Blog Posts
2021-01-16 08:05 | Report Abuse
Onions buying to catch more investors....buying for what company does nothing except is a shell for share dealing in its own shares....what a royal way to make money.
2021-01-16 08:02 | Report Abuse
Run by crooks and oversight by crooks....the company fundamentals ok, but company share dealings is unbelievable and cannot be legal under most securities regulations ...with exceptions! This is what we call a form of pyramid scheme of sorts. How can you allow announcement followed by directors selling than closed placement? This is insider dealing
2021-01-16 01:31 | Report Abuse
CIMB is not fake it is real!
2021-01-16 01:28 | Report Abuse
An article in US suggests that spending by customers post Covid is likely to be very high as people enjoy freedom and a year of in activity
2021-01-15 20:18 | Report Abuse
Cimb is a bank stock and yet there is constant discussion from some about gloves ....with no real value.....obsession without any relevance!
2021-01-15 14:45 | Report Abuse
Friday always correction sell for weekend money!
2021-01-15 10:16 | Report Abuse
Note pad with Ibrahim....he did not ask Karim, why the share price is on hold? What IB they use to hold the price? Using Algo?
2021-01-14 13:33 | Report Abuse
Contract extension yet no reaction.....who is suppressing positive movement by selling? I would like to think price will react upwards suddenly.
2021-01-13 16:16 | Report Abuse
Brent crude up Dayang still languishing at 44 level! Does not make sense there has to be correlation unless it has been kept down
2021-01-13 14:53 | Report Abuse
In most markets the financials have done well...surprising that in Malaysia despite strong balance sheet the banks are underperforming ..any foreign investors will look to arbitrage at some stage
2021-01-13 14:51 | Report Abuse
Apple168 a genius ...big data.....shows nobdy knows ....remember EPF and other bodies hold the key and are majority shareholders and can move the market and they are happy to make some returns to pay the claimants.
2021-01-12 22:59 | Report Abuse
There is no need to cut OPR, situation much better than last March, when oil price went negative and there was no end game, now there is impact far less..many are causing market to crash so that they can buy cheap.
2021-01-12 22:53 | Report Abuse
Economic activity to continue as before, so limited impact from MCO, unlike last March when the whole thing was unknown, and now we have the vaccine. Lot of panic selling for no reason. Deliberately done...banks don’t need to change interest rate!
2021-01-12 22:45 | Report Abuse
Most of the economic activities continue so not as bad as last March when much was not known! That said RSS should be banned!
2021-01-12 11:09 | Report Abuse
Warrants look tasty.......c75.....that is if you believe market has over reacted....and shooters will have to buy back at some stage! Sooner than later. The situation is not as bad as last March...vaccine is around the corner and more importantly the things onky get better.
2020-12-29 21:38 | Report Abuse
Brent is up expect a rally to at least 1.40 into new year 1 qtr
2020-12-29 21:31 | Report Abuse
U.K. hotels and leisure shares rally.....I think we have got the corner ...looking ahead to 2021-2022 ideal time to invest
2020-12-29 17:46 | Report Abuse
Think exit and invest in proper businesses which they are many to choose from...not penny shares...there is no .risk free investment but you can lower risk by selecting sizeable companies with real business growth opportunities...and stable investors including foreign institutions
2020-12-29 17:43 | Report Abuse
One is better off going to horse racing or casino and gamble! This counter like few others are fraudulent counters....where the owners make money by buying and selling their own shares...and not from generating profits business. Sure they will make one or 2 announcements that will send price up only to trap new comers...a Ponzi scheme .....sadly to many dreamers who believe in quick buck
2020-12-26 16:16 | Report Abuse
Fraudulent counter....for sure...actions are dubious of many .fraudulent counters in bursa...foreign institutions will never invest in it totally manipulated
2020-12-26 12:29 | Report Abuse
Onion busy eating Turkey....this counter is not a proper company, the owner director makes money by buying and selling its own shares either directly or via connected parties. Doggy MOU are signed to hype price followed by disposal followed by purchase and cycle goes on. So obvious for all to see....gamblers are not them this does not matter providing they make money to buy next lunch ...not big investors who want to make money so that they can buy another house!
2020-12-22 23:06 | Report Abuse
What a joke....U.K. and CV is being used to sell down! Yet US, and european markets are rising! US and U.K. have the highest deaths ...and yet Malaysia which is not, impacted badly is having a market melt down! Joke!
2020-12-22 23:00 | Report Abuse
US and european markets rise particularly bank shares and in Malaysia day traders are taking profits.....huge difference in investor profile and I dare say knowledge!
2020-12-22 12:27 | Report Abuse
Misinformation to make money ....clam down and bunker down and add if you have spare liquidity.
2020-12-22 12:25 | Report Abuse
Best advise is to be medium - long term investor! Best governed company is Yinson in this sector, but no doubt Serba has been profitable...
2020-12-22 12:24 | Report Abuse
SteadyBomb.....the income is diluted by larger no of shares in circulation. It all depends on what it is being used for...if it is used to expand business aggressively than the PP csn be justified by higher future inc. the risk is why is pp placed and who to? Long term or short term investors who are basically a freebie...internal connected parties or institutions. If for short term than we have a problem as they will unload to buy lunch and dinner!
2020-12-22 12:16 | Report Abuse
Kenaga ....totally ill informed and have other interests...BTW I hold investments in Serba, Dayang, and Armada, YINSON better governance in place and perhaps Kenanga and other IBs don’t like good governance for obvious reasons!
2020-12-22 11:52 | Report Abuse
Virust.....US most powerful and also behave like Third world developing nation ...a contradiction! They are backward in many ways! cV has killed almost 500,000 people..and rising, most won’t take vaccine! So much for US ....! They print money beucase they can as they control the credit agencies! Bedsides their financial instituions make record profits world wide whilst other world banks make losses! Citibank, State Street, JP Morgan, etc etc...are
2020-12-22 11:48 | Report Abuse
Malaysia Langkawi is full, Penang hotels are people are spending, U.K. and Europe even in winter months has more deaths due to the cold! All scare mingerinf in the wide scale to frighten people
2020-12-22 11:46 | Report Abuse
All misinformation......all virus evidence that it is any different! Spread comes from same, people,not following guide lines. We should not be surprised with the infection no in U.K. and US the people don’t follow ..THE PUBS AND RESURSNTS WERE FULL OF PEOPLE not following the guidances ...this was 2 months ago,money are paying the price now!
2020-12-22 11:43 | Report Abuse
Lot of misinformation....deliberately managed globally to make further profit. Some countries and institutions have doubled or even trekked thier wealth post Covid! The billionaires have become multi a result of market volatility...they have access to liquidity...all this is managed by certain can guess who they area, they print money as they control the credit agencies!
2020-12-22 11:39 | Report Abuse
Lot of misinformation in the is being manipulated to be brought down so that big players reinvest. This is a global strategy. CV mutation is nothing new...all,vuriuses mutate...the main issue is availability of vaccines and its ability to deal with variants! The answer is yes to both! Good opportunity for total,recovery in 2021-2022
2020-12-22 11:37 | Report Abuse
Yinson is well run company...u like many other don’t want to name which are wrecked by director dealings...hence Yinson is not followed much by day traders ...low volume of trading and not properly evaluated. Results in challenging times speaks for itself!
2020-12-22 11:34 | Report Abuse
There is been such a negative reaction of CV mutation....this is nothing exceptional i fact all virus mutate lot of miss information in market to cause uncertainty so that shares are bought cheap! This is a deliberate policy if gov and institutions alike, U.K. was expecting higher CV cases due to winter...variants don’t make any difference ...key is can the vaccine work...the answer appears to be yes! So nothing. Has changed. uK gov and public are irresponsible ...pubs and restaurants did not follow guidance many months ago!
2020-12-22 11:30 | Report Abuse
I agree the performance has been good. The down grade totally unjustified.....the performance final quarter will be strong and 2021 -2022 will be even better as new contracts will be generated .
2020-12-21 21:13 | Report Abuse
Good results....given the circumstances...oil prices are not plummeting, still above 50! They have good book of existing business
2020-12-21 15:07 | Report Abuse
I hope there is no rights issue or even worse private placement ....unlikely they have much better governance than Serba and MyEG! Both mentioned companies contravene blatantly the ethical governance associated with companies listed in the stock exchange!
2020-12-21 15:05 | Report Abuse
Results should be out today....the main concern is around level,of debt, which is given and consistent with the industry they operate in.
2020-12-20 12:55 | Report Abuse
U.K. is mismanaging everything so no need to watch as beacon of virtue! Even in normal winter i.e jan and Feb, 30000 deaths occur in U.K. due to cold related illnesses, every year!
2020-12-20 12:52 | Report Abuse
Dayang will move up....patience is needed...contracts will emerge in 2021. As CAPEX will increase
2020-12-20 12:51 | Report Abuse
Any correction from here is buying opportunity for medium term investment. Even FT uk finance predicts 2021 and 2022 being wonderful opportunities,
2020-12-19 05:38 | Report Abuse
One big scam.....for sure....totally fraudulent
2020-12-17 20:45 | Report Abuse
Dumping 20+ % dumping of shares in open market is not a done thing! That’s why the company has poor reputation and corporate governance. Investors can still make money, but with insiders working with inside info it makes it very difficult ...look at what happened few weeks back, sold when price shot up due good results and then directors dumped the shares and then announced placement! How ethical is that ...pretty sure it is illegal behaviour...!
2020-12-17 20:39 | Report Abuse
Who knows what onion will do the fact is it is mystery and not consistent with a medium size listed company!
2020-12-17 20:36 | Report Abuse
I like golden cross.........will see major upshift....after day traders sell their holdings to buy Turkey!
2020-12-17 19:52 | Report Abuse
Disclosure should be made of who received the placement shares!
2021-01-16 08:08 | Report Abuse
Bullish rally some say....or is it bull sh...t? Take a guess?