
Tobby373 | Joined since 2021-05-14

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2022-08-23 15:04 | Report Abuse

So yeah, last night meeting was just talkok among the top 5! Zahid didn't even bother to attend! Meaning Zahid influence or rather bullying in Umnno no longer going well, not like it used to!


2022-08-23 15:03 | Report Abuse

So turns out, Zahid Hamidi latest coup has been a failure! His call for intervention of Najib court case met with rejection by Umno warlords!
Zahid call for sacking PM Sabri as Umno member too was rejected! Basically, Zahid attacks hit the wall hard!
Unless of course Zahid unilaterally sack PM Sabri from Umno which is send Umno into suicidal mode!
I mean, everybody in Umno know that Zahid is a huge liability! Umno is not going to win GE15 with him as president!

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2022-08-23 14:52 | Report Abuse

Izoklse! The recent winning of Melaka and Johor by election should not be yardstick for GE15! Those are more of revenge vote against the very disappointing Harapan short span in Putrajaya!

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2022-08-23 00:57 | Report Abuse

Anyway, post GE15, we will see another round of all malay administration! Local chinese will not be in corridor of power! Dap and amanah will always be outside Putrajaya for the longest time!
What you see now is just jostling for voters! But post GE15, the outcome is predictable!
I am sorry to local chinese if you disagree with this reality! But the thing is, malays have become more conservative nowadays! And they do understand that no matter what, end of the day, malay politicians will be forced to form another all malay administration!
My prediction is, it will be alliance of PKR, Umno, GRS and GPS!

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2022-08-23 00:53 | Report Abuse

Izoklse! Umno lost it's relevance already! Maybe for the older generation of malays, they continue to vote for Umno but the younger ones will not!
BN already dead! Non malays won't vote for BN! So basically Umno is on it's very last leg!

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2022-08-22 23:48 | Report Abuse

So PM Sabri has everything to lose and Zahid has nothing lose! May as well play piggy letting the tiger shout and scream! Anyway, the special meeting held by Zahid was a failure! Majority reject his call for political intervention of Najib ongoing appeal! Once Najib out of the way, Zahid will be all alone!
Even Tok Mat will not dare to support Zahid once Najib goes to jail!

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2022-08-22 23:46 | Report Abuse

Izoklse! Yeah, i agree with your analysis! PM Sabri vs Zahid! Indeed Zahid holding everybody hostage with his president position! But PM Sabri knows if he let go, then he is finished!
So why let go now! Just play along until Zahid court trial is over! Once convicted, Zahid will be forced to resign as Umno president! And it's only like few weeks to go before Zahid final verdict is out!

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2022-08-22 20:37 | Report Abuse

PM Sabri has recoup his reputation with few positive development! Especially with latest 2nd GDP which is really good! So for Zahid to make full fortal attack now will be suicidal for Umno!


2022-08-22 20:02 | Report Abuse

Some say the impact this round is even worst compare to 1MDB scandal for Umno!


2022-08-22 20:01 | Report Abuse

Zahid is a huge liability for Umno! With latest LCS scandal and ongoing corruption trial, Umno image is totally ruin!

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2022-08-22 19:17 | Report Abuse

Yeah, news from Bloomberg! Go figure!


2022-08-22 19:16 | Report Abuse

Latest development! Looks like not even half of Umno warlords bother to attend!
And the meeting didn't get full support to call for GE15! Or call to sack PM Sabri from Umno!
In short, PM Sabri should be safe! Then again, don't trust me! Zahid may unilaterally force PM Sabri to give in or sack him from Umno!


2022-08-22 17:09 | Report Abuse

But sentiment on the ground is not favorable for Umno! Rakyat will not go for BN anymore! That day is over!
If Zahid succeed, i think Umno will not win much seats! Chances of another mix government is very very high! I doubt any of political leaders willing to cooperate with Zahid!


2022-08-22 17:08 | Report Abuse

Zahid was instrumental in bringing down Harapan administration! He was part of Sheraton Move that saw Harapan administration last only 22 months!
Then Zahid also engineered another coup by bringing down Mohiden administration!
Will 3rd luck strike again! Again, Zahid is engineering the fall of PM Sabri administration!
This dude is very good at it! So after 2 successful attempt, i think he will succeed! Then again, who am i to say!


2022-08-22 16:14 | Report Abuse

Emsvsi! If you haven't heard, civil war within Umno intensify today! Question is, will Zahid succeed! Don't know! That's why bursa drop so much today!

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2022-08-22 16:12 | Report Abuse

If Zahid succeed to bring down PM Sabri, then Umno will die come GE15! Rakyat are not that dumbass! With so many corruption scandals link to Zahid, it's hard to convince even hardcore Umno supporter to vote for Umno!

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2022-08-22 15:48 | Report Abuse

Harapan should never have work with MUDA! Syed Saddiq is politicial opportunist! He is just as corrupt! MUDA already rejected by young voters! Don't waste time! PKR is better choice since Rafizi is back in action!

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2022-08-22 15:40 | Report Abuse

Local institutions taking profit! As long as foreign fun are buying!

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2022-08-22 15:30 | Report Abuse

Ethnic diversity in Sabah needs to be honoured, preserved for future generation

Answer : There won't be future generation if the gene pool becomes smaller and smaller just because you want to 'perserve' ethnicity! Trust me, if your ethnic is only like 100k today, there won't be any in 25 years!

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2022-08-22 15:20 | Report Abuse

My advise to bumis in Sabah Sarawak, embrace unity! Intermarriage between races! Just classify your next kins as bumis! So that the bumi population becomes bigger!

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2022-08-22 15:19 | Report Abuse

Multiethnic actually is a bad thing! Eventually many ethnic will perish because their gene pool become very tiny hence no breeding partner available! Maybe that's his intention!

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2022-08-22 00:30 | Report Abuse

Bossku would rather go to jail! Outside Malaysia, he is not famous!

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2022-08-21 22:15 | Report Abuse

Actually having too many ethnics within a race is a bad thing! Especially Sabah and Sarawak which have very tiny bumis population! Even if you combine all bumis in Sabah Sarawak, they are only like barely one million! Honestly, Sabah Sarawak bumis need to unite under one race, one ethic!

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2022-08-21 22:12 | Report Abuse

It's too late! We should get the verdict in next few days! Najib will head straight to jail!

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2022-08-21 20:56 | Report Abuse

There's genuine concerns regards to LCS scandal! No doubt so much leakages occured! And Zahid took only few days to change the spec, something is extremely fishy!

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2022-08-21 20:52 | Report Abuse

Henry! Yeah, but still until today, Harapan leaders continue to look up at Mahathir! I mean, bringing in MUDA is total disaster! Saddiq is Mahathir mole, cause so much problem during Johor by election!

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2022-08-21 15:18 | Report Abuse

Singapore has done very well! We should not view Malaysia vs Singapore! Both interdependent! It is what it is! Want to earn more, go to Singapore! Buy property in Johor!

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2022-08-21 15:17 | Report Abuse

The thing is non malays will never again vote for any BN components!

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2022-08-21 15:16 | Report Abuse

PM Sabri political career already checkmated! If Zahid gets guilty verdict, then Tok Mat will lead Umno! But even Tok Mat can't save Umno anymore!

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2022-08-21 15:03 | Report Abuse

Umno should thank Harapan 22 lousy months for the revenge votes that we seen in few by elections! If Harapan has done good job, i think Umno would already close shop just like mamak shop!

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2022-08-21 14:42 | Report Abuse

Umno won't last for anymore 5 years! It's lost it's relevance! Can't form government on it's own as BN components all dead! It really doesn't matter who will lead Umno from now on! Majority malays have drift away from Umno!

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2022-08-21 14:41 | Report Abuse

Those who work in Singapore earning much more! But those who stay in Malaysia, complaint much much more!

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2022-08-20 15:14 | Report Abuse

What makes him think he is entitled to so much accommodation by the courts?

Answer : This should be the way! But we should also ask, how come so many lawmakers got away! Come on, what happen to so many corruption charges brought to court and they were given a scot free treatment! Worst still, during Harapan few days in administration, many Harapan leaders charges were drop without going through court!
Be fair! Put Najib in jail but make sure such process go through all corrupt lawmakers from now on!

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2022-08-20 14:29 | Report Abuse

As singaporeans grew older, they will be forced to move to Johor! There's a niche of this type of market! Providing a rental home for elderly singaporeans! It's a huge business!

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2022-08-20 14:27 | Report Abuse

Fortunately majority malays have romantic version of Islam! However, they will not be able to resist the harsh version practice by Pas fake holymen! Liken those in Aghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Saudi and so forth! It's just matter of time!

News & Blogs

2022-08-20 14:25 | Report Abuse

Probability! The train already set in motion! What happen to Aghanistan is a very sad reality of Islam, or Christianity if practice in totality!
Religions bring more problem than solution! Most atheist nations are doing well! Focus on science is far better as it improve humanity tremendously!
As for Malaysia, we need to accept that malaycentric is here to stay! Eventually talibasim will set in!

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2022-08-20 14:22 | Report Abuse

Yeah, what i have predicts back in 2017 really hit the mark! I have sold all my properties in KL and move to Johor! I knew someday singaporeans will make Johor their 2nd home! I still holding few landed property in Johor and almost sold them before Covid! But i glad i didn't! Today, my landed properties have tripled and still going up!

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2022-08-20 14:17 | Report Abuse

Answer : Watch this 'Jangan Ketawa' episode from youtube! Still crack some laughter! Haix, the good old days!

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2022-08-20 14:13 | Report Abuse

I remember watching every single 'Jangan ketawa' sitcom back in the good old days! Today however, 'Jangan ketawa' will never pass filtering process of government broadcast channel!
'Jangan ketawa' was in todays standard very controversial! You have transgenders, those chinese apeks making jokes about other races, indians with those taboo words! The list goes on and on! But nobody took notice because, those days, multiracial harmony was very good!
Same with this crackhouse thingy! We are living in malaycentric society, so some jokes seems harmless are amplifier millions of times!
Closing crackhouse won't solve anything! Our society is just what it is!

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2022-08-19 19:12 | Report Abuse

Qqq! Malaysia has too many Qqq3 too! Always take credit of China success but dare not go there!

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2022-08-19 18:19 | Report Abuse

India is pretty much well control market for the selected very few bhramins! Don't bother!

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2022-08-19 18:08 | Report Abuse

SsLee! Even Tony Fernandes learn his lesson! India is totally no go!

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2022-08-19 18:07 | Report Abuse

I mean, it's time to drop the fake 'are you with us or against us' mentality! That's why post GE15 we may see hybrid government where both Harapan and BN form a government! They can settle the problem and less of those political dramas!

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2022-08-19 18:05 | Report Abuse

Ontime! You mean only Harapan leaders are corrupt free! I mean, didn't LGE go scot free the moment Harapan got into Putrajaya! I mean, suddenly Mahathir became a sinless corrupt leader! The list goes on and on!

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2022-08-19 17:49 | Report Abuse

Posted by qqq3333 > Aug 19, 2022 10:39 AM | Report Abuse

china and Singapore gives better models for development

Answer : Stop taking credit! You didn't do anything for China or Singapore!

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2022-08-19 17:17 | Report Abuse

India can't! Because the social structure is very faulty! And India is the most protectionism nation! Many countries have tried and almost all burn!

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2022-08-19 01:41 | Report Abuse

On 10th of August, Grandpa Koon said he sold Hibiscus! Then now tell totally different story! I guess he is wearing his shirt inside out already!