
Tobby373 | Joined since 2021-05-14

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2022-04-01 13:02 | Report Abuse

Basically no hope! The professional team seems to lost it! Up to Petronas to savage but i think they won't! It is what it is! Close shop!


2022-04-01 12:47 | Report Abuse

Najib actually made a good proposal! Savage Sapura using Petronas! Since Sapura is not a GLC, kick that rent seeking shahril! Actually Shahril is your malay version of Jho Low! Seems he is everywhere even during Covid pandemic! Milking us through Sejathera app as well! Man, this dude is really good at conning government of the day!
Anyway, Rafizi got his facts wrong! Rafizi should ask Mahathir why he used PNB to bailout failing Sapura! Even went to make Sapura into GLC despite failing record!
The thing is Rafizi fail to see that what happen to Sapura today is indirectly due to Harapan leaders!
So yeah, Rafizi may as well put the gun on his head over Sapura scandal!


2022-03-31 20:22 | Report Abuse

So why do we have so many imcompetent lawmakers after their were given ministerial position!
Because their whole working career is in politics! Nothing but politics! Even our lawmakers with law background are not really good as lawyers to begin with!
What Malaysia need is plenty of lawmakers with successfully engineering and corporate career!
This are the lawmakers that Malaysia need in order to progress!
Or else we will continue to see the same old same mindless politics that we seen now!

News & Blogs

2022-03-30 16:50 | Report Abuse

Yeah, very long drawn war in Ukraine! Putin turning Ukraine into another waste basket! It is what it is!

News & Blogs

2022-03-30 04:56 | Report Abuse

Yeah, Russia ran out of tanks, ran out of missiles and ran out of soldiers! So now, Russia will cut cost and convert Toyota Hilux into tanks!


2022-03-30 04:54 | Report Abuse

During Najib administration, he removed so many subsidies that rakyat got so angry at him!
One of the most sensitive thingy the price of petrol! Najib removed fuel subsidy! The price of fuel were based on market price! And Najib paid the price as Harapan leaders promised 1.50 forever!
Unfortunately, Harapan populist move backfired badly! Today, the price of fuel especially diesel and Ron95 are fixed with heavy subsidy! So heavy that if current subsidy is removed, then you are looking at close to 3.00 for both of this subsided fuel! Of course that also means rakyat will back to angry mode!
And i am sure, PM Sabri ambition to remain PM post GE15 may not materialized! And i am sure Harapan again play the same 1.50 tune thinking they will win!
Here's the thing, this round, things are even worst! After 4 years of bad fiscal policies, we are already too late to save our economy!
Government of the day need to bite the bullet or else things will get ugly and see half of civil servants getting the sack! Well, actually this is good as current bloated civil servants need to go anyway! But this round, if subsidies are not lifted, then half a million civil servants will get their letter soon! And we may also see pension scheme becoming thing of the past too!
And that's only the beginning! Next GLCs too need to make painful cuts!
GST will have to be reinstalled!
Worst of all, inflation will sky rocket not because of increased cost but because cartels will take advantage of such situation to rip more profit!


2022-03-29 00:15 | Report Abuse

The thing is, Sabri has the upper hand at the moment! Umno lawmakers will pull of from current administration but once Sabri resign as PM, anything goes! So in order to secure his position, Sabri layed out this terms! And everything must be in black and white!


2022-03-29 00:14 | Report Abuse

So yeah, words from the vine! So Zahid, Tok Mat and Sabri met face to face! And PM Sabri layed his terms!
That all Umno lawmakers get their renomination! And Sabri will continue as PM if Umno BN wins with majority!
Of course Zahid will not agree to this terms of course!


2022-03-28 06:12 | Report Abuse

Wow! This Abibas stock is amazing!

News & Blogs

2022-03-28 01:57 | Report Abuse

No wonder ukrainians pick a comedian to be their president, because if he is killed, Ukraine doesn't lose anything! On the other hand, ukrainians prove to be very patriotic! Their fighting spirit is damn strong! Putin made a huge blunder thinking Ukraine is just like Syria or Cremia! Guess he is paying the price!


2022-03-28 01:28 | Report Abuse

As for China, basically US obligachs and Democrats totally miscalculated! They thought those CCP officials were dumbass! So yeah, US companies came in, set up factories and made unbelievable profit!
They didn't expect chinese China to be so exterprising! They didn't expect IP rights do not apply there! Today you have Apple, next thing you know China has Huawei, Xiaomi, Redmi, Oppo, and so many new upcoming smartphone which are better than american brands!
Instead of turning communist China into democratic nation, CCP becomes much stronger! China infrastructures surpass US by hundred years! They say US not only turn China into a big tiger, but a huge dragon!


2022-03-28 01:23 | Report Abuse

As for Hong Kong, Taiwan, South Korea and Singapore, they do not have pervert culture! It's all business with US! Things are transparent! I mean, would Umno warlords allow 100% ownership of business in Malaysia for US companies! Or will US companies have to bow down to giving 30% to some leg shaking Umno warlords!


2022-03-28 01:21 | Report Abuse

Posted by huawei19 > Mar 27, 2022 5:20 PM | Report Abuse

tobby, malaysia should jilat america only then can progress to be developed country...look our neighbour singapore, n also south korea n japan,...all these r american dogs. that's why they r developed fact sg pm will visit biden next tuesday

Answer : Singapore, and South Korea are very pro business! They know US provide them with huge business opportunities! Don't forget US engineered the success of 4 Asean Tigers! Mahathir was so jealous he lied to us that Malaysia was part of that Tigers! We were not! Malaysia never was part of Asean Tigers!
Unfortunately US will never allow Malaysia to be Asean tiger! Why, because of Umno! US knows, if they make Malaysia extremely wealthy, the wealth only goes to Umno warlords and nothing for us rakyat! Worst still, we will be brainwash to death with 'tuan melayu'!

News & Blogs

2022-03-27 16:43 | Report Abuse

Anyway, Putin is already been cancelled out from social media! At least he has a friend Donald Trump who is social media giants outcast!

News & Blogs

2022-03-27 16:42 | Report Abuse

TrippleZ! It's possible! Because the powerful are using bots to spread their propaganda! That' why you see tons of pro Putin comments in social media praising him when in actually fact, it's just a repeated message with different users or variation! AI today has really evolved!
Anyway, with good algorithm, this can be prevented!
Problem is, the social media giants today are so sick! Today you have this WOKE, black matters, gender rights, woman rights and so forth! Yeah, social media promote guys to become women! promote women to be head of everything but cry victim if you tell them why dont women do the same dirty jobs like becoming mechanics, garbagewomen and so forth!
Social media nowadays remove humanity critical thinkers! Instead you only see jokers, comedians, senile leaders given the positive highlights!

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2022-03-27 15:42 | Report Abuse

Nowadays, there's no free speech in social media! Youtube totally cancel out Donald Trump! Same with Twitter and Facebook! Since the founders of social media are now part of US obligachs!

News & Blogs

2022-03-27 15:38 | Report Abuse

Lawmakers should support this motion! Vaping is actually harmful to our health as latest data shows it's not a better alternative to cigarettes! Our next generation should not start this harmful habit! We also can get rid of illegal cigarettes with this new law!


2022-03-27 15:35 | Report Abuse

As for Taiwan, i think Asean members are fully aware of it's status as rebel state! Asean members will not intervene in domestic affairs of China!


2022-03-27 15:34 | Report Abuse

If the same modus operandi is used by western nations, then China will find itself becoming pariah state overnight! So will China invade tiny Taiwan and lose it's economic prowess and also it's dominance!
I say china should become a dominant but peaceful superpower! Yeah, we should accept China militarization of South China Sea but at the same time accept Asean members as equal partners! Perhaps Asean members too are allowed to participate in patrolling South China Sea together with China military!
China should adopt 'Brotherhood of Asean' mentality!


2022-03-27 15:29 | Report Abuse

Except for Indonesia which is so pro Russia, the rest of Asean members realise that the next war is here in South China Sea! If Asean members accept US intervention!
Fortunately, our Asean members are not that dumbass! We dont' want to see another Ukraine in our backyard!
Vietnam and China may be at loggerhead forever, which is strange as both country are communist based! But i don't this two will go to war over their difference! Unless of course if Vietnam fall into US mindgame!
Yes, we do acknowledge China building up military dominance in South China Sea! But this kind of thingy is a very expensive hobby! Asean members don't need to participate in US vs China New World Order!
Putin learn it the hard way! The Ukraine invasion has been miscalculation! It's a failure! It did not achieve it's objective! Russia end up losing most of it's military capabilities! Russia probably move most of it's military assets into Ukraine only to get them destroyed! 30k russian soldiers lost their lives! Russia is now another North Korea! Russia obligachs are totally cornered! Some already gone bankrupt!
So basically, Russia only friend China may opt to cut losses at this point!
Which bring us to China intention to invade Taiwan! And we know when that invasion will happen! Once Taiwan declare itself as independent state, kaboom! However, the recent Ukraine disastrous invasion may see Chairman Xi taking 2nd option!
You see, because of the full sanction on Russia, China too will face similar actions from the Old World Order of the west! China invade Taiwan, the next thing you know, China get full sanctions! Suddenly China tycoons and overseas tycoons doing business with China find themselves totally lockout from business transactions! Suddenly China tycoons find their private jets taken over by US outside of China! And yeah, their bank accounts, private properties outside of China as well!
Just look at what happen to those Russia billionaires caught outside of Russia! Some of them find themselves losing their billionaire status overnight!


2022-03-27 02:24 | Report Abuse

Sorry to say, Rafizi starts his campaign for PKR election by using, yeah, the same stale Bossku card!
He sounds exactly like Anwar Ibrahim! And judging from this initially traction, i say he won't make any difference to massive decline in PKR popularity!
But i guess Selangor will remain PKR stronghold and maybe Rafizi should make himself MB of Selangor should PKR wins with landslide majority! Well, as long as that much hated Nor Omar still heads Umno Selangor!
PKR will revert to state party rather than national party!
Rafizi needs to find better narrative! Bossku card is a big no nowadays! Majority want to see competent leaders not another snake oil charmer!

News & Blogs

2022-03-26 20:04 | Report Abuse

Dinosaurs can be the best protein provider! And i am sure chinese chiefs will be the first to create new dino recipes!


2022-03-26 20:02 | Report Abuse

I mean, the obligachs already have their new replacement ready!


2022-03-26 20:00 | Report Abuse

Yeah, what a miscalculation! And to save face, Putin may order his soldiers to draw back to separatist states!
However, this does not mean the war has ended! This means, the invasion will be drawn out in years to come!
Basically Ukraine will not go back to the days it was! And ukrainians will be at war for years or decades to come!
Yeah, which means Russia will be too busy wagging invasion and zero focus it's economy!
Which means, the obligachs will have to learn to live without their yachts at stay at home for then next decade or so! Unless of course they throw Putin under the bus! But the choice is pretty obvious, Putin days are numbered!

News & Blogs

2022-03-26 11:16 | Report Abuse

Actually after 100 billion taken out from previous withdrawals, i doubt there are massive EPF members who still can draw 10k! Probably few millions still have some money left!
But the impact is severe for members! You are looking at vast majority of EPF members retiring poor!


2022-03-26 03:40 | Report Abuse

Well, it's kind of.....! I better not say! This is something very controversial!


2022-03-25 21:51 | Report Abuse

Zahid should accept that he is cornered! Those who plot with him will be on royal snub! You have been warned!


2022-03-25 21:51 | Report Abuse

2nd scenario is that, Agong agrees for parliment to be dissolved! And if Umno BN wins with majority, Zahid will once again experience snub by the royal obligachs! The royals deem Zahid as pariah! They do not want Zahid at all! Despite Zahid very close relationship with them!
The royal however do not want to be responsible for what Zahid will do if he is appointed as PM! Royals will intervene like never before!
Again, in this scenario, Hisham will be appointed as PM!
You may ask, why! How come Hisham such a golden boy to the royals! The answer is pretty obvious!


2022-03-25 21:46 | Report Abuse

After Zahid ambush of Sosma backfired, Umno ministers are now plotting to bring down PM Sabri administration! Fine! Once Umno ministers tender their resignation and pull their support for PM Sabri, then PM Sabri can see Agong and tender his resignation!
There will be 2 scenario! Agong will not be happy at all! Because Harapan leaders have not broke their MOU with PM Sabri! It's Umno lawmakers that broke their deal with Agong!
Therefore, Agong has the right to appoint new PM! And i tell you guys, Hisham will be the next PM with or without majority backing from any lawmakers! You see, it's up to Agong to interprete meaning of majority support based on his opinion! The constitution is very clear! Agong has the right to appoint anyone who he thinks has majority support! Even if lawmakers object to his Majesty appointment, their opinion do not hold! It's the opinion of Agong that holds!


2022-03-25 16:05 | Report Abuse

Zahid, Tok Mat and Annuar Musa should be investigated for spreading fake news!


2022-03-25 16:05 | Report Abuse

Yesterday Zahid, Tok Mat and Annuar Musa made fake allegation that Harapan broke MOU with PM Sabri administration!
Harapan did not! In fact Harapan stood against the new Sosma act because it goes against fair and transparency which clearly stated in the MOU! Harapan was not inform or brief about passing of new motion! There was no consultation at all! So how can you expect to rubber stamp a motion blindly!
It shows how imcompetent and dumbass Zahid, Tok Mat and Annuar Musa in the eyes of rakyat!
And it's justify for Harapan lawmakers to ledge a police report against them! It's a very serious offence!


2022-03-25 14:14 | Report Abuse

You are lucky! Some banks do! Like Maybank, you need to register for appointment!
Since i am senior citizen, i just pretend to walk with a stick, get VIP treatment immediately!


2022-03-25 02:58 | Report Abuse

By next month, singaporeans will ditch their face mask! I leave it to the government to decide when they want to lift face mask mandate!
But i believe, it's high time to allow walk in customers to banks and business premises without quota! As long as customers wear their face mask! No more social distancing!
It is time to live with Covid!


2022-03-25 02:53 | Report Abuse

Finally singaporeans can go to Genting Highlands and gamble with no limits! As you know, they can't simply gamble in Singapore! Got limit!

News & Blogs

2022-03-24 22:21 | Report Abuse

Haven't been to Sabah like more than 6 years! But i bet my whole stock holdings the road there remain full of potholes!
After my last trip there, i swear never again to travel on land in Sabah! Trip from Kota Kinabalu to Mount Kinabalu was one of the most horrible i have even experience in my whole life!


2022-03-24 13:02 | Report Abuse

As for Zahid, time is not on his side! His court case will start again next week! And Umno election will be in November! By that time, most likely he cannot contest if he is found guilty!


2022-03-24 13:01 | Report Abuse

As long as lawmakers consist of Umno, GRS, GPS and Perikatan remains in current administration, PM Sabri remains until end of term! We cannot do anything!
Basically, Sabri just hang on as PM until his time is up!


2022-03-24 12:59 | Report Abuse

Zahid should carefully do his homework before telling PM Sabri to 'bubar' parliment! Seems as president of Umno, he really clueless about out constitution!
A sitting PM cannot unitarelly dissolve parliment! PM of the day need consent from his stake holders, namely lawmakers from all sides!
Today Zahid again shows how dumbass he is! MOU with Harapan has nothing to do with current administration! Even if Harapan terminate their MOU, nothing happens! Unless lawmakers from Perikatan pulls out from current government! Harapan lawmakers are not part of the government! MOU only provide stability! That's all!

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2022-03-24 11:54 | Report Abuse

Dap didn't bother about TBH during their 22 months! So why bother now! If Dap only think of using TBH name for political mileage, i say good riddance!