
Albukhary | Joined since 2013-09-27

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2017-05-17 11:11 | Report Abuse

It seems like all of us are not selling, then who is selling? Datuk???


2017-05-16 23:51 | Report Abuse

ys13, I kidding only. I'm still holding it tight tight.


2017-05-16 19:13 | Report Abuse

user, the dividend and the bonus issue, which one will come first?


If I got 100,000 share, I will get RM500 (100,000 x 0.005) as dividend first, then get another 10,000 bonus share; or

I will get 10,000 bonus share first, then get RM550 dividend (110,000 x 0.005)


2017-05-16 15:59 | Report Abuse

Habis ini kali lah


2017-05-16 13:34 | Report Abuse

After bought EG, now need to start save money to subscribe RCPS... I think the entire exercise can be complete before July'17.


2017-05-16 13:31 | Report Abuse

Hi all, I'm joining Nylex this boat... This is the only chemical counter I have in my portfolio...


2017-05-16 13:30 | Report Abuse

I sold my HengYuan yesterday at $4.76... Bought at $3.99... Earn some starbucks money.


2017-05-16 13:28 | Report Abuse

My technology portfolio consist of:-

2) EG


2017-05-16 07:11 | Report Abuse

This few weeks Malaysia retail oil price drop from RM2.2X - RM2.0X...
This is a bad news for Oil refining company right?
Can I expect the Quarter result for Apr-Jun'17 will be bad because of this?


2017-05-15 09:42 | Report Abuse

Tan Sri Quek has substantial shareholding in Ecoworld International and Guocoland.
Especially Ecoworld which have thousand acre land to be developed at Penang.
Can I expect that all their properties project will secure their steel from SSTEEL?

News & Blogs

2017-05-15 00:20 | Report Abuse

My steel portfolio consist of:-

3) ANNJOO (sold)
4) PRESTAR (sold)


2017-05-11 12:47 | Report Abuse

Good counter to hold, the PFI concession will bring in steady cash flow.
No way to lose in this counter.

News & Blogs

2017-05-11 12:44 | Report Abuse

You wait long long la...


2017-05-05 17:24 | Report Abuse

Looking forward for net profit RM4,000,000++, and EPS approximately 0.66sen

News & Blogs

2017-05-04 18:44 | Report Abuse

Calvintan really very lousy, my portfolio simply tembak still better than him.


2017-05-04 18:41 | Report Abuse

kien fu, why you said it not really a bad news?

For me, when a company in deep shit and still request for shareholder to pump in capital, that is a very bad news.

Right issue will only be a good news when the company is growing and need more capital for expansion. If the company is facing a down trend, and need more capital to cover it debts and losses, then that is very bad sign.


2017-05-04 17:40 | Report Abuse

Still very expensive at this moment, wait n see first.
The sentiment very weak vulnerable at this moments.

News & Blogs

2017-05-04 17:37 | Report Abuse

我曾想过把自己当作一间公司,把自己的收入,开销,资产,负债都列入损益表和资产负债表。然后每三个月就检查自己的表现,看看自己是不是一件好公司,成长率是多少,负债率是多少,然后再看看自己是不是应该再借贷扩充收入(i.e. 买产业,买股票,投资生意等等)。

News & Blogs

2017-05-04 12:49 | Report Abuse

Go google search Tesla Gigafactory, this factory will produce 500,000 car per year, and the cost per car will be very very cheap.
Investor buy Tesla because they know this company have a vision, and they will make it.
Just like 15 years ago Air Asia, many debt, no one believe it can fly, and today u look at the sky, most of the plane are red&white colour.


2017-05-03 22:20 | Report Abuse

leslieroycarter: Substantial shareholder is selling..... Better think twice on buying coz the downside cannot b discounted .
SU HOCK COMPANY SDN BHD 27-Apr-2017 Disposed 3,990,398 0.000

Mr Leslie, which of your eye saw the above information? I checked bursa announcement, their last disposal is on 2015.


2017-05-02 09:52 | Report Abuse

Big project coming soon...


2017-05-02 09:20 | Report Abuse

Like Johnnys said, Local Institution cannot but SSTEEL, because total last 4 quarter result are still making loss.
And the big environment and government policy has been change, and now the business environment is very favourable for steel industry, so we all can almost 100% sure that coming quarter result sure will be very satisfactory.
By that time, SSTEEL last 4 quarter result will become very nice, assume 4.6 + 8.6 + 7.5 + 10 = 30.7 sen.
As the MITI safeguard is 3 years, and Government has so many infrastructure project on hand, I believe all local institution will give it a PE of at least 10 times.

So based on PE 10, SSTEEL TP will be RM3.00.

So you can buy now at whatever price, RM1.60, RM1.70, RM1.80...etc, because 3 more months later, local institution will pump in million & million to acquire the share from you hand at RM2.20-RM2.50, because as long as there is 20% potention gain for them, it is consider a very good deal d.

Look at Annjoo, once it achieve last 4 quarter profit, many big player start to buy in, and all these are strong hand, and it push the share from 2.20 to RM2.90 .


2017-05-02 08:57 | Report Abuse








“生产扣件经过酸洗(pickling)、退火(annealing)、成形(forming)、穿线(threading)、热处理(heat treatment)等众多步骤,一些小规模的工厂,并没有条件购置不同类型的机器,因此无法提供一站式的生产。”


2017-05-02 07:48 | Report Abuse

Today will challenge RM1.70..


2017-05-02 07:45 | Report Abuse

happycool, agreed with you.
This volcano has been slept for more than 3 years.
Look at the chart, so beautiful so powerful.
Look at the volume for past 2 month, so powerful.


2017-05-02 01:36 | Report Abuse

The disposal of SILK Highway has been officially completed. SILK has received the final payment of RM342 mil from PNB on 28 April 2017.


2017-05-02 00:12 | Report Abuse

Mrpauper, don't worry, sure SSTEEL can achieve higher EPS next quarter. Because majority of Mar'17 order has been carry forward to Apr'17. However, this year Hari Raya fall on June, and Puasa Ramadan start from end of May. Hopefully the Puasa and Hari Raya don't affect the production too much.

News & Blogs

2017-05-01 16:46 | Report Abuse

chl1989, yup, investor need to paid attention to the dilution of the LB. For Lionind, I have less confidence on its management, worry they manipulate the account, or announce some corporate exercise which not fair to minority shareholder.


2017-05-01 14:41 | Report Abuse

Stay cautious, the recently announced two good news are traps.
If you are lucky, then you may make some money from the buaya.
If you are unlucky, then most likely you will be trapped.

News & Blogs

2017-05-01 14:32 | Report Abuse

Hi author, can I ask you a question?

I believe you should see many example where the subsidiary worth more than the Holding company (i.e. INARI & INSAS, Berjaya Subsidiary & Berjaya Corp.....etc).

So why are you still betting on Censof?

News & Blogs

2017-04-30 02:16 | Report Abuse

why this Mr Chu hate Airasia so much?


2017-04-30 02:12 | Report Abuse

Currently, Digistar has 6000 user for CMS subscription.

If we assume there is additional 500 user per month, then 1 years later there will be additional 6,000 user, and total user will become 12,000.

If we assume each user only incurred RM100 per month, 12,000 user mean RM1,200,000 per month, or RM14,400,000 per year.

If we assume the operation cost for this business is 40%, then there will be additional RM8,640,000 net profit per year.


2017-04-29 16:05 | Report Abuse

Interesting counter...


2017-04-28 10:02 | Report Abuse

Calvintan, Digistar used to be your darling.. When you wanna come back to visit her?


2017-04-28 09:44 | Report Abuse

Good to see another strong hand here --> Up_down


2017-04-28 09:40 | Report Abuse

my3333, please don't contra... If you buy, please aim for medium long term..

News & Blogs

2017-04-28 09:39 | Report Abuse

Leoting, are you in one of the 50 top shareholders? Kikikiii


2017-04-28 09:38 | Report Abuse

Washing out weak player...
Those who stand until the last will win.


2017-04-28 09:36 | Report Abuse

Yup, no point to sell.

SSTEEL have very limited free float. Once sold, cannot buy back anymore.
It will change from weak hand to strong hand.

This is a industry with 3 years bright outlook, why sell now?


2017-04-28 09:08 | Report Abuse

Wow, really hit TP RM1.60.

But my sify ask me don't sell, he said this year is bull run year, any stock you sold at today highest, it will become tomorrow lowest.

He mean stock price will definitely go up, so don't take profit on good fundamental stock.


2017-04-28 08:58 | Report Abuse

Last chance to buy SILK.... This weekend The Edge may cover it, so next Monday will fly another round.


2017-04-28 08:40 | Report Abuse

Received message from Whatsapp group, today TP RM1.60.


2017-04-28 08:15 | Report Abuse



2017-04-28 08:11 | Report Abuse

说的对。其实要涨很容易, 只要董事提出建议派发股息1.5sen,那股价就站稳在30sen了。


2017-04-28 08:09 | Report Abuse

Let me share some facts & figure here, then you guys decide whether it is a good investment or not:-

1) The PNB offer is not only RM380mil as many newspaper announce.
The actual purchase is RM380mil + RM20mil. If you refer to the Circular to Shareholder dated 6 March 2017, paragraph 2.3.2, it mentioned that PND will pay an additional RM20mil to SILK Holding within 6 month from the date of completion.

2) Yesterday the auditor has raise their opinion on going concern of the company. But this worries can be immediately mitigate once SILK received the RM380mil + RM20mil. So no more going concern issue to be worried.

3) The estimated gain from this sale proposal is RM365mil, which turn out to be EPS of 54sen.

4) The NTA will be increase from 16sen to 70sen.

Beside that, please note that Jasa Merin is one of the biggest OSV Support provider in Malaysia, and it has the youngest fleet compare to other.

TP: RM0.80

News & Blogs

2017-04-28 07:51 | Report Abuse

And again, feel appreciate to have Leoting to provide us the first hand information.
As a value investor, something it is very lonely, because there are less investor here, compare to those hot hot goreng counter.

News & Blogs

2017-04-28 07:47 | Report Abuse

Generally, ANNJOO already enjoyed its bull run.
But for SSTEEL, investor are stay aside because they worry the profit is not sustainable.
However, with continuous 3 quarter strong profit, plus the long wait dividend, the market confidence will be back, and it is time for SSTEEL to catch up ANNJOO.


2017-04-28 06:59 | Report Abuse

Two points:-

1) Interim Dividend -- That mean next quarter still got another final dividend.
For institutution investor, dividend is always the key factor for them to decide whether to invest on the stock or not. They don't mind the stock price cannot go up, but they are more concern whether the stock got dividend or not. Because dividend payment can be utilised to cover their operation cost.

2) Miti Safeguard - As all the industry player aware, many buyer has reduced their stock order significantly on Mar'17, betting on MITI to remove the safeguard. Unfortunately, MITI has extended the safeguard for another 3 years. Once the news come out, many buyer immediately place their order in double quantity to fill up their stock. This huge order will be reflected in next quarter, so very high chances next quarter SSTEEL can achieve RM900mil sales.


2017-04-28 06:27 | Report Abuse

Look at SSTEEL result, I think ANNJOO shareholder can relax goyang goyang waiting for money fall from sky d.
Guarantee minimum 9 sen EPS.