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Rosmah, Where Are You?

Publish date: Thu, 01 Jan 2015, 10:54 PM

Datuk Seri Najib Razak (in cap and orange life jacket) has been busy touring flood-ravaged areas, such as this in Perak, but his wife is nowhere to be seen. – Mohd Najib Tun Razak Twitter pic, January 1, 2015.Datuk Seri Najib Razak (in cap and orange life jacket) has been busy touring flood-ravaged areas, such as this in Perak, but his wife is nowhere to be seen. – Mohd Najib Tun Razak Twitter pic, January 1, 2015.Social media users took to Twitter today to enquire about the whereabouts of Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor, wife of the prime minister, a week after her husband drew heavy flak from social media users after he was pictured golfing with US president Barack Obama in Hawaii at the height of the country's worst flood in decades.

Datuk Seri Najib Razak cut short his holiday, and returned last Saturday to tour badly hit flood areas to monitor relief efforts as well as meet evacuees, who numbered close to quarter of a million earlier this week.

But the conspicuous absence of his wife by his side triggered questions from online users.

"@NajibRazak Rosmah kat mana (where is Rosmah), Rosmah Rosmah kat mana (yeaa), Rosmah kat mana, Rosmah Rosmah kat mana (ditanya tanya lagi) (asking again) #TaufikBatisah," tweeted Lucius Maximus, mocking a short video clip which had gone viral not long ago.

Kedahkini also asked: "ROSMAH MANSUR KAT MANA?".....TERUS JADI TANDA TANYA (where is Rosmah Mansur?...remain a question)"

MMXII (@faarahs_) tweeted in Malay: "@_puteriazman rosmah ada tak? Hahaha ada petanda tu (was Rosmah around? Hahahah, it's a sign)."

In a tweet tagging several others, including Najib and Gerakan Youth chief Tan Keng Liang, Philbert Lorickson wrote: "mana rosmah? (where is Rosmah?) Why no go kelantan? (Why has she not gone to Kelantan?) Ahliang can you ask this question (?) please repeat 100x (100 times)?"

Megat Trainor (@akeemzamani) posted sarcastically: "Rosmah ulang alik kt US shopping barang utk mangsa banjir kot #Husnuzon" (Rosmah may be travelling back and forth to the US to shop for things for flood victims), and got a cheeky reply from Munifah (@mo0n94): "alhamdulillah (praise be to God). Mcm ni la FLOM yg kita nak (This is the first lady of Malaysia that we want)."

Datuk Seri Najib Razak's Twitter account was filled with pictures of him speaking to flood evacuees. – Mohd Najib Tun Razak Twitter pic, January 1, 2015.Datuk Seri Najib Razak's Twitter account was filled with pictures of him speaking to flood evacuees. – Mohd Najib Tun Razak Twitter pic, January 1, 2015.Rosmah's absence from the country at a time of national disaster has led to allegations she was not practising what she preached.

In a November 7 report in The Star, Rosmah was quoted saying that the wives of the country’s leaders and people’s representatives played a pivotal role in motivating them to serve the rakyat better.

“Behind every successful husband is a loyal and supporting wife. As wives of politicians, it is our duty to support and motivate our husbands and ensure they can better serve the rakyat,” she had said.

In the report, Rosmah, who is president of the Association of Wives of Ministers and Deputy Ministers (Bakti), said women should improve their soft and inter-personal skills, in educating the public on current political issues.

Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor has not been seen with her husband touring flood-hit areas. – The Malaysian Insider file pic, January 1, 2015.Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor has not been seen with her husband touring flood-hit areas. – The Malaysian Insider file pic, January 1, 2015.But some Twitter users defended Najib over his wife's absence, such as Samuel John (@twt_stupid) who tweeted: "Those who r (are) asking why Rosmah (is) not with Najib are just mean people who don't want Najib 2 (to) have a moment of peace by himself! #TunshipForNajib"

C.H.U.R.A (@chura_s) also lashed out at those questioning Rosmah's whereabouts, saying in a tweet: "Rosmah Mansur tak balik Mlsia dgn Najib pun nak jd issue. (Why make a fuss over Rosmah Mansur not returning to Malaysia with Najib). Get a life, people! Its 2015! Stop complaining!"

Questions have also been raised over the official government jet to carry the prime minister.

Najib and his family had taken the jet to go on holiday but he returned on a Malaysian air force aircraft.

PKR had questioned the government about the missing jet, asking if it was true the plane was in Indianapolis in the American Midwest, and demanded to know who it was beng used for following Najib's return home.

Pressure is mounting on the government to explain the whereabouts of the plane, with many demanding to know whether public funds were being misused. – January 1, 2015.







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Post removed.Why?

2015-01-02 01:52


I am not a fan of Rosmah

As a matter of fact, I dislike her (a lot)

But give her a break lah...

2015-01-02 08:29

PakChuiCheng one Icon...give her a break...

2015-01-02 08:35


Post removed.Why?

2015-01-02 13:45


Post removed.Why?

2015-01-02 13:47


Post removed.Why?

2015-01-02 13:51


Post removed.Why?

2015-01-02 15:28


Post removed.Why?

2015-01-02 15:34

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