Toyotahilux liao

Is It A CURSE ? Why Is Malaysia In This Bad Luck ?

Publish date: Tue, 30 Dec 2014, 08:56 AM

An Indonesian man, whose wife is a passenger onboard the missing AirAsia flight QZ8501, makes a phone call at a waiting area in Juanda International Airport, Surabaya. – Reuters pic, December 29, 2014.  An Indonesian man, whose wife is a passenger onboard the missing AirAsia flight QZ8501, makes a phone call at a waiting area in Juanda International Airport, Surabaya. – Reuters pic, December 29, 2014. The disappearance of an AirAsia flight marks a tragic climax to a heartbreaking 2014 for Malaysians still grieving from the loss of two planes operated by their national carrier, and has some wondering whether their country is cursed.

Nine months after Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 disappeared, followed by the shooting down of MH17, the latest disappearance is the third crisis for a Malaysian airline this year.

The AirAsia plane, carrying 162 people, disappeared in bad weather Sunday while flying to Singapore from Indonesia, losing contact with air traffic control in a chilling echo of the earlier tragedies.


"Why is this country facing such hardships? It is painful when disaster strikes without warning. Is it a curse? I think we are fated," Subramaniam Gurusamy, whose son Puspanathan Subramaniam was one of 239 people on board MH370, told AFP.


With the painful memory of two plane disasters this year still fresh, the news left many in Malaysia bewildered during the traditional year-end festive season.

Social media users immediately offered prayers and messages of support to family members of the victims via Facebook and Twitter, and urged the carrier's flamboyant chief executive Tan Sri Tony Fernandes to remain strong.

"I personally pray for all the passengers and crews of AirAsia Airbus A320 QZ8501. Especially my cousin Oscar Desano as a flight attendant," said Twitter user Paris Duarte.

QZ8501's disappearance came as Malaysia grapples with its worst floods in decades, which have displaced more than 200,000 people, piling further anguish on the country.

"God pls help my country Flood tornando MH370 lost MH17 shot down QZ8501 still lost contact hoping and praying," Angah Kalisa said on Facebook.

Uthaya Kumar Pillai referenced Malaysia's diversity when he wrote on the social networking website: "My support for SAR (search and rescue) team. Let us unite together and pray for 8501 regardless of race."

Churches nationwide lit candles, praying for the plane, which is operated by AirAsia Indonesia, a subsidiary of the low-cost Malaysian regional giant, to be recovered and for the safe return of all its passengers and crew.

"Our hearts go out to all the families who in anguish are awaiting news of the whereabouts of the plane," The Council of Churches Malaysia wrote on its Facebook page.

"In the meantime churches throughout the country will join all other Malaysians in lighting of candles and praying for the families."

Tan Sri Harussani Zakaria, the mufti of northern Perak state, attributed the air tragedy and floods to domestic political bickering.

"Due to this incessant political fighting, we are being tested by Allah," he told AFP.

"Such incidents are a test from Allah. We should unite and strive for peace among races. I pray for the families and hope all will return home safely."

Malaysian Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak took to Twitter to express his solidarity: "Called (Indonesian) President Joko Widodo. Expressed our deep concern. Offered M'sia's fullest support & assistance to Indonesian search & rescue effort."

National carrier Malaysia Airlines, itself still reeling from the loss of its two planes, wrote: "#staystrong @AirAsia – Our thoughts and prayers are with all family and friends of those on board QZ8501."

Fernandes chimed in on Twitter, writing: "My only thought are with the passangers and my crew." 

"We put our hope in the SAR operation," he said.

Fernandes later added: "Keeping positive and staying strong. My heart bleeds for all the relatives of my crew and our passangers. Nothing is more important to us."

AirAsia changed its fiery red logos on its Facebook and Twitter accounts to a sober gray following the incident.

The Airbus A320-200 lost contact around an hour after it left Juanda international airport at Surabaya in east Java at 2235 GMT Saturday (6am Malaysian time).

Flight MH370 disappeared between Kuala Lumpur and Beijing in March, and in July, MH17 was shot down over troubled Ukraine killing all 298 on board. – AFP, December 29, 2014.


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Wife say due Retribution as many wrong doing by........

2014-12-29 20:51


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2014-12-29 20:52


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2014-12-29 21:02


So many many unsolve crime, death and unfair treatment sure lah got retribution hoh

2014-12-29 21:03


My question is why innocent also kena?

2014-12-29 21:04


AA don't serve free alchohol also kena. but semua agree that Indonesia managed situation better than Malaysia. They update better and cargo manifest also out early and not to mention Tony is a real businessman unlike the puppet Johari lor. He use many brain hoh.

2014-12-29 21:15


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2014-12-29 21:17


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2014-12-29 21:24


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2014-12-29 21:27


Just curios , did the state govern receive tax payer $$$. Hope it is allocated to the state?

2014-12-29 21:28


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2014-12-29 21:32


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2014-12-29 21:32


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2014-12-29 21:38


Aiyo saynodap, Kelantan under PAS but who build the federal highway there lar? Also you mean Bomba, Polisi, Govt hospital is also control by state or federal? I also shake head arh. 4 out of 5 major state affected is BN state lor. Penang try own security on top of Fed Polisi also kena tangkap hor.

2014-12-29 21:44


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2014-12-29 21:46


First they say Becoz alchohollic MAS kena, then they say no Hudud but why east coast kena so bad. Pray HOR repent hor

2014-12-29 21:47


Kelantan every year aso bad hor but the MB last time take boat to help where he defficient. But that one last time last time story. new MB there new hor, he cannot row boat so he talk lar. Help also mah at least he didn't go holiday hor

2014-12-29 21:49


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2014-12-29 21:53


I love saynotodap. I thought he a smart fellow until he open his mouth.
My advice to him:" It's better be thought a fool than to open your mouth and erases all doubt."

2014-12-29 22:06

johnny cash

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2014-12-29 22:15


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2014-12-29 22:19


It is all about strict adherence to security and safety procedures and no cutting corners at all levels. This will reduce the risk of disaster or accidents. Japan is a high risk country to live in, but it citizens are well prepared from young to deal with disasters. Yet its nuclear plant damage was least expected to be damaged by a Tsunami, but it could have been avoided. It is a wake up call for Malaysia. Maybe safety should be taught in schools at an early age. Every year Malaysia face floods, but are we well prepared for the worst. The floods are getting more severe, even in England, and typhoons in the Philippines, also. Are the experts and governments around the world paying attention?

2014-12-30 10:10


Ya ya even the muhkidin also have to wait for ajib return to start giving orders.

2014-12-30 11:54


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2014-12-30 16:50


Post removed.Why?

2014-12-30 16:54


Administrator, please remove this blog post. This is not a political forum. We are sicked of listening to all these ball carriers.

2014-12-30 16:59

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