Post removed.Why?

2017-07-22 17:23


Post removed.Why?

2017-07-22 17:24


It is unfair to stockmanmy
It is most unacceptable to delete his post
I view it as a despicable and a loser behavior
Why delete his post and deprive off the right to voice his view
Why he can not plp KYY and must plp you
I prefer you fight him like a gentleman instead of removing his post
Do not think we readers are stupid, can differentiate right or wrong
Is it difficult to remove one's
It is easy . It just require 10 report of abuse from 10 different ID
Today it can be stockmanmy
Tomorrow it can happen to anyone of you including my sifu probability and Paperplane.

2017-07-22 18:10


Obviously, what he says is completely different from what he does. Check his posts.

VenFx wrote:

Don't waste your precious age left, do for good let community growth or benefit each others.
August Rooster Year will see continuing Show Up of strong performers.
Come joint me in Rooster EGgs Reban bfir it turn to the Male Eagle and flying like jet fighter .
22/07/2017 11:49

2017-07-22 18:11


hstha aka gooman, tecpower ... the new liar in i3 .
I'm always love to reveal liars here.

2017-07-22 18:15


Stop doing this sort God-curse sort of thing
Debate with him like a gentleman with fact and data like KC and OTB
Do not encourage cyber bully

2017-07-22 18:15


Have u created not enough irrelevant comments and faking points in Anzo with your C2pid Matrix & investing tools that u don't understand yet trying to proclaimed u are the pro ?
hstha aka tecpower, u r sucks and smell ....

2017-07-22 18:20


VenFx is the most infamous troll in the Anzo counter. Check his posts. He has been writing bad things about Anzo without any proofs everyday over a month.

2017-07-22 18:26


(I juz post latest comment by..)
Posted by musangfoxking ;

hstha, u are a lousy salesman!!! u have been promoting this product for so long n ur sales still no good!!!! resign be4 u r sacked!!!!22/07/2017 16:00

2017-07-22 18:28


Post removed.Why?

2017-07-22 18:31


Hstha aka gooman & tecpower ,

your comments make u look C2pid .
Siang hari pun berani cakap bohong mcm Johnson Lee (jjptr)

Your parent didn't ajar u kah ?
Budak kurang ajar !

2017-07-22 18:32


Post removed.Why?

2017-07-22 18:33


now we know why manmy id is not getting banned...kyy has full influence on i3..sad..guess there is no way one to obtain the absolute truth in life, whether its working place, country politics, or stock market forum like this...

only place is a whatsap group made purely by your friends to say anything they wish...with an open mind..

2017-07-23 11:27


U still hv freedom to whack his dog here mah....nobody can stop u from sending yr love to him....ops sorry sending yr flags to him

2017-07-23 11:38


How can we send our love to mr.koon? Ops sorry again...sending our flags to mr.koon..

2017-07-23 11:39


Post removed.Why?

2017-07-23 11:39


He continues to spam...
U continue to flag...
Everybody is happy.....

2017-07-23 11:42


Post removed.Why?

2017-07-23 11:44


wonder what would be his childrens reaction if they find out this is what he does in his computer all day..
i think he must have been a nuisance to them...

kids and his wife must be happy as long as he is away on the PC....

unfortunate i3 members..:(

2017-07-23 11:46


wow, coming out to propagate "sailang", borrow money and use margin finance to sailang on Jaks and EverSendai by a respected person in the society!

Fantastic, Unbelievable, and incredible!!!!

2017-07-23 11:49


I think stockmanmy wanted to share some of his firm believing in stock investment. Unfortunately, he choosen the extreme method of presenting the idea by tarnishing others. It is no different from a few forummer also use similar method by tarnishing icon8888. Perhaps to many this is a good method to attract attention. In the world of cyber or real life, the fastest way to gain attention is to challenge the most reputable one. You tends to get famous faster.

While he may have many valid point in his investment method, all these valid turn out to be invalid after endless posts and endless argument trying to make people believe, acccept, or recognise his believe.

This is a very sad example.

2017-07-23 11:57


Post removed.Why?

2017-07-23 12:08

Whey Whey

Sialang! LOL

2017-07-23 12:13



I agree with you
stockmanmy must learn the right way to express himself
honestly speaking I also have problem to understand what he actually want to deliver

may be he can learn from some of the sifu here, like icon8888, felacity, wealthwizard, sos finance.......
they do not bother much what other people say , they put down their heads, work hard, and share with us what they think best and right
i seldom praise them because i know they don't read

2017-07-23 12:14


Posted by stockmanmy > Jul 23, 2017 12:08 PM | Report Abuse
cowards keep deleting my posts.
its despicable.
and Koon's approach to stock market is liberating....and it has worked for him.
kc...has your method worked for you?

Does my method work for me?
So have you actually read what I wrote about the return of my portfolios, all established records in i3investor the last few days?

Also please read this one just published.

The right way of showing if a method work or not should be showing published records of portfolios, rather just choose and pick a few that worked, but ignoring all those not worked. Is that right and fair?

2017-07-23 12:16


Post removed.Why?

2017-07-23 12:16


stockmanny sifu,

I suggest you can use 2 ID
one to shares good knowledge only no comment even though others disagree
another one to share your opposition view
many be can have another to talk 3 talk 4
to entertain you own self and also others
so beautiful

2017-07-23 12:19

Whey Whey

Yes this u can learn from aseng or we should called him xuewen...he is very good in how to create a fake id and pretend each id is different person

2017-07-23 12:23


Post removed.Why?

2017-07-23 12:49


Post removed.Why?

2017-07-23 12:51




I believe , there is reason to believe that I am very important to this gentleman.

He feel so happy to prove me wrong
come on lah.....
I am not your father lah...
you need not have to spend so much time on me

tell you quietly , no other people
my other ID is KLCI KING,
the one you gang with him to fight aseng
so funny !!!!

may be you admire me,
you want to learn from me

i can teach you if you ask
but in the right manner
you must say " Please......" tarik panjang-panjang

ask and you get it , but say Please..... ( tarik panjang-pnjang)

Posted by Whey Whey > Jul 23, 2017 12:23 PM | Report Abuse

Yes this u can learn from aseng or we should called him xuewen...he is very good in how to create a fake id and pretend each id is different person

2017-07-23 13:18


KLCI King,

use you own ID "KLCI KING" to prove me wrong
why "hentara" ?

2017-07-23 13:37


"KLCI KING" & "whey-whey"

these 2 funny men ,

I think I must say thank you to both of you
You have made me feel "aseng " is important in i3 forum
same status as KCChong, OTB, ICON8888.......

with his motivation an appreciation
i determine to work harder from now
to contribute my experience and my wisdom to all my good friends here
I will guide you all the way with my best wisdom
so that you never go BIG wrong in your investing decision
but can make money or not no guarantee
KC Chong always says, a good company may not be a good investment
right ?

2017-07-23 13:49


nobody like many ID, including me and you
my original ID is xuewen
but some one like this ID so much
stole it never return
who stole it ?
you can see for yourself
who like to collect my comment or my record
he should be the prime suspect
it is common sense , don't waste your time to prove you are not

Posted by dragonslayer > Jul 23, 2017 01:48 PM | Report Abuse

Aiyo aseng...your old id is xuewen many old ID kena banned? 10 old ID boh...aiyoyo...kikiki

2017-07-23 13:54


What if the persons owns 30 ctrs? If 100 IDs attack his ctrs how he will defend if use only 1 ID?

2017-07-23 13:56


duit ,
you kena flag
you have more admirers than me

2017-07-23 13:58



don't play with the ban so often
we must protect this i3 forum
we gained a lot of investing knowledge here

2017-07-23 14:14


i just wish there is no WARS in i3inves ...

I just gone to say I love all of you despite all your activities in i3 here. Love from superwoman aka wonderwoman.

2017-07-23 14:38


Post removed.Why?

2017-07-23 14:39


cowards cannot make money but can delete other people posts.

2017-07-23 14:54

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