
Jefflim1234 | Joined since 2017-06-12

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2017-07-20 17:12 | Report Abuse

When people dun want v collect! Sikit sikit lama2 jadi bukit! He he he.


2017-07-20 17:11 | Report Abuse

2day top up 3.5k at 1.73. Happy collecting guys.


2017-07-20 08:15 | Report Abuse

Gud morning to yuanlong57, LPTan68, kennyku, The_Reds, forgot090, Md Abd Fahmi n all Alcomates.


2017-07-19 08:41 | Report Abuse

To all Alcomates: Gud luck n happy investing.


2017-07-19 08:39 | Report Abuse

Gud morning to yuanlong57, LPTan68, kennyku, The _Reds, forgot090, Md Abd Fahmi n all Alcomates.


2017-07-18 23:59 | Report Abuse

yuanlong57: wow. You really have a good mastery of BM. Your puisi was fantastic.


2017-07-18 23:56 | Report Abuse

Ok guys. Here's my take on today's trade trend. 2day the reversal of the retracement (shown by the "bullish engulfing candle stick" on the 7/7) to the continuation of its upward movement has been confirm. This is due to the full green candlestick 2day n also due to the increase in total vol traded as compared to yesterday. What tis indicates to me is that:
1) there is a v v strong support today. The total buy vol and buy transactions overwhelms the sell vol n sell transactions. Tis also translates to accumulation by the maestro.
2). What tis also indicates to me is that I believe the prices of 1.69 to mayb 1.72 r or will b history
soon. The prices may also spike pretty soon in the v near future. ( dun b surprise if it happens 2morrow).
3) I would think that topping up a little more mayb a good option ( for investors only) as it seems like breaking out real soon. However a word of caution. Pls do your own homework n understand the rewards/risks ratio when entering.
4) l topped up another 3k 2day at 1.70. Mayb will top up some again 2morrow. Will watch the trade trend n decide.
5) The breakout seems imminent to me. Its just a matter of when.
Gud luck n happy investing.
Comment is not a recommendation to buy or sell. Use infos as u see fit.


2017-07-18 08:59 | Report Abuse

My take on yesterday 's trade. Total vol has drastically shrunk further indicating less n less traders. This also indicates that there's accumulation by the maestro. I would think tis is also a good time to top up a little bit on our portfolio. However the entry point is entirely up to us all. As I mentioned b4, we won't know the low or high. This v will have to observe during the day's trade! Good luck n happy investing. If u guys observe carefully on 7/7 there was a " bullish engulfing candle" n following this sideways trading. Interprete wat tis means.
Comment is not meant as a recommendation to buy or sell. Use infos as u see fit.


2017-07-18 07:49 | Report Abuse

Gud morning to yuanlong57, LPTan68, kennyku, The_Reds, forgot090, Md Abd Fahmi n Alcomates.


2017-07-17 10:11 | Report Abuse

Slow n steady does the job!


2017-07-17 07:07 | Report Abuse

Gud morning to yuanlong57, LPTan68, kennyku, The_Reds, forgot090, n all Alcomates.


2017-07-16 17:54 | Report Abuse

yuanlong57: tq for the e copy.Appreciate it.


2017-07-16 13:29 | Report Abuse

Guys: I MAYB b WRONG BUT I NEVER KNEW THAT Benjamin Franklin was ever PRESIDENT OF USA. What kind of infos is "mad dog" spouting from his tread?? Pls verify your facts b4 commenting. Otherwise whatever u say will all b taken as rubbish.............It is ok to make a mistake but u need to correct it if people has pointed it out??? Get my drift??


2017-07-16 12:25 | Report Abuse

Junkhai: tq 4 correcting me. I beg your pardon!!


2017-07-16 12:17 | Report Abuse

Ok. So much for all the entertainment that the "mad dog" has provided us. V thank "it" for such humour n fun. Let's get to the more serious discussion at hand. Here goes my take on last week's trade:
1) Monday saw a fair few traders trying to jump on the bandwagon n trying to make a few fast bucks. This can b seen by the spike in prices in the early morning trade n the total vol traded during the day. The close price of 1.77 kept these traders in n they got caught in the next few days when the shares were trading sideways!
2) The following few days the shares were trading within a narrower range which did not allow the traders to get out without being penalised with a loss. The following days trading volume also saw a drastic volume reduction as the week proceeded along indicating mostly only traders were selling out at a discounted price.
3) The prices were well supported within what the market perceives as low to which it will b supported as indicated by the closing prices of those few days!
4) I would say a lot of traders have been flushed out n have been taught a lesson. Traders will always b there whether v like it or not. V cannot change the course of the winds but v can always adjust our sails to reach our final destination even if it takes a longer journey to make it!
6) As I hv posted earlier, I have very CLEARLY PUT FORTH why I still maintain ALCOM is still a SUPERBULL. Someone tried to PLAGIARISE my comments. Never mind. The important thing is to use the infos that I have presented n reason out for yourselves.
7) I have reinvested all the divs collected on the 13/7 back into the counter n I hv also shown the math behind the logic as to why I do it!
8) Anyway my take is that ALCOM MAYB "exploding" v soon basing on TA, FA 's n the trade trends. Hopefully I m right.
9) Anyway to all Alcomates pls do your own homework n make your own decisions. All infos presented r for u guys to use as u see fit only. So Gud luck n happy trading next week!
Comments r not meant as a recommendation to buy or sell. Use infos only as u see fit.


2017-07-16 09:58 | Report Abuse

All Alcomates! I think xuewenapeng IS TRYING TO SEEK ALL OUR ATTENTION TO FEED HIS EGO. Dun really know what happened to his childhood to cause him like this........ HE IS EVEN ADMITTING HE IS A MAD DOG!!. I guess the best we can do is to recommend him a good psychiatrist to help him out. Any one wants to do a GOOD DEED?????


2017-07-16 09:48 | Report Abuse

Not just a dog. He is admitting he is a MAD DOG!!!! Ha ha ha ha . Ho ho ho ho.


2017-07-16 09:47 | Report Abuse

Ho ho ho. Xuewenapeng is ADMITTING HE IS A DOG!!!! Ha ha ha ha ha ha. No wonders he tickles all of us!! A DOG putting on a CLOWN'S ACT!!!! Ho ho ho ho. Ha ha ha ha!


2017-07-16 09:20 | Report Abuse

xuewenapeng or whatever your name is:
u r wrong on a few counts:
1) No one is seeking to win an argument. As far as v r concerned there is NO arguement. V r only putting out facts that u have commented ( eventhough u try to pass it off as an " experiment")
2) Personally I don't think anyone has shown u their ugly side. In fact I would say ALL have been very civil to u considering what u have done. As a matter of fact U r the one who have shown to the whole world your true n colorful personality from your retaliations!
3) Since u mentioned u will apologized to all in this forum for disturbing I guess there is stiĺl hope 4 u as a person. I certainly hope that u r SINCERE in saying that.
4) Everyone is trying to keep the peace n harmony n also helping each other with their opinions so that all of us can make better judgements. Nobody is denying anybody the right to present their views ( of course by backing up with logical explanations , etc.....)
5) Pls give every participants in this forum the respect that they deserves i.e they r all SMART ENOUGH to make up their own mind whether rightly or wrongly! That is everyone's RIGHT!
6) Pls refrain from using vulgarity. This only reflects on your personality n it doesn't serve u well whether u r in this forum or others.....
Food for thoughts 4 u.
Reflect deeply n may u see the light!!


2017-07-16 08:31 | Report Abuse

yuanlong57, LPTan68 n the rest of alcomates!
yuanlong57:[" a leopard never changes its spots."] BINGO!! I think u hit the nail on its head. I was HOPING he might change for the better BUT having seen how he retaliates I think he is a hopeless case.........
Anyway if he insists on being the way he is that's up to him. I was just hoping he is HUMAN n not a leopard!!!!!! Ha ha ha.


2017-07-16 07:44 | Report Abuse

I think someone is trying to PLAGIARISE my comments n PASS IT OFF AS HIS!!! ha ha ha.
I hope admin notices this n take action against tis person!!!


2017-07-16 07:37 | Report Abuse

xuewenapeng: why want to fight??? This is a forum..... open for discussions. N TELL THE TRUTH AS YOU SEE IT. No need to encourage people to buy or sell. Support your comments with logical explanations or links 4 verifications,etc, etc........ I m sure all people in this forum r smart enough to make their own decisions. N pls dun accuse others of disturbing when what the person says is the truth.............. Not nice to do that. So pls don't cry wolf wolf too many times. When u do n when the actual wolf comes around u will b in trouble!!!!!! ( I mean look after your reputation in ALL FORUMS U GO TO)!


2017-07-16 07:20 | Report Abuse

Gud morning to yuanlong57, LPTan68, kennyku, The_Reds, forgot090, Md Abd Fahmi n all Alcomates.


2017-07-15 23:38 | Report Abuse

Xuewenapeng: I hv walk over to the LIIHEN forum. I found that what forgot090 mentioned is all the truth n I HAVE SAID SO IN THAT FORUM. U should not accuse him of ka ka cau cau in that forum even though it's a little hard 4 u to stomach your own doings here!!! A taste of your own medicine is it not???? Anyway I m quite sure forgot090 will not do it if u stop aĺl those nonsense that u have been doing in this forum. The truth hurts right???
That's just friendly advice!!! Take it or leave it is entirely your call.


2017-07-15 22:48 | Report Abuse

To all LIihen investors/ traders: Just want 2 share some comments here on what forgot090 mentioned in his threads. I CAN VOUCH THAT WHAT forgot090 has commented is the truth n nothing but the truth. He only cut n paste what xuewenapeng has posted in the ALCOM forums. If u guys r seriously sèeking 4 truths pls walk over to the ALCOM forum n do your own research. He may have deleted all his posts. I don't know.
But I m a regular commenter on ALCOM forum so I CAN VOUCH THAT forgot090 is TELLING THE TRUTH!!!!
Pls always b on your guard on ALL COMMENTS IN THIS FORUM. There r all kinds of people. Food for thoughts?????


2017-07-15 20:46 | Report Abuse

xuewenapeng: Tq v much 4 spreading the GOOD NEWS around. It is a really truly WORTHY cause. Try not to do harm to others just as we do not like others to do harm unto us.I hope this thread WILL ALSO HELP U TO SEE THE LIGHT. Cheerio!


2017-07-15 20:39 | Report Abuse

LPTan68: If management is well organised n professional n all accts r in order NO REASON for SC not to approve!. I understand the NEW management is v professional n V WELL ORGANISED. If that helps.


2017-07-15 20:04 | Report Abuse

LPTan68: AND ALL ALCOMATES: u sure made a gutsy call to reinvest your divs into the counter. SO DID I. I had a wonderful day topping up on friday with the divs I collected. This just goes to show the TRUST that v put into the MANAGEMENT OF THE COMPANY. By REINVESTING THE DIVS v r going to reap more than ( 20.5+ 32=52.5) sen that ALCOM IS PAYING to their LOYAL SUPPORTERS! Just to show u guys quickly the math behind this logic.
Assume u have 50k units of ALCOM shares
Your div = 50000×.205=10,250
At friday close 1.71 u can buy 10250÷1.71= 6k units
With 32 sen repayment u get = .32×6000=1920.00
Therefore 1920÷50k units =0.0385
So from your orig 50k units u will get another 3.85sen!!! i.e 52.5+3.85=56.35 sen from your orig 50k unit investments!!!!!
Wow. NOT BAD!!!!! Of course between fridays closing n the entitlement of 32 sen V R ALSO HOPING THE PRICE WILL GO UP FURTHER GIVING US AN ADDITIONAL BONUS. Even assuming that u hv bought at the historical of 2.32, your ROI from a 50k unit investment is still 24.3% within a period of 4 MTHS ( assuming latest announcement of entitlement is SEPT).
Where can ANYONE FIND A ROI of this nature in the entire BURSA listed stocks!!!!!
No matter how anyone look at it FROM ANY PERSPECTIVES, whether u r a TA, FA or whatnot, I honestly can say I HAVE NEVER COME ACROSS SOMETHING LIKE THIS SINCE MY INVESTING DAYS!!
That is ALSO WHY I have always maintain this is a SUPERBULL JUST WAITING TO FLYYYYYYYYY....... TO THE ALCOM GOLDEN PALACE. Patience WILL GET U GUYS THERE!!! And all traders WILL GET BURNED when all this has sunked in!!!!
Anyway this is my 2 sen worth. Food for thoughts, huh????
Comment is not meant as a recommendation to buy or sell. Use infos as u see fit.


2017-07-14 20:28 | Report Abuse

A really quiet and eventful day. A real bad day 4 traders as they r being white washed by the maestro. Like I mentioned b4, l blieve the maestro isn't going to b lenient with speculators anymore. I hope the speculators learned their lessons well. Let us hope next wk will b a smoother journey 4 all.


2017-07-14 10:45 | Report Abuse

Wow. The maestro is really torturing the speculators!! Ha ha ha


2017-07-14 09:54 | Report Abuse

Looks like it'll b a wait n see morning! Ha ha ha


2017-07-14 09:00 | Report Abuse

forgot090: v tasty huh?


2017-07-14 08:08 | Report Abuse

yuanlong57: It's TGIF!!!Get my drift!!


2017-07-14 08:07 | Report Abuse

LPTan68: Agreed today WILL B A GOOD DAY. It's TGIF.


2017-07-14 07:43 | Report Abuse

Gud morning to yuanlong57, LPTan68, kennyku, The_Reds, forgot090, Md Abd Fahmi n all Alcomates.


2017-07-13 23:18 | Report Abuse

MAYB correction will be over by 2morrow!! Food 4 thoughts!


2017-07-13 19:49 | Report Abuse

forgot090: congrats on ur contra gain!! U must b grinning all the way to the bank, eh??? So did iu pick up more 'sweet oranges' 2day??


2017-07-13 18:36 | Report Abuse

kennyku: I checked my acct at 5.30pm just now. Div already in! If u have not received by 2nite call your remisier 2morrow!


2017-07-13 15:20 | Report Abuse

Standoff at 172-173. Lets me who moves???


2017-07-13 14:20 | Report Abuse

kennyku: not to worry first. Check it 2night after 8pm. If it is still not in then call ur remisier 2morrow. My div is still not seen in my acct yet. My experience is if our bank n their banks r different then v can only see the money in the acct 2nite.


2017-07-13 12:07 | Report Abuse

I m back now.


2017-07-13 12:06 | Report Abuse

kennyku: yes usually after 8pm only u can see in ur acct.


2017-07-13 10:55 | Report Abuse

Ok 4 now. Will join u guys again when I m back. Gud luck n happy trading!


2017-07-13 10:54 | Report Abuse

1.77 is thinking if 1.76 falls so easily I m just going to show my white flag!!


2017-07-13 10:48 | Report Abuse

1.76 will b history soon!! Disarray amongst themselves can b seen all over the place!!


2017-07-13 10:45 | Report Abuse

forgot090: u really have a great sifu in LPTan68.


2017-07-13 10:44 | Report Abuse

The_Reds: Your hope MAY DOUBLE UP at least 4 today.


2017-07-13 10:37 | Report Abuse

Had a quick peek on my note 4. Just hv this to say 4 now. 1.75 will also b history sooner than u think!


2017-07-13 10:07 | Report Abuse

Ok. Guys. Need to go now. I 'll join u guys later when possible. Gud luck n happy trading!