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2019-01-04 12:49 | Report Abuse

Price sustained at range 0.70-0.74 from last week to hold price until today AGM & if no good or encourage news highlighted during AGM, just be prepared to see price move downwards.


2018-12-07 22:07 | Report Abuse

More exciting news queuing to announce and the price will gradually hiking up till you half
hearted what is the right price to buy or sell...


2018-11-29 10:05 | Report Abuse

sell on news and push up bit now bfore q result news out. It is a no good sign even result good.suggest to take profit now or cut loss to buy back lower.


2018-11-28 12:12 | Report Abuse

Beware guys, something not right and even qr out with above expectation, the price wil go down...


2018-11-23 23:43 | Report Abuse

They will push up the price soon bcoz 1st - when people want to adopt wait n see of new terminal contribution to the company growth, d price hike up first before coming next Feb 2019 q result anncemt, by then, it may go on buy on rumour sell on news. 2nd - price will push up before news moving to main board out as for higher price to prepare for more new potential funds to enter
plus potentially to raise more fund by right issue or bank borrowing, if any.


2018-10-12 09:54 | Report Abuse

u can c tat they r disposing d warrant n is time u guys pull out n take a breather...d warrant is d indicator...


2018-09-28 14:44 | Report Abuse

Oil price has been up for several days and what goes up will take a breath and it will happen by tnight or nxt monday. How far you still expect hibiscus to move since past 5 days heading north ?


2018-09-28 13:49 | Report Abuse

logically it has been up 25% from past 5 days and yesterday evening news out which obvious to attract more new comers and yet today 1st session nothing great happen and guess what....time to take profit for those havent, for those new comers cut loss.


2018-09-20 20:24 | Report Abuse

Is a pyscho game now, more you scare more it will go up. Most of us very cautious now due to last steep dive where killed and scared lots people. This round could be real to move up as it has steadily blocked and collected at 0.96,0.98, 1.01,1.03 especially today trend. Of course along the way up profit taking will be made but i think it wil be a very steady process with healthy uptrend.
Also, it wont b surprised that there is a good news coming out soon.


2018-09-18 18:10 | Report Abuse

End of story as blogs out to comment and directors disposing holdings. Can sell and run already


2018-08-31 23:54 | Report Abuse

Something suspicious as usual media ie newspaper/the edge/other IBs which did commented on each previous q result by 1 day or 2 but this round nothing out, all like kept quiet and lips sealed.


2018-08-07 17:38 | Report Abuse

Ini kali lah...


2018-05-24 16:22 | Report Abuse

Q result wil be out today as per Bloomberg website.


2018-05-24 14:42 | Report Abuse

Q result after closing today


2018-03-15 12:53 | Report Abuse

If cant break 0.30 today or tmrw, then it is just a short normal rebound and will go lower on later days, be careful.....


2018-03-08 13:04 | Report Abuse

Price not moving may also due to private placement. I think placement price may arrange at this range @ 0.30 - 0.33.


2018-03-08 11:21 | Report Abuse

free warrant alredi ex today, meaning yesterday was last day.


2018-02-26 09:28 | Report Abuse

As i said expect the unexpected and it is their call either to push up or down or holding steady and with excuses as long if funds are inside and now what ?? Holders will be calm down and share price will be supported at range 0.60 + till next news.


2018-02-24 11:55 | Report Abuse

Nope d 30mill not counted in last quarter, pls refer to quarter report page 7 B2. Also, Notion has 2 new customers in semi conductor which will fairly contribute to their business, pls refer to page 9 B3-3.4.


2018-02-24 01:18 | Report Abuse

Pls be noted that Notion had received a total 30mill from 2 insurance pymts in Jan & Feb 2018 which will be reflected to coming quarter result in May.


2018-02-13 19:08 | Report Abuse

If funds r inside holding, no matter how bad is the Q result, they may push up with thousand of reasons ie they hav factored it or alredi fully aware n future is stil intact or actual Q result out not tat bad or below figure of their estimation or Notion is on right track to recover from the damaged and etc etc...and now till Q result out just nice for them to slowly push up and collect more along the way as most of us hav same thinking, run first with prediction very bad Q result out soon..
This is our bursa share always expect the unexpected.


2018-02-11 20:52 | Report Abuse

Also, pls take note tat 2nd tranche of pp was at 0.695 & 3rd (final) tranche of pp was at 0.92.
So 0.70++ or even 0.80 shld be supporting price to protect 3rd tranche at least n it wil soon
> 0.80 again.


2018-02-11 13:14 | Report Abuse

Local funds r holding n buying in n they wil not let it go down more. Past few days alredi shaken out much holders n our local instit r net buyers. Now is only Feb and analyst forecast brent oil wil at USD65-70 for 2018. More news r on d way from hibis and with add production + barrels our local funds wil hold and keep buying. Coming week, oil price predict rebound. US also dun wan their Nymex price crash further n same goes to Opec. Last Tues, hibis went down lowest 0.76 cts and last Fri went lowest 0.79. Most IB tp > RM1 especially from our reputable Public Group so RM 0.70 ++ shld be an indicator for next week for support. One week oil price crash wil not influence IB tp unless 1 month average or another 2 weeks average. So be optimistic and especially our bursa market always expect d unexpected.


2018-02-09 11:25 | Report Abuse

If tnight drop another 800 n above, global market wil rebound as bottom reach. CNBC analyst said global fund wil go in when dow drop 15% which now already 10% down. I dont think they wil only go in when reach 15% but instead now already went in n just waiting for tat moment to ride up while we start to go in.


2017-12-29 23:57 | Report Abuse

Wat happen now is Spnrg fans worry, scare and panic whether to keep buying or average down.
From high til RM1.20 people say cheap and buy, RM 1.00 stil say cheap and buy, RM0.90, RM0.80 stil say same thing. But now RM 0.70 lots people stop buying worrying down further and now the ambience is murky. The environment now is people scare and it is the time to accumulate. Current support price is RM 0.70 and if this break then v shall also follow the wind to sell and buy back at much lower. Current entry price 0.70-0.71 loss margin abt RM0.005 to RM0.015 but profit margin will be higher. Looking at the O&G global trend with Aramco coming, our O&G wil also follow the wind, just timing and rotation queue. Just be reminded again if RM0.70 break, you have to sell RM0.69 or RM0.695. Just my thought sharing.


2017-11-02 00:22 | Report Abuse

in summary, ekovest will lock your money for an unknown period which is disadvantage to us. Why not cut loss and swap to other counters hoping for faster recovery ie o&g counters especially hibiscus at least no need to top up money to buy or carimin which almost 2 ekovest to 1 carimin.
Your own decision and am sharing my view only.


2017-10-05 09:45 | Report Abuse

i commented bcos i did own Icon and am still holding


2017-10-04 22:54 | Report Abuse

KWAP is slowly disposing and you can easily see that they disposed more than purchased.
Be careful......


2017-10-04 22:44 | Report Abuse

I thought Deleum joint venture with Icon but announcement only mentioned Deleum.
Meaning Icon alone bidding for the project or Icon has been dropped out ??


2017-10-03 17:08 | Report Abuse

Carimin game is over as it failed to follow Hibiscus trail. These few days it shall be a down mode until researcher/analyst come out with some statement or target price which again don't know is a favorable statement or not. Suggest if tomorrow morning green better sell even at loss.


2017-10-02 09:58 | Report Abuse

Dayang announced same news and look at it now in Bursa. I don't think Carimin will move much
further, perhaps until year high 0.625. We are still very much depend on Hibiscus, she moves all move.


2017-08-01 00:21 | Report Abuse

Time to take profit. There is no one way up with no break. Good luck guys !


2017-07-29 00:25 | Report Abuse

A lot of people caught with surprise of early quarter announcement and monday will chase to
hold back position for such strong and expanding result. Those who sold today or yesterday hoping to buy back during consolidating period until end of Aug before the quarter announcement miscalculated and in fact now Krono is much easy to push up further.


2017-07-18 22:35 | Report Abuse

What if right issue plan abort ?


2017-07-18 11:59 | Report Abuse

cut loss


2017-07-17 10:06 | Report Abuse

Share my view, sell while you can. Share market has no mercy. Do not be stubborn. U can buy even lower by another few days....


2017-07-14 16:39 | Report Abuse

If no good news out, it will drop further. Now consider rebound and fast fast cut loss while u can.


2017-07-14 13:09 | Report Abuse

When price drop or break resistance, it is a downtrend. We should cut loss and buy back at lower and not keep holding with 'hope'. There is no mercy in share market especially when it drop. U do not sell but fund/syndicate/others selling. In fact the selling down always from the fund/syndicate and why they sell when u guys said or on paper the counter is good ? If happen you sold at RM1.19 which resistance support broke RM1.20, u have made paper gain of RM0.15 if u buy back now. Of course now u may even reluctant to sell and next support is RM1.00. To me, only BM news will heat back this counter IF Ekovest benefit from it otherwise it will gradually go down to RM0.80 at least and ding dong there for long period.


2017-07-13 17:01 | Report Abuse

It will drop to below RM1 and i will buy for rebound at range 0.92.


2017-07-13 16:59 | Report Abuse

Closed at lowest, a very very bad sign, wish u guys good luck if yet to cut loss. Those who had cut loss and can have 2nd thought to buy back for rebound.


2017-07-13 13:11 | Report Abuse

i posted last 2 months advised to sell when Dato Haris ceased to be shareholder and was scolded by our frens in this forum. I also recommended to swap it to Sendai and that time Ekovest around RM 1.25 & Sendai only RM 0.80++. I sold Ekovest and bought Sendai and sold Sendai at RM 1.30, more than enough to recover losses from Ekovest and made some profit. Looking at Ekovest now i agree with our frens here to cut loss and wait for some counters deep dive to collect ie Sendai, Jaks or swap to ie Gdex, Krono, D&O as i feel the swapping worth keeping compare to Ekovest for duration of 3 months. Furthermore, such swapping require no additional money from pocket and you may buy 2 lots with 1 Ekovest. All the construction theme news has been out and no further string to heat back at least for coming 3 months but e-commerce and technology theme news are heating now and why we do not follow the wave ?
We are the bilis and not the banker and cant control the price movement. Just sit there and wait for banker to slap us left right, as well we follow the wave and buy with the trend. My merely advise and suggestion and you guys make own decision deem fit, especially those newbies.


2017-07-06 15:14 | Report Abuse

Hebeifortune i trust you, so what is the price to buy back ?


2017-06-05 23:37 | Report Abuse

To Sendai & KYY it is the best time to push up higher of the share price as not many dare to buy now. Public or bilis will sell as worry and scare of Qatar tension but the floating shares are less.
Big boys and KYY already control > 85%. They may push up to one stable price and wait for next good news to announce and then the price will go up further by the sentiment and they can easily
reduce their holding by then.


2017-05-22 11:19 | Report Abuse

Last few q results good but couldnt fly higher probably was dragged down by Melewar. If coming q result again good and also Melewar improving or turn around with good result, guys what do you think ?


2017-05-15 10:37 | Report Abuse

These authors are not from research fund company. What so concern for them to write bad of this stock ? There are many good fundamental stocks and yet they are not dealing with that but spend time to dig smell for this counter. Time to shoot up higher is near bcos somebody is trying to push down the price for collection.


2017-05-14 19:20 | Report Abuse

Actis as at closing last Friday already owned 63.51%. What if Actis offer Loh Wee Hian &/or his son for the remaining 12% to total 75% with uplift 20-30% from RM1.00 ? Minority shareholders are advised to reject RM 1.00 offer and Loh & son may take opportunity to negotiate higher offer for them to sell their balance holding to Actis. Somebody can advise of such senario ?


2017-05-04 11:59 | Report Abuse

i have already warned you guys. Something was not right and yet some of you were not welcomed me.I shared my views to especially newbies so that they have choice to avoid such trap. Think again now if Dato Haris already disposed all or almost all and most bilis collected his, what will happen next ? In short term, i do not think it will go up but will press down even lower slowly. Now, once it go up a bit people will throw especially from fund as they have to cut loss while waiting for next news announcement. They will position themselves to re-enter again at lower price which at least 25% from their disposal (which from current price RM1.20) if they still have high hope with this counter.


2017-04-28 13:35 | Report Abuse

In share market there is no mercy as somebody has to make loss in order that sharks to make money. Trade smartly and not stubbornly. Unless big sharks or funds are collecting especially from Dato Haris's disposal, otherwise we will be trapped and locked inside. 3 days passed as i first posted from last week and volume was not actually there, so what are you waiting for ? Congrats to those who followed me for Sendai which made more profit in shortest time rather than keep holding for Ekovest. Century will be next. Good luck guys !!


2017-04-22 22:50 | Report Abuse

As i mentioned earlier, with current price, it is 2 ways now, either move up or wait for a chance to go down. It is risky and all news out already and yet price stagnant at range RM 1.35. The most u give another 3 days and if it is still not moving better jump counter. With current price suggest to swap it to Sendai or Century. You no need to fork out additional money and for Sendai you can buy 1,500 shares with 1,000 Ekov. I think faster recovery and by time you may go back to Ekov with same price RM 1.35 or lower. No point to stubbornly keep holding while losing other opportunities. However, this is merely my suggestion and trade at your own risk. Good luck guys !


2017-04-20 18:34 | Report Abuse

Be realistic guys. I am here not to scare but to share my view. Share market is also a field of psycho game and this overtake the fundamental and track record of a counter. Sure there is a winner and many losers but for this counter, do not be stubborn. Swap this with other counter to recover or even faster than holding this with high risk at the moment. I might be wrong but after several good news out and yet the price is floating within RM1.35. What other good news now ? If there is big fund or big boy buying, i think Dato Haris will not sell in the open market.