
Chrollo | Joined since 2013-11-27

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2013-12-24 10:39 | Report Abuse

@strategist Thanks! I heard someone say WB expiry on July 2014 @_@.
@Wong dont eat KFC la not good for health but sedap! hold longer earn more then bring to eat more healthy food hehehe


2013-12-24 10:33 | Report Abuse

@Wong hahha ya coz i am new in market so all my lot lot in 100 units as base. Comes lets get back to sleep let the firework wake us up!


2013-12-24 10:31 | Report Abuse

@psd furthermore, this is Shariah compliance. Once the fund manager disposed all Non shariah compliance shares in another 5 months, they have to look for some shares to park in. Hopefully is this counter =)


2013-12-24 10:29 | Report Abuse

@Wong 5 big lot of 5 small lot? me is small lot which is 100 units lol..


2013-12-24 10:29 | Report Abuse

ok i will hold as long as u hold =) btw strategist, i spread WB and mother share nearly same amount of uni, is it ok? i first time buy warrant actually. Any advice for me?


2013-12-24 10:25 | Report Abuse

@Wong Thanks. but its a bit only la >< small small lot ny


2013-12-24 10:25 | Report Abuse

@strategist ya la.. I was cleaning my house then when come back com see up liao come i hug u this time hahaha


2013-12-24 10:23 | Report Abuse

@psd agree with u, using the current EPS with forecasted growth of 8.5% per annum which is conservative, the IV is above Rm3. IF its 12%, if higher than that.


2013-12-24 10:20 | Report Abuse

Managed to grab 40 lots at 0.19 yay got money for better lunch after many days of hiding from sunlight!


2013-12-24 10:17 | Report Abuse

All of our patience starting to see some lights YAY!


2013-12-24 10:16 | Report Abuse

YAY!! lets bull it up! still holding my baby!


2013-12-24 09:53 | Report Abuse

@txj yes it does not change. But i3 did not change the EPS of 61.16 cents causing PE to go very low. the EPS of 61.16 should be divided by 5 after share split.


2013-12-24 09:42 | Report Abuse

If Dsonic is not splitted, the current PE is nearing 20. I think many contra kaki entered.


2013-12-24 09:40 | Report Abuse

@tewnama, ya correct.. If always stay most active, will bound to attract something


2013-12-24 09:18 | Report Abuse

Kelvin in order to have that to you datasonic must have substantial earnings to justify that.. For current earnings the Conservative should be rm3


2013-12-23 20:00 | Report Abuse

LOL Okok come tidur! ZzzZZzzzzZzz


2013-12-23 19:49 | Report Abuse

Today so quiet =/ looiks, Noraini, strategist all not here


2013-12-23 18:54 | Report Abuse

Tewnama Coz adjust liao ma the share split so revise tp lor.. It's okay la revise brape kali pun tak pe asal naik hahah


2013-12-23 16:39 | Report Abuse

@choonhock i mean the share credited into account hehe.
@tewnama, betul we hold long term so tak yah tengok punyer


2013-12-23 16:35 | Report Abuse

Thursday share split and T+4 heavy selling expected.. Brace yourself gentlemen!


2013-12-23 12:29 | Report Abuse

Big Q, the share has not been credited that is why you are facing losses now. I am too having the same problem. If after Thursday your account still same no change 500 shares, u better ask you remisier.

2nd Q, If you buy now, example, you currently have 500 Dsonic shares due to the remainder has not been credited. Lets say u buy 100 Dsonic shares now, u will have 600 shares. After Thursday, your 2000 shares will be credited into your account totalling 2600 shares.

Hope this helps. Any senior find wrong pls feel free comment coz im newbie oso =.=


2013-12-23 11:55 | Report Abuse

@heavyth, too high or not depends on your holding period. If u hold 7 years, 7 months, 7 weeks, 7 days, 7 hours, the high or not will vary.


2013-12-23 11:54 | Report Abuse

@Looiks i flirting amoi now u wan tgt? lol.. byk sexy sia flirt yi xia can basah terus lol


2013-12-23 11:51 | Report Abuse

@tewnama, benda yg glory jgn malu! Bravery is smth to be proud of!


2013-12-23 11:39 | Report Abuse

@tewnama is the legend that first beli rm10!


2013-12-23 11:13 | Report Abuse

True story. No la currently im very free thats why a lot of things to think. So im reading technical analysis book to enhance my knowledge. HAHAHAHA Derrick i like your "sometime wanna spit on it" HAHAHAH Pui hao shui LOL


2013-12-23 11:04 | Report Abuse

@tewnama, betul betul. Tapi kadang kala, susah nak ckp. Aq pon tak confirm & takde orang yg boleh confirm. Tapi stock market memang lah cam ni. Unpredictable. Sy baca buku cakap ni cakap tu. Tapi emotion ni kadang2 cilakak nampaknye hahaha. Nak high return mesti ada high risk kan? Meh Meh jgn kata kaunter lain kita enjoy Dsonic yg lari cam Sonic the Hedgehog ni hahaha


2013-12-23 11:00 | Report Abuse

@invest1818, the PE does not change. The new EPS will become lower along with the price due to dilution of shares.


2013-12-23 10:58 | Report Abuse

@hhakim, a really good say. You are right! if i get 26.5, it might go lower. Like what u said if its not meant for us to get lower then so be it. *thumbs up* Its more important to have peaceful and happy mind rather than just money money money. Thanks again!


2013-12-23 10:53 | Report Abuse

@hhakim, i calculated, buying at 26.5 and 31.5 with TP rm1.50 at rm10,000 as an example makes a freaking huge difference. T^T


2013-12-23 10:48 | Report Abuse

Lets all hope the same shall we ;)

Ring ring ring ring ring de ring!


2013-12-23 10:44 | Report Abuse

ya la =.= sien.. i put too much during 31 cents.. My mistakes.. But its good i learned a lot lessons a long the way.. Pay tuition fees so pain ~_~


2013-12-23 10:39 | Report Abuse

@Pearl, me also holding paper loss of 15%. Very sakit. First time my portfolio lose so much. But high risk high return. As long as we did not sell, we still did not lose money yet same as to profit. Welcome =) U must believe in yourself and keep learning + improving.


2013-12-23 10:37 | Report Abuse

@btw good morning too kengfp!


2013-12-23 10:36 | Report Abuse

No la bro =( my bullets habis adi what. All in when 0.34 - 0.31. average 0.315. Dont say my sad story adi wuwuwuuw T^T. But on the good side,i only trade few times compared to 40-50 trades last month which is stupid and made me more loss than profit cilakak =,= Sumatec teach me to grow my holding power.


2013-12-23 10:31 | Report Abuse

What does the fox say? Jingle bell jingle bell jingle all de way~~


2013-12-23 10:26 | Report Abuse

@Pearl, for me, i did not sell and enter Dsonic. I held this counter since Rm7 but jump in and out. Now Sumatec at consolidating period, and at oversold point based on graph. Give it some time. Dsonic and sumatec is 2 different stocks. One is slow and steady up. But if sumatec goes up it will shoot up + boom. High risk comes with high return. Now i am holding both Sumatec and also Dsonic. I hope this help u. I cannot advise u to sell and change because i myself is a newbie >< Sorry =(


2013-12-23 10:13 | Report Abuse

"For example, if Mr X purchases 100 DSONIC shares on cum basis on 20 December 2013, Mr X should receive 100 shares on 26 December 2013. As a result of the share split, a total of 500 DSONIC shares will be credited into Mr X's CDS account on the night of 26 December 2013being the Book Closing Date. Therefore, Mr X can sell the share split shares of 500 on or after the Ex-Date ie from 23 December 2013 onwards."

I tried selling my unit more than before split to test but i cant.. Is there smth wrong?


2013-12-23 10:02 | Report Abuse

Malaysia can short sell meh? i dun think so le.. Expect heavy selling on 26th..


2013-12-23 09:44 | Report Abuse

henry, but i got another question. If everyone shares only are tradeable on T+3, how come the share market now has so much shares changing hands?


2013-12-23 09:09 | Report Abuse

But be noted the power of loss is also five.. I love it.. If government announce new news again can have fireworks add lol


2013-12-21 15:54 | Report Abuse

Boss Looiks! sure lor all sakit hate sakit kepala now ma so need release stress and support from fellow passengers hehe any good insight for us? Free soft drink maybe? Lol


2013-12-21 14:18 | Report Abuse

Hahahaha no la no offense lol I where got talk like bapok lollllll I nth to do be driver fetch people hehe


2013-12-21 13:47 | Report Abuse

Okok thanks strategist.. Would wanna pursue this career line.. No la I'm a GUY lol I am MACHO MAN! I talk like soft only but I very man le! My chest got Bulu de le hahaha now still learning bah.. Sometimes it's nice to share emotions with you guys Coz I feel nice and frenly hehe it's ok strategist can hug tgt muahahahahha but I'm not gay also xD


2013-12-21 12:03 | Report Abuse

Waaaa nice boh your holiday hahaha.. Yeah lor what's the point of unhappy just for money.. Make me suffer and die earlier lollllll.. But emotion susah control still learning haha ckchung, read through all the posting will help u a lot


2013-12-21 12:02 | Report Abuse

Strategist u seemed to work in investment firm.. I actually studying that in uni.. If I were want to pursue a career in investment firm what are Ur advice to start? Should I go in investment bank first?


2013-12-21 11:47 | Report Abuse

Strategist where u went so long didn't appear lol..


2013-12-21 11:43 | Report Abuse

Ya lol I feel myself very fan also keep kacau hahaha no la I frustrated Coz I dunno enter bit by bit.. I enter all taruk then now 31.5 average and bullets totally out.. Left few hundred to survive coming months -_-


2013-12-21 11:29 | Report Abuse

Sometimes I admire those people such as Buffett and Graham, their holding power can last 7 to 10 years and above.. I hold not even 7 weeks I feel my bola ping pong sudah tua lol


2013-12-20 22:00 | Report Abuse

No drop also curi smile ady -_-