
Tobby373 | Joined since 2021-05-14

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2022-08-30 02:22 | Report Abuse

So! Who will win the Umno civil war! Sabri or Zahid!


2022-08-29 23:21 | Report Abuse

Tit for tat! Zahid gets guilty verdict, kaboom! PM Sabri immediately lost his membership with Umno!


2022-08-29 23:20 | Report Abuse

Gain popularity! He will be partyless!


2022-08-29 21:55 | Report Abuse

Some say PM Sabri is on suicide mission! No matter what the outcome is, he will blow himself up political!


2022-08-29 21:54 | Report Abuse

But i do put my bet on Zahid pushing the button and render PM Sabri partyless soon! That would effective terminate PM Sabri political career for good!
Perhaps PM Sabri already expected this to happen! Perhaps, he has no choice! Call GE15 now and he will be purged from Umno! Call GE15 after Zahid verdict but end of the day, PM Sabri has no Umno to call home!


2022-08-29 21:52 | Report Abuse

PM Sabri also been pressured left and right! Mohiden pressures him to take DPM from Bersatu! Zahid pressures him to call for early GE15!
Worst, PM Sabri may face been sack from Umno any moment now! Zahid is desperate and i won't be surprise to see PM Sabri becoming partyless between now and Zahid's verdict which will be announced in middle of September!


2022-08-29 21:50 | Report Abuse

But lately we do see some changes in PM Sabri! He no longer promoting his bahasa agenda! Maybe because his right hand man, Tajudin no longer stick around him! That fellow is total disaster!


2022-08-29 21:49 | Report Abuse

For the first 9 months, PM Sabri was a total laughing stock! Going on overseas trips promoting bahasa as international language! Even talk to Biden in bahasa! We all know Biden can speak and understand alien language! Biden can even speak to non existing entities as far as we are concern!
When rakyat were complaining of high inflation, he was more interested in wearing high end clothes!
Oh, did we forget how he quicky sent helicopter to rescue this son in law while it took him 3 days to send rescue teams for those effected by high flood in Selangor!
I mean, can he just instruct the army to send helicopters to rescue those trap on rooftops!

News & Blogs

2022-08-29 21:44 | Report Abuse

Another day, another new scam! Yeah, i know, you promise a fairy tale technology and scam investors out of their living daylight! Investors forget about it, and we hear another new fairy tale technology to scam the living out of new investors!


2022-08-29 18:35 | Report Abuse

Let's wait and see! Zahid verdict should be out by 15hb September next month!

News & Blogs

2022-08-29 15:44 | Report Abuse

Beside, nowadays EV sales already broke the inflection point! Meaning, oil demand already peak! It's only going downhill from now on!
The only reason why oil still high and mighty is because EU, another alliance full of dumbass hedge their power need to Russia!

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2022-08-29 15:42 | Report Abuse

Putin would not even dare to attack Ukraine if Trump is in charge! Why because Russia dependance of oil and gas is over 90%! If Trump comes back as president, i think Putin will be history!

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2022-08-29 15:41 | Report Abuse

Biden is a dumbass! US has more than enough oil and gas domestically! During Trump administration, oil price even dropped to negative because there was too much supply pumping out from US soil! It's all depend on who's the president of the day!

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2022-08-29 15:20 | Report Abuse

OPEC cutting production because the demand is not as high as expected!


2022-08-29 14:52 | Report Abuse

Oh ya! Sabri definately wants to be PM like forever! Like they say, once you gone black, you won't go back! I don't really know what it means anyway! But i guess it means, once you tasted the power, you just can't get enough of it!


2022-08-29 14:40 | Report Abuse

So yeah, last week Zahid and the rest of corrupted Umno warlords were so desperate to push the panic button, pressuring PM Sabri to dissolve parliment!
Actually there's a reason for this! Because come September, Zahid and there rest of court cluster may get their verdict! Zahid should get his verdict in the middle of September, so we wait for another 2 weeks for finale of court cluster civil war in Umno!

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2022-08-29 14:37 | Report Abuse

I can imagine it's quite hard for single chinese in both states to find marriage partner of their own kind! My advise, marry a bumi and make sure your children are registered as bumis! The bumi population in both Sabah Sarawak are tiny as well! So intermarriage is not only necessary but also beneficial!

News & Blogs

2022-08-29 14:34 | Report Abuse

There's only 200k chinese population in Sabah! Just like there's only 500k chinese population in Sarawak! Basically no political power in both states! But then again, chinese are the biggest economic contributor regardless of their population!


2022-08-28 23:13 | Report Abuse

Perhaps, post GE15 will see the end of both BN and Harapan! Rakyat already fed up with the same Harapan vs BN thingy! In fact the latest parliment session shows that rakyat didn't even bother to watch live session like they used to!


2022-08-28 23:11 | Report Abuse

My personal analysis of post GE15! We should see a hybrid government! Government where Umno, PKR, GRS and GPS will be forced to form new alliance!
And like it or not, it will be another repeat of all malay government! That's the most likely outcome!


2022-08-28 23:10 | Report Abuse

But some Harapan components have gone reforms! The Lims have harndover the poster to new leaders! PKR has reshape itself with return of Rafizi and Nurul! Anwar clearly been sideline but the again, Anwar continues to scream and shout dishing more damages! But hey, Anwar won't be around for long!


2022-08-28 23:07 | Report Abuse

So for BN Umno, let alone Umno to secure majority and form a government is now a pipe dream! Sure, Umno has won many by elections! But it's more of revenge votes against Harapan which fail to deliver on their promises! And the nightmarish 22 months seems very hard to forget!


2022-08-28 23:06 | Report Abuse

BN has long lost it's shine! There's no BN to begin with now! I read some forummers continue to place fake hope on BN when they should realise, there's no BN anymore! That brand has long been forgotten by non malays!


2022-08-28 23:05 | Report Abuse

Unfortunately for Zahid, Sabri or Tok Mat, they are counting chicken with dwindle eggs in their hands!
Umno has lost it's relevance! The 'tuan melayu' mantra losing it's lustre! End of the day, majority malays no longer belief Umno as the safekeeper of malay institutions! Almost all malay instutitions are dying! Including their dear Tabung Haji!


2022-08-28 23:03 | Report Abuse

Here's the thing! The moment PM Sabri dissolve his cabinet, it's the day his political career ended! Even if Zahid goes to jail, it does not automatically make his president of Umno! That title goes to Tok Mat, the No.2 in Umno!
And PM Sabri has no right to be PM post GE15! And he has no right to pick candidates for Umno as well even if Zahid remove from his post! That will fall to Tok Mat automatically!
I have heard that PM Sabri is not quietly working with Tok Mat to cleanse Umno from the court cluster! But such report is quite unsolid!
Beside why would Tok Mat honour his promise to let PM Sabri continue as PM post GE15, only for Tok Mat to be sideline once again!
So Umno internal politics is getting complicated by the day!


2022-08-28 22:59 | Report Abuse

I read many political analysts reporting that BN Umno wil win big this round! GE15 will be the end of Harapan!
Yeah, maybe they are right! Then again, the same political analysts didn't expect Harapan to win with big majority! Only to be brought down internally without Umno raising a finger!


2022-08-28 22:57 | Report Abuse

Saturday Umno special gathering was an event of the shameless corrupt cluster! A tear jearing event where Zahid, Rosmah and the few thousands paid actors let themselves overflow with fake cries! I mean, you could have broadcast it live with those laughing sound in the background! It could be sold to Nextflix as dark humor episode of Malaysia politics!


2022-08-28 22:55 | Report Abuse

So basically we all know it by now! Sabri vs Zahid! It's just a question who's going to win this internal Umno civil war!
Personally i don't know who's going to win! If PM Sabri hold on till end of term, Zahid will lose!
But if things doesn't go as he has planned, then Zahid will be the winner!

News & Blogs

2022-08-28 13:37 | Report Abuse

PM Sabri has nothing to gain! In fact his political career is already checkmated!
I believe Zahid Najib made a huge blunder by pressuring constantly! If you push him to a corner, Sabri will fight back!
Zahid Najib should blame themselves! They are dragging Umno to the grave!
As for Zahid 'special' events which were held twice this week, it will only damage Umno much further!
Just because Zahid paid few thousand minions to scream and shout, doesn't mean rakyat felt the same!
Strangely no survey has been done on Najib imprisonment! But i can tell you, even majority malays agree with his conviction!

News & Blogs

2022-08-27 20:32 | Report Abuse

By the way, EPF almost emptied out thanks to Zahid Hamidi demand for further withdrawals! Most of majority malays drew out their EPF leaving almost zero for retirement! Good job to 'Demi bangsa, agama dan negara'!


2022-08-27 20:31 | Report Abuse

Posted by Sslee > Aug 27, 2022 8:03 PM | Report Abuse

After reading thro' the whole argument now I only get it:

The best stocks in bursa are pchem, ql, yinson, thong guan and Gdex.

Answer : End of argument! So pick only this 5! Period!

News & Blogs

2022-08-27 18:57 | Report Abuse

Umno nowadays is a refuge for the corrupted! Sing the same 'Demi bangsa, agama dan negara' mantra but for over 60 years now, majority malays lost so much! Almost all malay institutions are now on lifeline ready to be buried for good!


2022-08-27 17:34 | Report Abuse

Jokers! Yeah, Democrats are above the law! Always use insider information to make huge profit!

News & Blogs

2022-08-27 15:26 | Report Abuse

Give him another chance, and we will hear the same, 'malays are lazy', 'poor people should not be jealous of wealthy people', or 'poor people smells bad' coming from Mahathir! And yet still, the poor malays support him!

News & Blogs

2022-08-27 15:24 | Report Abuse

Even at 100 yo, Mahathir still playing with 'tuan melayu'! Considering he is indian faking as malay!

News & Blogs

2022-08-27 15:16 | Report Abuse

Selfish! Politician like this is the reason Malaysia cannot progress!


2022-08-27 15:05 | Report Abuse

The good news is, our GDP especially our 2nd quarter GDP was a stunner! Our economy surprisingly outshine the rest of Asian, yeah, i am surprise, so unexpected!


2022-08-27 15:04 | Report Abuse

Of course our Bank Negara will be forced to hike rate again or else our ringgit will weaken further!


2022-08-27 15:03 | Report Abuse

I dont' know how long US market will experience turbulence once again! Just when we thought the hike was over! Then walla! You have this Jackson Hole thingy who decide enough is not enough!


2022-08-27 15:02 | Report Abuse

Anyway, high interest rate will curb demand for property and cars in US! It also curb growth of businesses as they have to take high interest loan!
Whereas those listed ones can always get free money or even no interest capital, i mean, it's that what stock market are for, getting free money and scam investors!


2022-08-27 15:01 | Report Abuse

Anyway, US rate even rise further isn't that much to begin with! It's still okay after years of zero rate!
But the timing couldn't be more wrong! And you have tons of US experts telling us that interest rate is the best way to fight inflation! Yeah, i am not an expert, but isn't the root cause due to high oil price! And the fact that you guys instigate invasion in Ukraine that disrupt the food chain! Even knowing the risk that one day Russia may cut off supply of oil and gas, EU leaders thought it would be good idea to totally depend on Russia for such commodity!
Haix, talk about how inteligent leaders of US and EU turn out to be the dumbest of them all!


2022-08-26 19:12 | Report Abuse

All the damages done were made by malay politicians! Umno particularly! So tone down those fake 'Demi bangsa, agama dan negara'! Local chinese didn't get a cent and yet chinese institutions remain okay!
The real enemy of majority malays are Umno corrupt politicians! And corrupt Bersatu politicians! And yeah those in Pujawang as well!
They are the real reason why 'Demi bangsa, agama dan negara' has been a joke slogan!


2022-08-26 19:09 | Report Abuse

I mean for months now Zahid and his gangs trying hard to pressure PM Sabri to resign!
Even kindergarden kids know what is going on in Umno! Umno is been used by the court cluster to save themselves!
In between we hear of the fake and hollow 'Demi bangsa, agama dan negara' been played! I mean, please don't insult the inteligence of majority malays! After 6 decades, almost all malay institutions were been plundered and nearly their end of life! Basically all the malay institutions should be buried as most are beyond repair!


2022-08-26 18:50 | Report Abuse

Yeah, sold all my contra with tiny profit! No bad! Anyway, i think bursa should trend higher due to coming Budget 2023 which will be tabled in one month time!
And Prosperity Tax is one off thingy! GST may be brought back! Without Prosperity Tax, PLCs should see the burden lifted!