
Jefflim1234 | Joined since 2017-06-12

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2017-07-07 10:44 | Report Abuse

forgot090: No problem with being scared. Better b scared than being brave n not knowing when to b scared. At least u get to add to your seed capital. As long as u r comfortable with your profit no one can say u r right or wrong. There's no right or wrong! Just do what u r comfortable with. Everyone has their own reason yo buy or sell. Only advice is " Do your homework thoroughly n then neglect all distractions. Following noises in the market is one sure way of depleting your seed capital.


2017-07-07 10:13 | Report Abuse

forgot090: congrats on your profit. Whatever u r comfortable with. That's your call.


2017-07-07 10:05 | Report Abuse

The bull is saying " you fake investors" Get out of my way and don't come in my way!!!


2017-07-07 10:04 | Report Abuse

forgat090: your oranges has turned v sweet indeed. Will b much sweeter if u keep your patience!!! Comment not meant as recommendation to buy or sell. Use infos as u see fit.


2017-07-07 10:01 | Report Abuse

U guys will never belueve what this superbull is capable of 2day!!!


2017-07-07 09:47 | Report Abuse

The 1.77 mini elephants will b history!!!


2017-07-07 09:44 | Report Abuse

Only v " idiots" go in when no one dare!!!!


2017-07-07 09:43 | Report Abuse

Good for u callme777. I top up again at 1.71 to 1.76. Hope will b smooth sailing from now on. Had a really filling day yesterday.


2017-07-07 09:33 | Report Abuse

Wow kook at our superbull!


2017-07-07 08:12 | Report Abuse

Ok. Here goes. A quick take on yesterday'd trade:
1) Selling pressure has subsided drastically. T + 4 traders from 30/6 are no more as of yesterday

2) Vol traded also drastically reduced indicating reason 1 above.
3) Having said that there may some more traders to b disposed of from last monday's n tuesday's trade pattern. The maestro may penalised these traders albeit a small one. However he may b generous enough to let them go with a slight slap on the wrist. Dun know. Have to wait n see. Observations is the key.
4) For true legit investors MAYB a good time to collect or top up but pls tread carefully. I had quite a good harvest yesterday. May stick my head in again depending on the trend.
5) As I see it the recovery would b quick n swift . This is typical of good growth counters after a long time in the doldrums. May v see the shining light of the ALCOM GOLDEN PALACE soon! Ok. That's how as I see it.
Comment not meant as a recommendation to buy or sell. Use the infos as u see fit. Giud luck guys n happy trading!


2017-07-07 06:58 | Report Abuse

Sorry guys. Din't get to comment on last nights trend.
Gud morning to yuanlong57, LPTan68, kennyku,The_Reds, PlsGiveBonus and all Alcomates: Thank u v much 4 for all your comments.I m sure when the relatively new management of Alcom sees what kind of loyal shareholders of alcom they have they would b v pleased with u guys n hopefully reward u guys plentifully in the future. From what I can gather the new management is a very organised n responsible team since taking over. With people of these calibres the growth of the company is ALMOST assured. Even if u guys have not done enough due diligence there r signs to tell us that in the market pricing itself. The price is at a historical high. Why is that? This is not like what some 'smart people say 'goreng here goreng' there counter. Always remember this guys. This company wasn't form just recently. Yes prices WILL ALWAYS drop when it has gone up too much.This is to get rid of the people who invested base on the 'goreng goreng' concept. There is no harm to that. It also does help people (smart money people) to b able to buy SOLID counters at a relatively cheaper price which otherwise they would never b able to afford if the prices keeps going through the roof. YES RJ87 was correct to say u can sell first and buy later BUT HOW many of us r " as smart as him" to see everything n how many of us will buy back later if v r the "goreng goreng' type. From experience n from seeing friends who r also the 'goreng goreng' type the people who makes the most money r the 'smart money' type. When u can get to buy a solid counter n stick your head in as investments( at a relatively cheap price) as an investment it will probably help to SET UP YOUR PENSION FUND later in life. However the time frame to hold is entirely up to each person. The good thing with investment in stocks is that v can cash convert it any time that we want. Therefore when u r happy with the profits u get out n let others carry the risks at a higher price. What LPTan68 says is right. A good solid counter is like liquor. The longer u keep the better the taste. It has all the potential to go higher and higher until it reaches its own equilibrium. The big question mark is WHICH IS A GOOD COUNTER TO INVEST IN AT A RELATIVELY LOW ENTRY PRICE THAT MANY OF US CAN AFFORD? EVERYONE knows that you can close one eye n buy into GENTING n lock it up in a safe n u will NEVER lose a single sen of your investment (Provided u dun sell when u r losing) but how many of us can afford it? That was what Warren Buffet was referring to when he said "only buy something u r perfectly happy to hold if the market shuts down for 10 years" unlike what some "smart aleck" was trying to twist the meanings of the quote. How he wish to interprete it is his prerogative. IT IS ENTIRELY WITHIN HIS RIGHT. Just put it in so that other people might understand the quote in it's correct perspective.
Anyway these r food for thoughts for u guys who r relatively new to investing.
Sharp drops will also have quick recoveries( especially for good counters) n that is also why I started topping up again yesterday. For the next few days through observations of the daily trend I mayb topping up further. Don't chase a counter when it's dropping. Let the sellers come to u at what u think is a reasonable entry point!!! U don't have to b an expert to know what the markets thinks as a reasonable support n resistance level for THE DAY. It is always there for all to see! Yesterday the morning support was at 1.70. That's why I bought mine at 1.71 downwards. What the support level today dun know. U just have to observe the trend today. The market does not lie. It's up to us to interprete what it is telling us. So much for all these mambo jambo. GUD LUCK n happy trading!
Comment not meant as a recommendation to buy or sell. Use infos only as u see fit!


2017-07-06 16:56 | Report Abuse

I had a very filling day 2day. My oranges were ok. Some sweet n some sour. Let's hope 2morrow will b a better day Ya?


2017-07-06 16:40 | Report Abuse

forgot090. Have u had their fill? Were the oranges sweet?


2017-07-06 16:36 | Report Abuse

When there is desperate throwing rebound will b fast n swift!


2017-07-06 16:35 | Report Abuse

Then that will b a good sign!!


2017-07-06 16:33 | Report Abuse

Ok. 2day try close 1.71


2017-07-06 16:05 | Report Abuse

The last batch of desperados selling off at T+4


2017-07-06 15:51 | Report Abuse

LPTan68: pls highlight what u see strange happening in Alcom?


2017-07-06 15:03 | Report Abuse

forgot090: Yes lor. Happy they r throwing to me lor! V V SWEET LO!


2017-07-06 14:53 | Report Abuse

Not Dob't but Don't


2017-07-06 14:53 | Report Abuse

forgot090: people throw oranges u r picking uh? Sweet or not? Dob' t waste food la!!!


2017-07-06 14:30 | Report Abuse

forgot090: what type of rice r u having, fragrant or not??????;ha ha ha


2017-07-06 13:29 | Report Abuse

Since v r all talking about our great fundamentalist with all those mambo jambo jargon let me relate my experience to u guys on why I do not place it at the top of my list when I stick my head into a stock! I used to b so gung ho about PE, NTA, etc etc when I was in the stock market during my younger days! Until I invesyed into a stock which I would not name. The stock has great potential so I thought. Plenty of landbanks, company doing well etc...etc. The only problem was the management was a lousy one.........v stingy in giving dividends, bonus etc... The MD was a very traditional man from the old school of thought. Very stingy with giving divs at abt 1to 2 % a year. I I was holding the stocks for a few years hoping the company would reward their loyal shareholders when their landbanks r revalued etc etc. But no. I guess the major shareholders feels the company BELONGS to him and him alone. Other stocks were moving but this one stood still EVEN THOUGH FUNDAMENTALS were absolutely fantastic. But what to do? Just keep holding n hope for the best...... To cut a long story short IT IS NOT THE FUNDAMENTALS that counts. It is the way that the managements that is running the company that matters the most! The company may b solid but the management towards shareholders is V BAD. So I eventually got tid of the stocks. A few years later the son took over the company after the old man died. Properties were revalued n the price of the share shot through the roof. The MORAL of this story is
1) Don't EVER INVEST IN a company based solely on Fundamentals.
2) Use TA as a tool first to guide you on the intent to invest. Charts do not lie. Prices and vol traded r all recorded. The data do not lie.
3) Do your research on the management especially the MD perrception on where n what the direction he intends to take the co. How he intends to reward shareholders etc ..etc. Acct can b v creative as some of u guys recently found out. I wouldn't want the mention the counter.
4) After all these due diligence ONLY then look at the fundamentals n determine for yourself whether the nos are believable.
5) Then n only then stick your head into the ring. In the event that after all due diligence the share price were to drop due to whatever circumstances u should b prepared to TRUST YOURSELF that it is a good investment. Warren Buffet quotes: If a 50% drop in share price is going to cause you acute distress after ALL DUE DILIGENCE then you should not be in the stock market. Anyway my 2 sen worth. FOOD FOR THOUGHT HUH? Of course the hardest part of all investing is WHEN to enter. I leave that to u all intelligent investors out there to decide.


2017-07-06 12:27 | Report Abuse

Anyway b4 market closes for the morning session just like to say I hv top up another 7k at 1.71 to my portfolio. Dun know whether this is where the slide stops or even it doesn't stop here it soon will b. If I m not mistaken.


2017-07-06 12:23 | Report Abuse

yuanlong57 n LPTan68. Tq for your comments. YES. I was very sure you know all meanings to all those terms n what significance they hv for investment purposes. I knew you were being sarcastic to u know who I m referring to.


2017-07-06 09:53 | Report Abuse

kennyku: Yes I still m Just waiting for timing to top up more. When Dun know yet. Just have to observe n b ready!!


2017-07-06 09:29 | Report Abuse

yuanlong57: Tq for verifying my disclaimers in my postings. Ya. I knew that when times r a bit rocky people's true characters would show. This is NOT EVEN a terrible correction and people r already pointing fingers
How sad! Sometimes I do wonder to myself "is it worth the while to comment" But I always believe that by sharing v will b much stronger since none of us can do all the research by ourselves. By sharing our opinions v have more options on which course to take. Again tq.


2017-07-06 08:52 | Report Abuse

Gud morning to yuanlong57, LPTan68, kennyku, The_Reds and all Alcomates. Have a happy time at the market 2day. Gud luck to all.


2017-07-06 03:19 | Report Abuse

yuanlong57: Tq for translating the comments by LPTan68. I could only get a good grasp of only a portion of his comments by using google translate. Now that u hv done the full translation let me add my thoughts by stating the following:
1) First of all, it's very easy to give all kinds of explanations after the facts. So LPTan68 u were quite correct to say that if RJ87 had said that the market is going to undergo a correction soon when it was at 2.20 u would hv given him the full respect that he deserves. So would I. I would hv saluted him for his gutsy call if it was b4 it happened. But then again how could he bcos llke carilembu says : he will quietly sell off n after the correction has already set in then tells us why u guys nvr seĺl off n take profit first n buy back later? How I wish investing were that easy!!
So how would he dare to say in the open b4 it happens!!! The least he could have done is to warn the people to tread carefully!!!! When I was using the phrase ALCOM GOLDEN PALACE I got blamed by both him and carilembu for enticing people to buy. DID ANY OF U GUYS see any of my posts inciting people to buy or sell? I always try to put a disclaimer by saying:
Comments are not meant as a recommendation to buy or sell. Use infos only as u see fit. If people doesn't understand the meaning of the sentence that is not my fault is it???
And if I do think that there's is danger ahead I always warn people to tread carefully even b4 trading starts. Only self centred people with a twisted mind would have thoughts that people r always trying to harm others. If any people who has suffered any losses it is due to one's own actions n not through the action of others. What that means is that either one is too greedy trying to make a fast buck n so got flushed out during the T+2,3 n 4 trading period or NOT HAVING DONE DUE DILIGENCE BY ONESELF n trying to feed off others.
2. Since LPTan68 was asking RJ87 whether there r any other stocks worth investing let us give him a chance to stick his neck out n tell us. Since he says that he is only able to see only 1 to 2 quarters ahead that would suit all of us v fine indeed as our holding period would b v short!! What say you guys yuanlong57, LPTan68, kennyku, The_Reds and the rest of u ALCOMATES??? Wondn't RJ87 b WUNDERFULL to have around us????
3) Mentioning abt stocks that MAY have a potential to go. UP OR DOWN u guys interpret it yourself. I bought in ANCOM a few days ago n still topping up as I go along. The price range is between (1.00 to 1.04). ??? I hv made a comment here in passing but I hv made more comments in that particular forum. Plod along over there if u want to. THERE U GO. NO ULTERIOR MOTIVES!
Another counter that I see good potential in is TECFAST. The prices that I m in is between the range ( 0.72 to 0.765 sen.). There u go. No hiding n ni ulterior motives. U guys can check it out yourselves.
I m not one to give a time table on how long these stocks r to b held. Like I said b4. I don' t fall in love with stocks. I let the market decide for me when I should get out!!
Ok. Disclaimer again. Comments r not meant as a recommendation to buy or sell. Use infos only as u see fit. If u do not understand the meaning of the last 2 sentences pls have someone interprete for u especially carilembu if u r reading this!!!!
Ok. So much for my 2 sen worth. Gud luck.


2017-07-05 21:50 | Report Abuse

Ok. B4 I I proceed with my analysis of 2day's trade trend, to those who feels that I had INFLUENCE OR TRIED TO INFLUENCE THEIR DECISIONS ON THIS COUNTER PLEASE SKIP ALL SECTIONS OF MY COMMENTARIES N JUST PRETEND IT NEVER EXISTED. For those alcomates who feels my commentaries are worth some thoughts for your own critical thinking pls feel free to read through my 2sen worth: V r all here for one and only one purpose only....... to make more $$ than what we can get by putting our money in the bank, trusts fund, etc, etc..
OK. Here goes:
1) observe that this morning there was quite a sharp drop early in the morning. This is to scare all traders n asking them to quickly get out otherwise.............u mayb badly hurt! . The morning volume was also quite substantialbfrom my perspective. So the 'scare tactic' was quite successful as plenty of traders unloaded.
2) The afternoon session started with the same tactic. Quite a fair bit of traders unloaded. HOWEVER THERE WAS ONE BIG DIFFERENCE NEARER TO THE END OF THE DAY. There was no drop in the afternoon session at closing time when compared to the morning close. That's a plus sign that MAYB the selling pressure has subsided. HOWEVER it is always better to b cautious when trade starts 2morrow. U guys will then have to decide whether the mega sale is over or not!
LPTan68 has good insights in these things. I m not trying to promote him BUT a lot of the things he mentions is WHAT I PERSONALLY can visualise as I observe all the days trend. BUT PLS DO YOUR OWN CRITICAL ANALYSIS N JUDGEMENTS. Don't even believe what he says. Experience it yourself. That is why there is NO BETTER TEACHER THAN B IMMERSED IN THE REAL LIFE TRADING EXPERIENCE!!
3) Does that mean the correction is over? I hope so but then you guys need to bear in mind the T+4 traders that may b still around. Only by observations of the trading trend 2morrow will u guys b able to tell. The closing price 2day gives us a signal of where the maestro wants the support price to be. Be cautious n observe.
4) TA n FA can give us pointers on the direction the stock might move BUT none of them can ever matched that of observations. So for those who have the time pls pay attention to the daily trade trend. Even though they r silent they have a great many stories to tell!
5) My previous take on this weeks trading trend as I see it is still the same.
6) Let's hope the light at the end of the tunnel shines through faster than we anticipate.
7) Of course many of u will b thinking of whether it's a good time to top up or sell. I won't comment any more on these lest people will say I m trying to influence them to buy to push up the price and if I mention sell will cause panic selling. I leave that job to u guys.
Ok then. That's my 2 sen worth. Gud luck guys n happy trading.
Comment is not meant as a recommendation to buy or sell. Use infos as u see fit.

If anyone has any doubts as to my intentions on the postings of these commentaries you can browse through my trade strategies through my commentaries when I started joining this forum.


2017-07-05 19:13 | Report Abuse

RJ87: LPTan68 was right. No point trying to have a fruitful discussion with someone who feels so high n mighty above everyone else. U sure r entitled to your opinions AND SO do the rest of us. Use whatever economic jargon u want n as long as u r happy we all r happy for u. Whatever I have commented and the words that I used is also my right if I chose to use ALCOM GOLDEN PALACE----
that's my right too). No one needs ( not even the newbies) needs to take my comments at face value. DO YOUR OWN HOMEWORK N BE THE MASTER OF YOUR OWN DESTINY. NO ONE is forcing anybody at gun point to enter or exit any trade so long as they feel comfortable themselves. Don't thank me if you make any profits but neither should anyone blame me if they suffer a loss. We should at least give due respect that people are smart enough to EVALUATE for themselves on whatever is commented on the forum.
Just a word of advice for u RJ87. You may not realised this yourself BUT you sounded very arrogant in your commentaries. That is also why LPTan68 has made some sarcastic comments for BENEFITS!!!
Of course we would always welcome your ideas n thoughts by commenting on this forum. Just keep the criticisms out!! Cheerio.


2017-07-05 17:35 | Report Abuse

kennyku n The_Reds: Tq for reminding trouble makers to be more civil and NOT trying to put down or pass the self inflicted problems onto others.


2017-07-05 17:32 | Report Abuse

PlsGiveBonus: You r v correct. HEALTH IS WEALTH. No need to bother with arrogant n uncivilised people who cannot even have a PROPER DISCOURSE. However nothing is lost when u have NOT SOLD ANYTHING.


2017-07-05 16:43 | Report Abuse

carilembu: Your definition of a trip to THE GOLDEN PALACE AND MY definition of a trip
to the GOLDEN PALACE MAY BE VERY DIFFERENT. YOURS IS YOU WANT TO MAKE A FAST BUCK BUT I HAVE ALWAYS MAINTAIN THAT to reach there you have to be veeeerrrry patient. Looks like you didn't do a critical self assessment b4 you jump in. See the comment that I always put up PATIENCE IS BITTER BUT THE FRUIT IS SWEET! U r bitter now bcos you don't have the patience! So who's fault is it? Why would I want to keep quiet when I can share infos with all like minded bros in this forum? As I have always pointed out the FORUM IS FOR DISCOURSE AND NOT TO PUT PEOPLE DOWN.


2017-07-05 16:25 | Report Abuse

kwang2209: It doesn't matter what anyone says or commented in the forum. They may b calling for us to buy. They may have good or bad intentions we do not know BUT we have to do OUR OWN HOMEWORK n compare with their comments. Nobody is pointing a gun at our head n force us to buy. When we do stick out head into the ring we do so WILLINGLY AFTER DUE DILIGENCE on that particular stock. That doesn't mean we would b correct in our analysis but THEN AGAIN it's our OWN DECISION so we cannot blame anyone. If we make a profit neither do we have to thank him. It's just a forum for discourse to gather more infos. That's all.


2017-07-05 16:13 | Report Abuse

carilembu: pls refer to my comments properly. I do not encourage people to buy or sell. I only commented based on how I perceived the stock would act n react as I see the day to day trading trend. See the comment below:
Comment is NOT meant as a recommendation to buy or sell. Use infos only as u see fit.
I always advise people to use the infos only BUT YOU must do the critical analysis yourself. No one can tell u when to enter or exit. I always say profit realised is profit made whether big or small. Cause n effect is only due to one's actions ALONE N NOT DUE TO OTHERS!


2017-07-05 15:53 | Report Abuse

RJ87: Knowlegde makes a person humble n arrogance makes a person ignorant. Who gives u the right to criticise how people want to invest with their money? The money is not yours in the first place. Only an arrogant n ignorant fool would believe that's his right!!!


2017-07-05 15:45 | Report Abuse

erkongseng tp= 1.10
My tp>1.2


2017-07-05 15:42 | Report Abuse

If u guys don't trust him just keep selling! I do so I bought to keep cos I do MY OWN HOMEWORK!


2017-07-05 13:54 | Report Abuse

carilembu: The destination is still the ALCOM GOLDEN PALACE. Do u know the quote by Warren Buffet: " The stock market is a device for transferring wealth from the impatient to the patient". If u r speculating then u get hurt bcos u will lose much of your seed capital by forcing yourself to sell!!. See Warren Buffet's rules 1 & 2!!! Otherwise it's just "paper loss". Your money your call!! I don't get distracted by all these "noises" in the market. But I like to make one thing clear though. I DO NOT fall in love with my stocks.
Comments not meant as a recommendation to buy or sell. Use infos only as u see fit.


2017-07-05 13:40 | Report Abuse

PlsGiveBonus: You have learned well. The most basic and simple solution is ALWAYS THE BEST. That's where the saying " Get back to the basics" come from!


2017-07-05 13:08 | Report Abuse

The first rule is NOT TO LOSE. The second rule is DO NOT FORGET THE FIRST RULE. There seems to be some perverse human characteristic that like to make easy things difficult.


2017-07-05 12:57 | Report Abuse

Warren Buffet quotes: Only buy something you are perfectly happy to hold for 10 years even if the market shuts down! So RJ87: r u telling us that u r a better investor than Warren Buffet? Just bcos u speculated n made "some pradas" does NOT give u the licence to criticise how people wish to invest their money. Do people criticise u for speculating??? It's your money your call. Mayb your swollen head is getting too big 4 this forum. Gud luck with all your speculating.


2017-07-05 12:12 | Report Abuse

Seems like the pressure to force it further down is relentless at this time!


2017-07-05 11:21 | Report Abuse

Gud morning kennyku: hope all this madness will clear up soon!


2017-07-05 11:20 | Report Abuse

Wow unbelievable total vol amt sold by traders.


2017-07-05 07:18 | Report Abuse

Gud morning to all ANCOMATES.


2017-07-05 07:17 | Report Abuse

Gud morning to all ALCOMATES.


2017-07-04 22:28 | Report Abuse

yuanlong57: Tq for translating comments from LPTan68. I tried downloading pleco from playstore but I couldn't get it to work!.Don't know why. I may try to fiddle around with it more n see whether it works the next time!


2017-07-04 22:20 | Report Abuse

[Ahead1268 Already informed this counter over valued lots to beyond resonable level, so normal. Got to come down.
Ahead1268: can u pls enlightened us on your reasons for saying that ALCOM is over valued? And may u pls let us know what is a reasonable level for the price of this counter SO THAT all of us can quickly dispose of our shares beyond the
"reasonable value" and quickly jump in to buy back at below the "reasonable value". Then all of us would b able to make a bundle without any headaches!!! I m sure everyone here is looking forward to your comments.