Emotional Introvert Most defining characteristics: You are sensitive, melancholic and a perfectionist. You are a very emotional, caring and dedicated person. You believe that there is a bigger picture in life, one that we can’t really see, but we can feel. You are very compassionate, strong minded
Blog Posts
2024-08-23 08:55 | Report Abuse
And if miller export the CPO to Malaysia refinery then miller directly pay the Export Levy and Duty on CPO.
2024-08-23 08:47 | Report Abuse
Indonesia plantation companies indirectly pay Levy and Duty on CPO as refinery pay miller CPO international price minus levy and duty.
Palm Products Segment (Continued)
Both the segment revenue and profit for Q2 2024 and 6M 2024 and the corresponding periods last year were impacted by the Indonesia Export Levy and Duty on CPO as shown below:
Quarter Ended Year-To-Date Ended
30.06.2024 30.06.2023 Changes 30.06.2024 30.06.2023 Changes
RM’000 RM’000 % RM’000 RM’000 %
Indonesia Export Levy and Duty on CPO
21,155 33,765 (37%) 41,473 59,767 (31%)
Average selling prices
Quarter Ended Year-To-Date Ended
30.06.2024 30.06.2023 Changes 30.06.2024 30.06.2023 Changes
CPO 3,704 3,493 6% 3,645 3,523 3%
PK 2,250 1,785 26% 2,088 1,778 17%
2024-08-23 08:21 | Report Abuse
As at 31/12/2023 capitalA is an insolvent or bankrupt company as the 2024 cashflow projection by management cannot cover the payment of current lease liabilities and current trade and other payables.
The survival of capitalA depend on
1. Successful implementation of a Revenue Bond program; and
2. Continuous support from Group's lessors
This is the word of auditor and not mine
We have assessed the reasonableness of the cash flow projection provided by the management (Note 2.1). The going concern of the Group is dependent on the following:
1. Successful implementation of a Revenue Bond program; and
2. Continuous support from Group's lessors
2024-08-23 07:41 | Report Abuse
People use PE or dividend yield to value plantation companies.
So what is the average PE and dividend yield of big, middle and small plantation companies listed in Bursa?
2024-08-23 07:17 | Report Abuse
Some people just have noting to contribute, nothing better to do, no job, no family and no friend so they come to i3investor forum seeking attention and cari gaduh with people and thus incur the wrath of ......
They then twist and turn and act innocent asking:
Posted by Johnchew5 > 1 hour ago | Report Abuse
Hoho why those abusive ID only appeared in OTB promoting forum ???
This kind of people you better totally ignore them
2024-08-22 22:53 | Report Abuse
External Auditors if FYE 2022 Management cash flow forecast is far off the mark as per actual achieved then as at 31 December 2023, the group current liabilities exceed its current assets by RM12,699 million. Are Auditors satisfied and confident with management's cash flow forecast for year 2024 that the group will not default on the net current liabilities of RM12,699 million?
We have assessed the reasonableness of the cash flow projection provided bythe management (Note 2.1). The going concern of the Group is dependent on the following:
1. Successful implementation of a Revenue Bond program; and
2. Continuous support from Group's lessors.
2024-08-22 22:37 | Report Abuse
Wait for next 2 bad quarters result and see how Mr.Market will react.
2024-08-22 22:34 | Report Abuse
Are you kidding money for nothing?
Can money just fall from sky.
Know what is revenue bond?
Page 40 of Financial Report 2023: Funding
The Group is currently engaging in discussion with lenders at different stages for debt and equity fundraising, with an estimated amount of RM3 billion. As at the date of this report, the Group has received commitment from investors for a Revenue Bond Program of up to USD365 million (equivalent to RM1.68 billion)
The Revenue Bond program entails the conversion of outstanding lease payments of USD240 million (approximately RM1.1 billion) into bond (Tranche 1) and cash inflow of approximately USD125 million (approximately RM575 million) (Tranche 2) to finance working capital, maintenance cost and lease rentals. The revenue bond willbe secured against passenger seat sales from identified routes and shares in a subsidiary. Tranche 1 of the Revenue Bond has a tenure of 2.5 years whereas Tranche 2 has tenure of 4 years. The bond is expected to be issued by mid of 2024.
2024-08-22 08:47 | Report Abuse
Controlling shareholders Dato',Sri Thong and PAC hold 32.96%. Any SBB or him buying from open market will trigger 33% threshold conditional MGO.
Dato' Sri Thong is waiting for a right moment to increase his holding at minimum cost to him as possible thus he got many proxies buying and selling and trying to keep Insas at depressed price.
2024-08-22 08:28 | Report Abuse
A deal can just be a dividend ex before SCR date.
2024-08-22 08:12 | Report Abuse
Johnzhang Your behavior has certainly changed, at least in the case of MPHB capital. We can't count on you to promote minority shareholders activism . Not fear mongering and pouring cold water is already a big service from you .
Whether our effort will eventually pay off is yet to be seen .But at least we make some effort and encourage minority shareholders activism along the way .
One or a few people may not make any impact , but 50 or 100 people coming together may bring minorities’ power alive .
I don’t wish to say more
My take:
I do not hold any MPHB share but still hold Insas. I have Insas CEO HP number and we exchange whatsapp greeting during festival.
If you are what you said you are (make effort) then you should make appointment to meet with TAN SRI DATO' SURIN UPATKOON and negotiate an agreed deal with him before the EGM.
You need to know many of the minority shareholders are eager to exit at RM 1.70.
Why deny them the opportunity to exit?
2024-08-22 07:58 | Report Abuse
Our comments:
Based on the above, the SCR Offer Price of RM1.70 per Offer Share represents:-
(i) a discount of 48.01% to the estimated fair value of MPHB Shares of RM3.27 per Share;
(ii) a discount of 30.33% and the unaudited consolidated NA of RM2.44 per Share as at
31 March 2024.
Pursuant thereto, we are of the view that the Proposed SCR is NOT FAIR.
We are of the view that the Proposed SCR is REASONABLE as it provides an exit opportunity to the
disinterested shareholders of MPHB, especially for those holding a significant number of MPHB Shares, to realise their investment in MPHB for cash at the SCR Offer Price expeditiously in view that:-
Historical market prices of MPHB Shares
(i) MPHB Shares have not traded above the SCR Offer Price during the past three (3) years prior
to and up to the LPD;
(ii) SCR Offer Price represents a premium of between 8.28% and 50.90% over the 5-day, 1-month,
3-month, 6-month and 1-year VWAMP of MPHB Shares up to and including the LTD; and
(iii) SCR Offer Price represents a premium of between 6.04% and 25.98% over the 5-day, 1-month,
3-month, 6-month and 1-year VWAMP of MPHB Shares up to and including the LPD. Historical trading liquidity of MPHB Shares
2024-08-22 07:08 | Report Abuse
AAX had proposed to acquire the aviation business for RM6.8 billion. It planned to issue new shares worth RM3 billion — 2.31 billion shares at RM1.30 each — to acquire AAAGL
2.31 billion new AAX shares to acquire AAAGL will result in earning dilution or earning enhencing?
Is AAX proposed to acquire the aviation business for RM6.8 billion a financial enhencing or undermining?
Will AAX financially fall into PN17 after acquire the aviation business for RM6.8 billion?
2024-08-22 06:52 | Report Abuse
AAV.BK - Asia Aviation Public Company Limited
Thailand - Thailand Delayed Price. Currency in THB
2.1800 -0.0200 (-0.91%)
At close: August 21 04:38PM ICT
Market Cap 28.013B
AirAsia Indonesia Tbk PT
65,00 IDR +1,00 (1,56%)today
21 Aug, 14.55 WIB • Disclaimer
Mkt cap 683,85B
AAAGL hold: 40.71% AAV, 47.43% AA Indo Tbk PT and 97.71% unlisted PAA.
By right listed AAV and AA Indo Tbk PT is associate company of capitalA.
As at 31/12/2023 AA Indonesia Tbk PT and PAA
RM '000
Net (liabilities)/assets (2,389,344) (3,733,024)
Need capital injection.
2024-08-21 21:15 | Report Abuse
CapitalA annual report:
13. Investment in subsidiaries (cont'd.)
Material partly-owned subsidiaries
Proportion of equity interest held by non-controlling interests:
Country of 2023 2022
Name of entity incorporation % %
IAA Indonesia 52.57% 52.57%
PAA Philippines 2.29% 60.00%
AAV Thailand 59.29% -
13. Investment in subsidiaries (cont'd.)
Material partly-owned subsidiaries (cont'd.)
Summarised income statements as at 31 December are as follows:
2023: 2022
RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000
Revenue 2,025,803 1,767,199 3,361,088 1,138,141 827,520
Depreciation and amortisation (239,357) (184,015) (289,965) (188,126) (191,038)
Interest income 192 15 2,839 230 6
Interest expense (108,689) (101,539) (192,613) (97,235) (86,070)
(Loss)/profit before taxation (364,287) (472,560) 23,210 (487,986) (533,294)
Tax credit - - 4,023 - -
Net (loss)/profit for financial year (364,287) (472,560) 27,233 (487,986) (582,865)
Total comprehensive (loss)/profit (364,287) (472,560) 27,233 (487,986) (582,865)
Attributable to non-controlling interests (191,513) (10,803) 16,147 (256,534) (349,719)
Summarised statements of financial position as at 31 December are as follows:
RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000
Non-current assets 1,627,381 908,863 8,094,574 1,409,615 709,801
Current assets 231,987 242,429 1,831,039 116,294 357,235
Non-current liabilities (2,283,702) (1,679,148) (6,223,938) (1,992,676) (1,021,560)
Current liabilities (1,965,010) (3,205,168) (2,573,670) (1,458,377) (3,100,251)
Net (liabilities)/assets (2,389,344) (3,733,024) 1,128,005 (1,925,144) (3,054,775)
2024-08-21 10:16 | Report Abuse
And one of the complaint is about jaks related parties trade and other receivables multi-million impairment.
Very sad Mike-tikus promote jaks day and night 24/7/365 nonstop did not even attend AGM to hold BOD responsible, accountable and answerable.
Really a conman promoting a con company.
2024-08-21 09:34 | Report Abuse
7293 YINSON 60,000 2.3813 2.7600 142,878.00 165,600.00 22,722.00 15.90
Dare to show your JAKS holding?
2024-08-21 08:42 | Report Abuse
NP to SH
Financial Year: 31-Dec-2024
31-Mar-2024 5,241,398 -249,843 -244,279 -91,554 -2.20 -2.1100
Financial Year: 31-Dec-2023
31-Dec-2023 4,859,431 116,396 20,953 -159,567 -3.80 -2.0500
30-Sep-2023 4,231,447 -549,981 -468,736 -178,823 -4.30 -2.0000
30-Jun-2023 3,151,131 937,105 929,362 1,118,281 27.50 -2.0100
31-Mar-2023 2,529,713 29,890 26,014 57,095 1.40 -1.3300
Did CapA make any real and not paper profit in year 2023?
If make real profit then why NAPS become more negative?
2024-08-21 08:30 | Report Abuse
On or before Insas-WC expire date Dato' Sri Thong will need to make his move. There will not be another RI of RPS with free warrants.
2024-08-21 07:54 | Report Abuse
I attend physical AGM not to collect door gift but to collect name cards.
I had make so many complaints to Bursa and SC on many companies.
I hold BOD accountable, responsible and answerable during AGM Q&A.
2024-08-20 21:05 | Report Abuse
I would not think controlling shareholder of Insas Dato' Sri Thong will think he can privitised Insas by SCR route.
The most he can do is trigger the 33% threshold and offer an conditional MGO and hoping that by converting his Insas-WC, he can increase his holding to 50%+.
2024-08-20 20:07 | Report Abuse
SCR outcome only either remain listing (fail) or delist (success).
But conditional MGO those want to exit with some profit at the offer price are welcome to accept the offer and those do not will still can hold on to their share as the listing status remain.
I will not accept the RM 1.15 offer but I welcome the offer and will be happy if the controlling shareholder can increase his holding to above 50%
2024-08-20 19:40 | Report Abuse
Posted by Johnzhang > Aug 20, 2024 6:23 PM | Report Abuse
@Sslee , you have a billion to lend to us ?
If only I have a billion then I would have take over Insas and increase my wealth to 3 billion+
2024-08-20 19:06 | Report Abuse
Insas shareholders can only look at how much book net worth growth but can't unlock its value into the share price
30/06/23 30/06/22 30/06/21 30/06/20 30/06/19 30/06/18 30/06/17 30/06/16 30/06/15 30/06/14 CAGR
Net Worth 2,340,464 2,194,599 1,982,432 1,750,354 1,737,078 1,650,887 1,551,436 1,352,726 1,267,337 1,198,048 7.72%
NOSH 663,021 663,021 663,021 663,013 663,007 663,007 663,007 663,101 663,527 665,582 -0.04%
2024-08-20 18:32 | Report Abuse
I am just trying to make a point that if controlling shareholder for whatever reason only knew to him do not wants to unlock and share the huge money hording in the listed company with all the shareholders then as minority shareholders you can't to much to unlock the value.
2024-08-20 15:17 | Report Abuse
Someone must has trapped himself inside China stock market. So a trader become a long term investor.
2024-08-20 13:11 | Report Abuse
In USA it is a totally different story:
Joe Biden is now going back to what he has repeatedly characterised as Donald Trump's threat to democracy.
He speaks again about the Capitol riot on 6 January, 2021.
"On that day, we almost lost everything about who we are as a country," Biden says.
"And that threat is still very much alive.
"He's promising a bloodbath, if he loses, in his words, and that he'll be a dictator on day one, in his own words. And by the way, this sucker means it," Biden says.
2024-08-20 11:44 | Report Abuse
If anyone interest to borrow a billion to take over Insas and I can say for sure you are going to immediately get a billion to pay back your borrowing and have another 2 billlion+ assets that included and not limited to 515,008,575 inari share
Any taker?
2024-08-20 10:42 | Report Abuse
Good to know Philip is alive and kicking.
Quote,"It's not hard to pick a stock, the hard part is knowing how to wait for the fruit to appear" unquote
Remember to havest the fruit. I already harvested most of my Insas but Philip wait too long to harvest his Pchem.
2024-08-20 10:00 | Report Abuse
Posted by Ahlian > Aug 20, 2024 8:24 AM | Report Abuse
Looking forward for better result for next Quarter
By what is planned for major plant turn-around, Pengerang complex full operation 3QCY24 and forward products price outlook will next 2 quarters be a better result??
The key takeaways from PCHEM’s analyst briefing are as follows:
1. The ASEAN Bintulu fertiliser plant went offline unexpectedly in May 2024, but had since returned to normal operations. The group is planning a major plant turn-around for this facility in 4QCY24.
2. The PC Ethylene and Polyethylene Kertih plants will undergo statutory turnaround in 3QFY24, which will affect plant utilisation for the O&D division.
3. The Pengerang complex, co-owned by PCHEM and Saudi Aramco, is targeted to achieve full operations by 3QCY24. This could negatively impact the group’s bottom line as it will begin recognising finance and depreciation costs.
2024-08-20 09:54 | Report Abuse
The decrease in profitability is partly attributed to sluggish polymer prices and weak product spreads. Polymer prices for HDPE, LDPE, and LLDPE remained flat during the third quarter to date, mirroring the trends observed in 2Q24. Additionally, the prices for urea and methanol showed minimal change, ranging from 0% to -3%. These trends suggest that the third quarter could also be disappointing, as product spreads continue to struggle.
PCG is aiming for the commercial operations date (COD) of its Pengerang facility in 3Q24. This development is expected to significantly impact the company’s financials, with anticipated annual depreciation and interest expenses of RM400 million and RM200 million respectively. The Pengerang Complex, a 50% joint venture unit, is currently operating at an EBITDA loss due to thin polymer-naphtha spreads, which are less than USD350 per metric tonne. This unit is projected to remain loss-making for the next three years, making the COD a key de-rating factor for the company.
Despite these challenges, analyst maintains a SELL rating on Petronas Chemicals with a revised target price of RM4.18, down from the previous RM5.05. The target price reduction reflects a lower target price-to-earnings ratio (PER) of 15x, adjusting to -0.5 standard deviation from the company’s seven-year average. The gloomy outlook for polymer prices and the challenging operational environment have prompted this cautious stance.
2024-08-20 08:44 | Report Abuse
Looking back my childhood the only place I can got my hand on book is school library.
So I miss my golden children time where I should have the capacity and capability to learn more.
Nowadays knowledge is in everyone hand as long as you have a smart phone with internet access.
What lacking today is the curiosity and the interest for knowledge.
2024-08-20 08:07 | Report Abuse
A FPSO cost multi billion USD. To complete the projects on time you need finance support and I think bankers take advantage of client tight schedule and demand for a very high interest rate.
Yinson has no choice but to bite the bullet to complete the FPSO, shipped to client, commission and running the FPSO so that incomes will start to roll in.
Once this is done then Yinson should refinance those expensive borrowing and It will help if US start to reduce interest rate come Sept.
High finance cost will eat into Yinson profit and there are still many risks Yinson need to overcome. So Yinson is not for the faint hearted.
2024-08-19 09:51 | Report Abuse
Once PIC (Pengerang Integrated Complex) in operation with negative margin spread of naphtha feedstock-ethylene derivative and finance cost cannot be capitalized and huge depreciation cost come in plus if ringgit strengtening against USD then next quarter result will be ugly.
2024-08-19 09:33 | Report Abuse
Market Cap: 44,640 Million
NOSH: 8,000 Million
Avg Volume (4 weeks): 4,810,035
4 Weeks Range: 5.28 - 6.14
52 Weeks Range: 5.28 - 7.65
4 weeks and 52 weeks low is 5.28.
Will it drop below 5.28?
2024-08-19 09:03 | Report Abuse
9237 SCIB
100,000 0.2795 0.2500 27,950.00 25,000.00 -2,950.00 -10.55
Managed to average down my SCIB to 28 sens. waiting to sell at 30 sens for my usual free bintang beer and lobster.
2024-08-19 08:59 | Report Abuse
So is TTB waiting for Maybank to drop to RM 5.00?
2024-08-19 08:48 | Report Abuse
Value investing is not about timing the stock market or the economy.
Similarly we hold cash and wait for the right opportunity to make investments based on our principles.
If not about timing then hold cash and wait for what?
What is right opportunity?
The FBMKLCI index hit rock bottom on 19th March 2020 at 1219.72 point (Year range: 1,219.72 - 1,684.58) and prompted Bursa to suspend short selling on March 24 2020.
Is FBMKLCI at 1,219.72 on 19th March 2020 the right opportunity?
2024-08-19 08:30 | Report Abuse
Posted by TheContrarian > Aug 14, 2024 12:58 PM | Report Abuse
Posted by leno > 2024-02-26 09:16 | Report Abuse
Insas 1.18
WC 0.38
1 week after expire
WC 0.38 will become mother 1.18 automatically
= 210.5 % profit in 2 years !!
2024-08-19 08:28 | Report Abuse
By the way do not follow that cat advice of all in Insas-WC. This road is sure to Holland
2024-08-19 08:24 | Report Abuse
All roads lead to Rome. You just need to be patient, take a few falls and learn your way.
2024-08-19 07:31 | Report Abuse
MPOM Malaysia local price Jan-July 2024
From TSH Indonesia plantation
Average selling prices Quarter Ended
31.03.2024 31.03.2023
CPO 3,587 3,555
PK 1,930 1,770
2024-08-19 06:43 | Report Abuse
Indonesia long ago already did not subsidy petrol and diesel.
Indonesia imposed CPO export duty and levy. Hence CPO local price is international price minus export duty minus levy. This is to ensure local enjoy cheaper cooking oil.
2024-08-18 17:10 | Report Abuse
Ok got it.
Will leave dumbass Mike-tikus alone from now.
2024-08-18 17:07 | Report Abuse
Mr.Market is unpredictable as he has his own way/rule/sentiment to offer you the price to buy your shares or sold his shares to you.
If only Mr. Market each time offer to buy your shares at potential RNAV then investing will be very much easy.
When will Mr.Market offer to buy my Insas at a fair price?
Note:Insas NTA RM 3.63 is still the most undervalued stock in Bursa.
Cash alone already billion and still holding 515,008,575 inari share
2024-08-18 16:48 | Report Abuse
As a minority shareholders you do not have a say on how the business is run nor how much dividend to give to the shareholders.
You just invest you money on the company shares and hoping for shares price appreciation and receive your dividend or sold the shares back to Mr. Market to realise your capital gain/loss.
2024-08-18 16:31 | Report Abuse
Aiuoyo Mike-tikus still did not know jaks operation cash flow is negative for last 3 financial years and will remain negative untill year 2030.
Jaks will continues with yearly PP or RI till 2030 for working capital and loans repayment.
Mike-tikus is still selectively cut and paste his jaks promotion broken record for umpteen times and hope that newbie will chase high so that he can sell his ticket to newbie.
2024-08-23 10:14 | Report Abuse
If you are shareholder of KSeng you can write to KSeng IR with CC to Julius Baer (Spore) to take action on calvintaneng for malicious act with intention of manipulating KSeng share price:
Posted by calvintaneng > Aug 23, 2024 10:04 AM | Report Abuse
Please take note and be warned
Julius Baer (Spore) Kseng Top holder has been involved in wrongful acts in Singapore
if there is any force liquidation Kseng will be impacted as Top holders might be forced sold
so better sell Kseng or later Gek Sim (Heart sick with pain in hokkien)