
Jefflim1234 | Joined since 2017-06-12

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2017-07-09 09:53 | Report Abuse

Gud morning yuanlong57, LPTan68, kennyku, The_Reds, Md Abd Fahmi, forgot090 n all Alcomates:
forgot090: Let's hope we r all able to see the ALCOM GOLDEN PALACE SOON. The journey is still some distance away. Cheerio.


2017-07-09 01:30 | Report Abuse

How abt u Fahmi???


2017-07-09 00:45 | Report Abuse

I m the simple minded type. Dun try to make simple things complicated.


2017-07-09 00:44 | Report Abuse

Md Abd Fahmi: r u simple minded or .........???


2017-07-08 22:51 | Report Abuse

Once upon a time a person with a SUPERIOR IQ has this to say to me: He quotes from a WORLD RENOWNED INVESTMENT GURU WHOM I have the utmost respect for: Not so much bcos he made plenty of money in his investment BUT BCOS OF HIS PHILOSOPHIES BEHIND THE INVESTMENTS.
[“If you are not willing to own a stock for 10 years, do not even think about owning it for 10 minutes.”-WB]. Superior IQ's interpretation goes like this:
[ he is trying to say is "know what the hell you are doing, or else, don't bother".
He is not trying to tell you to be patient. Common sense should tell you pure waiting won't bear you any fruits. ]
To a certain extent his interpretation was correct when he says "don't bother" BUT he takes "don't bother (his own words not mine) as meaning to " buy and sell within 10 mins!!!!!!! For a simple n low minded IQ like myself I will think don't bother means literally DON'T BOTHER AT ALL TO ENTER THE TRADE!!
Anyway I am putting this out just to show you guys how a quote can have 2 drastically different meanings to different people. LIKE I say everyone is entitled to their own opinions.This is just for a constructive discourse. Just like in the market place. There r people who says it will go up on Monday n there r some who says it'll drop. Who knows?? If everyone thinks the same there will b no trade at all. SO DO YOUR OWN HOMEWORK N B THE MASTER OF YOUR OWN DESTINY.


2017-07-08 19:03 | Report Abuse

Md Abd Fahmi: Don't allow anyone to make u feel like u r not good enough. Life is 10% of what u experience and 90% how u respond to it.........


2017-07-08 18:18 | Report Abuse

The_Reds: l meant momentum not gravity. Wrong choice of words. Sorry.


2017-07-08 18:02 | Report Abuse

Md Abd Fahmi: When there's a will there's a way. When one is mentally rich and humble material richness naturally follows. Only pls always remember our humble beginnings!


2017-07-08 17:55 | Report Abuse

The_Reds: Is the suit green in colour? If GREEN make sure it is reflected on the BIG SCREEN Monday morning ya!!! ha ha ha. It will b GREEN due to its own gravity anyway without any propping!! Ha ha ha.


2017-07-08 17:07 | Report Abuse

Md Abd Fahmi: Great. I can see u r a person who loves to upgrade himself with knowledge. Just from a shared posting from yuanlong57 u r already at MPH reading up on [ Get the truth]. What wonders sharing can do!!! If BILL GATES HAS NOT DECIDED TO OPEN UP HIS KNOWLEDGE TO THE WORLD WE WOULDN'T B HERE COMMUNICATING WITH EACH OTHER AT THIS RATE-------LIKE U SAY IT'S FREE. ha ha ha.


2017-07-08 16:51 | Report Abuse

forgot090: Mayb the bitter durians that u keep mayb worth rm50 down the time line n someone says only a lembu will buy it SO by his warped logic just bcos he cannot afford it NOBODY CAN. Maybe u may have to wait for BILL GATES OR JACK MA ( he loves bitter durians) to buy it from u!!! And if they do THEY SURELY WOULD bcome A LEMBU as well albeit a GOLDEN ONE for u. I can see saliva drooling down your mouth...........
ha ha ha . Just kidding......
By the way I m sure The_Reds would love to b in that position . That he would n wearing a GOLDEN SUIT INSTEAD of an iron suit!!!! Ha ha ha. Just kidding!
* wink wink*


2017-07-08 16:26 | Report Abuse

Disclaimer again: All comments are not meant as a recommendation to buy or sell. Use info as u see for.


2017-07-08 16:23 | Report Abuse

Ther sorry it's they


2017-07-08 16:21 | Report Abuse

forgot090: Understand your durian on Friday was real fragrant n SWEET. U got a tremendous thrill out of it, right? Have u ever tasted BITTER durians??? Ther r even better!!! Get the drift??? Ha ha ha. Have a good weekend!


2017-07-08 16:14 | Report Abuse

The_Reds: u must b having a wonderful time with your red iron suits on with spiderman by ur side doing good deeds........ protecting all the weaklings on the planet ALCOM, huh? ? ha ha ha Just kidding. Have a good weekend.


2017-07-08 16:10 | Report Abuse

LPTan68: Anything to share your invaluable experience with us?


2017-07-08 16:09 | Report Abuse

kennyku: Sorry that the comments I made r too long. Was just trying to make sure everybody understands what I try to put forth. Next time I shall try to summarize n make it as short as possible. There r plenty of infos there. Feel free to ask if d need arises. Have a good weekend.


2017-07-08 08:37 | Report Abuse

Gud morning yuanlong 57, LPTan68, kennyku, The_Reds. Md Abd Fahmi n all Alcomates.


2017-07-08 06:37 | Report Abuse

Md Abd Fahmi: Gud morning to u. Wow. U r an early bird. The early bird catches the worm eh? Just pulling your legs. Tq v much for doing your homework n sharing. If every one were to do theirs n start sharing I really wonder whether this forum would be filled with research for ALCOM. I guess then we would have to create a library with indexes for people who want to browse thru whatever infos they require. Wouldn't that b wonderful? Authors would have their names inscribed under the their topics presented n mayb people may in the future see who is correct n who is wrong after the facts!!! Really...... what a really wonderful idea. Never thought of that b4. Then in future there'll b a whole lot of data for future generations to refer to!!!!! Mayb there r some computer experts out there who can take on this initiatif. The thought just struck me when I was reading thru your posts. Once again tq v much for sharing your thoughts with us.
Only one thing that I hope people who posts in this forum pls follow. Pls respect each n every view point. Present your disagrèement in a courteous n respectful manner. All views r subjective n I strongly believe that all ALCOMATES r mature n knowledgeable enough to evaluate the data presented themselves. We at least have to respect that.
Ok. Once again tq for sharing!


2017-07-08 05:26 | Report Abuse

i) The total of the last 2 days loss (5+5=10) were wipe out by a single day's rise in price (12 sen)! !!
Ii) The higher prices ( from 1.65 to 1.82 for the day) have the bigger volumes traded.
Decipher n decide for yourselves what these means?


2017-07-08 00:55 | Report Abuse

Ok. Shall quickly summarize briefly my take on 2days trade trend: Pls bear in mind greater accuracy comes from observations of the day's trade trend itself!
1) Total volume of trade rises in tandem with higher prices. Notice 2 very important things
i) The total of the last 2 days were wipe out by a sinhle day's rise in price!
Ii) The higher prices have the bigger volumes traded.
Decipher n decide yourselves what these means?
2) Even the traders on 3/7 have all been completely wipe out albeit MAYB suffering a small loss at the generosity of the maestro. Just a slap on the wrist as a WARNING!!!!
3) The question now is 'r there any more traders out here?' I m sure there r BUT mayb a much smaller handful. If they r not careful they will b penalised again by the maestro who is the GREAT CONDUCTOR!
4) How do I see it in the coming week? Well I hv said it b4. I still believe in this SUPERBULL BUT whether the journey is rocky or not depends on how the maestro wishes to conduct the orchestra. That was also my poser whether u r a trader or an investor? Only u guys have the answer to that n use self assessment to determine whether to stick your head into the ring. I m sure there r many more opportunities to top up but let us not b too hasty! Always b cautious lest v get trap by all the noises around us!
5) Chartwise I leave that for the experts to present their point of view n share each one's take n their reasoning behind their views.
6) As I mentioned b4 all of us must have an open mind n evaluate each n every point of view b4 sticking your head in n shoulder that responsibility yourself!!! Everyone is entitled to their opinion whether it's right or wrong! Even an absurd opinion may turn out to b correct. Who knows?
Anyway so much for my 2 sen worth n have a good weekend. Be ready for ALCOM GOLDEN PALACE. Stay fit n keep healthy all Alcomates. Cheerio!!
Comment not meant as a recommendation to buy or sell. Use infos only as u see fit.


2017-07-08 00:23 | Report Abuse

Ok. Here goes 2 sen worth of what "As I see it" of what transpired during the course of trading today. B4 going any further let explain my poser earlier this afternoon.
I would just like to pose a question to all TA and FA? Would anyone dare say based on all the charts n fundamental analysis that 2day would b a day of reversal (especially such a swift one this morning) ? Dun know how the afternoon session will go!!! Just have to KEEP YOUR EYES N GREY MATTER OPEN N B READY FOR WHATEVER............. Could the recovery b a fake? Ask yourself. R u willing to b in for the long haul?? If u know that then you have already found the answer!!!!!!! Gud luck n b happy trading!
Ok. If based on TA alone it certainly more more likely to b another day of correction would that not b the case all those tech analysyts out there? Whereas FA I dun know. Have to ask our Fundamentalist experts!! But what did the counter do in the morning? It just turn around so swiftly after touching 1.65 that there wasn't much of a chance for any of us to catch it at that low price except a lucky few like callme777. ( good for him). However if u guys were playing close attention many of u would have caught some fishes at the 1.7+ prices. That's the prices that I caught some the last of which at 1.77. Why 1.77 n no higher price for me? Cos this was the barrier broken thru easily by the market force. That was also why I parked to buy at 1.77 in the afternoon. If it had broken this sl in the afternoon session the the recovery would b short lived n bcomes unsustainable. My poser was to highlight the very significance of the strength of observations of daily trade over all the mambo jambos of TA's and FA's . However these may not b accurate if v misinterpret the trend. Like I mention b4, it is like a wayang kulit n each of us interpret it differently. The trading pattern always has stories to tell!!


2017-07-07 22:38 | Report Abuse

The_Reds: Knowing is enough. No need to point fingers.


2017-07-07 22:36 | Report Abuse

As I was browsing through the whole of these weeks comments from all the different people with their different methods of investing or speculative trading I couldn't help but notice something in common that these speculators always do. After selling off their shares they all become NAYSAYERS giving VERY NEGATIVE COMMENTS abt the stock WITHOUT SUPPORTING WITH CONCRETE FACTS. At first I was wondering why? Now I understand. These people r just trying to stir up people's emotion so that people become shaky n get rid of their stocks cheaply so they can go in n 'goreng goreng' again at a relatively cheap price at the expense of others! Like some people say "pretend to b your friend and mine" At first I didn't quite get it BUT NOW I FULLY DO. Only people who have done these things can have these kind of thoughts in their minds. Don't u guys think so??? That's also why WB says..........." The most important quality for an investor is temperament NOT intelligence. You need a temperament that neither derives great pleasure from either being with the crowd or against the crowd". My low IQ interpretation is SIMPLY IGNORE ALL THOSE NOISES IN THE MARKET PLACE AFTER DOING DUE DILIGENCE. Others with more SUPERIOR IQ may differ from mine. Everyone is entitled to theirs. So guys interpret things on your own n dun blame others when you suffer losses n point fingers at them. No one forces anyone to buy or sell right?
OK. So much for my 2 sen worth! Food for thoughts huh??
Comment not meant as a recommendation to buy or sell. Use infos only as u see fit. Shall give my thoughts on 2day's trade trend as I SEE IT later.


2017-07-07 20:29 | Report Abuse

Just couldn't help to notice that there's a great pretender in our midst. Pretending to b a newbie n all........b careful guys. Pretending to ask silly questions n yet knowing what some of the tech indicators r. Gud luck with your pretense. Hope all u guys do your own homework!! Don't TRUST ANYONE. I MEAN ANYONE OK?


2017-07-07 19:55 | Report Abuse

callme777: Don't get me wrong. I m not trying to pin down any counters. There was a post direct to me n I was just responding to it with my frank n sincere take on the matter. I certainly wish all u guys well who r holding any counters for that matter. U were quite right the counter is not too bad. In fact all the fundamentals r sound........ if I wasn't mistaken u were the one who mentioned b4 that u sold alcom n was going to that particular counter n I specifically say it is a good counter BUT Alcom is a great counter to invest in. Anyway I do sincerely wish all u guys well n try n make hell with the management for the unforgivable "underprovision" by them. Gud luck.


2017-07-07 18:02 | Report Abuse

[yuanlong57 Jefflim1234, not like the LBAlum management who have the thick skin and cheek to announce that they have earned higher revenue but their net profit drop 76% owing to their negligence of not allocating sufficient money (underprovision) for deferred tax.]
yuanlong57: Actually I tried refraining from saying anything abt this counter BUT I did mentioned early this morning on the reasons I would not invest in a so called SOUND CONTER with wonderful FUNDAMENTALS. My first priority is always:
1) TA
2) Management
3) FA
4) risk/reward etc....
Another thing I noticed abt the particular counter u mentioned is that there r TOO MANY SPECULATORS. A counter like so has not much of a prospect to go v high. U know the reason why. I will not get into that. Ya it will go up BUT to make newer n newer n newer highs is quite tough. Of course not that it won't climb up the ladder but maybe under some very exceptional circumstances like which I mention this morning. Anyway u r already invested in the counter so u have to bear with whatever comes along your path! Gud luck.


2017-07-07 17:49 | Report Abuse

Md Abd Fahmi: Sorry: Actually I had a post directed to u b4 my last post but somehow it disappeared. Anyway to cut a long story short why I average up is bcos even though the past 4 days were down the SUPERBULL was still staring at all our faces and snorting steam. Normally this will never happen. IT WAS STILL AT A SUPERBULL STAGE even when it was down!!!. That was why I top up again on retracements. Again the counter had given me plenty of blessings for always entering at the right time even though never at the lowest price! That's why I top up again the whole of yesterday harvesting all the unwanted fruits. I harvested a little this morning n I also posted the prices I entered. That was not meant to show off or anything of that sort. If was a show a committment on my part that I do what I say. It was a live trading session. No one knows whether it will b up or down. Similarly yesterday. Not saying after the fact!. It's always easy to do that explaining things after the fact! Anyway I DO NOT ENCOURAGE PEOPLE TO DO AS I DO. Always do your own homework. Do NOT just blindly follow. And if u still decide to invests after all your due diligence it's your own responsibility and no one else's whether u profit or not. I always just give my frank opinions " AS I SEE IT" whether rightly or wrongly. So all of u guys go do your homework n share in the forum.
Comments not meant as a recommendation to buy or sell. Use infos only as u see fit.


2017-07-07 17:20 | Report Abuse

Md Abd Fahmi: What it means is that if the trend doesn' t change to downtrend for 10 years I will b holding it for 10years unless some other circumstances forces me to sell........


2017-07-07 16:37 | Report Abuse

Do u guys now see what a constructive discourse can benefit all of us? We should thank gcke for all the hard he has put into the research. Tq once again gcke. If v r all investors I m v sure our final goal of ALCOM GOLDEN PALACE is not too far away!


2017-07-07 16:27 | Report Abuse

Looks like I hv lost the chance at 1.77 already! Never mind. No need to chase there's always plenty of opportunities. Gud luck guys!


2017-07-07 16:21 | Report Abuse

And the whole moral from gcke analysis presentation is GOOD, STRONG AND EFFICIENT MANAGEMENT! Wasn't that what I said in my previous comments???


2017-07-07 16:16 | Report Abuse

gcke: Very good. Veeeeery good research on your part. Tq. I couldn't have done better!!!!


2017-07-07 16:10 | Report Abuse

Pls note that when I post during trade hrs I speak for only myself. I do NOT ENCOURAGE PEOPLE to follow what I do. Do your own analysis! B your own master!


2017-07-07 16:08 | Report Abuse

Md Abd Fahmi: For your info I never do averaging down. I average UP!!!! Never down.


2017-07-07 16:06 | Report Abuse

forgot090: sorry u mistaken. I say I am topping up at 1.77. NOT ASKING U GUYS. DUN B MISTAKEN.


2017-07-07 15:39 | Report Abuse

Top up a little bit mor at 1.77 lor.


2017-07-07 15:24 | Report Abuse

Wow the maestro is truly a great condictor !!!!!


2017-07-07 14:48 | Report Abuse

Flushing out of further T+4 traders albeit a small penalty loss!!


2017-07-07 14:24 | Report Abuse

Oh and yes. Comment above not meant as a recommendation to buy or sell. Use infos as u see fit.


2017-07-07 14:23 | Report Abuse

I would just like to pose a question to all TA and FA? Would anyone dare say based on all the charts n fundamental analysis that 2day would b a day of reversal (especially such a swift one this morning) ? Dun know how the afternoon session will go!!! Just have to KEEP YOUR EYES N GREY MATTER OPEN N B READY FOR WHATEVER............. Could the recovery b a fake? Ask yourself. R u willing to b in for the long haul?? If u know that then you have already found the answer!!!!!!! Gud luck n b happy trading!


2017-07-07 13:55 | Report Abuse

The_Reds: Tq for putting on your iron man's suit n also calling on spiderman to come to protect all of us weaklings. Looks like your bullet proof iron suit really does the job. Ha ha ha.....


2017-07-07 12:48 | Report Abuse

K.v. Lim: if ur info is legit n correct then the SC will invite u for yum cha v sòon!!


2017-07-07 12:15 | Report Abuse

kennyku: No need to b sad. You r still v young. Plenty of opportunities in life. Do it within your means and grow your seed capital. Then u should b fine.


2017-07-07 12:13 | Report Abuse

Seems like everyone is v v HAPPY. I M SO HAPPY FOR U GUYS. Only b PATIENT. Otherwise u r also just any speculator trying to make some quick bucks. The maestro will surely catch the majority of you guys. That I have seen happening so many many times........


2017-07-07 11:47 | Report Abuse

NOTE: I also the maestro will still try to catch more traders if they come in droves!!!


2017-07-07 11:43 | Report Abuse

Kiselye..... I bought in further 2day from 1.71 up to 1.77. If it helps? Comment not meant as a recommendation to buy or sell. Use infos as u see fit.


2017-07-07 11:41 | Report Abuse

kiselye....... r u a newbie ???


2017-07-07 11:10 | Report Abuse

forgot090: Go where? Treating me for a drink after the durian feast?? he he he Just kidding!


2017-07-07 10:55 | Report Abuse

forgat090: Jefflim1234 berapa kali tambah nasi ?? hehehe
Well. I would just say not bad for a hard days work. ( U know it does TAKE A LOT OF EFFORT).
Anyway as I said b4 in my previous commentaries the recovery would b quick n swift. And I also did mention that if there's any more correction 2day MAYB the last day. That was why I chose to go in yesterday rather than rushing in with the mad crowd! The maestro was lenient enough to let last monday's traders out with just a slap on the wrist........just as a warning. If they r not out by 2day they'll b more sorry later. As I said b4 a good n solid company prefers good n loyal investors rather than speculators. Anyway without speculators there' ll b no chance to buy "sweet oranges" at a discounted price. Ok. That's all. Gud luck. Comment not meant as a recommendation to buy or sell. Use infos as u see fit.