
Plantermen | Joined since 2019-07-26

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2022-03-08 07:10 | Report Abuse

Yes. MR Zhang. No other alternatives to the supply of edible oiks under current situation. Sunflower oil disruption is going to hit hard. With the war in Ukraine whatever agri re-planting activities will be off the table. Fields damaged, ports damaged, conscription and joining army in the fight, people fleding to neighbouring countries. This is going to hit hard on the consumers. Oil prices rocket up, food grains & edible cooking oils in short supply. CPO is in a rare sweet spot


2022-03-07 06:50 | Report Abuse

Fair comment by above analyst. Don't forget Soybean farmers will switch to wheat { with the upsurge in Wheat prices} reducing the supply of SBO in the overall world edible oil market.


2022-03-07 06:41 | Report Abuse

Local funds & shrewd investors all eyeing oil plant counters. Focus is on pure Malaysian upstream planter's counters. Current planter's pay out rate should be higher & ride with the strong CPO price uptrend in the past 1 year. positive cash flows may indicate strong possibility of additional special dividend announcement


2022-03-07 06:32 | Report Abuse

LTAT payout announcement of 4.1% by PM yesterday at Segamat has minimize further disposal of the Board holding of investment. Brent crude prices is forecast & expected to trend higher by snaps over the Iranian oil vs nuclear deal. Analyst {s} forecast prices to hit a new price record of US 125 per barrel from last week price high US 118 per barrel. US farmers will switch to wheat planting following the upsurge in wheat prices vs soybean. Last but not the least Indonesia curtailment of its CPO exports has also squeeze and limit the flow of cpo in the edible oil market. The Indonesia directive to producers to channel 20% of thier production to government at a subsidised price set by the Minister is an unprecedented move. This week POC conference will bring more upside to the CPO market. Just my 2 sen worth

News & Blogs

2022-03-05 12:17 | Report Abuse

Panic selling on Fri -fearof ukraine nuclear plant incident. Malaysia hosting POC {palm oil conference)} Mar 7 - Mar 9. More positive news flow coming


2022-03-05 11:34 | Report Abuse

Panic over nuclear plant incident in Ukraine. Brent crude hit USD 118 and Malaysia hosting POC conference Mar 7-Mar 9
{palm oil conference} should be positive


2022-03-03 10:15 | Report Abuse

Without disrespect to any parties. Gloves stocks was underrated & downplay by most anaylist in the initial stages. EVERY EXPERT was saying overprice and right to take profit. TG surged from initial $4.00+ { end of 2019} and surged to $28.00 { prior to thier share split & bonus} over a period of 8 - 9 months hitting thier high in August 2020. The same scenario was repeated in Supermax, Kossan, Harta. Just my 2 sen why the current stages or situation in the agro sector is entirely different from the past scenario. We are in the beginning of a super bull cycle for palm oil { borrowed the words from JP morgan}


2022-03-03 07:09 | Report Abuse

Mr zhang is spot on his assessment. Multiple factors converging. Unlike manufacturing products
agricultural production cannot be restarted. Its take a long time to plant the crops to maturity before harvesting. No short term fixed. Any shortfall in production can only addressed in 2 - 3 years { time frame} 2022 - 2023 is Year of commodities & energy.


2022-03-02 12:16 | Report Abuse

Ukraine & Russian exports of sunflower oils, rapeseed oils, corn & wheat all disrupted indefinetly. Oil shipments from the Blacksea accounts for 60% - 75% of world sunflower outpu & export. The port of Maruipol {Ukraine} has been damaged by Russia shelling & bombarment Oversea grains market { Dalian, Zhenghou, Chicago & Mumbai } all recorded hefty gains & uptrend for SBO, rapeseed, corn, wheat & palm oil


2022-03-02 12:00 | Report Abuse

Possibility of a special pay out { after 4th qtr 4 sen dividend } announcement coming out. Following BPlant land sale profit book in the P&L. Just my own opinion { not a buy call}


2022-03-01 22:06 | Report Abuse

Bstead holdings holds app. 57% of BPlant issued shares with another 12%+ under LTAT. Other institutional & Glic funds hold another 4 or 5 %. The free float of BPlant is very small. LTAT is the ultimate controlling shareholder of Bstead Holdings. The disposal of LTAT might be done thru LTAT external fund manager { similar to KWSP} which outsourced part of their portfolio. Just my personal take


2022-03-01 21:48 | Report Abuse

This planter's bull still have legs to run. Planter's stock prices only reacted and started ascending & climbing recently { when CPO hit $5,500 - 5,800 per tonne} after JP Morgan issued a buy call. At this level hard to ignored planter's stock. Not a buy call just my own idea


2022-03-01 17:05 | Report Abuse

Yes. Malaysia FCPO hit a new record high of $8,000 per tonne for March '22 position { following yesterday US market overnight SBO closed at 76 per IB} Dalian {China} grains all up


2022-03-01 12:02 | Report Abuse

Datuk Wong {Ta Ann} and his team has turn around & upped SWK performance { based on their estate's cost & production figs } Datuk Wong { Ta Ann } have big plans for SWK. Look at his comments { when he acquired the SWK stake}


2022-03-01 11:54 | Report Abuse

Trading sideway after 4-5 days of uptrend


2022-02-28 21:47 | Report Abuse

Datuk Wong { Ta Ann} emerged as SWK substantial shareholder in 2017


2022-02-28 18:12 | Report Abuse

Mr zhang 8.00 is my target price


2022-02-28 17:46 | Report Abuse

Time for SWK to play catch up with SOP


2022-02-28 16:41 | Report Abuse

Ha ha - Urusharta {CEO} kena tembak from MOF. Don't play play


2022-02-28 10:17 | Report Abuse

Possibility of Urusharta has stopped their plantation shares disposal. Look at THP shares climbing. No more new additional announcement coming out. Swk plant may surprised the market to play catch up


2022-02-28 10:11 | Report Abuse

Not too late move and switch to Planters { just my own opinion }


2022-02-27 12:11 | Report Abuse

Nobody can predict the stock movement. Not 100% or neither have a crystal ball. Even giants like Lehmann Bros or Baring incorporated never anticipated or predicted what where wrong with their trading. Closer at home most if not all the IB's and trade analyst have failed to anticipate the sharp rise of CPO prices that started gaining momentum in late 2020 from $3,500 per tonne to a new historical high of breaching $7,000 per tonne mark on Thursday 2022. Looking back without naming names. Their price generally stuck between at the past trend line 2,800 to 3,800.


2022-02-26 05:55 | Report Abuse

10 fold jump in profit. Very good result


2022-02-26 05:49 | Report Abuse

do your own research and set your own target price. Cheers


2022-02-25 18:28 | Report Abuse

Latest Singapore petroleum prices { after Russia & Ukraine attacks}
S$2. 42 per litre {Diesel} S$2.85 per litre{ Ron 95}, S$3.34 { Ron 98} and
S$3.51 { premium}. 1SDollar =3.10 MYR


2022-02-25 18:12 | Report Abuse

Tab haji invested in many many non performng companies. Urusharta was entrusted by MOF to oversee & restored Tab haji financial status. Apparently a big chunk of Tab haji portfolio consist of poorly held securities. Urusharta is financing Tab haji by disposing off good viable investment to balance up the mismatch & delinquent accounts { over a period of time} And apparently Swk is one of the few performing counters that is above their investment cost. just my 2 sen! Why Urusharta is selling when all IB's are calling a super bull period for CPO plantation counters. Only Urusharta have the answer


2022-02-25 15:33 | Report Abuse

The current Russian & Ukraine armed conflict has a deep impact on energy & grains market. Biden { did not realized the full impact of the sanctions & restriction} will hit his European allies. For a start Ukraine has now suspended their Port commercial operation's. Ukraine is one of the world's biggest supplier & exporter of wheat & sunflower oil. Whereas Europe relies 1/3 of their energy & gas supplies from Russia Republic.

American Mid West grain growing region is facing an unpredictable harsh weather which threaten their Soy & Wheat belt production. South American { Brazil & Argentina} is facing severe logistic issues. Leaving the consumer scrambling to secure supplies and paying higher and higher prices. Iran & Russian oil is being snapped up by other countries leaving European countries with a 40%jump in their energy prices.

Threat of food commodities prices going to thru the roof is real and will be felt by every one going forward the next 3-6 months. Supplies cannot be increased overnight.


2022-02-25 09:34 | Report Abuse

SOP a strong start for this morning after yesterday jitters & shake out


2022-02-25 06:19 | Report Abuse

Entitlement & payment date of the proposed dividend to be announced at a later date


2022-02-24 10:24 | Report Abuse

Not many people are prepared to to do a indepth & detailed analytical study on a particular stock vs industry peers. Real assets, Real price trends and real demand.


2022-02-24 06:48 | Report Abuse

Third interim pay out stands at 0.05 sen per share. expect a final pay out announcement coming when the board finalised SOP P& L review

News & Blogs

2022-02-24 06:36 | Report Abuse

Biden no match for Putin. Putin served in the KGV intelligence while Biden have no military experience plus ill health. Biden just warming his seat. NATO { Germany, France doesn't believed in US}

News & Blogs

2022-02-24 06:33 | Report Abuse

Biden no match for Putin. Putin served in the KGV intelligence while Biden have no military experience plus ill health. Biden just warming his seat. NATO { Germany, France doesn't believed in US}


2022-02-23 21:56 | Report Abuse

Labour shortages may delay harvesting & longer rounds. workers will be redeploy from pruning , mainteance { pest control} or general workers to cope up with the estate harvesting work. Fruits quality indirectly may be affected { higher FFA}. In addition contract workers { sub contractors} will be employ and directed to help out at specific localities. Sub contractor have the means to bring in the extra workers if the price is right. Only the taller palms will be delayed. FFB is the golden crop


2022-02-23 21:42 | Report Abuse

DNex is a different kind of technology counter { unlike other companies focusing only on certain products} . Business segments equally split between 4 core growth segments. Ping petroleum { oil production}, Silterra { upstream foundry wafers manufacturer}, IT platform { solutions & service provider for government} and marine engineering & subsea mainteance provider.


2022-02-23 14:03 | Report Abuse

Without disrespect to any planter's sifu. When CPO prices surging past $ 4,000 per tonne in late Dec 2020 { FCPO } last 2 years. no experienced planter's worth its salt will cut down the tress and embark on a replanting program. Immature palms take app 30-36 months for the trees to bear fruits. Apart from the tree replanting. You need to have the nursery set up and the trees clone order from the breeder. Plus the soils rejunevated. If not done properly and if the wood chips not removed { ganderma rot may set in } the young immature palms need to be culled { a costly & time consuming affair } if under planting. certain estates management prefer to forgo under planting technique and go for the big hole technique. All this need a prolong time frame for the replanting exercise . With prices now at 6,400 per tonne { every tree stand is needed} MPOB asked to replant with the hybrid variety but at this price level. Every single tree is valuable & profitable. 30 years old so what it's bearing fruits


2022-02-23 09:59 | Report Abuse

End April dividend announcement. Possibility rate maintain at betw 15 - 18 { after giving out special pay out} Need to hold for another 2 months


2022-02-23 07:19 | Report Abuse

World is learning to live with this pandemic outbreak. China policy of zero policy is not viable. Sooner or later they need to reopen thier borders. The current omicron variant outbreak is derailing their plans


2022-02-23 07:12 | Report Abuse

Coming 4th interim dividend paid out is 0.04 sen { Board may surprised the market with an additional unexpected special dividend announcement} for BPlant shareholders


2022-02-22 15:03 | Report Abuse

Connemara & Balau Estate in Bangi { next to Planters Haven} beside the Highway is under BPlant too. Part of Nottingham University is sitting on the land


2022-02-22 15:01 | Report Abuse

Straight forward answer { Ukraine need not joined NATO now} everything will remain status quo


2022-02-22 14:58 | Report Abuse

Swk plant has gained traction and renewed vigour {after Datuk Wong } and his team of experienced planters reorganised the estates operations. Higher yield and higher efficiency & output. Datuk Wong {TaAnn} is the largest shareholder of Swkplant. Expect more upside from swk plant


2022-02-22 14:40 | Report Abuse

Bplant sitting on a goldmine { Prai, Taiping, Johor estates}


2022-02-22 10:46 | Report Abuse

cost of productions relates to labour, fertilisers, mainteance, cost of sales and excludes EBIT { earnings before interest and taxes} this is to reflect the actual performance of a company core operations without adding the costs of capital and taxes etc And computation of sales tax, state taxes, capital allowance for immature and new plantings & windfall tax differ between East Malaysia states and Peninsular


2022-02-22 10:35 | Report Abuse

contra players taking a hit {T+2} from Friday high of 1.28. And yesterday market negatively and today low of 1.06. Volatility of 6% from the trading high & low chart. Should stablished in the afternoon session


2022-02-21 10:18 | Report Abuse

Yes. Strong performance


2022-02-21 07:37 | Report Abuse

Bplant will be their core dividend contributor fior Bstead { LTAT}


2022-02-21 07:31 | Report Abuse

BPlant write back of thier cost impairment may be the hidden ace for a uplift in the share price. the kitchen sinking exercise resulted BPlant was hit by the write off cost and incurred a loss {a red herring on the bottom line} the price drop like a log. Strictly not a buy call just my own take. Please do your own research


2022-02-20 17:23 | Report Abuse

Technically the chart can be either green { bullish} or red { bearish} subject to your own chart settings. Nothing is cast in stone. Whether is candlestick, doji or MACD


2022-02-20 17:15 | Report Abuse

Strong possibility of BPlant reversing and write back the cost impairment. Kitchen sinking exercise [ Year 2018/2019 ] CPO was trading at between $2,400 per tonne to a low of $1,800 per tonne vs 2021 Year CPO price of $3,800 to a high $5,400 per tonne. Vs year 2022 current price of $5,500 - $6,000 per tonne