VSOLAR Sailang Margin All In

KLCIHean | Joined since 2018-11-15

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2019-05-13 15:53 | Report Abuse

One very simple rule to follow before you buy any counters is : ask yourself this

If the stock fall by 50% tomorrow, what will I do?

If your answer is to sell it. Don't buy it. Simple


2019-05-13 15:19 | Report Abuse

If you want 3 words from me to calm yourself everyday,

I will only say Foundation Remains Intact. The 3 words you will need to remember. If 2 tweets by Donald Trump will make you sell your pants and underwear, you really shouldn't be in the stock market, because you are more likely going to lose your money just like gambling.

Sincere advice from
Young Heavenly of House PUNTER.

Anyway I am going to finish my revision for test tomorrow, and go watch the latest episode of Game of Thrones.

Life is much more than just looking at share price constantly.


2019-05-13 15:17 | Report Abuse

Hahahha not in denial, this is part of the process. I am always steady. When the price is trading at RM 0.80 or when it's trading at RM 0.60, I don't feel any different, to me the foundation remains intact. I only buy with money I don't need, so I don't have to worry.

If you monitor the prices so closely and let your emotion get to you, maybe you should just buy a mutual fund and let the fund managers do it for you.

But I am no ordinary retailer, I have trained and meditate to shield my emotions from making rash decisions. This kind of minor fluctuations is nothing to me. I have held it from 38 cents up to 55 cents only to see it drop to 45 cents again. The key is to not get affected by the price movement, and you are halfway there.


2019-05-13 14:58 | Report Abuse

Go earn more money and average down. WA expires in 2023. So you still safe for now.


2019-05-13 14:57 | Report Abuse

wah what presentation ohhhh


2019-05-13 14:53 | Report Abuse

Wah wtf like that you not correct lo... Why you go buy at the all time high leh?? Some more use PTPTN money, if I am your father I sure hit gao you. I think you need to wait a bit more liao. Now market sentiment not good, very bad actually, almost break 1,600 for KLCI already...

I suggest you go work part time to earn money so you no need to eat grass...

My first lesson of investment is don't use money that you need to buy stocks,one day you will sure cry...


2019-05-13 14:43 | Report Abuse

Big hit to the Heaven Portfolio today...


2019-05-13 14:42 | Report Abuse

Yeah QR will be within 2 weeks from now, I am 91% sure it will be good.


2019-05-13 14:42 | Report Abuse

Steady Steady Steady

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2019-05-13 09:27 | Report Abuse

I know 300k is who, none other than qqq3, hahaha. No prize nevermind.

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2019-05-13 09:25 | Report Abuse

Eww, disgusting, you need to learn your manners.


Posted by Icon8888 > May 13, 2019 8:43 AM | Report Abuse

so you want to suck my balls also ?

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2019-05-13 08:32 | Report Abuse

Not really, I am just curious that if you are that good as you claimed, you should be a millionaire at the very least by now.


Posted by Icon8888 > May 13, 2019 8:31 AM | Report Abuse

you have an unhealthy attitude that rich people cannot do wrong

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2019-05-13 07:57 | Report Abuse

But Unker KYY is a multimillionaire leh ahahahaha


2019-05-12 20:05 | Report Abuse

I want to go but got exam that day... Maybe will arrive at around 10.30am hahah maybe still got Q & A session... Anyone going?


2019-05-12 14:31 | Report Abuse

Learn to get off your self entitled high horse ! That's one sure way to lead a life full of failures... One day you'll thank me for this piece of valuable advice, take it or leave it. It doesn't harm me in any ways. Whether you buy it or not it won't affect me too. As I said I am here to provide reliable, rational and trusted information only... It's there, if you want it you go find it...

Don't think of getting spoon fed in your life.

Please be ashamed that you need to be given advice by a 23 year old guy who is going to graduate in 1 month time !


2019-05-12 11:04 | Report Abuse

I have assignments to do, just scroll the comments, don't be lazy brother.


2019-05-12 10:57 | Report Abuse

Please read all the comments above, I think I explained clearly. There's a blog post titled Heavenly Pick of the Week, you can refer to that, there's also a recent interview with the CEO on The Edge.

News & Blogs

2019-05-12 10:27 | Report Abuse

Unker Sslee, yeah I understand it's NTA or undervalued plays, good thing Calvin doesn't promote sailang or margin finance (I condemn people who does this), but it's one thing to promote stocks trading below NTA, you just can't promote it and then leave it when it makes huge losses.

Must be able to stick to your promotion in the first place, if things doesn't goes according to your promotion, you need to be there to clarify or at least give advice to cut loss or whatever, not just leave it and proceed to promote another counter.

I am very clear with my 7 companies I pick, anything that changes I will be there to give advice accordingly.

This is a very simple principle, follow it and you will have credibility. Otherwise, your reputation is going to the drain I assure you.

Warren Buffet once said:
"It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you'll do things differently."

Don't be like the people who has zero credibility, making empty promises all the time.

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2019-05-12 10:11 | Report Abuse

Actually forget about the 9 months to 1 year holding period, these stocks I can hold for 10 years, unless any significant changes in fundamentals. If that's the case I will write a post detailing the decision to SELL the stock.

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2019-05-12 10:10 | Report Abuse

Alex TM maybe he needs a PhD hahaha.... He said mergers is a simple solution hahaha


2019-05-12 10:09 | Report Abuse

For Pintaras, you can look at their revenue growth for the past 5 years, Hope that give you some insights.

News & Blogs

2019-05-12 08:02 | Report Abuse

ewwww disgusting, Jesus will find you, and you shall burn in hell! That's called cheating.

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2019-05-11 20:46 | Report Abuse

Sorry there should be a comma... Haha

Posted by pussycats > May 11, 2019 8:36 PM | Report Abuse

Uncle Ramada flips prata... Lol

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2019-05-11 20:32 | Report Abuse

There's one very simple principle but very difficult to practise in life and it's the key to being successful and having a good reputation, credibility and trustworthiness.

What principle is this?

It's really simple: One must learn to pick their stand in any matter, stand firm and hold onto it, not switch sides when things goes against your favour. It's just like stock picking, you can't just like a stock after it goes up, and then ditch it right after it goes down. That's just hypocrisy I say. This should be a lesson for all Investment Banks and Politicians. For politics very simple, if you can't do it, don't promise it in the first place. If you can make 100 promises and not be able to deliver it in the first place, that's called lying and cheating!

Simple as that, say what you can do, commit to your promises, if you can't do as promised at least give a reasonable excuse and apologise accordingly and hopefully you have the sense to come up with a good solution.

Somehow I feel with my principles I will make a much better leader than most.


2019-05-11 20:09 | Report Abuse

what a weird suggestion...

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2019-05-11 19:42 | Report Abuse

ramada flip prata like a professional anybody also will be cheated... So you can't say that... Maybe can organise a competition titled Malaysia Prata Flipping Championship, can help the country to generate some revenue... HAHAHA

News & Blogs

2019-05-11 18:40 | Report Abuse

Who do you think will win? I think the answer is quite obvious, who gives more handouts to the majority wins, it always have been such, and it will remain for some time, I don't think it's easy to change this.

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2019-05-11 18:07 | Report Abuse

Human nature to forget easily, fortunately I am not as naive, I read about history, I make judgements with all the facts gathered and analyse objectively from various point of views before coming to a decision.

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2019-05-11 14:53 | Report Abuse

Unker fakes news and opinion is different thing oh. I think this Chips is giving his opinion rather than giving fake news...

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2019-05-11 14:48 | Report Abuse

Just ask yourself this, are you able to say anything you like without risking eating curry rice? If the answer is yes, then it's safe, if answer is no... Very scary indeed

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News & Blogs

2019-05-11 13:31 | Report Abuse

Maybank Kim Eng reputation into longkang, sad case.


2019-05-11 10:16 | Report Abuse

640m is contract wins in FY19, it's being added into the 950million outstanding orderbook. Next 1.5 years is good.

News & Blogs

2019-05-11 09:59 | Report Abuse

Mergers are never simple, nor it is effective. Can't believe analyst can make such baseless suggestion, joker of the month.

News & Blogs

2019-05-11 09:56 | Report Abuse

He's just speaking the truth, nothing more, nothing less. The truth hurts, but the soonee you accept it, the better you can improve on. Blindly following is not different than ignorance.


2019-05-11 08:42 | Report Abuse

34 million contract is just one of the few contract wins they had for this Financial Year, you're welcome. Heavenly PUNTER IB analyst.


2019-05-11 08:40 | Report Abuse

OPMS existing order book is around 950 million based on latest The Edge interview with CEO.

As for why not unker kcchong for construction advice, because I didn't know he's an engineer I thought he's an investment advisor.

Foundation work refers to piling, earth retaining system, don't forget the stations too, those will definitely need piling.

News & Blogs

2019-05-11 08:18 | Report Abuse

Don't forget few years back Ryanair Chief Operation Officer also cannot save our MAS oh. What makes you think SIA will be able to save us? What's more why would they want to save us? Based on MAS current fleet, it's not that attractive actually, 6 Airbus A380, 6 Airbus A350... Takeover for just these 12 new airplanes, not worth it. I am sure SIA would rather wait a few more months and get the direct order from Boeing or Airbus.

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2019-05-10 21:45 | Report Abuse

I suggest you all go watch Game of Thrones, much more interesting. You can ask me if you need the link.

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2019-05-10 21:23 | Report Abuse

lizi I am thinking all airlines are heavily impacted by the oil price rally. SIA report coming out month end, maybe if their results not good they will consider to merge with MAS, to improve cost saving. - Simple Solution by Maybank Aviation Analyst.


2019-05-10 21:22 | Report Abuse

ran777, hmm thanks for the info, I always knew you are an expert in civil construction... didn't know you have so much information, thanks again. Are you an engineer?

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2019-05-10 21:12 | Report Abuse

last I checked Malaysia Airlines only have 12 new generation aircrafts, the rest is old ones. Oh and not to forget their 25 Boeing 737 Max on orders.... This one even give free ticket I also don't dare to fly.

News & Blogs

2019-05-10 21:02 | Report Abuse

I think PUNTER IB quality also better than them anytime if he's serious... What kind of joke is this seriously... Mergers only happen when both company are at the same playing ground... This one same level meh? More like one from heaven and one from hell.... Takeover also better option lah... But maybe SIA also don't even want to takeover...

News & Blogs

2019-05-10 20:22 | Report Abuse

Telling a joke doesn't need courage, you just need to make people laugh. Quite successful I say

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News & Blogs

2019-05-10 19:00 | Report Abuse

No lah unker, university teach you efficient market, no way you can outperform or underperform the market index. Complete bullshit I say. The lecturer nearly got mad at me.


2019-05-10 18:39 | Report Abuse

Maybe not Lay Hong lah, that's just for a quick punt.