
EVO118 | Joined since 2016-12-04

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2021-03-09 22:03 | Report Abuse

Former finance minister II Johari emerges as shareholder in Media Prima as share price tumbles.


2021-03-08 22:20 | Report Abuse

Hextar Global to diversify into cleaning chemicals business via acquisitions.
Dato Ong working hard on another project.


2021-03-07 15:22 | Report Abuse

Remember officially, Felda has not bought any above 1.30. Someone else has bought above 1.30. They in turn might accept the GO at 1.30 at a lost and hand over the shares for the benefit of Felda. Just be aware that any shares sold on the market at above 1.30 might ultimately end up with Felda. Don't just count the turnover at 1.30 and below. With D-day coming, assume all turnover in the next couple of days to ultimately end up in Felda's hand whether it is at 1.30 or above 1.30. It would be a lot cheaper for Felda to pay some brokers to pick up all that is available and then accept the GO, than to revised the GO upwards.


2021-03-05 07:40 | Report Abuse

In RM6m cheques matter, MACC officer says passport chips project would not have been awarded if Zahid had not agreed.


2021-03-03 10:29 | Report Abuse

Felda needs at least another 550M additional share acceptances from the GO to get past the 90%.


2021-03-03 09:05 | Report Abuse

Felda is going to collect all dividends of GO acceptors as a bonus as well as get a free ride to MSM & FGV future positive quarters. Why not they are going to get pass the 75% to enable them to control and pass all resolutions at any meeting.


2021-03-01 14:36 | Report Abuse

That was for real. Over 3m sold at 1.34.


2021-03-01 14:23 | Report Abuse

Who is playing games here? Who and where are those millions of sell and buy from that all of a sudden appear in this afternoon session


2021-03-01 10:15 | Report Abuse

Cant make any sense out of the current computer trading of 800 units at 1.33 every couple of minutes.


2021-03-01 09:58 | Report Abuse

Easily a couple of $m worth of commission and both parties are happy. WIN WIN ALL ROUND. Even get to collect the dividends,


2021-03-01 09:46 | Report Abuse

It is possible. Friends of Felda can buy of the market for over 1.30 and then accept the GO at 1.30 loosing a couple of cents which could be reimburse by Felda once they manage to delist FGV. Anything is possible !


2021-03-01 09:08 | Report Abuse

Mabel, Are you in a time warp. GO extended to the 15th March. Not 2 days to go!


2021-03-01 06:10 | Report Abuse

Can anyone provide some additional background on Encik Huzaini Bin Husin or Dynamic Prestige Consultancy Sdn Bhd. What is it that make them commit to 6.87% interest in Opcom?


2021-03-01 04:46 | Report Abuse

Anything is BOLEH with this backdoor govt. Just like Felda they have the majority and if they want to approved additional fumds for FGV, they will just put it through.


2021-02-28 20:19 | Report Abuse

Don't forget they now have the majority voting right in any EGM calling for resolutions to get passed except winding up,


2021-02-26 14:36 | Report Abuse

So it goes ex-dividend on 17th March and the GO extended to 15th March.


2021-02-26 11:57 | Report Abuse

For the RI to be successful,they need to pump the price up before consolidation. The lower the price means they are getting less from the RI. Nobody is going to take up the RI if there is no decent discount or possibly a price hike because they have a good future. Like i said earlier forget about the warrants. I still hold the last lot of warrants which are today "TOILET PAPER". If they pump it, then we have to make a decision of whether to sell or stay.


2021-02-26 10:37 | Report Abuse

mikeazk, Just imagine you are one of those who accept their GO at 1.30 instead of selling on the market at 1.32 to somebody else instead off FELDA. Felda never bought any shares on 23rd on the market. They just accept those willing to accept the GO at 1.30., only need to pay 1.30 not 1.32. Hope it helps.


2021-02-26 08:48 | Report Abuse

Dato' Ong is getting is making his presence felt by appointing Mr Teh Li King who is also from Hextar appointed as a director. Action coming soon, just got to wait.


2021-02-26 08:40 | Report Abuse

No Dividend


2021-02-26 05:40 | Report Abuse

They might as well leave the GO on for the whole year. Nobody is going to accept it now at 1.30. Got to go to Plan B.


2021-02-26 05:33 | Report Abuse

I don't take they purchase on the market.. It is acceptances on the 23rd taken at 1.30.


2021-02-25 22:10 | Report Abuse

After taking control of 76.32% of FGV, Felda extends offer period for last time.


2021-02-25 09:30 | Report Abuse

anthonytkh, Thank you.


2021-02-25 08:36 | Report Abuse

Is that "other income " from sale of once off property?


2021-02-25 08:33 | Report Abuse

Mabel. Thanks for the update.


2021-02-24 19:47 | Report Abuse

All this to be voted in the 2nd qtr. the 3rd qtr is where they get to implement their health strategy after the bird has flown ( covid-19 ) with whatever crumbs left. Don't forget they are a very inefficient mob that has been talking about the test-kit way before anybody. It might be in the 4th qtr before anything happen. Better get back to 5G communications which is more up their alley.


2021-02-24 14:34 | Report Abuse

Same old corrupt politicians seeing an old opportunity. We will set up a govt dept, theyall hve to come to us individually. Well you look after me , I will look after you. " EASY - IT'S BEEN DONE BEFORE - ASK NAJIB."


2021-02-24 14:24 | Report Abuse

This is Malaysia . Everything "BOLEH" if you want it. Just like the new SPV for the 5G spectrum, opportunity for more corruption and absolute waste of funds.


2021-02-24 14:17 | Report Abuse

It's got to do with the minimum required holding of shares. Refer to Mabel's posting:


Feb 12, 2021 7:06 PM | Report Abuse

Assuming sunday information are in order since it's coming from Maybank IB, here are the milestone for Felda to take it private.

1. Over 50% - a mandatory offer ceases to be conditional;

2. 75% - holder can ensure special resolutions are passed;

3. Over 75% - the minimum public floating required for companies listed on the stock exchange may not be satisfied;

4. 90% - generally, confers the ability to compulsorily acquire the remaining shares in the target company;

5. Over 90% - trading of the shares may be suspended by the stock exchange. The shares may also be de-listed by the stock exchange.

Hope this help. They only got 4 days to go.


2021-02-24 11:38 | Report Abuse

Why would you accept a price lower than the market going price?


2021-02-24 09:47 | Report Abuse

Bursa to consider applications for lower public shareholding spread at 15%-20%.


2021-02-23 06:16 | Report Abuse

The average price before consolidation looks like it is going to be 0.045 - 0.05. The RI is likely to end up after discounting from 0.50 to most be likely at 0.10.


2021-02-22 16:24 | Report Abuse

Different key stake holder now. Need to wait and see.


2021-02-22 16:02 | Report Abuse

Looking to close the gap (0.575 - 0.60) maybe tomorrow.


2021-02-22 14:49 | Report Abuse

It looks like Felda will definitely be looking at a strike price of at least $1.50 and possibly as close as $2.00 to be certain of a takeover. Any price short of that is just going to fail !


2021-02-22 12:38 | Report Abuse

So, are those GLCs who accept the offer of $1.30 instead of taking the market price in the range of $1.31-$1.34 in breach of their shareholders interest and maybe should be investigated by MACC.


2021-02-22 09:45 | Report Abuse

They got it mixed up with Prestariang?


2021-02-19 16:11 | Report Abuse

The man who kill the SKIN contract is also the same guy announcing the CLOUD news. Beware !


2021-02-19 15:56 | Report Abuse

Want to back up the VIP statement.


2021-02-19 15:52 | Report Abuse

Another run on Monday.


2021-02-19 14:48 | Report Abuse

Don't understand why Felda is avoiding the obvious. If you want it come and get it, not extension of time but a better offer. The longer if takes them to come up with a new offer the more interest will be incurred on the funds that they need to pay to get them to this stage. I am sure it is huge, maybe even more that the revised increase. Cost / Benefit. They are not fit to run Felda, if they can't figure it out.


2021-02-17 10:57 | Report Abuse

Here is the proof of your rubbish.

I accepted the offer of RM1.30 ..got back my RM3,000,000....Re-invested in other counters and got a gain of RM700,000... :D

Jan 25
Sold all my 2,294,300 units today at RM1.30 in open market


2021-02-17 10:38 | Report Abuse

What a lot of unsubstantiated propoganda rubbish ! Post us the proof instead of making silly statements.


2021-02-17 09:16 | Report Abuse

The market is still assessing the capabilities of Dato' Ong. Nothing seriously is going to happen until he seeks to be a Board member which will happen very soon.


2021-02-17 08:40 | Report Abuse

IMHO, don't base your decision on the free warrants. The last lot of warrants just turn to toilet paper, that's why they are offering 6 RI because they can't count on the warrants to raise the money. that means you got to lodge your money for the RI (6 times - a lot of money)