
ToneeFa | Joined since 2020-08-03

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2021-06-15 21:24 | Report Abuse

@UPlanet Toneefa bro! Thanks ! But what’s explanation on TGLV surge last week?
15/06/2021 9:09 PM

Too far cannot see clearly, but only small volume of 500k shares transacted. So its easy to manipulate the price.


2021-06-15 21:22 | Report Abuse

@glovefinish ToneeFa always pandai to talk big, go ahead with your take over plan see whether u able to do that and Stanley willing sell to u or not.
15/06/2021 9:05 PM

What I m trying to say is that if the price can touch that level, there will be many suitors salivating to snatch up the company. At RM 2, it only takes RM 5.5B to takeover = cash in hand by end 2021. Its like getting the whole company for free la.


2021-06-15 21:15 | Report Abuse

@observatory @Tonee, almost every controlling shareholder in Bursa holds their majority stake via a Sdn. Bhd. Everyone of them is a potential seller.
15/06/2021 9:00 PM

No doubt, but until recently bulk of their shares still under individual names. So to consolidate in to a Sdn Bhd may signal some intention to sell. Of course this is highly speculative, but when reporter asked him about it, he was silent and did not respond at all.


2021-06-15 21:10 | Report Abuse

@glovefinish Many have been talking top up since $8, $7, $6, $5, $4 until now below $4, it is curious how many bullets they have to do that. Most likely many just use mouth to top up only no action.
15/06/2021 8:57 PM

I sold all at RM 5 bcos I listened to your advice mah. Now can start collecting back mah. That's why I keep thanking you naysayers mah. Your hardwork to warn newbies like me is much appreciated.


2021-06-15 21:04 | Report Abuse

@UPlanet Boomberg, I thought Topglove got higher chance for target takeover proposal coz TGLV surge up 68% in a sudden?
15/06/2021 8:28 PM

Don't think Wee Chai wants to sell cheap cheap. If he were to let go, it would be at super premium price coz he is very proud of the company, and keep sbb bcos he worries potential hostile takeover.
He sbb to increase the control to more than 50%. Whereas Stanley oredi controlling more than 50% of Supermax, so now just waiting for right offer. He is likely to want to sell at the right reasonable price for reasons as mentioned earlier.


2021-06-15 20:58 | Report Abuse

@NatsukoMishima Foxconn s going to take over dnex , i believe ! For supermax maybe when the price is around rm 1 there will be some interested buyer !
15/06/2021 8:51 PM

No worries, I will form a consortium to buy the company at RM 1.50


2021-06-15 20:54 | Report Abuse

@MoneyMakers Tonee Do whatever u want nobody cares..both of us too small to affect price movement
15/06/2021 8:31 PM

Don't be so disheartened bro. There are so many hardworking naysayers here I shall think at least got some effect la, otherwise all effort night and day go to down the drain. I have complete faith in u guys. So pls don't disappoint me la.


2021-06-15 20:49 | Report Abuse

@observatory Next is a question directed to those who have followed Supermax for a long time.

Beside the number,.... blah ....blah....blah...I mentioned all these old stories because I think Stanley Thai is certainly a colorful person. It also took some guts to publicly support the opposition during the days of unbroken BN rule.
But in the context of investment, how do Stanley (and his team at Supermax) measure up to peers like Tan Sri Lim at TG or the Kuan family at Harta?

What is your view?
15/06/2021 8:30 PM

Precisely that Stanley has been negatively affected by his past actions and now he cannot even officially head the company, that he will most likely sell the company at the right price. Hence, the recent consolidation of their shares into a Sdn Bhd. With so much cash and OBM module and US/UK expansion, and at current cheap valuation, its looking very attractive for any potential suitors.


2021-06-15 20:13 | Report Abuse

You may be right, I hope so, coz I will be averaging down slowly from here on. MM, pls continue doing what you do best.


2021-06-15 20:05 | Report Abuse

@BoomBerg Rumors that Supermax will be target takeover by joint venture of local and foreign consortium (Healthcare)
15/06/2021 3:27 PM
@BoomBerg Takeover price 6-8 RM
15/06/2021 3:54 PM
@BoomBerg Takeover news will be announce end of this month
Reliable source
15/06/2021 3:58 PM

Actually, amongst the Big4, it makes perfect sense to takeover Supermax , if there is any consortium interested to own a top notch glovemaker. That's why I'm buying back at this price. So far bought back about 50% oredi. The rest I will be queuing at lower price around and below RM 3.5. Thank you all the naysayers for a good job done in discrediting Supermax. Thanks for your continuing hard work night and day. Appreciate you ppl working so hard like dogs.


2021-06-11 23:30 | Report Abuse

Aiyoh u guys everyday tok3tok4tokok repeat same story. But I gotta thank the naysayers this time coz can buy back at lower prices. Slowly accumulating now after selling all at RM5.


2021-06-04 01:13 | Report Abuse

time to collect at lower level although I think the KLCI and shariah kick out news is oredi discounted in the price earlier, coz most ppl expected it to happen, and it doesnt affect the earnings. But the more major news is whether Super can convince CBP of their labour law compliance.


2021-06-03 21:17 | Report Abuse

@ BaybieShark 3.5 tomorrow
03/06/2021 8:14 PM

Tomorrow may have a knee jerk reaction in the morning. If 3.5 then its a buying opportunity. Shorties may have a field day.


2021-06-03 16:02 | Report Abuse

The naysayers are a bit disappointing today. Lack energy and aggressiveness. Common guys bark harder. Anyway, I will take a break from here until I collected enough below RM 4. See u guys later.


2021-06-02 18:57 | Report Abuse

@Maxsuper ..... this level probably safe.. need to respect huge cash pile...
02/06/2021 6:02 PM

Yup, the cash pile waiting to sailang cheap cheap below RM4.


2021-06-02 14:12 | Report Abuse

Alpha to Kappa

"The pandemic is far from over," WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has warned. He has vehemently criticized the huge inequality in the distribution of vaccines between poor and rich countries.

But if the coronavirus variants continue to spread as rapidly as they are and to adapt to their human hosts, that inequality could come home to roost for wealthier nations.

According to a recent study in the medical journal The Lancet, the world's richest countries have secured some 70% of supplies of the five top COVID vaccines despite having less than 16% of the globe's population. According to the WHO, only 0.2% of the population in poorer countries have been vaccinated against SARS-COV2. The Economist estimates that mass vaccinations will not start there until 2024 at the earliest, if programs continue at this pace.


2021-06-02 01:04 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-06-02 01:02 | Report Abuse

@glovefinish Crazy thinking, people posting some views and comments in this forum deemed to talk down supermx and deemed can influence the stock price. Can people posting here have so super power to influence the market? Is this forum big enough to influence klse market? How many people in this forum? It's just a very minority of investors attending this forum. How can it influence the market price movement?

Very funny and crazy thinking also people posting some negative views or negative comments about supermx deemed are hired and paid by ibs to do that. May be some supermx lovers here really become crazy, kelam kaput and too worried about the stock price drop until they just simply make their own assumptions and blame this blame that.
01/06/2021 10:24 PM

Hahahahaha! You just made the most ironical statement of the century. Then why you spend almost everyday for the last 7 months talking down on glove if you don't think there is any impact at all? Even public holidays and CNY you dedicated you time to talking down on gloves. In fact you are the most persistent and dedicated naysayer of all time. Pls take that as a compliment. So now pls continue to do what you do best, as I need you to keep talking down on glove. Job well done.


2021-06-01 22:04 | Report Abuse

@monetary no pt to defend your investment here everyday
01/06/2021 9:45 PM

@pjs + @monetary , my point exactly. I stick my nose in here just for the fun. Now I will let the naysayers do their God forsaken job of talking down on Supermax so that I can pick up more < RM4. We gotta thank the naysayers for their hard work :)


2021-06-01 17:06 | Report Abuse

@GlovesOff @tffa , so many ifs & assumptions

whatever it is ~ dont put words in dsst mouth

it is akin to asking ppl hold and wait for white knight to sbb
01/06/2021 4:55 PM

GOffok, don't put words in my mouth, I m not asking anyone to hold nor buy. I m saying I will be queuing below RM 4 bcos of what I think is probable base on simple biz logic.


2021-06-01 16:59 | Report Abuse

@Ibelieve Yup, correction completing soon. That's why I ignored all news, that's why I fooled around with Toneefa's fooling around with GF last night.
01/06/2021 2:43 PM

Haha bro, yeah your GF is one persistent vixen


2021-06-01 16:52 | Report Abuse

@Thankyouverymuch I have been a silent reader of this forum scammed by those so-called fake sifus
I bought in for the dividend as promoted by @pjseow and @Taipan but lost more than dividend paid....@#%#_ Blame myself for not listening to the other side of advices

Luckily I have cut lost and recovered my capital with some profits from maybank and pharma.
The reason for posting here is to thank @Glovesoff, @sharemarket21, @melanie...., @brian...., @citi, @moneymaker, @glovefinish .... and many others who have been actively correcting the "twisted facts" by those so-called fake sifus. My name says it all
01/06/2021 2:06 PM

Yes Thankyouverymuch to you too. Thanks to all the naysayers. Pls continue to bark and create fear. Really appreciate your hard work.


2021-06-01 16:47 | Report Abuse

@GlovesOff @taufoofa ~ you've been saying since that since 2020

how sure are you? you whatsapp dsst?

or you top10 shareholders?
01/06/2021 4:14 PM

GlovesOffok, if there's a wallet contain RM 6000 cash inside and u only need to spend RM 4000 to buy it, would you not buy? And after that the wallet will continue churning out more cash direct into your pocket, all assets entirely yours and no sharing and no need to answer to anyone how u use the money. You don't need to be rocket scientist to understand a simple primary school mathematic question.


2021-06-01 16:12 | Report Abuse

monetary at 2 most probably use company cash to privatise. relist again at higher ipo price
01/06/2021 3:06 PM

Yup Stanley is waiting, once all the bad news are out, and all weak holders throw , then he and gang will sapu.


2021-06-01 00:22 | Report Abuse

@pjseow Tonee, Thks. Ya. I did not sell during the time above 6 because I am.waiting for higher tgt at 8.00 . Based projections and also the IBs , the next 2 qtrs total earnings will be about 2.2 to to 2.4 billions. The rolling 4 qtrs eps will then be rm 1.60 . At rm 4.00 , the PE is ONLY 2.5 which I have never my whole life for a company which earn a few billions per year and have such a huge cash piles. I just target PE of 5 . This will give me rm 8 . The other 3 big glove makers are trading at PE between 5 to 11. My tgt is very conservative. I think the foreign and local funds are also salivating and wait for the right.moment to strike . If the price still.remain.below 4 on the 7th June, I. will use my dividend to add more.
01/06/2021 12:02 AM

Yaya, everybody is starting to salivate now. Stanley is rubbing his palms using his saliva too. If he and gang oredi own 50% , them they only need to acquire another 25% to get the shareholder approval to privatize. Means at RM 4 only require RM 2.5B. So cheap cheap to get their hands on RM10B cash by end of 2022. In 2 years, when they relist on SGX , that's the bonanza.


2021-06-01 00:08 | Report Abuse

@calvintaneng Hahaha

Don't need to bet with Calvin lah

Two of Calvin's favourite are Supermax & Kossan

Bought Supermax

1st Round

Rm1.50... Sold Rm3.00

Bought 2nd Round

Rm1.50. Sold again above Rm3.00

Bought 3rd Round

May 2020

Bought at Rm1.73...Sold around Rm20.00

4th Round Will Come

Someday? Not now!
31/05/2021 11:55 PM

Haha, u r smart coz you know you will lose this bet. Last time was a different story. This time the company is loaded with cash. Would you buy a wallet which contain RM 1000 for RM 600? Moreover that wallet after you buy will continue producing more cash after that. If I were Stanley, I will take the company private first , then after 2 years when the local and US factories expansion have completed and start producing 60B pcs/annum , I will relist on SGX instead. Realise the new value of Supermax and make tens of billions directly into own pocket. That will explain why the SGX dual listing was shelved and the ambiguous guidance notes accompanying the recent QR.


2021-05-31 23:50 | Report Abuse

@calvintaneng SUPERMAX WAS RM1.10 IN MARCH 2021






IJMPLANT (2216) AT RM2.00



31/05/2021 11:39 PM

Calvin I can bet with you , you won't have a chance to buy at RM 2 coz Stanley will sapu everything at that price. He will want to take the company private and at RM4 he only need to spend RM 5B but will gain full control of a company that will hold >RM 6B by end of 2021. At RM 3 he only need to spend RM 4B. This is assuming he and gang oredi control 50% of the total shares. So he only need to acquire the balance 50%. They may oredi control more than that by now.


2021-05-31 23:41 | Report Abuse

@pjseow Tonee, I usually buy on the way up . The last time I also enter at 4.00 after naysayers pushed down the prices to 3.80 and then when it rebound , I entered at 4., 4.4 , 4.6 all the way to 5.20. When it rebound , it will be fast and furious . Within 3 weeks, it hit 6.45.
31/05/2021 10:32 PM

Its obvious you are a strategic player. Don't be disheartened. I m starting to pick up Supermax shares again. Be buying around this price and more when it dip below RM4. My gut feel is that Stanley is now rubbing his palms waiting to sailang. If I were him, I will definitely take the company private at below RM 4. What he need to spend will be less than the cash in hand held by the company by end of 2021.


2021-05-31 21:58 | Report Abuse

@pjseow Toneefa, i havent added any yet .Still waiting for the inflection point , possibly below 4. I will add more at this point.
31/05/2021 9:47 PM

Haha , Good for you, then just let the naysayers do their God forsaken job.


2021-05-31 21:57 | Report Abuse

@Maxsuper ..... 5.00 is gone for good.,... never will come back..
31/05/2021 9:49 PM

Don.t be too koksure, Stanley may be lurking in the dark corner and may spring a surprise anytime.


2021-05-31 21:51 | Report Abuse

@MoneyMakers @Tonee Its not badmouthing, its showing the ‘other’ side of Supermx

U should know GrandMaster Luke Skywalker encouraged his students to understand the dark side - not to pretend it doesnt exist - only then a jedi can find true balance of the force.
31/05/2021 9:16 PM

MM, you may interested to buy this Darth Vader house so you can live in the dark side.


2021-05-31 21:44 | Report Abuse

Ibelieve, no point ranting about the system or gomen. U should start to plan your factory out of here. Indonesia will be a better place to go if you are a manufacturer.


2021-05-31 21:40 | Report Abuse

Haha Ibelieve, I gotta admit the naysayers strength here is very strong. So sometimes gotta ride on their strength to cari makan. They are very consistent and very persistent, esp your Gf. So sometimes gotta go with the flow and use their hard barking works to our advantage. They are working hard non stop everyday and night.


2021-05-31 21:26 | Report Abuse

@MoneyMakers @Tonee Its not badmouthing, its showing the ‘other’ side of Supermx

U should know GrandMaster Luke Skywalker encouraged his students to understand the dark side - not to pretend it doesnt exist - only then a jedi can find true balance of the force.
31/05/2021 9:16 PM

Yaya totally agree. I m casting my nets on the other side now.


2021-05-31 21:17 | Report Abuse

@glovefinish, I like your consistency and dedication. Keep it up!


2021-05-31 21:16 | Report Abuse

@GlovesOff @TonyF ~ kudos, least you are one promoter who encourage sell !
31/05/2021 8:59 PM

Haha... there are so many naysayers here doing a great job why do I need to say anything. All I can say is pls continue to do a good job. I have faith in u guys doing a great job that's why I dare sold off at RM5. Pls continue to do a good job. Thanks.


2021-05-31 21:05 | Report Abuse

@MoneyMakers Waa Tonee happily exit alrdy..old longtime supporter..finally join the darkside
31/05/2021 8:55 PM

Haha, you sound like DarthMaker, whereas I m more like ToneeSkywalker. I will never join the darkside to bad mouth glove or Supermax. I will disappear into far side of the universe when I sell off. Only will comeback to promote once I m back in.


2021-05-31 20:54 | Report Abuse

Yaya GlovesOffok good job. Likely pjs bought some. But I think Stanley is also waiting to buy below RM4 to take private. Cheap to take private now. Assume he and gang currently own 50%. If he can buy the balance 50% at RM4, then it will only cost RM 5.5B. Use SBB to buy 10%, then balance 40% only cost RM 4.3B. Spend RM 4.3B but can later get back RM 6B by end of the year. Then after 2 years with the completion of new factories both in Msia and US bring the total capacity to 60 billion pcs/annum , then list in SGX and maybe US. Then will make more billions into own pocket.


2021-05-31 20:24 | Report Abuse

@z5spyglass Super drop..... every day more than 10 sen. Another one more day Break RM4.00 You hooo very good. One day share cheap easy people take over.
31/05/2021 6:32 PM

Must thank all the naysayers for doing a good job. I sold all at RM5 waiting to collect back at below RM4. Looks like gonna happen by Wednesday to dip below RM4. Thank you all naysayers, pls continue to bark hard.


2021-05-11 18:56 | Report Abuse

ToneeFa For those who like to speculate the price for tomorrow, normally contra or short term players don't like to hold over a long holidays. Highly likely will be a downtrend.


2021-05-11 17:17 | Report Abuse

@pjseow The 4 billions of cash made in year 2020 is too big to be ignored by investors .
Coupled with balance 3 qtrs total estimated earnings of 3.5 billions plus 4 billions earnings in CY 2020 and another 2.75 billions in 2023 , the total will be 4 + 3.5 + 4 + 2.75 = 14.25 billions .

After giving out 50 % as dividend the balance 7.125 billions is more than enough to add additional capacity plus building new plants in US and UK .

The 7.125 distributed as dividend is equivalent to RM 2.6 . If you buy at 4.60 , effectively you are buying at 4.6 - 2.6 = RM 2.0
Paying RM 2 ringgit for a share of supermx company which effectively do not need to borrow to add 22 billion capacity and add another buidlings is a steal not to mention you may get some Treasury shares as bonus .
11/05/2021 4:55 PM

Yup agree, although shorties will continue to RSS, it doesn't change the real value of the comapny as you described. For contra players, be careful, as the share price may continue to drop in the short term. But my advise is for long term players, if it touches RM 4.0, just close eyes and buy and keep for another 6 -12 months..


2021-05-11 16:52 | Report Abuse

@MoneyMakers New bagholders 5.5++ can blame toneefa/djoker/taipan etc for spreading covid misinformation

Unstoppable quintriple india mutation whatever laa..considering India’s poor hygiene, original covid 0 mutation also can spread wildly there
10/05/2021 10:31 AM

Haha MM, to be fair to me , if you look at my recent postings , I never ask people to buy or sell , but only post on analysis of Covid capabilities and some ideas on potential corporate actions by he management. I think you probably post more misinformation than me, and I can assure you won't find any misinformation on my recent postings.
When the price go south , everyone look for someone to blame. Of course when the price has run up so much, a correction is inevitable. It may correct all the way to RM 4.0 or even RM 3.5 who knows, but it doesn't change the underlying value of the company. Which means if price over correct it will bounce back later again. My interest is more on the underlying real value of the company.


2021-05-11 02:09 | Report Abuse

A WHO official said Monday it is reclassifying the highly contagious triple-mutant Covid variant spreading in India as a “variant of concern” at the global level.
Maria Van Kerkhove, the WHO’s technical lead for Covid-19, said the agency will provide more details in its situation report Tuesday.
She added preliminary studies show the variant can spread more easily than the original virus and that there is some evidence it may able to evade vaccines.


2021-05-10 01:42 | Report Abuse

Be weary of the evil Covid. Don't let your guards down.

A Covid-19 variant spreading in India is more contagious and may be dodging vaccine protections, contributing to the country’s explosive outbreak, the World Health Organization’s chief scientist said on Saturday.
Soumya Swaminathan warned that “the epidemiological features that we see in India today do indicate that it’s an extremely rapidly spreading variant”.

The surge in India is frightening not only due to the horrifying number of people who are sick and dying there, but also because the exploding infection numbers dramatically increase the chances of new and more dangerous variants emerging.
“The more the virus is replicating and spreading and transmitting, the more chances are that … mutations will develop and adapt,” Swaminathan said.
“Variants which accumulate a lot of mutations may ultimately become resistant to the current vaccines that we have,” she warned.
“That’s going to be a problem for the whole world.”


2021-05-10 01:05 | Report Abuse

@AbsolutelySurelyPeak @Tony we enjoy some banters but please la don't su ck all joy out this forum

Triple variant so? Bull run to RM12?
10/05/2021 12:48 AM

Dear ASP, you know your value is slowly dropping rite? To each their own interpretation of the facts and data and how they take position in their investment decisions. Although most of us are adults here, but some argue like children. There's no need to be so emotional and go on name calling and insults. Just present you arguments and let others decide if they agree or disagree. If people agree that is a bonus. If they disagree with a good reason then just pay heed. If they disagree with a bad reason then just let it be.


2021-05-10 00:44 | Report Abuse

@Agjl BoomBerg Naysayers and dogs know how to condemn and spread negative/misleading news
But GN and IQ 0 , latest updates of Convid news also don’t know
What a stu xpid and re xtard to the max
Triple mutation is real not fakes news
10/05/2021 12:30 AM

When shared article they said fake news and threaten to report to MCMC...he he
10/05/2021 12:32 AM

Bro Agjl, in a way these newbies when they are scared they panicked. Its to be expected. Just need to console them so that they can sleep well tonite. I personally found it uncomfortable discovering and understanding the capabilities of Covid. Initially it scared the hell out of me too. But I m beginning to accept that Covid is what it is, a once in a century evil direct from hell, and humanity will have to struggle to overcome it. And small consolation is that we really need the gloves to protect our frontliners. Therefore we need to take pride in our very own Malaysian product that is helping to save the world. Pls I urge ppl not to curse gloves, otherwise bad karma will fall on them. Our real enemy is Covid not gloves.


2021-05-10 00:34 | Report Abuse

@azman123 ToneeFa , no worries if you have verified what you shared
10/05/2021 12:15 AM

I would not simply post anything which I don't believe is factual. I know it's hard to believe what I've posted because it make us question what is going to happen to our world if this thing keeps going on and on like a nightmare. But it is happening and we are actually in a nightmare. It is scary. I m oredi accepting that Covid is a smart virus at adapting for its survival. That's why I believe that we are only 50% into the pandemic and maybe the worst is yet to come. I try to analyze not the FA or TA but the MFA or the Most Fundamental Analysis, that is to understand the fundamental capabilities of Covid .and not to underestimate it. Of course I m hoping that our current vaccines can overcome this evil, but there's signs that current vaccines may not be enough. Hopefully later versions of vaccines can do a better job in the future.


2021-05-10 00:18 | Report Abuse

@gohkimhock @ToneeFa you called that a news? It is more like perception. It is not a news. You were trying to pass it on as news. Yang tak pasti jangan share.
10/05/2021 12:01 AM

Just watch the video I posted and read the Lancet report. But don't blame me if your IQ level is insufficient to make full sense of them. Just accept that Covid is a very smart virus. Smarter than many ppl in this forum too.


2021-05-10 00:06 | Report Abuse


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One has to be responsible for his actions

Nothing personal, but you will be fine if what you shared are not fake news
09/05/2021 11:54 PM

Go ahead and pls report back here the result. Also read the Lancet report and watch all the videos which I posted which verified what I posted. Or maybe the Lancet report is fake news too. Lol