
Johnzhang | Joined since 2021-01-30

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2021-10-13 14:49 | Report Abuse

Look beyond Bstead , the value is in its subsidiary Bplant. Bplant shall be the savior.


2021-10-13 11:19 | Report Abuse

In 2019 , Bplant impaired $176 mil on Pertama estate which acquired in 2018 from Dutaland for $750 mil. The reason for the impairment was the underperformance of that newly acquired asset amid average CPO price of about $2,000 in 2018 -2019. With Average CPO price of possibly reaching $4,500 for 2021 and bright outlook for 2022/23, will the impairment be reversed?


2021-10-11 18:07 | Report Abuse

Sop has a lot to catch up .


2021-10-11 18:06 | Report Abuse

Having enough cash to meet all the special withdrawals I guess EPF doesn’t need to sell indiscriminately anymore.


2021-10-11 17:32 | Report Abuse

1.75 mil tons end Sept stock is just about one month inventory. That’s very low for a food and trade item ! This is situation is good enough to sustain CPO price at high level .


2021-10-11 16:50 | Report Abuse

Forecast EPS for FY 2021 is 20.9 sen. There is still great value .


2021-10-11 16:44 | Report Abuse

In my post on 8/10/21, where I stated Bplant’s 2021 forecast EPS 9.6 sen and prospective PE 7.1x , they are solely based on operations.
The sales of kulai young land , expected to be completed by end Dec, will raked in a gain of 14.42 sen .
As such , total EPS for FY2021 will be 24.02 sen (9.6. +14.42).


2021-10-10 12:48 | Report Abuse

Goh, why don't you ask Zafrul instead ? Hehehe..


2021-10-09 12:25 | Report Abuse

Goh , have you seen any announcement from BNM or the BOD of MPHB that the insurance sales is disapproved ?? I haven't .


2021-10-09 12:20 | Report Abuse

@ joerakmo, debts itself is not totally bad. It is bad when the company can not generte enough free cashflow to meet debt obligation. It is bad if the profit margin from the business is lower than the intetrest charge. I am not at all worried for Bplant and Thplant for the following reasons:

Bplant :. Net debt as at 30/6/21 was $1.126 mil, down by $187 mil from a year ago. The business generated about $187 mil free cashflow in 2020 and it will even be higher this year due to robust CPO. The disposal of kulai young estate will rake in $428 mil by year end . As such , the net debt will be reduced by the disposal proceed and free cash flow from 2H operation ie ($1,126 - 428 - 100) =$ 598mil. This is on assumption of no new capital investment in the year . Bplant can be debt free immediately if it decide to disposal another 600-800 ha of freehold development land which is nothing compared to the 98,212 ha of landbank it has . The debt level will not affect it's ability to pay good dividend.

THplant:. Net debt as at 31/6/21 was $1,075 mil Net cash generated from operation in 2020 was about $115mil. The company has earmarked some properties for disposal to pare down debt . The debt level is insignificant compared to the intrinsic value of the 97, 289 ha of landbank of which 81,526 ha are planted with oil palm and teak at relatively young profile.

For inno, I think the $0.10 special dividend is due to the disposal of 11% stake in Hap Seng plantantion which I think is one off. Nevertheless, inno consistently pay good dividend too.


2021-10-09 08:29 | Report Abuse

Hi CCWong,. Just to raise the interesting view point put forth by you .
Q2/Q1 production increased 51,153 mt or 28.4%,. NPAT per mt FFB increased $140.93 pmt or 208%
Q3/Q2 production increased 32,000 Mt or 13.8% , NPAT per mt FFB increased $41.22 pmt or 19.7% based on your estimate. That seem to be very conservative .
Anyway , let's enjoy the good return to come .
Just for exchanging view to make ourselves better in our analysis. I have no other intention. Cheers !


2021-10-09 07:42 | Report Abuse

I have shared this in Thplant forum.. I guess it may be helpful for some of you here ;

Climate change and ESG Agenda is a double edged sword. Because of these Agenda , there has been zero new investment in palm oil sector in Malaysia for many years. Similarly for Indonesia, they Implemented a 3 year moratorium on new planting from 2019-2021. Global output for oil crops have been adversely affect by climate havoc . Climate issue such as flood, drought, temperature rise etc are not abating . How can oil crop production increase substantially in next few years ? Covid pandemic adds the pain. Shortages of energy ( the green LNG ) is worsening in China, India, England and Europe and the mandates to substitute fossil fuels with renewable biofuel further throw the supply and demand equation off balance . A 10% shortage is enough to caused 100% price spike for the commodity which largely explain the unbelievable spike in CPO price.
Additional supply will not come soon . These robust. CPO cycle will go on for next 3 years , not forgetting there will be price corrections along the way. Even an average price of $3,500 is good enough to make plantantion companies laughing to the banks, let alone price has surpassed $5,100.
Enjoy the ride.
09/10/2021 7:37 AM


2021-10-09 07:37 | Report Abuse

I have shared this in Thplant forum.. I guess it may be helpful for some of you here ;

Climate change and ESG Agenda is a double edged sword. Because of these Agenda , there has been zero new investment in palm oil sector in Malaysia for many years. Similarly for Indonesia, they Implemented a 3 year moratorium on new planting from 2019-2021. Global output for oil crops have been adversely affect by climate havoc . Climate issue such as flood, drought, temperature rise etc are not abating . How can oil crop production increase substantially in next few years ? Covid pandemic adds the pain. Shortages of energy ( the green LNG ) is worsening in China, India, England and Europe and the mandates to substitute fossil fuels with renewable biofuel further throw the supply and demand equation off balance . A 10% shortage is enough to caused 100% price spike for the commodity which largely explain the unbelievable spike in CPO price.
Additional supply will not come soon . These robust. CPO cycle will go on for next 3 years , not forgetting there will be price corrections along the way. Even an average price of $3,500 is good enough to make plantantion companies laughing to the banks, let alone price has surpassed $5,100.
Enjoy the ride.


2021-10-09 07:34 | Report Abuse

@Novice2020, there are few reasons why the huge disconnect between earning and stock price in KLSE for palm oil and others as well . In think the 3 key reasons are :

1. Our market suffers from lack of liquidity and buying interest.
Traditional big players like EPF , kWAP and TH have their plates very full and have faced huge withdrawal or redemption from depositors in 2020/2021 due to covid pendemic. EPF revealed very recently that 2021 withdrawal is about $40 bil higher than contribution received. Consequently EPF and other statutory funds have to sell down to raise cash to meet withdrawals/ redemption.
Likewise , mutual funds /unit trusts are facing the similar predicament when millions of people's income are affected. Retails investors ( mostly are punters / traders) are licking wound from glove and penny stocks plunge. Foreign funds had been selling down until Aug 2021. All these contributed to the extremely poor sentiment. People are very quick to take small profit under such market conditions.

2. The prolonged MCOs due to recently very high infection dampening the risk appetite of investors.

3. The incompetent and irresponsible analysts from various IB are dampening the sentiment of plantantion counters since last year . When CPO was at $3500 -$4,000 level at the very beginning of this year, all the foolish analysts forecasted from the air that CPO will plunge to $2,200 -$2,500 from Mar to Sept when production pick up. They continue to assigne extremely bearish view to the sector even today. They have been wrong.and very very wrong all the way ! They are too arrogant to admit their failure.

Questions we have to ask ourselves if the problems discussed above are fast abating? Is macro Environment improving? I think yes. Big turnaround is near the corner .


2021-10-09 06:52 | Report Abuse

@ infoSeek, I am sitting on considerable paper gains . Substantially more upside is on the way .
Climate change and ESG Agenda is a double edged sword. Because of these Agenda , there has been zero new investment in palm oil sector in Malaysia for many years. Similarly for Indonesia, they Implemented a 3 year moratorium on new planting from 2019-2021. Global output for oil crops have been adversely affect by climate havoc . Climate issue such as flood, drought, temperature rise etc are not abating . How can oil crop production increase substantially in next few years ? Covid pandemic adds the pain. Shortages of energy ( the green LNG ) is worsening in China, India, England and Europe and the mandates to substitute fossil fuels with renewable biofuel further throw the supply and demand equation off balance . A 10% shortage is enough to caused 100% price spike for the commodity which largely explain the unbelievable spike in CPO price.
Additional supply will not come soon . These robust. CPO cycle will go on for next 3 years , not forgetting there will be price corrections along the way. Even an average price of $3,500 is good enough to make plantantion companies laughing to the banks, let alone price has surpassed $5,100.
Enjoy the ride.


2021-10-09 06:21 | Report Abuse

@CCWong,. I think your net net profit of $250 pmt FFB is calculated based on Q2 actual + FFB price differential between Q2 and Q3 as I show below;
Q2 NPAT $48,5 mi/ 231,703 mt = $209 pmt ffb
+ CPO Price differential $4413 - 4207 ) x 20 % OER =$41 pmt ffb,
Total $209 + 41 = $250.

Your assumption is the cost of production pmt ffb basis is flat ie same irrespective of the amount of crop harvested. This is not the case for agriculture .

About 90% of the cost of production in the plantantion , which include fertilizer, field upkeep, depreciation ( which is substantial) , interest, administration expenses etc are quite fixed irrespective if bplant produced 231,703 Mt in Q2 or 263,317 Mt in Q 3. The additional of 31,614 Mt produced in Q3 is due to crop seasonal factor , Bplant don't spend proportionate more to increase production.
The variable cost incur in the additional production is small which only include the pieceal rate for harvesting and transportation and these will not exceed $100 pmt ffb.
As such the net profit from the additional tonnage (31,614 Mt) based on avg ffb price of $883 pmt is estimated to be $883-$100 =$783 pmt ffb before tax or $587 pmt after tax as opposed to $250 in your calculation.
Therefore your estimate should be $65.83. + incrementsl profit from the higrer production as I discussed above .
My estimate is about $77 mil NPAT for Q3 or 3.45 sen per share .
Correct me if I have missed anything.


2021-10-08 16:23 | Report Abuse

Zafrul already hinted no new windfall tax.


2021-10-08 12:54 | Report Abuse

I am pleased to share the projected full year (2021) EPS and the prospective PE of some of my favorite plantation counters. The Projected EPS is based on actual 1H + Q3+Q4. Q3 EPS can be estimated fairly accurately as Q3 avg CPO prices is known and production numbers are mostly available . I also make the assumption that Q4 EPS is same level as Q3 for reasons that ASP Q4 seem to be even higher and labourers for plantantion sector are coming in to maximize crop recovery. Given that Nov/Dec is usually seasonally lower crops, but the higher ASP and labour availability should be enough to offset that,
On above basis , the FY 2021 EPS and prospective PE based on yesterday closing share price as as follows:

Bplant. EPS 9.6sen , PE 7.1x
THplant. EPS 16.5sen , PE 4.4x
SOP. EPS 73.0sen. PE 5.3x
MHC. EPS 20.9sen. PE 4.5x
Cepat. EPS 13,9sen. PE 5.2x
Swkplt. EPS 48sen. PE 5.2x
Taaan. EPS 67.9sen PE 4.6x
Hsplant. EPS 23.6sen. PE 9.3X.

Historical PE for plantation counter is 15 to 25x
As such, plantation counters are seriously underappreciated by the market , especially amid poor KLSE sentiment.

Can 2021's earning be sustained in 2022?
You will be surprised!
Hope this perspective helpful for your investment decision.


2021-10-08 12:54 | Report Abuse

I am pleased to share the projected full year (2021) EPS and the prospective PE of some of my favorite plantation counters. The Projected EPS is based on actual 1H + Q3+Q4. Q3 EPS can be estimated fairly accurately as Q3 avg CPO prices is known and production numbers are mostly available . I also make the assumption that Q4 EPS is same level as Q3 for reasons that ASP Q4 seem to be even higher and labourers for plantantion sector are coming in to maximize crop recovery. Given that Nov/Dec is usually seasonally lower crops, but the higher ASP and labour availability should be enough to offset that,
On above basis , the FY 2021 EPS and prospective PE based on yesterday closing share price as as follows:

Bplant. EPS 9.6sen , PE 7.1x
THplant. EPS 16.5sen , PE 4.4x
SOP. EPS 73.0sen. PE 5.3x
MHC. EPS 20.9sen. PE 4.5x
Cepat. EPS 13,9sen. PE 5.2x
Swkplt. EPS 48sen. PE 5.2x
Taaan. EPS 67.9sen PE 4.6x
Hsplant. EPS 23.6sen. PE 9.3X.

Historical PE for plantation counter is 15 to 25x
As such, plantation counters are seriously underappreciated by the market , especially amid poor KLSE sentiment.

Can 2021's earning be sustained in 2022?
You will be surprised!
Hope this perspective helpful for your investment decision.


2021-10-08 12:53 | Report Abuse

I am pleased to share the projected full year (2021) EPS and the prospective PE of some of my favorite plantation counters. The Projected EPS is based on actual 1H + Q3+Q4. Q3 EPS can be estimated fairly accurately as Q3 avg CPO prices is known and production numbers are mostly available . I also make the assumption that Q4 EPS is same level as Q3 for reasons that ASP Q4 seem to be even higher and labourers for plantantion sector are coming in to maximize crop recovery. Given that Nov/Dec is usually seasonally lower crops, but the higher ASP and labour availability should be enough to offset that,
On above basis , the FY 2021 EPS and prospective PE based on yesterday closing share price as as follows:

Bplant. EPS 9.6sen , PE 7.1x
THplant. EPS 16.5sen , PE 4.4x
SOP. EPS 73.0sen. PE 5.3x
MHC. EPS 20.9sen. PE 4.5x
Cepat. EPS 13,9sen. PE 5.2x
Swkplt. EPS 48sen. PE 5.2x
Taaan. EPS 67.9sen PE 4.6x
Hsplant. EPS 23.6sen. PE 9.3X.

Historical PE for plantation counter is 15 to 25x
As such, plantation counters are seriously underappreciated by the market , especially amid poor KLSE sentiment.

Can 2021's earning be sustained in 2022?
You will be surprised!
Hope this perspective helpful for your investment decision.


2021-10-08 12:53 | Report Abuse

I am pleased to share the projected full year (2021) EPS and the prospective PE of some of my favorite plantation counters. The Projected EPS is based on actual 1H + Q3+Q4. Q3 EPS can be estimated fairly accurately as Q3 avg CPO prices is known and production numbers are mostly available . I also make the assumption that Q4 EPS is same level as Q3 for reasons that ASP Q4 seem to be even higher and labourers for plantantion sector are coming in to maximize crop recovery. Given that Nov/Dec is usually seasonally lower crops, but the higher ASP and labour availability should be enough to offset that,
On above basis , the FY 2021 EPS and prospective PE based on yesterday closing share price as as follows:

Bplant. EPS 9.6sen , PE 7.1x
THplant. EPS 16.5sen , PE 4.4x
SOP. EPS 73.0sen. PE 5.3x
MHC. EPS 20.9sen. PE 4.5x
Cepat. EPS 13,9sen. PE 5.2x
Swkplt. EPS 48sen. PE 5.2x
Taaan. EPS 67.9sen PE 4.6x
Hsplant. EPS 23.6sen. PE 9.3X.

Historical PE for plantation counter is 15 to 25x
As such, plantation counters are seriously underappreciated by the market , especially amid poor KLSE sentiment.

Can 2021's earning be sustained in 2022?
You will be surprised!
Hope this perspective helpful for your investment decision.


2021-10-08 12:52 | Report Abuse

I am pleased to share the projected full year (2021) EPS and the prospective PE of some of my favorite plantation counters. The Projected EPS is based on actual 1H + Q3+Q4. Q3 EPS can be estimated fairly accurately as Q3 avg CPO prices is known and production numbers are mostly available . I also make the assumption that Q4 EPS is same level as Q3 for reasons that ASP Q4 seem to be even higher and labourers for plantantion sector are coming in to maximize crop recovery. Given that Nov/Dec is usually seasonally lower crops, but the higher ASP and labour availability should be enough to offset that,
On above basis , the FY 2021 EPS and prospective PE based on yesterday closing share price as as follows:

Bplant. EPS 9.6sen , PE 7.1x
THplant. EPS 16.5sen , PE 4.4x
SOP. EPS 73.0sen. PE 5.3x
MHC. EPS 20.9sen. PE 4.5x
Cepat. EPS 13,9sen. PE 5.2x
Swkplt. EPS 48sen. PE 5.2x
Taaan. EPS 67.9sen PE 4.6x
Hsplant. EPS 23.6sen. PE 9.3X.

Historical PE for plantation counter is 15 to 25x
As such, plantation counters are seriously underappreciated by the market , especially amid poor KLSE sentiment.

Can 2021's earning be sustained in 2022?
You will be surprised!
Hope this perspective helpful for your investment decision.


2021-10-08 12:51 | Report Abuse

I am pleased to share the projected full year (2021) EPS and the prospective PE of some of my favorite plantation counters. The Projected EPS is based on actual 1H + Q3+Q4. Q3 EPS can be estimated fairly accurately as Q3 avg CPO prices is known and production numbers are mostly available . I also make the assumption that Q4 EPS is same level as Q3 for reasons that ASP Q4 seem to be even higher and labourers for plantantion sector are coming in to maximize crop recovery. Given that Nov/Dec is usually seasonally lower crops, but the higher ASP and labour availability should be enough to offset that,
On above basis , the FY 2021 EPS and prospective PE based on yesterday closing share price as as follows:

Bplant. EPS 9.6sen , PE 7.1x
THplant. EPS 16.5sen , PE 4.4x
SOP. EPS 73.0sen. PE 5.3x
MHC. EPS 20.9sen. PE 4.5x
Cepat. EPS 13,9sen. PE 5.2x
Swkplt. EPS 48sen. PE 5.2x
Taaan. EPS 67.9sen PE 4.6x
Hsplant. EPS 23.6sen. PE 9.3X.

Historical PE for plantation counter is 15 to 25x
As such, plantation counters are seriously underappreciated by the market , especially amid poor KLSE sentiment.

Can 2021's earning be sustained in 2022?
You will be surprised!
Hope this perspective helpful for your investment decision.


2021-10-08 12:50 | Report Abuse

I am pleased to share the projected full year (2021) EPS and the prospective PE of some of my favorite plantation counters. The Projected EPS is based on actual 1H + Q3+Q4. Q3 EPS can be estimated fairly accurately as Q3 avg CPO prices is known and production numbers are mostly available . I also make the assumption that Q4 EPS is same level as Q3 for reasons that ASP Q4 seem to be even higher and labourers for plantantion sector are coming in to maximize crop recovery. Given that Nov/Dec is usually seasonally lower crops, but the higher ASP and labour availability should be enough to offset that,
On above basis , the FY 2021 EPS and prospective PE based on yesterday closing share price as as follows:

Bplant. EPS 9.6sen , PE 7.1x
THplant. EPS 16.5sen , PE 4.4x
SOP. EPS 73.0sen. PE 5.3x
MHC. EPS 20.9sen. PE 4.5x
Cepat. EPS 13,9sen. PE 5.2x
Swkplt. EPS 48sen. PE 5.2x
Taaan. EPS 67.9sen PE 4.6x
Hsplant. EPS 23.6sen. PE 9.3X.

Historical PE for plantation counter is 15 to 25x
As such, plantation counters are seriously underappreciated by the market , especially amid poor KLSE sentiment.

Can 2021's earning be sustained in 2022?
You will be surprised!
Hope this perspective helpful for your investment decision.


2021-10-08 12:48 | Report Abuse

I am pleased to share the projected full year (2021) EPS and the prospective PE of some of my favorite plantation counters. The Projected EPS is based on actual 1H + Q3+Q4. Q3 EPS can be estimated fairly accurately as Q3 avg CPO prices is known and production numbers are mostly available . I also make the assumption that Q4 EPS is same level as Q3 for reasons that ASP Q4 seem to be even higher and labourers for plantantion sector are coming in to maximize crop recovery. Given that Nov/Dec is usually seasonally lower crops, but the higher ASP and labour availability should be enough to offset that,
On above basis , the FY 2021 EPS and prospective PE based on yesterday closing share price as as follows:

Bplant. EPS 9.6sen , PE 7.1x
THplant. EPS 16.5sen , PE 4.4x
SOP. EPS 73.0sen. PE 5.3x
MHC. EPS 20.9sen. PE 4.5x
Cepat. EPS 13,9sen. PE 5.2x
Swkplt. EPS 48sen. PE 5.2x
Taaan. EPS 67.9sen PE 4.6x
Hsplant. EPS 23.6sen. PE 9.3X.

Historical PE for plantation counter is 15 to 25x
As such, plantation counters are seriously underappreciated by the market , especially amid poor KLSE sentiment.

Can 2021's earning be sustained in 2022?
You will be surprised!
Hope this perspective helpful for your investment decision.


2021-10-08 10:23 | Report Abuse

@henry888, you changed your tune just overnight. Hahaha..


2021-10-08 10:15 | Report Abuse

Have faith in it and have a bit more patience . I think you won't be disappointed.


2021-10-08 06:33 | Report Abuse

Ya. kWAP is dampening the price . For a purpose ???


2021-10-07 19:17 | Report Abuse

Agreed with infoSeek. Today's price surge may be the prelude to privatisation confirmation , just like what happened to MMC prior to the privatisation announcement.


2021-10-07 15:06 | Report Abuse

Too early to think of taking profit.. it's only the beginning of the bull cycle for plantantion.


2021-10-07 13:32 | Report Abuse

@Invest 888,. I also think that there's deeper value in Taann than SOP at this juncture, though both are really underappreciated by the market. If not because EPF has been dampening the share price , Taann would reached SOP's price level . Once EPF stop selling, Taann will fly .


2021-10-07 13:24 | Report Abuse

Bplant can't be cheaper than Thplant. Thplant already reached 77 sen this noon . Both Bplant and Thplant still has a lot more to catch up to fair value. Enjoy the ride .


2021-10-07 13:20 | Report Abuse

$1 price will be broken soon . May be Lembaga TH is going ahead to privatise this 74% owned company?


2021-10-07 07:05 | Report Abuse

Just to share some historical data of past 10 years .
Plantantion share price on day closing high (H) in year 2012 were as below (adjusted for RI or BI if any)

Thplant. $2.45
Sop. $6.62
MHC. $1.46
Cepat. $1.18
Swkplt. $3.24
Taann. $4.50
Hsplant. $3.18
Bplant. $1.34
Note :Bplant H was in 2018. Listed in 2014.

CPO high was about $3,600 pmt in Mar 2012
CPO now reached almost $5,100 yesterday.
Cost of production may have increased by $200 pmt since 2012.
After factoring in the higher production cost , today 's CPO price is still about 35% higher than 2012.
On the contrary, share price for most of the plantantions companies are trading at about 30- 50% below the high in 2012. What a divergence!
I believe the share price increase yesterday is just the beginning of the recovery. Enjoy the recovery ride .


2021-10-07 07:04 | Report Abuse

Just to share some historical data of past 10 years .
Plantantion share price on day closing high (H) in year 2012 were as below (adjusted for RI or BI if any)

Thplant. $2.45
Sop. $6.62
MHC. $1.46
Cepat. $1.18
Swkplt. $3.24
Taann. $4.50
Hsplant. $3.18
Bplant. $1.34
Note :Bplant H was in 2018. Listed in 2014.

CPO high was about $3,600 pmt in Mar 2012
CPO now reached almost $5,100 yesterday.
Cost of production may have increased by $200 pmt since 2012.
After factoring in the higher production cost , today 's CPO price is still about 35% higher than 2012.
On the contrary, share price for most of the plantantions companies are trading at about 30- 50% below the high in 2012. What a divergence!
I believe the share price increase yesterday is just the beginning of the recovery. Enjoy the recovery ride .


2021-10-07 07:04 | Report Abuse

Just to share some historical data of past 10 years .
Plantantion share price on day closing high (H) in year 2012 were as below (adjusted for RI or BI if any)

Thplant. $2.45
Sop. $6.62
MHC. $1.46
Cepat. $1.18
Swkplt. $3.24
Taann. $4.50
Hsplant. $3.18
Bplant. $1.34
Note :Bplant H was in 2018. Listed in 2014.

CPO high was about $3,600 pmt in Mar 2012
CPO now reached almost $5,100 yesterday.
Cost of production may have increased by $200 pmt since 2012.
After factoring in the higher production cost , today 's CPO price is still about 35% higher than 2012.
On the contrary, share price for most of the plantantions companies are trading at about 30- 50% below the high in 2012. What a divergence!
I believe the share price increase yesterday is just the beginning of the recovery. Enjoy the recovery ride .


2021-10-07 07:03 | Report Abuse

Just to share some historical data of past 10 years .
Plantantion share price on day closing high (H) in year 2012 were as below (adjusted for RI or BI if any)

Thplant. $2.45
Sop. $6.62
MHC. $1.46
Cepat. $1.18
Swkplt. $3.24
Taann. $4.50
Hsplant. $3.18
Bplant. $1.34
Note :Bplant H was in 2018. Listed in 2014.

CPO high was about $3,600 pmt in Mar 2012
CPO now reached almost $5,100 yesterday.
Cost of production may have increased by $200 pmt since 2012.
After factoring in the higher production cost , today 's CPO price is still about 35% higher than 2012.
On the contrary, share price for most of the plantantions companies are trading at about 30- 50% below the high in 2012. What a divergence!
I believe the share price increase yesterday is just the beginning of the recovery. Enjoy the recovery ride .


2021-10-07 07:03 | Report Abuse

Just to share some historical data of past 10 years .
Plantantion share price on day closing high (H) in year 2012 were as below (adjusted for RI or BI if any)

Thplant. $2.45
Sop. $6.62
MHC. $1.46
Cepat. $1.18
Swkplt. $3.24
Taann. $4.50
Hsplant. $3.18
Bplant. $1.34
Note :Bplant H was in 2018. Listed in 2014.

CPO high was about $3,600 pmt in Mar 2012
CPO now reached almost $5,100 yesterday.
Cost of production may have increased by $200 pmt since 2012.
After factoring in the higher production cost , today 's CPO price is still about 35% higher than 2012.
On the contrary, share price for most of the plantantions companies are trading at about 30- 50% below the high in 2012. What a divergence!
I believe the share price increase yesterday is just the beginning of the recovery. Enjoy the recovery ride .


2021-10-07 07:02 | Report Abuse

Just to share some historical data of past 10 years .
Plantantion share price on day closing high (H) in year 2012 were as below (adjusted for RI or BI if any)

Thplant. $2.45
Sop. $6.62
MHC. $1.46
Cepat. $1.18
Swkplt. $3.24
Taann. $4.50
Hsplant. $3.18
Bplant. $1.34
Note :Bplant H was in 2018. Listed in 2014.

CPO high was about $3,600 pmt in Mar 2012
CPO now reached almost $5,100 yesterday.
Cost of production may have increased by $200 pmt since 2012.
After factoring in the higher production cost , today 's CPO price is still about 35% higher than 2012.
On the contrary, share price for most of the plantantions companies are trading at about 30- 50% below the high in 2012. What a divergence!
I believe the share price increase yesterday is just the beginning of the recovery. Enjoy the recovery ride .


2021-10-07 07:02 | Report Abuse

Just to share some historical data of past 10 years .
Plantantion share price on day closing high (H) in year 2012 were as below (adjusted for RI or BI if any)

Thplant. $2.45
Sop. $6.62
MHC. $1.46
Cepat. $1.18
Swkplt. $3.24
Taann. $4.50
Hsplant. $3.18
Bplant. $1.34
Note :Bplant H was in 2018. Listed in 2014.

CPO high was about $3,600 pmt in Mar 2012
CPO now reached almost $5,100 yesterday.
Cost of production may have increased by $200 pmt since 2012.
After factoring in the higher production cost , today 's CPO price is still about 35% higher than 2012.
On the contrary, share price for most of the plantantions companies are trading at about 30- 50% below the high in 2012. What a divergence!
I believe the share price increase yesterday is just the beginning of the recovery. Enjoy the recovery ride .


2021-10-07 07:01 | Report Abuse

Just to share some historical data of past 10 years .
Plantantion share price on day closing high (H) in year 2012 were as below (adjusted for RI or BI if any)

Thplant. $2.45
Sop. $6.62
MHC. $1.46
Cepat. $1.18
Swkplt. $3.24
Taann. $4.50
Hsplant. $3.18
Bplant. $1.34
Note :Bplant H was in 2018. Listed in 2014.

CPO high was about $3,600 pmt in Mar 2012
CPO now reached almost $5,100 yesterday.
Cost of production may have increased by $200 pmt since 2012.
After factoring in the higher production cost , today 's CPO price is still about 35% higher than 2012.
On the contrary, share price for most of the plantantions companies are trading at about 30- 50% below the high in 2012. What a divergence!
I believe the share price increase yesterday is just the beginning of the recovery. Enjoy the recovery ride .


2021-10-06 13:54 | Report Abuse

All steel companies will be reporting disappointing July-sept qtr results due to 1.5 months of shutdown This explains why investors are of no hurry to buy now and share price is therefore hard can go higher.

Just draw some comparison with CPO counters, plantantions have been enjoying increasing CPO price and profit for the last 3 quarters . Most plantations are now trading at 2021 prospective PE of 5-8x ( compared to historical 15-25x PE). CPO has today reached $5.100 pmt , a historic high and average for FY 2021 may be $4,500. Yet plantation counters are now trading 20-30% below their prices when average CPO was $2,800 pmt a few years back. Mind you , plantation company has strong positive cashflow and been quite generous paying dividend as compared to steel.companies ( cscsteel and Annjjoo are exception).

I think investors will pour money to palm oil sector first before steel . Investors can wait until seeing solid earning from steel companies for Oct-Dec qtr before deciding.


2021-10-06 11:37 | Report Abuse

CPO is about $5,100!
How can Lembaga TH not getting the investment bank to quicken the privatisation process ? I guess it may be just around the corner. Hahaha


2021-10-06 11:31 | Report Abuse

Melaka election is nothing compared to GE in term of funding.


2021-10-06 11:13 | Report Abuse

Bplant and Bstead will be very interesting as we get closer to the next GE.


2021-10-06 11:10 | Report Abuse

This stock at $0.655 today is still at unreasonable 50% discount to NTAb of $1.31 after considering the $0.144 per share kulai estate disposal announced recently. The discount to intrinsic value may even be as high as 75% as Bplant has a lot more valuable freehold development land like kulai estate. In the event of privatisation, the offer price has to be about 1.5 x book value to be fair (ie 1.5x $1.31 =$1.97). That's what I think it should worth .


2021-10-05 16:59 | Report Abuse

@MuttInvestor, those analysts are simply not competent and look ack of credibility and responsibility.


2021-10-05 16:42 | Report Abuse

Somebody is blocking the rapid price rise with 1.1 mil unit sell order at $0.65!


2021-10-05 13:05 | Report Abuse

CPO is closing in to $5,000


2021-10-05 13:05 | Report Abuse

CPO is closing in to $5,000