I buy when the majority are selling, I watch when the majority are buying, I sell when the majority are getting excited!
Blog Posts
2024-03-06 20:02 | Report Abuse
If after paying for shares of a valued company the price stays flat or drift down for months/years then you have fallen into a value trap.
2024-03-06 19:08 | Report Abuse
The forum here gone dead for over a month?
2024-03-06 18:21 | Report Abuse
Today anyone bought Insas? Don't be shy to tell.
2024-03-06 18:20 | Report Abuse
Sharks having pushed up Insas from 90 sen level to highest point at RM1.35 in 10 short trading days need to offload to the water fish who keep buying more to average down with the hope that they can make a quick exit when Insas price rebound to RM1.15. Everyone seems eager to get out. Sharks as well as water fish.
2024-03-06 16:46 | Report Abuse
A lot of water fish who previously bought high, above 1.20 are buying to average down thinking that they would then be able to exit around 1.15.
2024-03-06 01:22 | Report Abuse
Facebook is back, Dow Jones should recover.
2024-03-05 23:57 | Report Abuse
Facebook has crashed! Dow Jones now 240 points down.
2024-03-05 23:41 | Report Abuse
Dow Jones Index down 200 points, Facebook also down. Waterfall coming.
2024-03-05 21:42 | Report Abuse
Insas, a name that whispers promise,
A value play, some investors entice.
But hold, dear friend, before you take the bait,
This siren song may lead to a bitter fate.
The price sits low, a number that enthralls,
A hidden gem, a bargain for all.
Yet stagnant waters, though alluring to the eye,
May hold unseen depths, where dreams can die.
Years tick by, the share price barely moves,
While others soar, a tale the market proves.
Is it a value, or a value trap so deep?
Where hopes descend, and fortunes fall asleep.
Think twice, dear friend, before you invest your trust,
In promises whispered, turning into dust.
For in the market's dance, a truth is plain to see,
Not all that glitters, is a golden jubilee.
2024-03-05 21:40 | Report Abuse
Insas, a name that whispers promise,
A value play, some investors entice.
But hold, dear friend, before you take the bait,
This siren song may lead to a bitter fate.
The price sits low, a number that enthralls,
A hidden gem, a bargain for all.
Yet stagnant waters, though alluring to the eye,
May hold unseen depths, where dreams can die.
Years tick by, the share price barely moves,
While others soar, a tale the market proves.
Is it a value, or a value trap so deep?
Where hopes descend, and fortunes fall asleep.
Think twice, dear friend, before you invest your trust,
In promises whispered, turning into dust.
For in the market's dance, a truth is plain to see,
Not all that glitters, is a golden jubilee.
2024-03-05 20:10 | Report Abuse
Got someone exercised on the warrants! Insas number of shares has increased.
2024-03-05 18:53 | Report Abuse
While bulls they charge, with horns held bold,
Contrarian whispers, "Soon, the story's told."
Fundamentals strained, a tapestry thin,
A crash awaits, where profits won't win.
He hears the cheers, the laughter light,
But sees the cracks beneath the market's might.
Technicals whisper, charts in disarray,
A downward spiral not far away.
The market's heart, a creature wild,
Can shift and turn, a fickle child.
But Contrarian stands, with calm resolve,
For in his mind, the future does evolve.
So let them scoff, their voices loud and clear,
He holds his ground, with wisdom and no fear.
Contrarian's path, a lonely quest,
To see the market humbled, put to the test.
He waits and watches, with a patient heart,
For when correction tears the world apart.
Though some may doubt, and some may fall,
Contrarian's vision will see him through it all
2024-03-05 16:20 | Report Abuse
There's a foolproof way of becoming a millionaire. Buy 20,000 shares of Insas now and ......... hold until price reaches RM59 before selling all.
2024-03-05 16:13 | Report Abuse
I wish to disclose that I still have one Insas share which I will not sell until Insas reaches 60 ringgit.
2024-03-05 16:11 | Report Abuse
If the market is a weighing machine Insas would trade at 60 ringgit, hahaha.
2024-03-05 16:09 | Report Abuse
Here's a related quote from one of Graham's books on this subject:
the market is not a weighing machine, on which the value of each issue is recorded by an exact and impersonal mechanism, in accordance with its specific qualities. Rather should we say that the market is a voting machine, where on countless individuals register choices which are the product partly of reason and partly of emotion.[1]
With respect to Graham saying "in the long run it is a weighing machine," I did an ebook search of Security Analysis and The Intelligent Investor, and the quote is not present in those books. Some say that Warren Buffett said that Graham said this.
2024-03-05 15:28 | Report Abuse
If Mr Neoh says don't be greedy, take profits and you choose to ignore then you are not learning to be a good investor.
2024-03-05 15:16 | Report Abuse
You can only learn something if you really want to learn.
2024-03-05 14:57 | Report Abuse
This is a classic case of a value trap where you have just several days window period to sell near the peak.
2024-03-05 14:55 | Report Abuse
If one were to check back Insas uptrend only ran for 9 trading days and then went sideways until release of quarterly results and upon release it went downhill and continues to do so.
2024-03-05 14:47 | Report Abuse
@Income, most people think themselves smartest.
2024-03-05 14:47 | Report Abuse
Leno doesn't buy Insas, she load up more Insas-WC.
2024-03-05 13:24 | Report Abuse
When Insas goes below 90 sen Insas-WC will be out of money.
2024-03-05 12:13 | Report Abuse
Latest news is that Quek's Bank of East Asia wants to sell Affin.
2024-03-05 11:07 | Report Abuse
If you own shares in the Berjaya group of companies you get free Starbucks once a year.
2024-03-05 11:05 | Report Abuse
3379 is even better, one day will hit 60 ringgit.
2024-03-05 10:56 | Report Abuse
If I had bought at 40 sen then my gain would have been greater than four fold.
2024-03-05 10:55 | Report Abuse
When Insas crashed to below 40 sen in March 2020 I didn't have cash to buy, and since then I always set aside cash for such opportunity if it should ever happen again.
2024-03-05 10:21 | Report Abuse
Thought Sarawak purchase of Affin from LTAT already a done deal pending formality. Already March still no announcement?
2024-03-05 10:17 | Report Abuse
Reminder to Mr Sslee, correction middle of next week.
2024-03-04 22:52 | Report Abuse
So many of you people! Who is who actually?
2024-03-04 19:10 | Report Abuse
If Jaks price keeps dropping Mikecyc will vanish like the cat.
2024-03-04 17:24 | Report Abuse
Back in mid-January Ah Tong sold Maybank at 9.06 to buy Insas-WC at 0.42. Today Maybank closed at 9.60 and Insas-WC at 0.265. Don't be like Ah Tong
2024-03-03 21:43 | Report Abuse
Tong bought Insas-WC because he thought someone was making an hostile takeover but everyone else thought Tong was the one making a hostile takeover. So amusing.
2024-03-03 21:41 | Report Abuse
Tong submitted his portfolio report as follows : based on Insas closing price of 1.09 he makes an unrealized gain of RM39,016 (Insas price has closed at 1.07 on Friday) and based on Insas-WC price of 0.28 he has an unrealized loss of RM18,461. Buying Insas-WC at 0.42 was probably Tong's dumbest decision.
2024-03-06 20:13 | Report Abuse
Once the Sharks succeed in unloading the shares in their hands they will begin short selling Insas.