
Tobby373 | Joined since 2021-05-14

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2022-08-19 01:39 | Report Abuse

Goh! Then why did Harapan bring back Mahathir! Why did Harapan made a hero out of Mahathir!

News & Blogs

2022-08-19 00:48 | Report Abuse

Vote for us in GE15 and we’ll continue probing the LCS scandal

Answer : This is kind of politics that Harapan continues to play! Good riddance! Didn't even bother to investigate during 22 months in power!

News & Blogs

2022-08-18 22:26 | Report Abuse

Taking credit for PM Sabri efforts! If not for PM Sabri brave transparency, we won't know this things! What did Harapan do during those 22 months! How come only now we know about LCS scandal! Why didn't we knew anything back when Harapan was in power! Yeah, only good at screaming and shouting and breaking promises!
Before you guys start shooting me, i have always said that Harapan leaders need to grow up! Please don't make another round of promises! Fulfill promises and expose scandals! If only Harapan leaders are truly working, we won't have seen such disaster self inflicting 22 months! No a single white paper on all the scandals that Harapan was shouting about! Didn't even bother to investigate Tabung Haji, Felda and so forth! Didn't even investigate LCS back then!

News & Blogs

2022-08-17 11:46 | Report Abuse

Harapan administration scraped our HSR! And end up paying compensation to Singapore! Talkok about New Malaysia but end up bringing Malaysia to stone age!


2022-08-17 11:44 | Report Abuse

Jokers! Yeah, and they totally forgot about reforms that their promised! I am surprise PM Sabri follow through with his promises! And i am very happy with this development! Next on line is the Political Party Funding Bill which will create more healthy environment for democracy! Why didn't Harapan administration carry out all this reforms! Shame on you Harapan!


2022-08-17 11:42 | Report Abuse

Even those few MCA lawmakers won because of malay voters! And unfortunately next GE, Umno will not get malay voters to help and support them as they used to!
Most of the younger malay generation have no attachment or love for Umno!


2022-08-17 11:40 | Report Abuse

So bassically it's impossible for Umno to return to the old days! Because they have alienated non malays with 'tuan melayu' agenda! Why bother to vote for BN if it means downgrading non malays to be stools!


2022-08-17 11:39 | Report Abuse

Bangmiskin! There is no BN already! Only Umno! The BN thingy is expired brand among non malays! Even during GE14, Umno lost many seats, BN wipeout!


2022-08-16 23:07 | Report Abuse

Perhaps PM Sabri wants to leave a legacy for himself! Hence we see many reforms under him! Good for him! Let's support him till the end! Because after that, he will be politically checkmated!


2022-08-16 23:06 | Report Abuse

Umno is losing relevance! LIke any sacred institution that has been too corrupted, it's members turn away!
Only the older generation continue to vote for Umno! As for BN, it has long been forgoten! Nobody will vote for MCA or MIC! Gerakan already kaput years ago! Sabah Sarawak no longer associate themselves with BN!


2022-08-16 22:17 | Report Abuse

It's so shameful that Harapan administration didn't do Anti Hopping Bill during their 22 months! How come PM Sabri can do it under a year!


2022-08-16 21:45 | Report Abuse

I have to say, PM Sabri was blood dumbass during his first 9 months! But now, he has my attention!
Getting Anti Hopping Law was indeed a huge reform! Now another one on Political Funding Bill, another milestone in reform! This is indeed very important as at last somebody has the courage to push forward important reform to our political system!
After impressive 2nd quarter GDP and ability to control inflation, i say, give this man a chance to stay longer!


2022-08-16 20:45 | Report Abuse

Zahid adamant to stay as president! I really don't know why he thinks majority malays will support him! With ruin reputation, he is a mega liability for Umno!
It doesn't take a genius to figure how Umno will fare come GE15! Umno will lose alot of seats! PKR predicted to gain from Umno!

News & Blogs

2022-08-16 19:30 | Report Abuse

I must say, i enjoy Grandpa Koon articles for entertainment purpose!


2022-08-16 19:10 | Report Abuse

I have delevop phobia for Mr Bursa of late! The moment you go in, kaboom it goes bust again! So i am waiting until bursa go back to 1600 and only invest once consolidation sets in!
Yeah, getting old for risk! So to me, it's buy on dip once hit 1600 level!


2022-08-16 19:08 | Report Abuse

So! Should you go back to bursa! I have not! Still 100%!


2022-08-16 19:08 | Report Abuse

Certainly we have few good news! And of late PM Sabri has done a good job! Maybe since he ditch that useless Tajudin!
So it's up to PM Sabri to play the game until his term expires! He has only 9 months left!

News & Blogs

2022-08-16 19:04 | Report Abuse

I must say PM Sabri has done few reforms that Harapan administration fail to do! Like Anti Hopping law already approved by lawmakers! And now this new proposal! Good job!


2022-08-16 18:07 | Report Abuse

Posted by gohkimhock > Aug 16, 2022 5:52 PM | Report Abuse

Tobby is trembling because his godfather Najib might not be able to stand in the next elections

Answer : Hihihaha! You are making an assumption! Never put words in others mouth, because she may bite your back! Let justice prevail! I have no love for Najib especially Rosmah! But maybe prison department can arrange something like Najib and Rosmah prison cell next to another! But then again, Najib may prefer to share his cell with his new wifey but she is not corrupted!


2022-08-16 18:05 | Report Abuse

Posted by BobAxelrod > Aug 16, 2022 4:22 PM | Report Abuse

Someone's nightmare has just gotten worse....FC struck out second bid to adduce new evidence.......and fresh from oven......application to postpone for 3-4 months ALSO REJECTED. Case to commence on about ghoulish month!

If he wears orange and check in to his cage at Bamboo Resort at end of month, Bursa explodes with happiness.....

Answer : Yeah, most likely Bosku will meet up with his fans in Sungai Buluh Resort soon!


2022-08-16 18:03 | Report Abuse

Wise man said, never fall in love with your crush! Because you will look at her for the rest of your life! From pretty, slim and cute turn into fat, full of wrinkles, sagging here and there, worst of all, shouting and scolding you over small things!
Moral is, only fall in love when the stock is hot!


2022-08-16 13:55 | Report Abuse

In essence! Rakyat will force new alliance! Because rakyat are fed up with Harapan vs BN scenario! They rather see both Harapan and BN form alliance and get things done!
So most likely, post GE15, the new alliance will be Umno, PKR, GRS and GPS!


2022-08-16 13:53 | Report Abuse

And let's not be in denial! Rafizi was outcasted by the Lims during those 22 months! And now Rafizi is back as No.2 going No.1!
It's no brainer Rafizi already see ahead of the curve! He knows Harapan will not support PKR if he leads Harapan campaign! Rafizi was instrumental in pushing Harapan during GE14! And they totally threw him under the bus!
And let's face it, BN is no longer relevant! Umno will have to seek new partners! GRS and GPS will capture Sabah Sarawak! Hence GPS and GRS will play their kingmaker role post GE15! No doubt about it!
Now, if Umno, GRS and GPS need majority lawmakers, they will turn to PKR! They will not turn to DAP or Amanah!
The reason, GRS and GPS will not agree to alliance with DAP! Same with Umno! But they are open to alliance with PKR!


2022-08-16 13:49 | Report Abuse

Let's not kid ourselves! The 22 months Harapan administration was bad! Many of Harapan ministers ere imcompotent and fond of making self inflicting statements! There was no united voice but rather each ministers were trying to impressive themselves! A ship full of captains! And worst of all, Harapan shot themselves by appointing Mahathir as PM!
I mean, how dumbass one can be! After decades of using Mahathir as bogeyman, suddenly you make him a hero! It's like making Negan your hero and killing off Rick in Walking Dead series! Which of course saw Walking Dead series became irrelevant! Same with Harapan!

News & Blogs

2022-08-15 20:55 | Report Abuse

The fat lady already sang way back! When mass vaccination was implemented, one should have known to cut glove theme!

News & Blogs

2022-08-15 20:54 | Report Abuse

Dudes! At his age, his CPU almost kaput! Even the CPU fan cannot help already! So i suspect he forgot alot of things he write in i3! Let's give him so break! Even dogs talk in their sleep!

News & Blogs

2022-08-15 20:51 | Report Abuse

I often buy roti canai from this one malay stall! He is one man show! He sells few hundred pieces a day! No dine in, all takeaway! Nobody is complaining! He is not complaining! No foreign workers employed! Only his beautiful daughter and his wifey who once in the while come and help him!

News & Blogs

2022-08-15 17:55 | Report Abuse

Plenty of malay shops! I have not step into mamak shop for ages! I prefer those cleaner roti canais from malay shops!

News & Blogs

2022-08-15 17:53 | Report Abuse

Posted by stockraider > Aug 15, 2022 5:45 PM | Report Abuse

This KYY talk like sooohaaiii loh!

Answer : Be mindful of your language! You language reflect your level! No matter how you disagree with anyone, there's a better language to use!


2022-08-15 16:31 | Report Abuse

What about Hong Kong! Why did US intervene! Well, you think those democrazy wannabes hongkies able to migrant to Britain or US! You can surf youtube and find out most of hongkies who ditch Hong Kong regret their decision!
Turns out, hongkies who opt for UK citizenship are been relocated in slumps of Britain with no prospect, worst off compare to when they were in Hong Kong!
So taiwaneses, you guys better be careful! US won't threat your guys with silver plate opportunity! Most probably you get to be relocated into slumps of US!


2022-08-15 16:27 | Report Abuse

You honestly think US interested to defend Taiwan! Like Ukraine, US arm suppliers are having a great time! They will get mega contracts to refurbish US military assets after sending obsolete ones to Ukraine!
Here's why US wants to see Taiwan invasion! So that talents from Taiwan would run away to US!
Yeah, the same modus operandi been used for decades! US advancement in space technology was only possible after German top scientists fled to US after Nazi fallout!
I am sure US is more than happy to get top talents in semiconductors to jump ship into US if China invades Taiwan!

News & Blogs

2022-08-15 14:55 | Report Abuse

Changing lawyers at the last minute was a huge blunder! Mess up his appeal indefinately!

News & Blogs

2022-08-15 14:54 | Report Abuse

Harapan leaders are immature unfortunately! Only good at screaming and shouting and rolling on the streets! They pretend to be more angry that rakyat but more dumbass compare to rakyat! That's the main problem with Harapan leaders! Either they grow up or be replaced by more competent and mature ones!

News & Blogs

2022-08-15 14:52 | Report Abuse

A wise man once said, be careful when a naked old grandpa tell you fantastic story when only a week ago he told you a very hopeless story!

News & Blogs

2022-08-15 01:13 | Report Abuse

Good for Vietnam! They should do it! HSR will spur growth like wildfire! Don't follow Malaysia, cancel, revive, cancel, revive!


2022-08-15 01:11 | Report Abuse

So today, Najib will get his verdict in Court of Appeal! Will he get postponement! Or will he go straight to jail!
My 2 cents, he will go to Sungai Buloh! Because he mess up his Court of Appeal proceedings big time!


2022-08-14 21:46 | Report Abuse

If Zahid remains president in facing GE15, i think PKR will gain alot of ground! Especially now that Rafizi is back in action! Being No.2 going No.1, PKR seems to rejuvate at the moment!


2022-08-14 21:44 | Report Abuse

However, we as rakyat only see this in Umno perspective! And it's not good at all!
1MDB and LCS scandal scandals have really broke the camel's back this round!
Zahid continues to stay in power! And it's looking really bad for Umno! With his ruin reputation due to many corrupt practices, nobody respect Umno at all!
Just few days back, Zahid fires up on 'Demi bangsa, agama dan negara' rhetoric but it fell flat! Ongoing BN Convention has been receive with cold response from Umno supporters!


2022-08-14 21:41 | Report Abuse

Of course, the Lims too making the grandeous public statement about LCS project! But for Senior Lim, nobody listen to him anymore! It's the same twist and turn, enraging public for political mileage! Beside, his son invisible tunnel is far worst that LCS scandal! Until today, we don't see any work done in building his pet undersea tunnel bridge!


2022-08-14 21:39 | Report Abuse

No doubt Najib, Zahid and Hisham reputation have nosedive since LCS scandal became public!
Especially so how Zahid changed the warship spec in only 3 days after TLDM done years of research and recommendation! Certainly some cronies benefited from this unfinished LCS project tremendously!
Reading briefly through PAC report, we can see how tremendous leakages have occurred!
Unfortunately, Harapan leaders made too many immature statements on LCS!
Anwar wanted to put a stop to this project! What! With 5 nearly completed warship. you want to stop it immediately! And mind you, Harapan stop this project for 2 years! It only restart this May!


2022-08-14 21:35 | Report Abuse

On Harapan side, they use the same tactic of making us rakyat so angry with ourselves! Like not a single warship was build after spending 6 billion!
Fortunately, PM Sabri handled this issue very well! He was very transparent and willing to open all classified files to lawmakers!
With very impressive 8.9% 2nd quarter GDP, i think he can be assured to finish his term! And with his willingness to share all wrongdoings publicly, his image is good!
I have to say that PM Sabri has handled the surging inflation very well too!
Unfortunately for him, his position in Umno is as good as checkmated! Maybe this is his way of saying farewell by banging on the court cluster!