
Tobby373 | Joined since 2021-05-14

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2022-08-26 17:56 | Report Abuse

Umno has failed majority malays! Period!


2022-08-26 17:56 | Report Abuse

Only dumbass still believe Umno is here to save majority malays! Tell me, did Umno made Felda settlers rich! Instead Umno made Felda settlers full of debts! Did Umno take good care of malay armies! Come on, so many army pensioners can't even feed themselves! Umno used 6 billions to built unfinished warships!


2022-08-26 17:54 | Report Abuse

Come on! Umno is all about umnoputras! Yeah, selected few elite malays who dominant majority malays! They walk with their Datuk Seris while plundering malay instituions to death!


2022-08-26 17:53 | Report Abuse

We have all malay administration now! So why so desperate to call for GE15! Oh, yeah, to save Zahid and Najib of course! Why, because they are malays!


2022-08-26 17:52 | Report Abuse

And lately, almost daily, Zahid and his warlords demanding GE15 to be held as soon as possible! You know i know they are trying to get rid of PM Sabri for goo!


2022-08-26 17:52 | Report Abuse

GLCs are dying! Felda settlers are in high debts! Tabung Haji broken to pieces! Even the TLDM, your stronghold malay defence not spared!


2022-08-26 17:51 | Report Abuse

Yeah! After 6 decades of 'Demi bangsa, agama dan negara', what we see is trail of destruction almost all malay institutions!

News & Blogs

2022-08-26 16:02 | Report Abuse

Umno does not need Zahid! Zahid desperately using Umno to save himself! Majority malays will not vote for Umno as long as Zahid is in charge!

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2022-08-26 14:23 | Report Abuse

Yeah, should ask Senior Lim, how come no one was charge during Harapan 22 months administration too!


2022-08-25 22:27 | Report Abuse

SsLee! Yeah, Hengyuan is another fatty pig around! I am sure Petron and Hengyuan buyers are the happiest investors in bursa right now!

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2022-08-25 22:08 | Report Abuse

Yeah, another day, another busybody whites interfering with asian people! Seems ancient colonizers are up to it again! Look, let the chinese people on both side of mainland and small tiny Taiwan settle their difference!


2022-08-25 22:00 | Report Abuse

Man! The profit is so fatty! Thicker than the fattest pig around!

News & Blogs

2022-08-25 21:44 | Report Abuse

PN! Even Pas fake holymen are trying to cut ties now! No molla for them! Unlike Umno who gave Pas fake holymen 90 millions!

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2022-08-25 21:43 | Report Abuse

US and UK including EU are fast turning into 3rd world nation! Don't bother to know about this white nations anymore! Their leaders totally fail as far i am concern!
While Asian countries like Japan and China outshine them easily!

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2022-08-25 21:31 | Report Abuse

Hihihaha! Grandpa is so anti Hengyuan! I thought he loves China so much! Wait, he did bought alot of those red China stocks to pass down to his grandchildren!

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2022-08-25 16:37 | Report Abuse

Zuraida finally discovers that it's not cheap to have her own party! Unless Zuraida has backing of tycoons like Syed Saddiq of MUDA, most probably, she will have to close shop before GE15!


2022-08-25 16:33 | Report Abuse

Ahbah! There was some uncertainty during Najib appeal closure! And pressure from Zahid as well!
But i guess Zahid has lost his power play! PM Sabri hold on to power! PM has greater power than Umno president!
Anway, Zahid days are numbered! Last pressure from Zahid will be on 27th but forget about it! Grassroot cannot pressure Umno warlords!
It's just Zahid running here and there trying hard to save himself!
That's why we see a strong rebound today! Actually i was expecting yesterday strong rebound! That's why i went in to catch some molla!


2022-08-25 15:12 | Report Abuse

I was one day too early! Yesterday bursa dip more! Fortunately today, as you can see, up 25 points!


2022-08-25 03:49 | Report Abuse

What i am teling you is that, we already entering climate that we are not used to!


2022-08-25 03:48 | Report Abuse

While EU and US no longer busy with climate change agenda, we are in a transition period of climate crisis into climate disaster!
What is happening in northern part of our world is due to broken vortex! After millions of years of constant vortex, the usually wind pattern has drastically slow down!
That is why on northen part of earth, will experience totally difference weather pattern unlike their previous generation!
Heat becomes more extreme! Drought becomes more dramatic! Winter becomes shorter! And eventually, there will be no winter! Just extreme heat throughout the year! Welcome to new tropics!
As for middle part of the earth, we will experience more flood! And even if we experience drought, it will be more extreme too! So yeah, Malaysia will experience extreme flood and drought! And our coastal areas will be under water by year 2040!


2022-08-25 03:43 | Report Abuse

Well, the good news is, Gerta Turnberg is now not as popular as she used to be! Miss How Dare You is been thrown into backburner as EU is experiencing power crisis, so noboyd cares about climate change anymore!
But climate crisis is real! By 2040, we shall enter climate disaster like we never have experience before! Yeah, only 18 years from now, the earth will be in bad shape!
Perhaps half of the world population will be thrown into chaos!

News & Blogs

2022-08-24 17:04 | Report Abuse

Yeah, Harapan administration was given 2 years to look for Jho Low! Didn't your IGP said he knew where Jho Low was!

News & Blogs

2022-08-24 15:28 | Report Abuse

So far Grandpa Koon still walking freely in i3! After scamming so many innocent retail investors!


2022-08-24 15:25 | Report Abuse

So, did anyone sell on news today!


2022-08-24 14:57 | Report Abuse

There's whisper that PM Sabri finally collaborate with Tok Mat to bring about new alignment in Umno!
PM Sabri said to propose that he will remain PM candidate for Umno post GE15 while Tok Mat will be the political strategist and eventually becomes No.1 in Umno! And Tok Mat is said to agree to this plan!
Whatever it is, this is a good development for Umno! PM Sabri combo with Tok Mat is a strategic partnership as PM Sabri lacks leadership within Umno!

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2022-08-24 14:48 | Report Abuse

I hope Zahid remain president and GE15 call immediately! At least finally we see Umno die standing for good! Good riddance to fake 'tuan melayu'!


2022-08-24 00:01 | Report Abuse

Harapan really mess up with 1MDB scandal! Everyday IGP Bador who is Mahahtir proxy kept telling us that he found Jho Low! Najib was so chill walking everywhere and his court case hardly moving!
Only during PM Sabri time did we saw najib cases gone full speed!
I do agree Harapan has nothing to shot! Najib card, he is in jail! LCS scandal, soon Zahid will join him in Sungei Buloh!
So tell me, what else can Harapan use against Umno! Nothing much!
But guys, non malays will never again vote for BN! After decades of 'tuan melayu', non malays develop phobia for BN!

News & Blogs

2022-08-23 23:38 | Report Abuse

I believe if Harapan still in charge now, Najib will still be walking free! Why, because Harapan will then use Najib card for GE15! Please Harapan, grow up! You guys need to be the better alternative!


2022-08-23 23:35 | Report Abuse

Anyway, good days for bursa it seems! I brought some for contra! No bigie! I expect foreign funds to support Najib verdict! So that's why i went in today!


2022-08-23 23:34 | Report Abuse

Hearing the ongoing court case of LGE, it's no brainer how corrupted he is! And yet Senior Lim keep screaming and shouting as if he is a saint! Harapan leaders need to get rid of those who are corrupted! PM Sabri has done his part!

News & Blogs

2022-08-23 23:28 | Report Abuse

In short, Najib Zahid behind bars, good for Umno! Not good for Harapan!

News & Blogs

2022-08-23 23:27 | Report Abuse

Having Najib and Zahid in Umno is a huge liability! If PM Sabri gone soft, Umno won't have die standing!

News & Blogs

2022-08-23 23:26 | Report Abuse

Hihihaha! Let voters decide guy! But i do agree putting Najib and Zahid behind bars is the right thing to do for Umno! Harapan won't have much to talk or exploit once both are in jail!


2022-08-23 22:31 | Report Abuse

However, PM Sabri is a weak leader! He doesn't have influence over Umno warlords! Unlike Tok Mat who has very good leadership skill!


2022-08-23 22:29 | Report Abuse

Koosan! In a way true, PM Sabri took the effort to ensure Najib paid for his crime! This helps Umno recover it's corrupted image!
If Zahid goes to jail too, then Umno should be cleaned from those corrupt cluster!
Umno image is totally damaged by the corrupt cluster!
As for Harapan, they can't take credit! They can scream and shout, but rakyat will ask, what did Harapan did to ensure those who are corrupted go to jail! They didn't do much! In fact Mahathir intervene in many Harapan leaders court cases and let them go scott free!

News & Blogs

2022-08-23 19:59 | Report Abuse

Umno rejuvation should be credited to Tok Mat brilliant strategy! Najib was just so happen to enjoy his Bossku phenomena at the right time!
Unfortunately, Zahid came back and took credit! Umno under Zahid leadership is no difference from PKR under Anwar leadership, rudderless!

News & Blogs

2022-08-23 19:56 | Report Abuse

Umno won't be able to win much if GE15 is call now! This BN Umno government is now a pipe dream! Seems only PM Sabri and Tok Mat have spoken openly about hybrid administration post GE15!
There's zero chance for BN Umno to capture Putrajaya! Zahid is just desperate to escape court trial! But he can't! Nobody will want to make deal with Zahid! Umno as it is now is too corrupted!


2022-08-23 19:33 | Report Abuse

Anwar went to jail because he loves black holes! You know, what the talibans love most, pretty boys!
Najib going to jail because he walloped 42 milion from SRC!
Zahid going to jail too because he loves bribe very much!


2022-08-23 18:55 | Report Abuse

We already seen rollout of QRs today, not bad at all! Khind certainly shine this round but unfortunately it's stock price remain stagnant!
I won't tell you what stock i brought since it's just for contra!


2022-08-23 18:54 | Report Abuse

Anyway, i could help but brought some stocks today! There's some opportunity to exploit you know! Najib has been send straight to jail and it's just matter of time before Zahid gets his verdict!
So we should see some stability returning in political front as Zahid yesterday coup attempt was a failure!


2022-08-23 18:53 | Report Abuse

Yeah, so O&G stocks are hitting the roof thanks to Putin! But i think he is just desperate to push up oil and gas price to finance his war in Ukraine! I think there is enough supply of oil but for EU, they do have gas problem over there! You know, dumbass EU leaders who didn't listen to Trump, cut dependence on Russia! But let EU rot as far i am concern!
EU can import gas from US actually, at current price, EU can replace Russia gas with US gas! But what do i care!


2022-08-23 18:49 | Report Abuse



2022-08-23 18:30 | Report Abuse

JQuestion! Let's hope more corrupt lawmakers will join Bossku in jail! Next is Zahid! LGE should be next! Let's be fair! All corrupt lawmakers should be jailed!


2022-08-23 15:51 | Report Abuse

Najib case should be warped up very soon! Once Najib goes to jail, Zahid will lose his influence in Umno! Why, because Zahid depends on Najib popularity!
Anyway, we should get the result of Najib appeal by tomorrow! Zahid coup attempt has been failure!
Given such scenario, we should see bursa rebound from political instability once again!
So this is a short window of opportunity for brave traders to come and make some molla!