
SinGor | Joined since 2014-11-26

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2023-11-29 22:43 | Report Abuse

Total drilling profit is RM74.8mil ( If declared as net profit, management has to pay 32% taxes so better
paid off short term Loan ) 3Q23 Date-Rate is $92 / day----HESS offer is $135 / Day in 2024 ( maybe starting
Oct 2023 )----So I expect Velesto profit to be about RM150--210mil per Quarter in 2024 ( have to include
Revenue from 2 hydraulic Units which will be operating Full Time in 2024 )


2023-11-29 21:49 | Report Abuse

Money just donT disappeared from Revenue. Velesto Management paid back RM70mil Short Borrowing.
2Q short term Loan was 219mil and 3Qr short term Loan is RM149mil ( 31/12/22 Short term Loan RM254mil)
Good or Bad Qr ----you say!!!
I think Management will made RM70mil profit +++ 4Q23


2023-11-29 18:23 | Report Abuse

Next major usage is HNB ( heat not burned ). Equipment is about RM400 But many, many Chinese Shop
owners i know had switched----They said for Health reason, but real reason is just donT want to give up
smoking----How can you bullshit in Kopitiam like a Taiko Without a Cig hanging from you Mouth


2023-11-29 16:02 | Report Abuse

nervous is the word


2023-11-28 18:01 | Report Abuse

sometimes people are born to Loss Money, Jaks is born to "Waste Money "


2023-11-28 17:47 | Report Abuse

Earned so "Little" also give Dividend ( 1 cent )??? For sure 4Q results is strong. Dividend is surely from Highway Cash Sale proceed which i complaint ---give so Little at that time. Anyway State Gov Co. has no Vested
interest ( Got extra money just give it away )


2023-11-28 15:09 | Report Abuse

“Every US$10,000 (RM42,500) per day increase in our new-contract DCR assumptions will increase Velesto’s FY23 forecast core net profit by 17%


2023-11-28 11:01 | Report Abuse

very explosive Earnings in 2024!!!!!!!!----3Q results Must be out before 31 Nov ( 1 Dec )


2023-11-27 21:01 | Report Abuse

Big Fat, Shorty ( Public Bank --0.630)-----Trying to out do my 0.40 Tp


2023-11-27 20:54 | Report Abuse

Hess offer the highest Day-Rate in 2023.....but still US$20,000 Less than what SAP is getting outside Malaysia
Water.......If ALL Velesto Rigs gets US$105,000---I am very sure Velesto net profit will breach RM70.0mil / Qr.
Serious consideration---changed Job Bidding Director ( makan Gaji only )


2023-11-27 15:28 | Report Abuse

I am optimistic this Qr should be better than last Qr.....Cement Bags usage is Up....Water Chemical demand
is Good ( Taliworks Qr remains Good )----More and more Electronics Giants are leaving China and enter
Vietnam---ToyoPlas (Vietnam) should pose Good results---Most likely negate Penang slow-down


2023-11-27 15:01 | Report Abuse

donT care up-down-gostan or Not......Already Sold and made 32% profit---Thank You TanSri for Proton S90


2023-11-25 18:40 | Report Abuse

SAP may surprise with a strong up-tick in Profit in coming Qr bcos profit will Not pull-down by Forex loss..Palm-oil
Exporting Co like IOI didnT report forex loss....Earnings not capture last Qr will be reported this Qr and across
the Board Bursa Report until Friday indicate Raw Material Inflation is sliding Downwards


2023-11-25 10:45 | Report Abuse

War of Giants. EPF donT want to pay more for Prudential shares. Keep pushing down to force Prudential to
unload. Remaining Bauto (5% or less) in Prudential should be unloaded next week. With EPF being King
of the Hill, you should expect price to Breach RM3 by year end


2023-11-24 18:33 | Report Abuse

MBM Resources Quarter Result
Quarter Result on 30-Sep-2023[#3] QoQ - 101.74% YoY - 72.29%.
100% jump in QoQ profit ( 13 sens Dividend )-----Expect BAUTO to do very Good too


2023-11-24 18:23 | Report Abuse

The item that will pull down Velesto earnings badly beside operation is Forex loss. So far only AAX posed
substantial forex loss, even blue, blue Co like IOI did'T record forex loss


2023-11-24 15:41 | Report Abuse

looks like PNB buying at 0.230 again----Every Buy is One million shares. Think results OUT today


2023-11-24 11:00 | Report Abuse

Petronas is squeezing Velesto Boss. Need to move outside Malaysia is expensive to move Rigs
that is why Petronas is winning ( lost working days and moving Cost ). But it will Ends soon, very soon.
I heard Petronas is offering New Rate for 2024 but Velesto (PNB) wants International Rate. If Velesto rejects
new rate, Petronas has NO rigs available in ASEAN region which means No drilling in 2024 + 2025


2023-11-24 09:25 | Report Abuse

Peugeot is Not a Volume contributor to Bauto revenue. Just the Opposite it requires Promotion and Spare parts
maintenance, taking away Cash which should be Dividend to Shareholders. Bauto as a Dealer to Peugeot is
much better deal


2023-11-23 10:15 | Report Abuse

nsas is a salted Fish....Last year Osk & Insas are about same price 80cents. Now Osk is 1.24 and Insas is
0.895----Both Co, has Cash holding about 1.0Bil with Insas slightly more----Insas holding so much Cash
but donT have a PLAN to maximise return------Delisting better, owner keep ALL Cash


2023-11-22 09:28 | Report Abuse

Why Aax was let Go?? After proper request???? No-- i ask around, many say there is a " invisible Hand working "
SAP will be next then CapA ----All let Go (PN17 lock-Up) during 2024----CapA is more difficult than SAP bcos
it didnT produce " White Knight" and property Sale as SAP ( SapuraOmv)


2023-11-17 09:20 | Report Abuse

My Cameron Highland Farmer Friend said IF you eat 1 KG vegetable Daily from Cameron for 20years ---you will
guarantee develop Stomach and intestine Cancer. However most of us eat only 15% of One KG vegetable so
most of us will Live till 70years Old and not dying from Cancer-----
How he knows??? Bcos 60% Cameron Highland Farmers died from Lung and Nostril Cancer by 50years Old.
So now Farmers in General sub-contract pesticide Spraying to Bangla


2023-11-16 18:18 | Report Abuse

Malaysia Attorney General said GeG violated Article 8 of Federal Constitution. GeG cannot Passed into Law--
if needed can be forced into Law but Any Lawyer can challenge it and Anwar has to get a New Attorney
General with Agong permission ( too complicated and GeG has no plan B ) KJ can blame ministers but KJ
donT know the Law and Constitution


2023-11-16 10:51 | Report Abuse

kps later sell land at market value to me. I will be filthy rich


2023-11-15 17:28 | Report Abuse

MPI Qr results seem to Fall off a Cliff


2023-11-15 17:23 | Report Abuse

Khairy wrote on his Instagram timeline that the two ministers are Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Law and Institutional Reform) Azalina Othman Said and Tourism, Arts and Culture Minister Tiong King Sing.

As for "the gaffer", it was...

" Tiong King Sing " Blocking GeG??? The politician that "Forced his way into immigration" to save Chinese
Tourist being Conned


2023-11-15 10:29 | Report Abuse

Ular Shed skin again become anak ular----Heavy make-up also no use, people can recognise you 1 kilometre
away.......Kossan Ceo everyday Sakit, refused to release Qr results ( what can you do )


2023-11-12 16:18 | Report Abuse

Delisting from Bursa is Not a Option for Tony ( always people thought this is the easy way Out ) Moving from
Listed Bhd and ordinary Bhd requires Revaluation of Debts and Assets by Lenders (Banks ) Are Cap A Books in Order???
Even Outsiders like me can sense Tony's Books Are heavily manipulated. Bank Auditors have to Check the
"Real Ones".......Right now Bankers Closed One Eye and Open One Eye, just donT want to stir-Up so much


2023-11-11 20:39 | Report Abuse

Tony is betting BIG on aax getting PN17 upliftment in 2Qr ( throw kitchen sink into 2Qr---Remeasurement of
associate ) Throw even his only Clean Shirt too---how desperate?...... What to throw in 3Qr? No more Bullets---Always the worst Qr in any Given Year


2023-11-09 14:38 | Report Abuse

PNB on Damage control ( wipe out sellers)------RM20mil ( 70mil shares ) is nothing to PNB


2023-11-07 15:33 | Report Abuse

Harta management said this Qr is worse than last Qr. Profit comes from Forex Gain. When people complete
reading, tomolo massive Dump


2023-11-07 15:31 | Report Abuse

management said in Qr report, this Qr is worse than last Qr---profit comes from forex gain----Dump


2023-11-07 10:17 | Report Abuse

Tony is afraid if he Has to join MyAirline CEO----Any Float including Garbage Bag if it can keep Tony above
WaterLine for another 6 months


2023-11-06 22:59 | Report Abuse

PETRONAS refers to recent news reports speculating a merger between Malaysia Marine and Heavy Engineering Holdings Bhd (MHB) and Sapura Energy Bhd. PETRONAS ...
After shedding SAP asset to reduce Debt, Both MHB and SAP actually matching in Size and Value


2023-11-06 22:54 | Report Abuse

Looking at Velesto postings, it seems PNB wants to Sell Velesto Rigs to ABL, Oslo----SAP has 11 rigs which
can be put on the Table for Sales----So far Bankers has refused to take-up shares on SAP's Rigs Company
as collateral for HairCut----Sell SapuraOMV and Rigs and left back Fire-fighting vessel host to clean Bob's
foul smelling mouth.


2023-11-06 22:42 | Report Abuse

Maybe PNB is arm-twisting Petronas Hands---pay more or No Rigs


2023-11-06 22:39 | Report Abuse

Moving 6 velesto Rigs to Other ASEAN region means No Rigs for Petronas. SAP 11 rigs also works outside
Malaysia water


2023-11-06 19:56 | Report Abuse

I am very suspicious of latest (esos)---7.5% of all Outstanding Shares. Most Directors donT have this Type
of Banking muscle to Buy Esos ( hardly any Directors had Any Velesto shares )----On one Hand PNB wants
to Dispose Velesto ( news purposely LeakOut ) In Old Days, someone usually "used" Director Esos to made
Huge instant profit during Take Over---
All say, Velesto Sales seems very likely and price should be reasonable high too


2023-11-06 14:25 | Report Abuse

looks like 3Q profit ( if any ) will comes from Forex gain


2023-11-05 15:27 | Report Abuse

When syndicate + Genting punters started plowing in-----Rumours become Real News


2023-11-05 15:25 | Report Abuse

Rumours are used to Pump-Up price. Tomolo Limit-Up, Bursa will ask Management---What Ups??
Management Reply---DonT known ask Rumour Mill " The Edge lah "-----Who paid RM5000 to Edge write the


2023-11-03 17:11 | Report Abuse

yes --2nd group of buyers enter today---next week should see price above 0.265


2023-11-03 10:40 | Report Abuse

Warong Talks ( Bob ) ---when Bankers lend 10Billions to SAP 10years ago--Net worth is 13Billion---SapuraOMV
was Not even in Books YET


2023-11-03 10:14 | Report Abuse

The prospect of SAP getting a Bailout from Arab Nations is getting much, much Better bcos of Gaza War.
They need Moral support from ASEAN & Anwar ( as the sayings goes Money to grease everythings )


2023-11-03 10:05 | Report Abuse

How Tony is going to submit 2 year earnings after Covid??


2023-11-03 10:03 | Report Abuse

Listing in NasDaq is just a "proposal"---( speaking for Bragging Rights in Kopitam ) Get Listed is Real thing!!!!
As far as I know, 2 years of earnings and detail listing in Books has to be submitted for inspection ( i found
out that 95% of Chinese Co submitting to NasDaq Listing had Failed )
All this Hype is Tony's Hope of getting Bursa release AA from PN17---nothing more or Less


2023-11-03 09:26 | Report Abuse

Lower Rate is Good Biz for Gov's Servant Lending----Osk 's Lending should be doing Good in 2024


2023-11-03 09:18 | Report Abuse

BNM is holding rate at 3% for 2024----The way I see it Fed USA is going Long term on "Lower for longer"
on Rate-----USA has 33 Trillion Debt ( Service interest--- 0.5 Trillion every Year ) 15years Old Math ( 1% more
more, how much ?? ) China is running away from US Treasury speak Volume---Just Hitting Recession in One
year can Double US borrowing Vol ( bcos Taxes cannot meet interest payment )


2023-11-03 09:05 | Report Abuse

Is Tony Hedging Jet Fuel??? With little Cash left, hedging Oil becomes luxury to AA but AA can be burning
Both ends of a candle if Fuel jumps above $120. Bcos i donT Israel stopping War campaign soon---Maybe
6 months or 18months Later


2023-11-02 17:02 | Report Abuse

today Buyers has entered. If tomolo, next batch of buyers enter----we have a rally building up