
STC1136 | Joined since 2015-07-08

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2018-03-07 19:49 | Report Abuse

Donald Trump twitter updated 10 minutes ago :

From Bush 1 to present, our Country has lost more than 55,000 factories, 6,000,000 manufacturing jobs and accumulated Trade Deficits of more than 12 Trillion Dollars. Last year we had a Trade Deficit of almost 800 Billion Dollars. Bad Policies & Leadership. Must WIN again! #MAGA

The tariff will implement very high probability. Will announce very soon maybe tomorrow....Another wave of downtrend is coming tonight......


2018-03-07 16:19 | Report Abuse

if the market price up 1 cents but drop 2 or 3 cents very fast, u need to experience told me big cat is throwing ticket.....


2018-03-07 16:09 | Report Abuse

It will depend the big cat want to reinvest to masteel or not, the person just like kyy, u go ask him if HY drop to 6 or 7, does he want to buy back?


2018-03-07 16:08 | Report Abuse

They will throw ticket continuously till the price they can stand for profit, it is possible to 0.70 or lower, however if US tariff is cancel, Masteel may rebound but not like last year.


2018-03-07 16:05 | Report Abuse

When market panic selling, sure have people want to catch the lower price as they think company low PE, discounted price, fight for rebound.....

The US tariff will impact the whole world, they will reflect slowly into their profit capability, the current price is only to reflect the starting of the tariff. If tariff details has been announced and start to implement, it may drop more, if u ask can it be 0.80 / 0.70, nobody know.

But the things i know Masteel has been gradually since last year price at 0.75 before ex bonus, if use current price 0.93 to exclude the ex bonus is equal 1.49

Therefore, who bought Feb last year at 0.75 still have 100% profit, their entry price is equal today price 0.48


2018-03-07 12:07 | Report Abuse

Look like panic selling is just start.....force selling is coming on the way....


2018-03-07 12:04 | Report Abuse

The selling tickets is like a mountain, can hit 0.90


2018-03-07 12:03 | Report Abuse

wah, touch 0.945 so fast.......


2018-03-07 09:22 | Report Abuse

The Trump chief financial advisor is confirm resigned who is the only one to oppose the steel tariff policy.

Below from Trump twitter 30 minutes ago........

Donald J. Trump

Verified account

Follow Follow @realDonaldTrump
Will be making a decision soon on the appointment of new Chief Economic Advisor. Many people wanting the job - will choose wisely!

4:49 PM - 6 Mar 2018


2018-03-07 00:45 | Report Abuse

JN88 so low expect...


2018-03-05 18:05 | Report Abuse

From US report, China is No1 import country as they classified your products based on country of origin.

Means Malaysia, korea, Japan, singapore manufacturers if buy material from china, their product sell to US consider China import.

They are trace from material's country of origin.

If US report figure is correct, more than 3,800 tonnes of excess material will have cancel order problem start from June 2018. As manufacturers from various country still have PO outstanding from china, but after Apr/May 2018, you will see steel price china will fall sharly as this PO will fully delivered and no sustainability.

For US if confirm tariff to implement this week, all PO outstanding from US company to import if their shipment after the implementation date arrived US need to pay custom tax 25%. There is no clear guideline to made a cut off on all these outstanding PO, so many of suppliers who import US need to cancel their order, ends out need to keep high inventory and seek for solution to clear the stock.

Further, the steel & aluminium was just the second item US want to imposed tariffs, the next one US may going to imposed imported car, that one will influence again on steel sector from Euro car, how big the impact you can imagine????? That is definitely a disaster.......


2018-03-05 17:47 | Report Abuse



2018-03-05 14:48 | Report Abuse

The below article is well said. Therefore sell & parking aside will be a best choice as you don't know hog big the impact is. Holding power with cash you may want to fight for a rebound. If TRUMP made u turn and nothing happen, rebound will start to go.


2018-03-05 14:11 | Report Abuse

All malaysia steel counter now is facing related affect like one house kena fire in the big kampong, but later spread to second & third house, it just like a link chain from one to another.

Example supplier sell to a manufacturer in china who customer is based on malaysia which export to US, ends up all the steel products to US.

Remember is all steel product.

So the whole world manufacturer need to reduce their production as orders start to cancel since Feb 2018.

Till May 18 will realise more actual picture.....


2018-03-05 09:30 | Report Abuse

My company has started being affected....thousand tonnes of steel will be kept due to we can not export to US currently.....this is definitely one affect another.

I can not talk much here....please bet with care........


2018-03-05 09:24 | Report Abuse

Due to the recent US tariff imposition on Steel & Aluminium, after thorough review, i decide to sell all my share this morning @1.05.

I have no choice but to park aside & wait for market normalisation....


2018-03-03 11:05 | Report Abuse

if imposed, will be the second stupid US president record in US history.

Low price of steel products create so many benefits to their country economy but their president can not see.

There is many time that Trump has made U-turn on last minute. I bet he will U-turn....


2018-03-02 22:44 | Report Abuse

If Trump make u-turn on next week, what will happen to the steel share price???

Most likely Trump will propose a more friendly tariff instead of direct apply to all countries......

The whole world steel demand is there even US increase the tariff, but do u think a leader of a country will do a stupid policy to harm their country's economy.

For me i not believe, don't forget Trump is a successful Business Man


2018-03-02 22:40 | Report Abuse

Critics of the policy, which reportedly include Trump's own chief economic advisor Gary Cohn and Council of Economic Advisers chair Kevin Hassett, as well as multiple right-leaning free trade groups, warn that the protectionist measures will only hurt the U.S. in the long run.

But the move appears to be in line with what many people see as Trump's prioritization of pleasing his "base."

"It's time we stop pretending there was any sense at all," Posen said. "It's all about giving a handout to particular U.S. steel and aluminum producers. In national security terms, it makes no sense because it's hitting our military allies like western Europe, South Korea and Japan, and it doesn't directly hit China. It's a tax on consumers."

Posen noted that China isn't even among the top five steel exporters to the U.S. — these are Canada, Brazil, South Korea, Mexico and Russia.


2018-03-02 22:36 | Report Abuse

Exactly as what i analyse this morning.......hahahahha


2018-03-02 22:36 | Report Abuse

"Steel is just a tiny input in the U.S. gross domestic product (GDP) — which is why it's so crazy. You mess up your entire trading system for an industry that has a total of 80,000 jobs," Posen argued. 2015 census data showed roughly 140,000 Americans employed in steel mills, contributing $36 billion to the national economy.

By comparison, steel-consuming industries, which experts believe will be hardest hit by the tariffs, employ 6.5 million Americans and add about $1 trillion to U.S. GDP, according to the census.

Trump, who campaigned on the promise of reviving long-suffering U.S. industries, argued the move will protect American jobs.

The U.S. imports 30 percent of its steel. Once a bastion of steel production, shifts in global trade and automation saw hundreds of thousands of steel jobs eviscerated from the 1970s onward. America's steel industry has long called for a clampdown on imports and global steelmaking overcapacity, and is now lauding Trump's decision.

U.S. steel and aluminum shares jumped sharply before markets closed Thursday, with some companies seeing share price increases of up to 9 percent.


2018-03-02 20:36 | Report Abuse

kyy attacked has help many to get cheaper price...

Thanks uncle kyy.


2018-03-02 20:34 | Report Abuse

RH Research
2 hrs ·
(必读)钢铁股 – 美国关税“贸易战”

周五 (3/2) , 美国总统 Donald Trump计划对进口钢材 (Steel) 和进口铝 (Aluminium) 分别征收25%和10%的高额关税,并预计在下周签署正式法令。此举是为了保护美国国内的钢铁工业。



其实,中美两国加强合作才是最佳的选择,同时也有助于提升全球的经济。Donald Trump不按套路出牌,向各国征收进口关税,相信更多的是为了“美国独大”的策略,而非保护当地的钢铁企业。一旦关税正式落实后,以上国家的钢铁企业将面临巨大的成本冲击。


首先,我们想要强调的是本地上游钢铁企业- Annjoo、Ssteel、Masteel和Lionind的营业额几乎100%来自本地市场,更谈不上出口至美国。因此,美国征收关税对本地长钢业没有直接的影响。



综合以上这两个因素,我们认为钢铁近两天的大跌纯粹是出现恐慌性抛售,也仅是“Knee-Jerk Reaction”,而非任何利空消息。虽然美国征收关税严重打击全球对钢铁股的投资情绪,但是这无疑为大家再次提供另一个买入良机。


一、 大马钢铁行业已经度过最坏时期,去年经济增长较强劲,对钢铁价格有一定支撑。目前需求稳定,Annjoo早前也曾提到,订单已在去年底陆续进来。值得一提,目前的每吨钢筋价格是RM2,620左右,依然处于高位。

二、 在全国大选来临之际,政府预计将加快步伐推出多项大型基建项目。在推动“ 马来西亚产品优先采购”政策下,这将有助于巩固本地的钢铁工业,继续对钢铁起到支撑。

三、 大马对钢材进口征收3年保障措施税,会减少来自中国的钢铁进口,也有利于稳定钢价。如今,中国冬季环保限产加码,中国产量将受到更多的影响,同时若需求保持稳定,国际钢铁价格有望保持稳定。

股价每天都会有窄幅波动,而我们无法控制这种波动。既然无法控制,也无法预知,所以大家尝试不要自寻烦恼。一位十分敬佩的前辈常常对我说: “市场终究会还它们一个公道!”,而我也深信不疑,就好像当初的Hengyuan。


RH Research


2018-03-02 17:18 | Report Abuse

very soon, Ford, General Motor and many more need to closed down their factory in US, as their car manufactured in US can not sell to other country, shift their factories to other countries due to this stupid tariff policy......


2018-03-02 16:58 | Report Abuse

Masteel investers has many using margin to invest. these 2 days many have cut lost, cut margin, top up money....some cut with huge lost......becareful.....

3 days trading after Q4 results, masteel has traded more than 60 mil share, is about 14% of Masteel total share change hand....

I personally feel that Masteel will rebound after touch 1.00 by next week.....


2018-03-02 16:48 | Report Abuse

Don't understanding the steel counter sell down like lost making business even is only because of the other country tariff hike, seems like tomorrow Annjoo/Masteel need to make lost, or steel price going to crash tomorrow......


2018-03-02 16:48 | Report Abuse

Don't understanding the steel counter sell down like lost making business even is only because of the other country tariff hike, seems like tomorrow Annjoo/Masteel need to make lost, or steel price going to crash tomorrow......


2018-03-02 16:41 | Report Abuse

i am transferring my funds to buy in Masteel & Annjoo next monday.....Hopefully no rebound yet......

Wait for me......


2018-03-02 16:41 | Report Abuse

i am transferring my funds to buy in Masteel & Annjoo next monday.....Hopefully no rebound yet......

Wait for me......


2018-03-02 16:28 | Report Abuse

The more drop create better opportunity grab b4 too late.....


2018-03-02 14:26 | Report Abuse

US impose or not impose tax does not affect the whole world steel demand. It will only impact US economy to get lesser trade in future.

Import reduce......export also amount trade reduce......factory closed down.....unemployment rate hike.........

Bring US to more stronger???? Doubtful........

Can say that Someone is throw the big stone to hit his own foot....after that voice loudly "very pain"..............


2018-03-02 14:15 | Report Abuse

Steel products is covering very wide industries, automotive, infrastructural, railway, building construction, hardware, semi-conductor, aerospace and many many more.

Steel price in US definitely up a lot if impose import duty.

How about all these US end product? of course all will increase price.

US end products some is for local sales, need to compete with international price as customer has choice example Japan car and US car....this is just one sample.

US end product if for export more worse, u though those customer to import from US is because the whole world only US can produce? This will impact their export sales definitely.

Therefore, to impose duty from all these cheaper steel materials to US whether is benefit the US economy or vice versa, need to really think not twice, is many many times, the US president should also listen to those End user of import all these steel materials/steel products, what is their impact? how big of these industries invloved? how many workers has been hired? why? If US factory can not sustain and closed down it should blame the stupid policy which made this even worse.

How about those big country like China?
You impose duty, u though china government quietly sitting there for u to bully....No....example Iphone can import china, china can impose tax to Iphone as claim that this iphone can create threat to their safety.....and many more....

US impose tax to protect small portion of their steel industries may exchange to get disaster to have impact on other industries who are even bigger.....

The above is my logic, hope you all share your thought.


2018-03-02 11:30 | Report Abuse

The coming of Q result for Masteel still intact, the current sell down to 1.06 = (before ex bonus 1.41) is on oversold range.....

As a value invester, i am here to tell u opportunity is coming again.

Please start buy in gradually from 1.08 to 1.00


2018-02-28 09:23 | Report Abuse

As long as Rebar price stable 2,300 and above.....


2018-02-28 09:22 | Report Abuse

My understanding Masteel Q4 sell lower price in order to gain market share, therefore gross margin drop 2%, therefore earn less 8.5 mil compare Q4 last year

No big deal....

Look at current ASP 2,700....

Q1 18 will be Masteel Harvest time....

Sure big profit for Q1 2018.....


2018-02-28 09:16 | Report Abuse

if today can close 1.30, those cut lost today should regret.....


2018-02-28 09:15 | Report Abuse

Big Cat sapu all.....those small retailer will buy high again to chase high later......


2018-02-28 09:14 | Report Abuse

so fast rebound.... 1.27 already.....


2018-02-28 09:13 | Report Abuse

Manage to buy again 1.22/1.23, good entry....


2018-02-27 20:53 | Report Abuse

My prediction is correct, china man control company should bet carefully.....

If you said company going to invest a lot for "future opportunity profit"....even they earn so much money also can not give let said 20 cents dividends...

2 cents dividends come from a almost billion profit company 2017 net profit 973 mil.

Hello, 20 cents dividends only cash out 60 mil cash with profit 973mil profit it is merely 6.16% dividends payout....
2 cents dividends cash out 6mil cash with profit 973mil , 0.2% dividends payout????

You though the HY investers is beggar????

I will suggest all shareholder to oppose this dividend from next EGM meeting.....


Dec 4, 2017 11:21 AM | Report Abuse

Why no dividends declare since the profit so much?

becareful guys, RM11 ++ share no dividends will very soon drop back.


Dec 4, 2017 11:29 AM | Report Abuse

Something is not right, big question why no dividends declare???

So much profit, can issue bonus share somemore.....

Can anyone know the answer?


2018-02-27 14:56 | Report Abuse

Masteel, Choobee and lionind result still not out yet, don't know which will be the best?


2018-02-26 19:20 | Report Abuse

Masteel result may delay till tomorrow, be patient..

There is no much to worry as there is no significant bad news affecting Q4 period....look at Annjoo and Steel, profit is only keep increasing

Masteel definitely profit above 20mil, only thing is whether 23? or >25mil?

if >25 mil, i estimate Masteel can hit 1.50 in short term period....

The resent price hit 1.40 is proved that more and more investers is interesting to invest Masteel, of course when price up, many seller start sell between 1.35 to 1.38, which i feel that is healthy, as the Q4 results is not out, some have sold and parking side to observe, however, if Q4 result is better that expected, they need to buy more expensive.

As i said previously, Masteel is good to hold for Mid-term, hold it at least till end of 2018, you will be impressed for the money u made in Masteel.


2018-02-21 14:52 | Report Abuse

Therefore, when price up reach certain level, some is leaving with certain profit, as long as they have get what they want, there is no definite answer for correct investment, even warrent buffet also may made mistake....

I am looking for mid term return, as long as market is on good track of profit earning for long steel counter, why need to worry when share price hit the record high?

There is more and more people with full money on his pocket looking for investment day steel counter will fully reflect their correct PE ratio, you can see most country 's steel counter are trade more between 12 to 20.....

Malaysia steel counter can said that we are undervalue as many invester has been badly hurt due to previous lost making history...

Don't look back history, we should look forward and to predict the better future of steel industry....


2018-02-21 14:44 | Report Abuse

In the share market, it is always normal when share price up, shareholders need profit return some is for short term, some for long term


2018-02-14 21:58 | Report Abuse

So fast already hit my one month TP price!!!!

More to come on Q4 results on Masteel And Annjoo, see how is the strongest among 3 counters.....

STC1136 After ex bonus 12/02/18 Monday opening should be 1.14 (not mistaken is round down). Any price below 1.10 is a strong buy range.

Those who still interest to invest Masteel may get it from market between 1.12 to 1.15 easily before Q4 results announce on 23 to 25th of this month.
As i have highlighted previously most of us estimated Masteel should minimum get 20mil profit, therefore full year 2017 earning will roll to 82 mil.

After bonus total share 427 mil, still can get EPS 19.2 cents, PE with current price 1.14 is merely 5.93 only. cheap rite?

The bonus whether diluted or not, just a simple calculation use PE to measure....

I personally feel that Masteel will rocket high again with new TP of 1.35 to 1.40 before 31/03/18.

Grad the opportunity before it rocket high again!!!
11/02/2018 11:36


2018-02-11 11:36 | Report Abuse

After ex bonus 12/02/18 Monday opening should be 1.14 (not mistaken is round down). Any price below 1.10 is a strong buy range.

Those who still interest to invest Masteel may get it from market between 1.12 to 1.15 easily before Q4 results announce on 23 to 25th of this month.
As i have highlighted previously most of us estimated Masteel should minimum get 20mil profit, therefore full year 2017 earning will roll to 82 mil.

After bonus total share 427 mil, still can get EPS 19.2 cents, PE with current price 1.14 is merely 5.93 only. cheap rite?

The bonus whether diluted or not, just a simple calculation use PE to measure....

I personally feel that Masteel will rocket high again with new TP of 1.35 to 1.40 before 31/03/18.

Grad the opportunity before it rocket high again!!!


2018-02-09 16:54 | Report Abuse

1.14 is cheapest long steel counter, even cheaper than Lion.