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3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Could be the mkt is reacting to news that Brazil will see record production of soya bean and India may take take steps to manage the derivative mkt to control the price of oils...Its impact may not be as great as the mkt reaction...just my guess


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Opps overlooked...RM443,8000 is additional monthly labour cost..assuming that ALL its workers are now paid only RM1500 per month..Since the new RM1700 pay only begins in Feb, the cost will be times two ( 2} for Q12025


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Taking from the internet, the company has 2219 employees ..assuming all are paid just RM1500, the additional cost will be just RM443,800...a relatively small amount compared to the profit of RM21.6m during Q3 2024


1 month ago | Report Abuse

With this 4Q coming to a close, it looks like EPS and the dividend for the quarter is going to be better that the 3Q.. Noted that the spot prices for Jan to Mar 2025 is in the region of RM4800..Not bad..The two festivals coming up may be supportive of CPO prices


1 month ago | Report Abuse

In a volatile market, a resonably good dividend stock is a better bet for value investors compared to high valuation "growth" stocks in the market. It may be different for short term traders


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Almost 2 quarters of high cpo prices is in the bag.. My guess is it means better dividends for the last and this quarters...


2 months ago | Report Abuse

RM is going down fast against USD....Should provide some comfort to investors of this stock


2024-09-06 10:10 | Report Abuse

Ytlpowr's profits comes almost completely from its power supply division..Its communication division has been a drain on its resources for many years ..till last quarter when it made a small profit from a cable laying project in east malaysia..Doubt the recent corruption investigations would impact the company in a significant way..


2024-07-28 18:05 | Report Abuse

Genine, based in HK only holds 6% plus shares....But due to low trading volume, their offloading affects the market in my view..Based reports CPO & FFB output has gone up quite significantly the Q ending June 2024.. Compared to the previous quarter, the reported CPO price is also higher....Of course they may be other factors to consider as well..


2024-05-31 18:44 | Report Abuse

Sales volume for CPO dropped 44% and for FFB it dropped 40% based on quarterly report..Obviosly, Jtiasa's earning is affected by seasonly the impact on its output..The report said that output in the second half of the year is usually better...

News & Blogs

2024-05-29 10:53 | Report Abuse

KYY should do a thorough research and then draw his conclusions..Not having a biased view and trying to substantiate it ..Such a approach is prone to serious mistakes.. The defination of what constitute the "civil service" is different in different countries..Secondly one need to look at the types of free and subsidied services provided by the government...Should compare the quality of services like security, education, health, public amenities and other public goods offered by different countries to make a proper assessment..


2024-05-03 14:08 | Report Abuse

Wonder if anyone could throw light on the negative 31.086 million in the income statement in the quarter ending 31/12/23 .. My rough is idea is is the difference between the purchase price of a land ..and the proceeds from the land...Don't know more than that and why it is huge.. I know it only appears in the income statement..but not in the cash flow which will not be impacted.. Anyway, will appreciate any usefull insights on the matter..from the group


2024-04-30 16:38 | Report Abuse

Noted some major shareholders buying and selling YTLPOWR on the same day in the same quantity .. Wonder whether they are trading or trying to create excitement for the stock in the market...


2024-04-17 20:49 | Report Abuse

Noted from EquityTrackers that many major shareholders, inlcuding the largest shareholder are holding shares pledged to banks.... Among them include Fong Siling


2024-04-04 10:48 | Report Abuse

Some insiders are selling ..wonder why?..check out in bursa website


2024-04-03 12:13 | Report Abuse

When there is fear that the local currency will dip, it is natural for foreigners to sell-off some of their shares.. because profits when converted to their currency will be less.. For locals, if it is an export oriented business which is linked to USD, depreciation may be a bonus.. after discounting the inputs they get from abroad..Just views...


2024-03-27 10:19 | Report Abuse

JT's cpo production for Jan & Feb is relatively lower compared to the last Q but the average cpo price is signficantly higher.. Wonder how they play out for profits for this quarter endin 31 Mar..Those who have reported lower profits could have been impacted by lower cpo prices of their latest quarter...Note that companies' quarterly reports need not cover identical time periods.. Just a view


2024-03-21 10:07 | Report Abuse

Jenine own roughly 7% of Jtiasa..close to 70m shares compared to about 968m of total shares..They are foreign their disinvestment could be for a variety reasons..relocating their assets, taking advantage of currency changes or simply to sell down to buy back later..which our local institutional investors do so often...


2024-03-20 15:17 | Report Abuse

Ravetidus, thanks for the info


2024-03-20 14:45 | Report Abuse

3 major shareholders appears to be selling... all of them in equal amounts - one each from HK, China and Spore.. What they appear to have sold is relatively small what they are now holding.. No idea to what level the price would go the near term


2024-03-11 11:04 | Report Abuse

Took a casual at JT's b/s...Despite paying off a 78m loan and an aquisition of 52m and interest pmt of 10m, its end of yr cash improved from 167.8m to 264m, total loans and liabilities improved from 497m to 477m and tot equity improved from1377.8m to 1510.5m.. Tot cpo output have declined quite a bit this quarter but average selling has gone up... I may be wrong in my assessment...but things looks ok to me over the mid to log hold


2024-03-06 09:40 | Report Abuse

By " CPO output" I meant the whole thing.....FFB, CPO & palm kennels


2024-03-06 09:34 | Report Abuse

Those who are not out for a fast buck, Inno is not all that bad with CPO prices above RM4000..a 3 sen dividend in the pipeline & 80% dividend payout.. Though reported CPO output has been slightly lower, the average CPO prices seems to be better this 1st Q 2024.. Dividend being paid every quarter, the next one is just a couple of months away..But with a very small free float, trading in the stock may not be that exciting generally my view


2024-02-23 16:51 | Report Abuse

Thanks Calvin for the very interesting/informative overview of the palm oil industry. I roughly guessed that that many plantation companies will be reporting lower profits in 4th Q...due to lower cpo prices in 4th Q & possibly due to the minimum wage issue.. But their profits are not all that bad if we look at them on a eps/pe, nta basis relative to other industries.., many of which are showing losses.. I think cpo prices so far for 1st Q seemed to have improved a bit..with another month to go..


2024-02-21 14:49 | Report Abuse

Agree that Sg Wang & The Mines looks like dragging down its performance.. My "close RM1.00 NTA" is based on the reit's quarterly report and a casual look at its balance sheet.. My thanks to beyond 4896 for the insightful asessment of the reit's outlook..


2024-02-21 11:03 | Report Abuse

CLMT is trading at a big discount to its net tangible assets of about 98sen/unit.. Hopefully, its performance will also pick up for a potential jump in price in the medium term


2024-02-13 11:29 | Report Abuse

In Calvin's defence, I refer to his posts uite often they are laden with details/facts that I can analyse..His type of posts should be encouraged ..Ultimately, we have to use our own minds to make decisions and not blame others for losses or whatever.. Good to see constructive arguments, insights and views ..rather than outbursts of anger/hate/ frustrations/dissapointments...


2024-01-29 11:14 | Report Abuse

Quite a significant increase in production of crude plam oil, fresh fruit bunches and palm kennel during 4Q 2023..compared to the previous year ..and the previous quarter ..based on bursa announcement


2024-01-24 14:02 | Report Abuse

Looks like he is also the CEO of the company


2024-01-24 13:55 | Report Abuse

72 % owned by Iskandar Hldgs ..which in turn is about 72 % owned by Mirzam Mahathir based on online data


2024-01-18 16:10 | Report Abuse

It gives out dividend every quarter if I am not mistaken..If I am right we can expect a dividend for 4th Q 2023...soon


2024-01-11 15:37 | Report Abuse

If not mistaken, there was a statement that the bank would give out more than 5% dividend for 2023.. Assuming that it just gives out only 5% and 4Q eps is just 8 sen (less that the first 3 quarters), its second dividend should be 7.9 sen..


2024-01-05 11:05 | Report Abuse

I feel the stock is fairly a good one to hold...due to its strong balanced sheet, diversified product range (in terms of industries they serve), diversified markets and quarterly dividend payouts.. . Its profits spiked in the last quarter...when most small companies were reporting lower profits or losses.. It may face a bit of higher material prices in the 4thQ, but there are many factors going in its favour..It may not spike again soon...but in a safe stock to hold in times of uncertainity in my view...just speculating...


2023-12-09 11:41 | Report Abuse

EPF & Prudential seems to be buying and selling at the same time.. But noted that EPF has bought much more that it sold over the last few weeks.. Wonder what is their strategy...


2023-12-08 15:09 | Report Abuse

By looking at the balance sheet and cash flowbtements, besides its new undertakings, we can to some extent gauge the future trends of the company.. I feel those with good cashflow...without the need for big capex ..should return the extra cash to shareholders..


2023-11-30 10:34 | Report Abuse

A bit dissapointing.. but not all that bad..considering most companies are reporting losses or lower profits. Its revenue was up but margins dropped to about 13% ...still backed up by net assets per share of 47 sen.. Hopefully it uses its cash to generate more profits in the quarters ahead...


2023-11-24 13:02 | Report Abuse

Feel losing the master dealership for peugeot will have little og Bauto's bottomline. They will still be selling the vehicles without the need to do any market promotion...Stellatis may take a while to estabish their setup here...

News & Blogs

2023-11-17 09:36 | Report Abuse

I feel the picture posted is disgusting...The differences between the two are too difficult to surmount...human rights, south china sea, taiwan, interlectual property rights, the drug trade etc.. I feel Biden wants to prevent an accidental breakout of war...and cooperation on illegal drugs flowing into the US


2023-09-02 14:58 | Report Abuse

I feel is a EPF big seems to be buying and selling shares at the same huge many counters...It is not just an investor but a traders as well... This can be a challenge for small time traders..

News & Blogs

2023-08-22 18:39 | Report Abuse

I feel today's leaders in AMNO should not be blamed completely ...for creating "a devil" of DAP.. The party should infact be praised... for its "sacrifices" when the country badly needed parties to come together to safe the day.. I hope the author is not praising the parties that refused to do so......A lot of factors could have contributed to why AMMO did not do as well as expected...The DAP may not be the only it may not even be a very significant one.. Time is still in the hands of the Govt and it is still in power...It is not neccesary to play the blame game now... as whatever is being said has been overtaken by events...

News & Blogs

2023-08-14 10:16 | Report Abuse

I feel in a democratic country we should not overly "demonize" the political choices of certain groups.. The challengue is to convince and win them over... The PM has been in office for less than a year..and being new, I am sure the govt would have taken time to settle in as well. Let us see what he can do... Let us also not overlook the fact the voter turnout was low..So the people who actually voted relative to the population must be very low.... especially in the PN states...Another point, the combined population of the three PH won states is roughly 10.2 mil while that of the other three is 5.25 mil...Selangor alone has a population of roughly 7.21 mil....Do you see the diparity and the difficulty in making comparisons?

News & Blogs
News & Blogs

2023-08-14 09:49 | Report Abuse

I feel that argument that voting went on racial lines need to analysised in detail..Let us not overlook the fact that the population of just selangor is much, much more than the population of the 3 states that PN had won combined..... If you look at the population make-up, you will be surprised to note that most of the state constituencies in Selangor has a majority malay population. In NS, almost all the constituencies have a Malay majority. Even in Penang, there are a few constituencies with majority Malay population. The point is unless we know how the voting went through out the six states, it may not be statistically proper to make sweeping statements of how a particular community voted. My own gut feeling is there are differences in perception towards the govt based on regions and political/religious influence with states. A factor in the PM's favour he is very new in office and the impact of his policies may take some time to seriously impact the voting pattern.. We have to wait and see..


2023-07-26 15:23 | Report Abuse

Thanks Pinky for the info....Regarding this reit, the payout of 1.75 sen gives an annualised dividend yeild of more than 7%.. Personally, I feel it is not all that bad to park some money there...


2023-07-25 12:10 | Report Abuse

I think the earning from Kip Warisan, Kip Reit latest aquisition has not been included in its latest earning report... Its latest aquisition would mean Kip Reit will have 11 properties..but the report only mentions its as 10.. I suppose its incorporation is not completed yet


2023-07-13 17:07 | Report Abuse

We should be able to distinguish between the people and the goverment.. In Malaysia which is a democracy, we see and judge the performance of the govt and its leaders..quite easily though our observation and from the news and social media.. In some countries, what is allowed to be reported or made known to the world ...are just the good things...Whatever is bad or unpleasant are not allowed to be reported...Even if some accidentally find their way into social media are quickly taken down... Nobody knows for sure ...what is actually happening authoritaran regimes...besides what is reported or promoted...

News & Blogs

2023-07-13 16:49 | Report Abuse

I feel most of us will accept the fact that the USA created the civilization we live in today..literally every aspect of our lives..can be traced to that country...the internet, payment systems,entertainment, fashion, pharmaceuticals, personal hygiene products, transportation, education etc Just google some of the products at the grocery store..and we will be surprised to learn that it carries an american brand name...from clorox to colgate to M&N..I feel they are quite innovative and will always come out of any problem put in its way......

News & Blogs

2023-06-26 16:46 | Report Abuse

I feel BRIGS talks about dumping the USD is more hype that actual action. There are already problems for Russia for its trade with it does not know to do with all the ruppees it is accumulating. Similar problems is bound to occur beteween other countries too.. In any case , the USD will be used as the benchmark to determine the transactions values between the other currencies... And let us not forget that none of the currencies has widespead international acceptance ... that comes from having freely tradeable currency, an open economy and people's trust


2023-05-31 14:25 | Report Abuse

I think scicom benefited quite a bit from currency depreciation.. revenue was down by a huge margin..also noted lately there was cross trades...i.e people buying and selling large volumes of shares at the same time...


2023-04-27 15:44 | Report Abuse

Feel glove stocks could be linked more to the pandemic and the glove oversupply situation. BPPlas could be linked more to the economic outlook, raw material prices, supply chain contraints etc. May be it could relate more to furniture stocks than glove my view.. Also, I feel it has a fairly strong balance sheet..