
Ron90 | Joined since 2018-05-31 00:43:07

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Investor holds stock, Traders ride the wave! - Don't chase the running horses - Buy high on higher - Don't get emotional and fall in love with stock - Rather lost Opportunity than lost money :-p Buy into deep, Sell at the pop





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2019-03-12 11:42 | Report Abuse

but....they might be a big surprise as well


2019-03-12 11:39 | Report Abuse

Going forward:

- No hostile takeover in sight coz white knight will have difficulties to deal with this 2 cooks, Halim and Abu Talib companies. some more MELL and Borneo got no money to pay the debt to Sumatec.

- Its already written on the wall, high probability Halim and Abu Taib will purposely de-list Sumatec from Bursa as soon as possible, thats the only way to avoid paying debt to sumatec and reporting to shareholders.

- that also to avoid getting wind-up notice from lender openly. This one Halim and Abu Talib will avoid at any cost. Can be seen from their action lately, purposely not collaborate with all auditors, hiding revenue (2 QR !!), hid everything from bursa.

- now, Halem already sold mayb all his shares in sumatec, Abu Talb has none, coz olreday got $98M..huhu. or sell at your own discretion.


2019-03-12 11:30 | Report Abuse

wait for KYY response... if he still stick to Dayang until 3.0 or..silently ..already jumped to Velesto?.


2019-03-12 11:28 | Report Abuse

again Rakuten Trade lousy system crash since early this morning, have to do transaction in other securities. This had happened few times when market is hot..last time during construction rally.. ayoo.. wTF this rakuten.

anyway, i am not selling yet..hehe

sad day for Rakuten Trade account holder ..huhu


2019-03-12 10:05 | Report Abuse

u guys bought son or not?..i already full since last week...sweet


2019-03-12 08:03 | Report Abuse

roblem with this company, 2 cooks still inside, Halim S and Abu Tallib.

This is what i I heard la..

- Halim wanted to sell his MELL for $1.5 B , while Talib wants to sell his Borneo En for $1.2 B as well to Sumatec shareholders !!..
sudahla hutang tak mahu bayar from MELL $178m, Borneo Eng ambil deposit $96m, to cover up that money, sell MELL and Borneo Energy to Sumatec..brilliant idea !.hehe

- on top of that CoG (Halim company) already take sUMATEC money more than $400m !!.. , talib pula take 98m for borneo

so, in total, Halim and Abu Talib already used money from Sumatec for the tune of $600m ..phew.

If you take out Halim and Abu Talib from Sumatec.. this company immediately in great shape, debt only $35m...its only a fraction from total debt to Directors companies. Sumatec will not go after MELL and Cog and Borneo , coz its like killing themselves la.


2019-03-12 00:44 | Report Abuse

asey bro Calvin, few posting enough already la, don keep on spamming this thread..huhu.

by the way, U no need to promote this stock la, let it stay this way, i am afraid kyy might come here and bring in his Dayang money.


2019-03-12 00:35 | Report Abuse

anything below 24 is a safe bet, company continue churning profits.. with additional income from Banle QR result will be super sweet .

For the past 1 year, revenue and profit jump 3x ! ..even much better than Dayang....hehe


2019-03-12 00:16 | Report Abuse

debt free and genuine tokey minyak..what can go wrong with this stock at 1.00 ?


2019-03-12 00:12 | Report Abuse

trend already broken on 5 march


2019-03-11 21:35 | Report Abuse

to reach won't be in a straight line, once in a while got retraction, which is healthy...let see, tomorrow or the next few days


2019-03-11 20:30 | Report Abuse

Even without new contract can foresee green light in the next QR, if gets new job, than that would be free tickets to Disneyland la.. :-) .. Entering today ..


2019-03-11 16:27 | Report Abuse

where got IDSS at 32 ? are u insane? thats on buying side la bro...


2019-03-11 16:19 | Report Abuse

no need pteronas la, oversea business


2019-03-11 16:01 | Report Abuse

ngap 20 mil shares !!.


2019-03-11 15:50 | Report Abuse

not speculative and stay


2019-03-11 15:17 | Report Abuse

finally koyak ..huhu


2019-03-11 12:24 | Report Abuse

slowly... but if that news tend to be true.. 30c on sight ..


2019-03-11 00:08 | Report Abuse

As at 31 December 2018, the total outstanding borrowings have reduced to RM1.1 billion as compared to RM1.3 billion as at 31 December 2017 mainly due to repayment of Sukuk principal of RM80.0 million, term loan of RM76.0 million and revolving credit of RM30.0 million.

In addition, the Group (DAYANG) has not met certain covenants of 4 term loans and the Sukuk bond with a total carrying amount of RM715.4 million as at 31 December 2018. As a result, the non-current portions of these term loans and Sukuk bond of RM535.7 million have been reclassified to current liabilities as at 31 December 2018.
The CDRC, which is under the purview of Bank Negara Malaysia, will mediate between PPB (PERDANA, DAYANG sub) and their respective Financiers to renegotiate their respective financing facilities that can be sustained in the face of this challenging period for the oil and gas industry, in line with the above conditions. This successful mediation would enable Dayang Group to be better positioned to raise new financing and capital in the future and ensure its operations and PPB to easily sustain its underlying viability going forward.

PPB is exploring various options for the Proposed Debt Restructuring Scheme, including but not limited to extension of tenure of borrowings, disposal of assets, special issue or placement of shares and rights issue. Depending on the scheme eventually accepted by not less than 75% by value of the Lenders, there may be a need to write-down PPB’s non-financial assets (except inventories and deferred tax assets) to market value, if lower than their carrying amount. As PPB is still exploring the various debt restructuring options, it is unable to provide further details at this stage.

luckily Hib with Market Cap 1.6 B but debt free company.. compare to Dayang , only Market Cap $600m (before KYY comes in price only 60c), but debt 1.1 Billion (2x Dayang MC!!). Dayang needs $10-12 B worth of project, just to clear hutang...Tabik to KYY and followers..huhu


2019-03-10 23:01 | Report Abuse

carimin still got potential, the bigger question is, at what price?..80?, 70? or maybe below 60?..considering KKY effect no more


2019-03-10 22:49 | Report Abuse

calvintaneng The Fall of Lafarge being a Cyclical Cement Stock will mirror the Coming Fall of Jaks

Anyone hoding Jaks must quickly sell all now!

Or Jaks will suffer the same fate like Lafarge
29/07/2018 16:07


2019-03-10 22:48 | Report Abuse

this nenek Calvin suddenly appeared in this forum..and trying to become champion again .. Lafarge already fly started on March 6, your posting on 9 March, obsolete already la. People dont need your outdated recommendation la. You already missed the boat. Please get lost and don't keep on spamming forum thread again la. Get a life bro..

Calvin, you are no less than KYY, attention seeker....please get a life ler,,:-p

News & Blogs

2019-03-10 14:36 | Report Abuse

my profit calculation for that 3b project span for 5 years was removed from Dayang forum multiple times..huhu.. ya lor, profit 10%, only $300m in 5 years, or 60 million/year, or 15 mil per QR. Got lucky of profit margin 10% nowadays kan.

and don't forget, OPex will increase once in a while to maintain and certified all the vessels as well/ every 5 years.

Oil only $66, compare to >$80 last year! by the way, did KYY invest in OnG last year??

News & Blogs

2019-03-10 12:30 | Report Abuse

IDDS part of the strategy la. Sell high and buy low, since U already know the facts, keep on posting. Good for us also. So, for Hib, always spare at the end of the day la. Thanks Bro.

FYI..keep on buying that drop dead one, ROI multiple times than the mother once market turn around


2019-03-10 10:53 | Report Abuse

looking at the chart pattern and candlestick pattern, all toward down trend, couple with increase selling volume last Friday. Bursa, many times reverse from expectation.


2019-03-10 10:40 | Report Abuse

if all directors selling at once, sure drop like waterfall la... what really matters, there 2 directors have sold big amount, shows their perception towards existing price level..higher than what it should be.

They running the show, should know better la than KYY. If Carimin will up to $1.00, in short-term that would be 200k.loss for every 1 million sold. ..Directors/major shareholders will look stupid la..huhu


2019-03-10 10:09 | Report Abuse

09/03/2019 08:38

means all 4 rigs continue their job in 2019, that would produce stream income for the next 4QR/2019 !!.

if they can bag even 1 extra job , this counter sure fly TP 30c

News & Blogs

2019-03-10 09:30 | Report Abuse

ask your self la, is KYY still continuously buying Dayang?..or holding?..or slowly selling? as what he did at Carmin and previous counters?

One thing for sure, KYY not buying any Dayang shares anymore ! ..did he even shed some light before he sold all his Carimin shares? NO !!

Dont be stupid la, of all Bursa counter, only Dayanag fits into this uncle Golden Rule??, as other >500 companies lousy?..another conformed Golden Rule we should always remember, don't put all your eggs into one basket !. Like JAKs..uncle kena kaw-kaw. Once that basket fall, all telor pecah, and become @#$! ..huhu

I do follow some of his recommendation and some not, coz he got conflict of interest, not genuine in his endeavor to become successful investor like Warrent Buffet. As an old guy, not many years left, he keep on tying to place himself on the same level as Warren Buffet, but what make him different?..KYY not honest, most of the time..the latest..Carimin la. but still pretending like ppl should thank him for helping them gets ang pow from carimin..but what about those who got stuck big time at the top?.luckily i am not one of them.

I would expect this uncel berubah la.. if he is genuine, its better for him to tell people in advance, like he is going to buy/sell some counters, just waiting for the right moment/ect.. But will he ever do that?..will not happened in his life time la..hehe.


2019-03-10 08:58 | Report Abuse

Cindybull is right. PH gov definitely going to lose GE15. They're absolute crrap at governing. And they have already lost the confidence of the majority population, i. e. the Malay-Bumiputera component.

They hsve already lost two by-elections. Going to lose another one soon. The momentum is certainly not with them, but against them. What with further blunderous outbursts now coming with predictable regularity from the big stinkin mouth of lame kuan yeng.

yes, as long as Mahathir still the PM !..he only wants to throw Najib, not UMNO. Next Pru, PH lose, and Umno + Bersatu will form new government. There are alwaays in the same boat.

as long as Mahathir still at the helm, nothing will change ..You see, almost 1 year, not even 1 BN corrupt politician gone to jail !!..@#$$&!


2019-03-10 08:45 | Report Abuse

habis la, by tomorrow monday, uncle follower will dump Bunga raya stock..but what ever it is, as long as Brent above $50, Bunga will continue to produce profits.
I think ah..if coming sarawak ellection, PH did not win there..dont expect sarawak companies will continue to get big contract as they have been the cronies under BN ..where Petronas hv to give them.

Sarawak politician keep on asking mnyak royalty to Sarawak to be increased from 5%, when all these while, politician and businessman, continue to get rich contracts from Petronas.. directly !!.. sarawak ppl ken tipu kaw-kaw..hehe


2019-03-09 02:04 | Report Abuse

from 82c to 17c ..less than a year


2019-03-07 18:57 | Report Abuse

should go back to 22c.. all these while, artificial price increase from 22 to 30 c in anticipating good QR, as what TF always tweet, canang day and night...the best year ever, ever, ever.... it or not, the real value for AAX, 22 c


2019-03-07 13:13 |

Post removed.Why?


2019-03-07 12:51 | Report Abuse

calvin same boat with KYY, after bought, than will tell sort of stories to jack up the stock..for them to sell..than silently, fading away .leaving U stranded at the top.

Yes, some of his info, quite good, but invest wisely la..anyway, i salute this guy determination to push his stock selection..hehe


2019-03-07 12:38 | Report Abuse

back again... bring in oil money ..hehe. ..gonna stay for 2 months, hopefully can get another 20% :-)


2019-03-07 07:55 | Report Abuse

my posting regarding the projection for Dayang profit in Dayang forum was removed by admin.. hemm..I not even use bad language and mention that apek names.. too bad, admin also covering Dayang..


2019-03-06 20:33 | Report Abuse

China finally understand what TunM wants...China needs to come up with 1-2 proposal to buy malaysian product, than ECRL jalan....

by the way, U should have bought some potential construction companies as well..April just around the corner


2019-03-06 20:24 | Report Abuse

stay longer, you will be reap handsome profits from this company. They own oil fields, so not much issue with Opex, impairment etc.. and production increasing gradually, .. real tokey minyak chap Bunga Raya :-)


2019-03-06 20:18 | Report Abuse

Dayang profit also purely speculative..3 billion contract for 5 years..tolak OPEX, impairment, maintenance, etc.. not that big actually.


2019-03-06 20:14 | Report Abuse

Posted by yewyin33 > Mar 6, 2019 07:03 PM | Report Abuse

As you know, I have posted a few articles to recommend buy on Carimin and many people thanked me for giving them Aug Pow for the Chinese New Year.

Please be informed that I have sold all my Carimin shares to buy Dayang.
Koon Yew Yin

==== expected.. promote after collect, and inform sold after business done. Those who still holding ..trap at the top. Curryme TP 2.0?..Dayang TP 3.0? pp already run away from KYY and Calvin speculative stock.. Go and buy fundamentally strong counter like Hibiscuss, Sap, Valesto. .. Donna la after this if ppl still believe these 2 guys for investment. But for speculative..yes..they are the Grandmaster


2019-03-06 14:08 | Report Abuse

yea..better than FGV....


2019-03-06 14:02 | Report Abuse

Ron90 syndicate play....huge debt laden with bad QR ..up ..trap ikan bilis at the top nanti.. .. vice versa, good company, consistent good uptrend results, they push it down as the performance is no good.

wait for a few days, the true color will appear
01/03/2019 20:02

as expected...hehe