
Tobby373 | Joined since 2021-05-14

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2022-03-24 11:44 | Report Abuse

Should you buy Genm or Genting now! No, it's better to wait until April! Once borders are officially open, only then you buy! We have seen too many false start before!


2022-03-23 20:43 | Report Abuse

It's catch 22! Sabri resign,and Hisham gets to be PM! Or Sabri dissolve uniterally, and he still remain PM, interim, of course!


2022-03-23 20:41 | Report Abuse

So Zahid demands Sabri to dissolve parliment! Well, Zahid is a dumbass! Sabri cannot simply dissolve parliment! He can only resign as PM! And Agong will pick new PM! And from insiders, Agong may pick Hisham as the new PM! So it's not that easy!
Parliment can only be dissolved if majority of current lawmakers say they consent to dissolved current administration! And only then PM Sabri present the majority decision to Agong! Only then Agong will consent to parliment dissolvement!
Even if Sabri go ahead and dissolve parliment, Agong may pick Sabri to be interim PM with no cabinet members!
It's not that easy at all! Agong together with other royals will decide what to do next! Blame it on Mahathir as he was the one that tried to form unity government!
I am sure by now, the royals are not in favor of Zahid Hamidi! Despite Zahid been their best buddy! It's just going to ruin the royals for nothing!

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2022-03-23 19:31 | Report Abuse

So sad for ukrainians! Having a comedian as their president!


2022-03-23 19:30 | Report Abuse

Frank reminder to PM Sabri! Your government is not loved at all! In fact rakyat saw this current interim administration as a huge burden with so bloated cabinet, advisers and rent seekers in GLCs!
It's far worst that our civil service!
I mean, what are your ministers doing actually! Rakyat see nothing except getting fat pay every month, shaking their legs!
PM Sabri dreamt of becoming president of Umno in up coming Umno election! But looking at his performance, or rather imcompetence and rudderless leadership, why would Umno members pick a traitor to be their new president!
The general impression or perception is that PM Sabri simply not qualify to be PM! He has not done much for rakyat except introduce so many dumbass policies!


2022-03-23 17:24 | Report Abuse

Surely Genting price above 5.00 by now! But what to do! Wait for borders to open first!


2022-03-23 17:18 | Report Abuse

Yeah, we have seen false start many times before! And now, finally we get official opening of our borders!
It's been more than 2 years since we welcome foreign tourists!
However, not to add jinx, it's better to wait for our borders to open before considering buying into recovery theme stocks!
Sometimes been late is better than to zoom in thinking we get fat worms only to find it's just photo of fake worm!

News & Blogs

2022-03-23 16:54 | Report Abuse

Vietnam communist vs China communist! Yeah, this two need to sit down and talk! If US intervene then kaboom!

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2022-03-23 16:34 | Report Abuse

Well, for Asean members, to maintain current peace on our side, have open dialogue with China as often as possible!
Get China officials to understand Asean members! Keep open channel all times!
We are not China enemy! And keep US out of South China Sea! We dont' need another engineered war on our backyard!


2022-03-23 15:41 | Report Abuse

If oil price is at usd25, yeah, it's totally not worth it! But at above usd100 which will stay for the next 2 years or so, while many domain rigs slowly been activated, it's an opportunity!


2022-03-23 15:39 | Report Abuse

Petronas would do better fit to savage Saprng! If it's profitable venture, then why not! PNB has zero expertise!
I mean, at current oil price, it's no brainer really! Save Saprng, save PNB, save creditors, save those workers! In the end, make money from rubbish!

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2022-03-23 14:52 | Report Abuse

In short, those in religious position are the ones who will do the darkest of what humanity inbuild dark desire!

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2022-03-23 14:50 | Report Abuse

Do you know how the phase absolute power corrupt absolutely! Yeah, came after how evil, dark and sinister popes of medieval times were! Can you imagine head of Chatolic Church actually torture, burn, jail and do all sort of evils to innocent lives just by branding them witches! I mean can you accept the head of so called christianty committed the worst genocide in human history!

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2022-03-23 06:59 | Report Abuse

They say power corrupt absolutely! Imagine if you are in position of power! Imagine you are a prophet like Mohamed! Would peace be your goal! No, it's all about dominating others! That's why Mohamed was so involved in so many wars!
Say you are President of US! Would peace be your legacy! Come on, the moment you step into power, you are surrounded by US obligachs tellng you the facts of life about in power! If you refuse like Donald Trump, be prepared to be thrown under the bus!
If you say Kings of rich oil nation like Saudi! Yeah, you would be sponsoring every islamic extremists out there!
How come! How come those in power tend to be war mongers! That my friends separate those who tasted power and those of us who are peace loving!
You see, as ordinary humans, we see the idealism of humanity! But for those who hold power, their minds soon corrupted by dark human nature!
We all have it! Just that we don't have that power! If Grandpa Koon happens to be the next President of Russia, i tell you, even at his old age, he will too fire the next invasion of former Soviet countries!


2022-03-23 01:34 | Report Abuse

I am all for Petronas to takeover Saprng! Najib idea is brilliant! Sorry Rafizi, you need to learn from Najib!


2022-03-23 01:31 | Report Abuse

I am sorry to say this but i side with Najib! If Saprng can be savaged, then PNB will not lose out their 4 billion investment which was made by Harapan administration!
I blame Harapan administration! Why did they allow Mahathir proxy to use PNB and invest in Saprng in the first place! And PNB didn't do their homework!
My biggest investment mistake was believing Saprng turnover story! It turn out to be turn over story!
Anyway, if Saprng indeed can be saved, why not! And profit from this exercise is what bailout is all about!

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2022-03-22 20:52 | Report Abuse

Huawei! Yea! True! China should learn about softpower! No need to go to war! Softpower is a war itself! Japan is actually very good in softpower back in the 80s! I mean, until today, we still love Nobita and LGE seems a close comparison! Even sushi, a very healthy alternative to US fast food has become part of our culture as well!
Some say China don't give a shxt about softpower! They should! It helps in influencing your neigtbouring countriees with positive perception!

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2022-03-22 17:21 | Report Abuse

In the old days, it only took Rambo to totally defeat battalions of russian soldiers! Nowadays, you have 2 dozens of Democrat superheros fighting with Thanos! It's that so imcompetent!

News & Blogs

2022-03-22 17:18 | Report Abuse

Huawei! Yeah, but that was old school Hollywood softpower! Nowadays, we only see those WOKE movies that nobody want to watch!


2022-03-22 16:41 | Report Abuse

Showing Sejahtera status is good enough! No need to check your body temp! Get rid of it!
No need quota! As long as everybody using their face mask inside aircond building! I know those going to banks are having hard times for the last couple of years! Time to accept that we can't monitor everybody! Face mask will do! No need to make appointment just do draw money from front desk! It's been very hard for those who are not IT literate!
It's time for us to face this endemic with acceptance!

News & Blogs

2022-03-22 16:18 | Report Abuse

Germany demanding so much from Tesla! Yet this nation, used to be world NO.1 in nucklear power plant revert to dumbass gas and coal to power itself! I mean, you are so climate change thingy and yet Germany rely on fossil fuel for power generation!

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2022-03-22 16:16 | Report Abuse

Tell me, what US can offer than other countries can't! EV! China is dominating! Space! If not for Spacex, China would already be leader! Only Elon Musk is doing all the heavy work for US now!

News & Blogs

2022-03-22 16:14 | Report Abuse

Have you notice Uncle Sam no longer favored by many countries! US is seem as busybody who only makes things worse! EU is the only friend US has now!

News & Blogs

2022-03-22 14:20 | Report Abuse

Posted by AlsvinChangan > 1 hour ago | Report Abuse

USA are very unlikely let Russia stop at Ukraine

USA will instigate Poland, Hungary or more ex soviet next

In the end Russia will KO

Answer : Ukraine already taken huge toll on Russia! Russia no longer send foot soldiers into Ukraine! Instead Russia just fire missiles from their arm chair! Basically Russia ran out of manpower on the ground! Go figure! This is just another Aghanistan! You can take over their country but eventually, you will leave Ukraine badly wounded! Putin never learn from past invasions! This on hopefully will see demise of Putin! Perhaps demise of Russia as well!

News & Blogs

2022-03-22 14:17 | Report Abuse

US already firing up war in South China Sea! Fortunately Asean members are not taking the bait! And they shouldn't! Let Asean members deal with China in civilize way! We have never gone to war with China, and certainly we should never! US is the sinister middleman that we dont' need! Look at Ukraine!


2022-03-22 14:13 | Report Abuse

I put this topic under investment as indeed, we are in recovery phase! Unless another deadly variant comes along then we all have to make another round of mass vaccination, provided such vaccine is specific for that variant!
Well, our borders will officially opens by April Dumbass day! Cheers!


2022-03-22 14:11 | Report Abuse

While Khairy handled Covid compentently, his reputation however took a big hit! Seems anti Khairy sentiment is quite strong!
But let's focus on his achievement first! We were among the first to get vaccine! From AZ,Ptizer, Sinovac and so forth! While other Asean members got them much later!
And while Hong Kong still deals with high death rate and hospitalization, we malaysians are more interested in whining, as usually! Perhaps we deserve those dumbass lawmakers as we are mostly produce of incompetent society!
Anyway, many don't realise that we are among first countries that successfully enter endemic phase! We can take off our mask now! We can once again merge with the crowd without those ridiculous SOPs! Just that our government is taking more conservative approach, which is understandable!
Well, vaccine no longer the only option on the table! In fact government should focus on those infected rather than prevent infections! We have anti viral you know!
However, please continue mass vaccination for those yet to get vaccinated! As for those already received their booster, i think they don't have to take the 4th booster! It's unnecessary at this moment!
Anyway, kadoos to 97% malaysians adult who bravely help accelerate this endemic phase! We have emerge victorious! Temporarily!

News & Blogs

2022-03-22 03:39 | Report Abuse

By the way, US has already sold billions of dollars of military weapons to Taiwan to protect themselves against China.

Answer : That's why US obligachs who are manufacturing weapons hate Donald Trump! Trump is bad for weapon business! They want US president who create wars!
Fortunately Asean members are aware of this! Asean members shun from US intervention in South China Sea! If Asean members are as naive as Ukraine, i think we would end up like Ukraine as well!

News & Blogs

2022-03-22 03:35 | Report Abuse

Pity ukranians! Their president is a total joke! However, it seems Putin is real endgame is to conquer Ukraine! Russia is going backward! Russia is turning into North Korea! I doubt Russia will see it's doors opening up to the rest of the world! It's closing down! And Ukraine will be part of that closed Russia unfortunately!

News & Blogs

2022-03-21 14:56 | Report Abuse

Tony has nothing to offer! Only Najib, Najib and more Najib! One trick pony!


2022-03-21 14:55 | Report Abuse

It's in their release announcement!


2022-03-21 14:34 | Report Abuse

Result out this friday!


2022-03-21 03:08 | Report Abuse

As bursa investors, both big and tiny, of course we are not happy at all! Unlike Najib who can brag about pushing bursa to highest level prior to GE14!
There's totally non existence of feel good factor since 2018! Zero! Bursa has been totally lousy just like Harapan administration, under Perikatan and, the half breed Perikatan Muafakat administration!
Whatever it is, Sabri and Mohiden need to do something!
If they don't, then they are as good as part of rubbish dump history!


2022-03-21 03:05 | Report Abuse

Okay! To be honest, PM Sabri is nothing more than Mohiden's puppet! And within Umno, Sabr already branded as sold out or traitor! And his leadership both within Umno and current administration has nothing to show!
PM Sabri like PM Mohiden administraton are full of rent seekers! Total burder to the system! With tons of shaking legs ministers, and fruit hanging directors in GLCs, it's fair to say, voters do not want to see another day of PM Sabri or PM Mohiden ever again!
So it's up to Sabri and Mohiden to proof something before parliment is dissolved! And that could be between now and July!

News & Blogs

2022-03-20 16:51 | Report Abuse

I don't know why Unifi is such a dumbass! They provide the net utiity, and Astro is gaining from streaming! Why can't Unifi set up streaming unit that offers nextflix, Disney Plus and so forth! Instead of that lousy Unifitv with outdated content!


2022-03-20 16:46 | Report Abuse

Anyway, Abibas branded shirts are hot in India! For some reason, they don't realise that Abibas is copypaste from Adidas! And indians thought Abibas is the original brand! Just sharing you weird thing about India!


2022-03-20 16:45 | Report Abuse

Yeah, you can slap new brand on lousy product! Manufacturers do that all the time! In fact, those Abibas shoes came from the same Adidas factories! This is reality of products produce in this world especially those came from China! One minute they stamp Adidas! Next thing you know, they slap Abibas on same shirt!
Anyway, LGE did it again! He just don't get it! Majority malays will not vote for Harapan because they see LGE as de facto leader! If LGE continues to be voice of Harapan, end of the day, you don't get any malay votes!


2022-03-20 05:08 | Report Abuse

Did i forget Hadi and Lim Kit Siang! Yeah, this two should have retired years ago!


2022-03-20 04:58 | Report Abuse

Let me shortlist our political dinasours who are more of a liability than asset!
The Lims, Mahathir, Mohiden, Anwar, Zahid, Nazri, Hisham, Tajuddin, Annuar Musa, and Ismail Sabri! Unfortunately, i can't include Najib as he has many good ideas!


2022-03-20 04:55 | Report Abuse

It's actually quite embarrasing to listen to Zahid speeched during just concluded Umno asembly!
Zahid speeches mostly focus on power! Power! Power! He didn't mention a thing about rakyat! Instead he was so engross in office politics! Zahid is clearly washing dirty laundry of Umno out in public!
Compare to Tok Mat and Sabri who clearly exhibit self restraint! As a leader, you must be able to control your selfish side and focus on rakyat problems!
Which remind us of Anwar Ibrahim! For years now, Anwar Ibrahim was so engross in becoming PM! Anwar would use rakyat sufferings not to present solutions but just to highlight urgency for him to be PM!
Zahid and Anwar are the same! And their era has passed! It's time for them to pass the baton! Malaysia can do without them! Both of them are more of a liability than asset to national building!
Problem with Malaysia, is that, we have too many of this political dinasours who are burdening us with their game of throne! When Malaysia is at the lowest point!
No need to talk about Malaysia on international stage! Vietnam already bypass us by a decade now! Indonesia is also marching ahead! Malaysia is now among Asean laggards! Malaysia is group with Myammar, Laos, Brunei and Cambodia! Why reach this point because of the current political dinasours!
It's really time for new leaders to takeover! Leaders who have the ability and vision! Leaders who are really competent! Not bunch of talkcocks!


2022-03-20 02:13 | Report Abuse

We should blame Mahathir for awakening the royal obligachs! Nowadays, royal obligachs refuse to be rubber stamp! That days are over!