
Tobby373 | Joined since 2021-05-14

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2022-08-13 18:30 | Report Abuse

The enlightens don't want Donald Trump to be president again! Period!


2022-08-12 22:35 | Report Abuse

Let's see if foreign fun bite this positive variable! This is a good news to PM Sabri Sabri administration! Having this kind of economic performance is a huge achievement! Thus less pressure politically!


2022-08-12 22:02 | Report Abuse

I am shock!8.6% is indeed like, so untrue! But that's what Bank Negara announced ttoday!
Kadoos! Assmin Ali indeed not a shake leg minister! I thought he was bragging and so shiok over himself! But he delivered! Credit goes to him!
But we all know, it's the end of he road for him, politically!


2022-08-11 22:57 | Report Abuse

So i am going easy this round! Only 10% for a starter! But won't go in 100%! Max 30%, that's it!


2022-08-11 22:56 | Report Abuse

Well, US bourses are now artificialy pushed as interest rate reach it's goal!
I mean, where can you get cheap capital! Stock market of course!
I don't know if this will spread to the rest of world bourses!
But i do know TA wise, it has been knocked 1500 level 3 times already! So basically confirm a bottom or strong support for bursa to go higher!
Hey, don't shot me! I am a bit phobia with bursa of late! I am still 100% cash but i think it's time for some risk taking! Don't you agree!

News & Blogs

2022-08-11 19:42 | Report Abuse

Bob! Phew! Thanks dude! You are life saver! I was going to sell Hibiscus that i didn't own!

News & Blogs

2022-08-11 18:59 | Report Abuse

Bob! What! I didn't know till now! I thought Grandpa Koon is self righteous golden investor!

News & Blogs

2022-08-11 18:11 | Report Abuse

Wise man once said, if Grandpa Koon shout sell, it's time to buy! Because down the road, he will come out and tell you to buy, which is time to sell! Don't shot the messenger!


2022-08-08 16:27 | Report Abuse

Actually this food delivery thingy solve Mat Rempit culture! Because most of the rempits are too tired working all day long, so no more ime to do daredevil stuff!


2022-08-08 16:08 | Report Abuse

Let coool heads prevail! While those irresponsible corrupted ministers must be brought to court, we cannot afford o scrap this project!


2022-08-08 16:05 | Report Abuse

Zahid Hamidi said to be responsible for this huge mess! Anwar said to halve this project immediately! Seems like Anwar playing hero! Senior Lim pretend to be shock for delay of the warship when clearly Harapan stop this project!


2022-08-08 16:02 | Report Abuse

What i know so far! This project was shalved by Harapan administration! And only continued May this year!
So basically, project was KIV for more than 3 years! Project is 55% completed!
So why only know this LCS became huge scandal! Why was Harapan so quiet during those years!

News & Blogs

2022-08-08 15:36 | Report Abuse

Those who consider to retire early are those who already made it big and already made a fortune! Like those in tech industry where talents can earn big money but also tends to burnout early as well!
But for those who work in 9 to 5 industry earning barely enough, i say you should work as long as you can! You don't have a choice! Can you afford to retire when your EPF can even support you for a year!

News & Blogs

2022-08-08 15:32 | Report Abuse

SsLee! Your daughter's friend should consider working in UK after she graduate! It's not worth for medical doctor to study in UK and work here! Unless she is specialist where the salary should be reasonable! There are glut of general doctors in Malaysia! What is needed are specialists!


2022-08-07 15:52 | Report Abuse

That's why you keep hearing customers complaint sending their cars to workshop only to get it repaired badly! Because those workshop have low level skilled mechanics! They are not well trained!


2022-08-07 15:50 | Report Abuse

JQuestion! Finding good mechanic is hard! 90% out there are junk! Many became mechanics from hands on training! Zero skill based training! That's why it's important to give standard recognition for mechanics! So that when you send you car to workshop, you can ask them to show their certification and pay them what they deserrve!
I have high respect for mechanics, especially those who genuinely good at what they do! That's why our society must change their perception on this professional job! Mechanics are same level of those of accountants, general doctors and so forth!


2022-08-07 15:21 | Report Abuse

So yeah, Bersatu want to pull support from PM Sabri administration! That would lead to GE15 for sure as nobody can form the next administraion!
There are few positive variables like US may face very mild recession! Oil price has peak! Inflation going down!
For bursa, the prospect is limited! And for investors not a good time to accumulate! For traders, there may be some excitement here and there! That's it!


2022-08-07 12:55 | Report Abuse

Once upon a time, we used to wait for certain movies, series, news or documentaries been played on tv channels! Nowadays, nobody watch free channels anymore! Nobody watch Astro paid channels!
In near future, nobody going to work 8 to 5 office jobs anymore!


2022-08-07 12:49 | Report Abuse

GIG economy is not new! It has been around since humanity created jobs! You call odd labour to cut your grass! Call electrician when your fixtures have problems! Service your air cond and so forth!
But what is new is that technology has vastly improve connectivity! You can ehail for trsnaport, food, move stuff and so forth!
Traditional jobs that requires you to come to office is dissapearing! Traditional banks still haven't adapt to growing GIG economy! I mean, can food riders take home loan or car loan!
This is where digital banking will thrive! Digital banking will be able to give loans to GIG workers! And much lower interest rate compare to traditional banks!
More and more people will move away from traditional jobs! 9 to 5 will be reduced to selected segment like education, civil service, construction or hospitality!
The fact that 70% school leavers shun further studies shows that office jobs will be thing of he past! We may see less and less of office based jobs! Probably 50% or more of graduate studies currently offered today already obselete!


2022-08-06 16:08 | Report Abuse

That's why over 70% SPM leavers no longer interested in pursuing degree! I mean, why waste 3 to 4 years studying and suffer study loan only to suffer of frustration and disappointment, going from one interview to another, and only to land a job that pays you no different from SPM holders! Sad life right!
While those engage in GIG jobs are earning much much more!


2022-08-06 16:03 | Report Abuse

We have entered GIG economy! Today i didn't use a single cash money when i was out! Everything paid using debit card or through emoney! Even the regular workshop that i send my car to, insist i pay through bank transfer! Reason, it's risky for the workshop boss to go out and bank in customers cash payment! Beside, it save him tons of time!
We also entered the convenient of ordering food and delivered to out doorstep!
Again, you can order food and pay online! Wait for a while, walla, food come to you!
Because of this, ordering food has become new normal! Food delivery has become a new normal! And now, food delivery is no longer a part time job for some! It has become permanent job!
During he 2 years lockdown, many food rider were earning better than those working in office! Some reportedly earned up to 7k! In fact those working in KL regularly hitting that figure even today!


2022-08-06 01:48 | Report Abuse

Come on Mohiden! Push the button!

News & Blogs

2022-08-05 16:46 | Report Abuse

SsLee! Malaysia home landed tax are peanuts! It's okay! It goes to maintaining public area outside your home!

News & Blogs

2022-08-05 01:59 | Report Abuse

Anwar is a political chameleon! Let me be honest! I thought Anwar could be used by the Lims but turns out Anwar is a losing horse!
The thing is, many has this great delusion that Anwar is a reformist! He is not! He change his himself according to surrounding! But his true nature is an ultra malay! But he cannot gain malay market!
It was Wan Azizah that propelled PKR to the highest! The moment Anwar took over PKR, it just dies!


2022-08-04 23:53 | Report Abuse

We are winessing an end of an era where voters are forced to vote for BN Umno against oppossition!
This round it's different! This round rakyat may game both BN Umno and Harapan! Instead rakyat will force both side to form government!

News & Blogs

2022-08-04 23:49 | Report Abuse

Just look at western mainstream media! They are siding with the Sulus! It's plain obvious they are interfering with Malaysia sovereignty!


2022-08-04 23:47 | Report Abuse

So we may see a shift in how rakyat decide for the next government! Rakyat have matured! Our lawmakers have not! But rakyat will decide and lawmakers will have to accept this new reality!


2022-08-04 23:46 | Report Abuse

Anyway, rakyat will go along with new government which consist of Harapan , BN Umno and Sabah Sarawak!
At least the daily political nonsense of Harapan vs BN Umno will be over! There will be no more Harapan vs BN Umno! Rather a hybrid where lawmakers must focus on address issues of the nation! Not fighting and fighting and fighting over corridor of power!


2022-08-04 23:44 | Report Abuse

With painful memory of 22 months Harapan administration, it would be impossible to envision Harapan capturing GE15!
And for BN Umno to form a government, this will be distant dream of yesteryears! Today, BN only exist in name! But in reality, there is no component of BN that are strong, rather still relevant! MCA is dead! MIC is dead! Gerakan is dead!
As for Sabah Sarawak, there's no BN over there! For Sabah, it's already expected that even Umno will close shop after GE15! The new local alliance may capture Sabah just like Sarawak GPS! The reason is easy, local parties will be the kingmaker for next government! So either side will have no choice but to ally with GPS and GRS!
On peninsula side, PKR seems to gain it's mojo back with Rafizi dominating the scene! However, it's open secret things are not well with Harapan! DAP wants to dominate Harapan! Dap wants to decide everything! And PKR has been sideline! This is the reality in Harapan!
So it won't be surprise for PKR to form new alliance post GE15!
Beside, rakyat perception have changed! Rakyat seems to be fine with different parties forming new government! End of the day, rakyat demands are addressed!
That's why the parliment session has lost it's appeal! Rakyat no longer interested in getting angry with themselves! When there's a concern, rakyat want remedy immediately! Example is the high price of cooking oil and chicken! Today, price of chicken has drop to unbelievable low price! Today, cooking oil has gone back to RM30 something! However the 1kg cooking oil remain missing! Government of the day must find out why there huge leakages of this subsized cooking oil!

News & Blogs

2022-08-04 17:42 | Report Abuse

You see how US and EU are intervening into this Sulus claim! I has said it before, don't be surprise if Granny Pelosi will visit the Sulus and claim Sabah for them! All the fingerprints are clear! US and EU unlawfully asserting the fake Sulus claim!
Luxembourg verdict was very unlawful! They should have immediately reject it but instead award the sulus with confiscation of Petronas assets!


2022-08-04 15:15 | Report Abuse

One of touching moment, a true malaysian story! How a chinese lady, a former teacher raised a malay girl when her parents abandoned her!
What is very shocking is that, how this chinese lady raised her better than any malay parents could!
She remains a malay muslim! But she regard her adopted chinese mother as her true mom!
Proof that there are among us who are blind to race and religion!


2022-08-03 22:28 | Report Abuse

Granny Pelosi is only making things harder for Taiwan and taiwanese!

News & Blogs

2022-08-03 21:50 | Report Abuse

Posted by Up_again > Aug 3, 2022 9:15 PM | Report Abuse

Cancel good la
Tesla should work with the Korean and Jap players to build more giga factory in US
China can stick to itself, without sovereign Taiwan of course

Answer : Tesla biggest market is China! Taiwan, not much, non existent!

News & Blogs

2022-08-03 21:48 | Report Abuse

Taiwan is not really a free society! The underworld bosses are rulers of Taiwan! Even their big boss was given state funeral by Taiwan!


2022-08-03 21:47 | Report Abuse

However, it's not looking good for Chairman Xi! Chinese China saw Chairman Xi soft respond as failure! But for reputation of CCP, it saw sharp increase in support!


2022-08-03 21:46 | Report Abuse

Granny Pelosi should have learn from Hong Kong democrazy attempt! After decades of CIA intervention, HOng Kong is now on smooth path to be just another province of China!
The more Democrats and their enlightens try to intervene, the faster Taiwan will be forced to become part of China!


2022-08-03 21:44 | Report Abuse

It seems Granny Pelosi visit to Taiwan was a flopped! She actually helped CCP to gain more support from her people! And for her to come to Taiwan is seen as another attempt of the white people to intervene in chinese people affairs!


2022-08-03 21:42 | Report Abuse

Instead of spreading democrazy among mainland China, Granny Pelosi actually erupted strong anger among chinese China!
China social media actually saw shape rise of anger and demand CCP to take military action against Taiwan and Granny Pelosi!
Yeah, what a strange phenomena! And what is more stranger, chinese China are dissapointed Chairman Xi didn't follow through with Taiwan invasion when Granny Pelosi stepped into Taiwan!

News & Blogs

2022-08-03 16:10 | Report Abuse

Cyeec! You can only save your money in China banks! But you can't take them out! CCP even send tanks to blow you up!


2022-08-03 14:57 | Report Abuse

Now the question is, what will Putin do as it becomes apparent he is losing this invasion!
That is a million ruble question! But it certainly damage Putin reputation at home!
And eventually all knives will be out for Putin at home!


2022-08-03 14:55 | Report Abuse

Putin latest public appearance was obvious! He was very tense and disoriented ! Very different from the days where he loved to be seen as strong and mighty!
While public support for him remain strong in Russia, his latest invasion of Ukraine becoming weak by the day!
War is very expensive hobby! If you want to win, you make sure you are done within one month time! Dudes, it's almost half a year already! Russian soldiers calsuties are very high! All the experienced soldiers are either dead or wounded!
Putin is so desperate that he is now sending inexperience troops over to Ukraine! Even gone to Iran to buy some drones! How about paying some fortune soldiers to do the fighting! All signs that things are not going well at all!
Ukraine on the other hand are getting new advanced toys to play with! HIMARS proof to be undefeatable machine! In fact it sends fear into russian soldiers are they don't know where HIMARS are and when they strike! It's like getting bomb out of nowhere!