
PanjiAlam55 | Joined since 2017-03-23

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2018-07-25 21:42 | Report Abuse

yea,,,"Sila tunggu, jgn lari" tumb up


2018-07-25 07:55 | Report Abuse

for a while TM kaput, engine already old old non performed CEO and BOD in TM to move forward with PH thats why anak singh give them trouble. We must follow change of wind for bisness lor


2018-07-25 07:52 | Report Abuse

Hope Myeg will fly again like yesterday mrg. Looking some profit while observing other potential stock to play next week, Any suggestion plzz.


2018-07-25 07:48 | Report Abuse

Good mrg everyone, smile first then start ur activety and first should said when u wake up every morning is "Thanks God Im still alive" Aamin.


2018-07-25 07:45 | Report Abuse

EXCO sleeping on the job, thats why the boat turn South not North. BOD also drunk with free Beer, no doubt.


2018-07-25 07:40 | Report Abuse

Good mrg all, hoping GKent start will start at 1.65 ended at 1.70 if God well its end at 2.00,,hahaha


2018-07-25 07:34 | Report Abuse

Good mrg all,, good luck, hope all of u get happy profit today, all the best, dun stress but smile always...peace yo


2018-07-25 07:31 | Report Abuse

wat is the price b4 GE?


2018-07-23 22:50 | Report Abuse

fun fair everyday,,, hahaha


2018-07-23 17:55 | Report Abuse

wait for 0.40 n above


2018-07-23 17:54 | Report Abuse

hope 1.00 soon I will collect more tomolo mrg..


2018-07-23 17:52 | Report Abuse

tomolo mrg will start at 0.800 let see


2018-07-23 17:51 | Report Abuse

yeah 1.60 n above hopefully, tumb up


2018-07-23 13:48 | Report Abuse

trust n confident that's the key words for Myeg the highes on 52 weeks is above RM3 with new govt it could go more then that.


2018-07-23 13:45 | Report Abuse

will be back above 0.800 by this afternoon, people just want to buy. Dun worry if u can't get profit in the mrg maybe urs in the afternoon if not tomolo..believed urself


2018-07-23 13:16 | Report Abuse

just hold tight after 1.360 it will fly again till closing, tomolo will be next level...


2018-07-23 12:54 | Report Abuse

block at 1.520 but it's ok


2018-07-23 12:52 | Report Abuse

this afternoon will break 1.360 let see how!


2018-07-22 05:59 | Report Abuse

this stock to many talk, talk and talk at the end price still like that hahaha... story aje lebih but kerja xde...


2018-07-21 21:13 | Report Abuse

UMA will come for Eko same like IWC all related BM...ayoo now increase volume aje kena tanya,, naik saja kena tanya, susah mau cari mkn lorr..


2018-07-21 21:05 | Report Abuse

hahaha... up, down,, up, down,, down, up,,down, up...where u standing that time? at staircase ka? hahahaha

News & Blogs

2018-07-21 19:59 | Report Abuse

When I was small, my mom always teach me this: when peoples giving something good, we must reply by saying "Thank You Very Much" its to show our appriciation and thats is our Malaysian calcuture of life.


2018-07-21 08:29 | Report Abuse

becoz they want to get KFC combo A... hahaha


2018-07-21 08:27 | Report Abuse

woww 1.47 to 1.80 hrmm well look logic hope open will jump to 1.50 then its shoot up to 1.80 then down back... yeah its logic... thanks bro


2018-07-21 08:20 | Report Abuse

me to, but its depand on us, if we lose the hook, then its gone, people here making money not gambling. If anyone feel like gambling its thier own bisness. Everyone here is to get profit not charity, if anyone felt its gambling then u welcome to go, no problem, we all matured we all can think wise dun be like children.. bila lose ohh this gambling n so on... if u rasa u x boleh ikut then better go...just advise, peace yo


2018-07-21 08:11 | Report Abuse

this stock very funny, company revenue very good, but the share price keep going down n down. Privious I bought is 1.30 then drop to 1.00 then drop lagi until 0.700 then i sold with big loses. Then its drop until 0.5xxx what happend ha? This kind stock KLSC should investigates lor its taking our money just like that,, many peoples said "Shark" i dun know la. Seriously this stock look scary lor


2018-07-21 08:04 | Report Abuse

here also ALONG promotion ka! ayoooo semua boleh ka


2018-07-21 07:58 | Report Abuse

from my past exp, this UMA is just a Notices to question the stock, "why u so active" or if they make any fraud annoucment that beyond BURSA acknowlagement or company did any scam. This UMA also happend to stock EKA, AFPT, Timecom, Silverbird, KBS, IRIS n etc...this stock still here n still making profit and not been delisted.


2018-07-21 07:41 | Report Abuse

guys, what is TP for this stock on Monday...? Anyone know, bcoz highes last Friday is 1.54 closing drop 1.47..!


2018-07-20 13:38 | Report Abuse

closed at 2.00 this afternoon hopefully


2018-07-19 23:05 | Report Abuse

at moment DJ red and tomolo Friday set off day hard to predict lor


2018-07-19 21:16 | Report Abuse

u welcome, we are the same,,untung or rugi Allah yg tentukan semua, yg pasti Allah minta kita cerdik bukan bergantung pd nasib itu hukumnya judi. Kita serupa bro learn from our pass mistake its a good thing for us. Good luck bcreful esok friday a lot profit taking in the mrg,,ptg nk tutup baru dia org buy back.. so jgn terpengaruh dgn mata Hijau sometimes Mata boleh bagi rezeki juga but tgk issue dan kaitan stock tu. Slmt berjuang bro


2018-07-19 20:40 | Report Abuse

ayoo,,dun blame like lor, playing stock is ur own risk, the more u alert on each stock the better u play. U never blame the stock if u lose,,blame urself bcoz u not alert on serounding issue. Be cool n relex ur mind.. dun stress


2018-07-18 23:05 | Report Abuse

this stock ckp lebih abuk pun tarak...glad i already leave


2018-07-18 23:00 | Report Abuse

If they hv their own infra then how thier customer can call to customers in Kota Baru, Alor Star and Perlis if they not used TM infra in POI (Point Of Interconnects) TIME dun have any Exchange or Remote there to served those customers.


2018-07-18 21:45 | Report Abuse

hope tomolo start with 1.40 hopefully


2018-07-18 21:43 | Report Abuse

to many mouth here with to many dream...tomolo this stock will fly like Monday.


2018-07-18 21:37 | Report Abuse

u still can buy tomolo mrg dun worry, TP4.00 still got space to ride on...good luck


2018-07-18 21:34 | Report Abuse

go n visit TM muzium at jln bukit Nenas u will historical things about Telecomnication where others telcom dun have history at all,, semua tumpang2 cari untung on TM backbone what a shame. Malu la tumpang barang org ckp they are the best. Ingat x satu iklan "potong jangan tak potong" during thier promotion, now that company TM sudah beli....hahaha


2018-07-18 18:32 | Report Abuse

leave this stock go to TM, going to reach TP 4.00 by this weed everyone make profit today... i already dump out this stock yesterday n jumpa to TM this mrng...


2018-07-18 18:28 | Report Abuse

TM leading internet TIME half half,, covarage also half half so customer got service also half half,, but if u living in high class Condo or elite residential they like salved office u their services, while TM everyone has equal right to get internet service base first come first served. Thats why rakyat love TM rather then TIME


2018-07-18 08:02 | Report Abuse

dun dream see first then u will know if u hv to keep this share for long long time if u not regred it.

News & Blogs

2018-07-18 07:29 | Report Abuse

to gain good revenue TM must implement that package, low price with large numbers of cutomers, thats should be thier plan if they want to win as internet best provider in Malaysia.


2018-07-18 07:24 | Report Abuse

to be fair Govt should forced TIME to provide their service included Data and Voice to all state and public housing included kampung2 then we see can TIME do that. Confirmed TIME goreng if anak singh forced them. TIME is only small company that seat on TM infrastruktur and network their not stand alone like TM


2018-07-18 07:16 | Report Abuse

Yes, Time is part of UMNO crony, this company before know as Time Telecomunication under UEM subsidery then their release thier share and Khazanah appointed Afzal Rahman as the CEO to run the bisness till now.


2018-07-18 07:12 | Report Abuse

Time only served thier services for elite and bisness area thats why thier dun care on reducing thier internet charge, bcoz thier over head cost not so large, Time is only small network thier only have network at few state, KL, Selangor, Perak, Penang, Melaka, Johor, Pahang, Labuan and small office in Serawak. Where TM all state and district urban area have their service included Sabah and Serawak. Mana boleh lawan only the thier share high up becoz Afzal keep manupulate thier company look like so big. Dun believed ask thier customer service for thier services covarage then u see how.


2018-07-17 19:17 | Report Abuse

sold all today, wait to long no move...


2018-07-17 19:16 | Report Abuse

fly fly high tomolo...lor


2018-07-17 19:13 | Report Abuse

if not sure better dun buy,, nti TM n Myeg they started fly again after T3,T4,T7 today tomolo mrg will fly..just suggestion


2018-07-17 18:29 | Report Abuse

i think they had a dream on the collaboration last night, maybe !