The way I see it

Supermax PE Explosion?

Publish date: Fri, 30 Oct 2020, 02:06 PM
0 17
I am a top-down-bottom-up investor. I spend time reading news from around the world to understand the facts and reasons behind the stories. This helps me discern the shifting sand of world economies at any point in time. It is integral to my stock selections. I use fundamentals to regularly update stocks on my watch list that have the potential to outperform. I make full use of technical tools to determine the timing of entries and exits.


I'm increasingly coming across articles cautioning us that we may *never* have a vaccine against Covid-19 even as we are fast approaching the moment with hopeful anticipation that a number of vaccines in stage III of trial will soon announce their findings. Against the backdrop of the historical developments of vaccines, the odds of developing a covid-19 vaccine this fast - within such a short timeframe - are realistically close to nil.

So what if the vaccines are not as successful as we hope for come December 2020? If all the vaccines currently undergoing stage III trials fail, it will have a significant long-term impact on the stock price of Supermax.

First, there will be further shift of demand curve to the right within a fairly short period of time. What this means is that many countries and industries that are not using disposable gloves will start adopting the practice of wearing gloves on a routine basis. Such exponential demand growth will not be met even by the production capacity expansions currently being undertaken, putting further pressure on ASP.

Second, Supermax PE valuation will explode. Supermax earnings have been growing exponentially for the last 3 quarters. Yet, the market is not valuing it as a growth stock. Annualizing the Supermax's PE based on the last quarter's EPS (30.58 sen x 4), the market is valuing Supermax stock price at a pathetic 7.7X. This is worse than PEs valuing companies with declining earnings. Why? Some speculate that it is the results of Investment Bankers suppressing Supermax stock price to mitigate their structured warrant losses. There may have some truth in that. But more probably, the market, rightly or wrongly, perceive that Supermax's super earnings growth is unsustainable. The pandemic will soon be eradicated. Demands for gloves will regress to pre-covid levels. ASP will fall. Supermax's exponential earnings growth will dissipate. I personally believe that such perceptions are flawed. But who is to argue with Mr. Market? So once these misconceptions are unequivocally exposed by the failed vaccine trials, Supermax's PE will explode to 40X or 50X. (Unimaginable? PE for Tesla is 1,000+X.)

In conclusion, Supermax stock is HUGELY UNDERVALUED. Demands for gloves are inelastic. We all know that Supermax's earnings are still growing - vaccine or no vaccine. Earnings are far from peaking. The earnings growth is recession-proof. We just need to wait for Mr. Market to catch up. When (not 'if') that happens, there will be a stampede for Supermax shares.


2 people like this. Showing 4 of 4 comments


aiyoyo good one. for now till end 2021 there is a deficit of supply of gloves in the world. source from margma the gloves association

and everyone knows when demand > supply? prices go up...simply economics le

2020-10-30 14:25


Just add some.

2020-10-30 14:28


foreign funds are running out of our markets, how to chiong the share price with merely local funds?

if supermax listed in US, then yes, there would be an insane PE of at least 100x...but supermax in malaysia....

the most optimistic scenario is that all the foreign funds rushing in to buy glove stocks in malaysia, but our market has limit de....if can break new highs 6 months down the road, very good lor....

2020-10-30 14:38



2020-10-30 14:52

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