
Riaz1954 | Joined since 2019-02-14

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2021-02-09 11:18 | Report Abuse

Serba want a carry on! Placement shares will,be dumped in the market as they bought at discount .....this is Whats happening.


2021-02-09 11:03 | Report Abuse

Dayang will rally ahead of the results....it is way below fair valuation ...


2021-02-09 11:00 | Report Abuse

Price will move forward .....as they form part of the index, institutions will support the counter going forward.


2021-02-09 10:57 | Report Abuse

Price is trading ex d...will now move forward post today! Good value no doubt


2021-02-07 15:22 | Report Abuse

Where is the person who talked about battleships? What happened to them?


2021-02-06 10:18 | Report Abuse

Can’t wait ...because as it stands the local market is made of conmen


2021-02-06 00:05 | Report Abuse

Corporate governance is a joke in Malaysia, insiders directors dumping shares all over the place, many examples, Serba, Minetec, Iris, Myeg, to name a few....how Iris got a contract is mind boggling...they don’t even have funds to put in the deposit required not to mention unethical behaviour. ...shocking but not surprising!


2021-02-05 23:59 | Report Abuse

Look at Iris and Serba as examples of companies in Malaysia ...how they operate and insiders and gamblers inter act.


2021-02-05 23:58 | Report Abuse

Makes no difference Malaysian shares whether Brent goes up ...as there is a major issue with confidence in the country and market...not to mention investors are mostly gamblers and of course many crooks run the companies ...busy doing their own share dealings dumping shares soon after MOU which usually are worthless ...


2021-02-05 18:34 | Report Abuse

8dragon......how do,you derive your calculation? Please elaborate ...Are you just guessing or is it based on discounted cash flow?


2021-02-05 14:52 | Report Abuse

Amazing for a company supposedly got a contract worth 1.3 b MYR .....what is happening is truly shocking and indicative of the general nature of market in Malaysia...the company has taken action to communicate following the award of the contract...rumours are abound that the company is incapable of handling the contract ...if so what can you about the characters running the government agencies who award such contracts....guess! All in all governance is in shambles all around ...yiu better if being in a casino in Genting I say!


2021-02-04 00:00 | Report Abuse

Price has been artificially kept down.....price will I suspect rise and these dummies who received placement shares will dump them to buy luxury cars and houses! Rip the retail customers ...where is governance?


2021-02-03 23:58 | Report Abuse

Shameful, having disposed shares when price spiked the director receives discounted placement shares! Day light robbery.....scam in a big scale for sure


2021-02-03 13:39 | Report Abuse

Patiently waiting....appears no correlation with Oil price which is very odd! Malaysia, I guess?


2021-02-02 21:58 | Report Abuse

Despite oil price nearing 57 mark! Malaysian stocks impacted by poor govt performance. Sad, turnaround will come for sure


2021-02-02 21:54 | Report Abuse

Wait Onion will invest more and more but only tomatoes


2021-02-02 10:02 | Report Abuse

Once vaccination starts ....the positivity will filter through in terms of perception. The rise in infections rate is due to more testing and importantly many infected have little or no symptoms.
The MOH should publish of the infested daily how many are asymptomatic...quite a number. Also vaccination should start with health workers and then younger working population ...followed by remainder.


2021-02-02 09:57 | Report Abuse

Political uncertainty for sure not helping. If you take a 2 year view CIMB will be at least 5.75-6.30 in my estimation..with limited risk


2021-02-02 09:33 | Report Abuse

The bank stocks in most countries have recovered well...in Malaysia that is not the case despite same issues.......impacting the business .....this is because the market looks ahead ...here in Malaysia there is obsession with short term


2021-01-29 15:00 | Report Abuse

Interesting trades are always opposites to IB recommendation,,without fail! Deeply flawed IB behaviour ...in summary rampant crooks...not just here but in other markets as well. Moral of the story is do opposite


2021-01-29 08:50 | Report Abuse

2021 is a turn around year for CIMB given its woes in 2020....market should be looking ahead...the biggest impact to CIMB has been the 2 big oil related hits to its revenue...CIMB will see the biggest recovery..


2021-01-29 08:44 | Report Abuse

Market manipulation big time at GameStop....it shows that many people are involved in manipulating share price but ordinary retailer investors can make a difference though very difficult..


2021-01-28 14:49 | Report Abuse

The whole idea of a firm is to provide useful information / sentiments +- on the counter ...not discuss out of context ...shows lack of maturity and intellect.


2021-01-28 11:26 | Report Abuse

Big spread!


2021-01-28 09:43 | Report Abuse

Another scam! Company fair value 11 sen! Retailer investors will be burnt....all these companies are run by sammers


2021-01-28 09:13 | Report Abuse

Long term buy time to accumulate...price will rally for sure from this point.


2021-01-27 09:58 | Report Abuse

This stock will rise before results...many additional revenue generating options for MyEG, testing and Vacine distribution to name a few in addition to core.


2021-01-26 10:12 | Report Abuse

Investment is about timing...when to buy and when to sell is timing. A person saying market will fall is equally correct to one who say market will rise....the key is....timing .....is the current situation worse than March 2020....NO...LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL


2021-01-22 14:08 | Report Abuse

Genting berhad is 64 % is trading below fair value ..which is around 11.64.....so it is a very good buy for medium term. Stock will recover as there will be pent up demand. 2022 is the target date


2021-01-22 10:25 | Report Abuse

Virust....not so simple to compare! How about comparing the mortality rate? 650 add 0 you get 6500 V 550,000+ no comparison....number and statistics can paint wrong picture at the hands of negative people! Infection rates will rise but most are asymtomatic people at risk are 60+ with bad underlying health conditions!


2021-01-22 09:36 | Report Abuse

60% increase in provisions! That says it all!


2021-01-21 21:21 | Report Abuse

Thai business results not too bad....the provisions are much higher and in 2021 may be released. The underlying numbers are ok...be realistic at least they are making profits and not losses....hopefully much of the bad debts may not be realised!


2021-01-21 21:04 | Report Abuse

Re ....vaccine etc etc...end of the day mortality rate ...is very low lower than dengue I suspect. Most people who get CV get no or very mild symptoms....the issue is of course 69+ year olds...with problems....what I am trying to say is that the the infections will rise but most of these will not impacted other than quarantine....so conclusion don’t get too worried but vaccine is critical to break the infection...most carriers foreign workers etc are fit guys ...who don’t even get symptoms.


2021-01-21 19:00 | Report Abuse

Rolls Royce did a big rights issue it was very successful, the shareholders benefited by making 37%...but it was existing shareholders who had suffered...so it fair they have an opportunity to make up! That’s how it should work!


2021-01-21 18:59 | Report Abuse

Tell me who would not buy a share at 10% discount when FD is 1.75-2.5%? This is guaranteed return in the current low interest environment! Open to fraud. I can imagine if the capital raise was large and therefore risk of failure ...here the raise is relatively small but it shafts the shareholders.
Any person willing to argue against my conclusion? Sure I don’t need to invest in fact I don’t jsut point out the fact!


2021-01-21 18:56 | Report Abuse

PP V rights issue ...rights issue is fair to existing shareholders...PP is just a scam! Period!


2021-01-21 18:53 | Report Abuse

Let’s see what happens as PP is approved and will be activated at considerable discount. Most of these PP subscribers will sell at first opportunity around,1.60 level...this depress the market. People forget the share price is derived from supply / demand..if people seek shares and there is not sufficent buyers the price drops...irrespective of how many contracts Serba has won and all that ...nothing to do with success of the company.


2021-01-21 18:38 | Report Abuse

Minetech skills is picking stones from quarries by hand!


2021-01-21 13:44 | Report Abuse

The current MCO is unlike the first one..70% activities are continuing and businesses have adapted generally. All sectors use bank to function, so impact will be minimal. Large loan write off after market correction particular in the oil sector have happened, oil price has recovered last March from negative to almost 57 USD a barrel...looking ahead banks will recover...in particular CIMB


2021-01-20 12:00 | Report Abuse

As to OPR why should be cut now?There has been injection of money by the gov and 79% of economy working...so wait and see is better approach than OPR reduction which is a blunt instrument .....


2021-01-20 11:58 | Report Abuse

Look at US and U.K. as an example, U.K. total shut down, and yet stock market is up! Why because despite record deaths the end will be near as vaccination has started. The economy from here on looking forward into 2022 will be in better shape despite Brexit. Malaysia death rate is very low, and MCO means 79% of economy still functioning ....yet people in this forum are forecasting doom and gloom....also don’t forget EPF and other institutions who have liquify have to invest what else can they do! Deposit rate return is much lower than predicted pension dividend! Think about it ...so CIMB and other companies such Genting etc will,attract investment!


2021-01-19 23:46 | Report Abuse

There is no justification to drop OPR just yet given that CV rescue package has just been agreed. From pure economics point of OPR is not a precise tool, people impacted can be mor W targeted for help like moratorium on loans and direct help with salaries etc...OPR csn be used after the i pact of latest injection can be assessed. That’s my pennies worth. Let’s see tomorrow!


2021-01-18 15:43 | Report Abuse

The fact is MCO 2 will not have negative impact as MCO 1, for sure. Economic activities apart from travel continues ....any major correction is buying opportunity


2021-01-18 15:38 | Report Abuse

Impact of latest mco is exaggerated as many shops and servcies remain open. So not as bad as first mco...also businesses have learnt to survive. Significant bad debts related to oil and gas companies...and hit has been taken and oil has since recovered! Any farther correction is a buy. Even if the interest rates are dropped, the impact would be minimal.


2021-01-17 10:10 | Report Abuse

EPF disposal is pretty much normal, as they have to pay claims, then with new MINEY they buy more based on their asset allocation. I suspect that they would have had their share of PP. on balance good time to buy


2021-01-16 21:53 | Report Abuse

People talking about CV cases rising of course they will rise as the foreign workers are ll being finally tested ....,sot of these guys are fit and are asymptotic.....the key for me is how many are being discharged ...I know a number of people tested positive had no symptoms and walked out after 10-14 days. So the number coming out of quarantine are important .....deaths is mostly amongst those who have significant underlying health issues. These same people would die if they get normally pneumonia or dengue due to their health condition.


2021-01-16 21:40 | Report Abuse

The price is heading south so that PP price is attractive ....this is what I think. Otherwise it does not make sense...as the underlying performance and future proposers look very sound. At least with rights issue current shareholders have opportunity to invest ..PP is reserved for those who jsut want to make turn and will dump the shares as sin as it is above the pp price + making the price volatile ....that the problem.


2021-01-16 15:56 | Report Abuse

IB are a major part of this scam....one needs to ask Kenaga why they think the target price is 2.50 when insiders constantly dump shares and then buy back? Kenaga want retailers to invest at this price because they have share allocation at a lower price ...once allocated they dump. 2% -5% of 20 or 40 m share is lot of money particularly when it is guaranteed.


2021-01-16 15:52 | Report Abuse

I doubt there is any UAE investment, in any case there is these contracts are also subject to fraud, with over payment and kick backs ....company basically has been set up to rig the market, social media helps them with their cause.


2021-01-16 15:49 | Report Abuse

Secret is to sell on new contract announcement before mass selling is undertaken by insiders.