
ToneeFa | Joined since 2020-08-03

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2021-06-28 22:15 | Report Abuse

@glovefinish Bursa won't ban RSS bcoz it would cause protest by forreign investors and severe outflow of forreign funds again from local market that would lead to klci index drop further lower. Bursa needs to concern this and doesn't want this to happen. Furthermore Bursa would say RSS maximum 4% only a small proportion that doesn't negatively affect the stock and the market. Bursa would say so far klci index doesn't crash still can stand at high level even with the RSS on. Nothing wrong.

This time of 6 months loan moratorium is different situations from the first time at beginning of last year. Bcoz last year pandemic just started many people have much saving and money to spend for their living hood that the money saved from loan moratorium put in stock market but this time now many people unemployed and business badly affected by the prolonged pandemic that many already suffered in financial problem lack of money more than one year already that loan moratorium this time they really spend for their living hood and not much can put in stock market. So don't expect it can help to stimulate stock price this time.

Overall we can say whatever already happened in last year including the glove mania, glove hype and glove super bull cycle won't repeat anymore in this year. Face and accept the reality. If u don't believe, just let time and the market to present for u. Wait to see.
28/06/2021 9:53 PM

A 6 months suspension will not turn the foreign investors away. They will come back again after RSS suspension is lifted. If they can make money they will never go away. But the 6 months suspension will give many retailers some breathing space, where price may recover at least 50% without the fear of short selling pressure. After all, in the next 2-3 years, the Big4 should be able to give yield of >10% at current price. Better than putting money in the bank. This together with the loan moratorium will give some breathing space to many investors in Bursa. It will be a positive move for the market to allow retailers to recover some strength back. The glove super bull cycle maybe over, but the continued supernormal earnings cycle may not be so fast over, especially with Covid still aggressively mutating to breakthru the current vaccines. The real fair price value of most glove stocks should be at least double what they are now.


2021-06-28 21:53 | Report Abuse

@MoneyMakers US open for weeks alrdy - no covid party
UK 80% open for weeks - no covid party

Safe to say will be fine after UK full opening b’coz high vacc rate (follow the data)

P/s: No need fearmonger Australia..they always repeat area-specific lockdown/restriction even detect small cases (today just 30 cases)..So efficient got less than 10 covid deaths in 2021
28/06/2021 9:43 PM

UK partially open has seen the daily cases surged from 2k to 20k, that's why they delay the lifting of the final restrictions to July 19. Delta Covid has been having small parties there alrdy. After July 19, Covid may plan bigger parties.

Many states in US are still imposing restrictions. They are slowly opening up. But Delta is stealthy making in-road there. Give another 2 months and the Covid party will start again there.


2021-06-28 21:37 | Report Abuse

invest_malaysia @glovesoff, yeah. They can buy 300 shares of supermax every month kikiki

&toneefa, if that person lose money because of margin account. He/she doesn’t know how to operate. Nothing to do with other factor.
28/06/2021 9:16 PM

IM, don't need to defend the shorties, unless you are in cohort with them. We all know Bursa is highly controlled and manipulated by the big boys. The shorties objective is to pressure the retailers to sell at below current fair value, which is happening as we speak. During non-pandemic time the retailers are more resilient but now, mostly are weak alrdy and become easy prey. So the Gov't should step in and suspend the RSS to give the weak retailers some breathing space. Otherwise, more ppl are going to be hanging everywhere or jumping down from buildings as seen in the viral videos recently.


2021-06-28 21:23 | Report Abuse

@MoneyMakers Delta in UK under control

The UK is in a very good position to lift the last round of lockdown restrictions on July 19, one expert has claimed.

Professor Sir Andrew Pollard, director of the Oxford Vaccine Group, said “We’re seeing more than 90 per cent protection. If that persists, then we reach a point where, with most people vaccinated with at least one dose and those at highest risk having two doses, it does put us in a very good position".
28/06/2021 8:46 PM

If UK open after July 19, then its party time for Delta Covid. Likely they will lockdown again in October/November.
Andrew Pollard is trying to sell his vaccines, do you think he will say anything less? If he were to be truthful and say 60%, he will lose his job the next day.


2021-06-28 21:09 | Report Abuse

@invest_malaysia Can someone here update on the petition? I taught people making huha saying results very good? Now no news d ah
28/06/2021 8:49 PM

Now that the Gov't has agreed to the new 6 months loan moratorium, there could be a strong likelihood Bursa could reimpose the temporary ban on RSS soon, for at least 6 months. Same as the loan moratorium. The Gov't realise it needs to do whatever it can to help the rakyat who has been suffering including at the hands of the shorties. Personally, I don't mind that the shorties have pressed the price to this level, however, there are many who have suffered, especially if they use margin accounts. We should be considerate to those who have suffered misfortunes due to the shorties who have abused the system for their own gains. Shame to those who support such abuse .


2021-06-28 20:51 | Report Abuse

@pjseow Observatory. Thanks for your reply. OK. I got it. At first I thought you completely ignored the distribution profits. Now you are giving about 4 to 5 % % such that the overall is 10 %. You know my assumption for distribution profit margin is slightly more than 20 %. This make the big difference. It is fine..We respect each others.assumption in.a civilised manner. Thanks again for the clarifications.
28/06/2021 8:38 PM

Actually I have also considered 2 other factors, one is that Covid will rebound strongly within the next few months and further news on OGM deals , which will likely to sustain better ASP going forward. If Supermax could clinch a few contracts as long term strategic supplier to a few Gov't based healthcare services, that will be a great booster to its value.


2021-06-28 20:25 | Report Abuse

@CharlesT Pjseow's sharing brought many to Holland...

In Jaks n Supermax...

28/06/2021 8:10 PM

CharlesT, I think a ceasefire meantime will be good. U guys should be on the same team. Pls don't start again.


2021-06-28 20:22 | Report Abuse

@pjseow Toneefa , sorry and noted. I used to be very focussed on sharing on FA until this Charles.T who came to this forum last week. his more than 30 messages last Friday.attacking me relentlessly with the help of CITADEL , they have a.malicious agenda. I suspected Charles want to stop me from sharing my view on FA. He has the intention of down unprovoked for reasons known to himself. I will stop for now unless he starts again . He is working in concert with CITADEL. Fortunately , I can withstand his harrassing.
28/06/2021 6:13 PM

Its ok pjseow, I m just hoping both of you can direct your focus and energy to the main objective in this forum. We can have some fun bantering each other, beyond that it becomes counter productive. CITADEL is just an instigator, who is always snickering away at other's misfortune.


2021-06-28 20:15 | Report Abuse

@observatory Emotion runs high in the Supermax forum. I just want to add my two cents here. I don't mind anyone challenging my view, which is why I write here. But lets keep it civilized.........
Anyway, as I have a long horizon, I’m not too bothered on the technical side. Most importantly the price has entered my comfort zone. But I must say I still like Harta more.
28/06/2021 6:21 PM

Good one observatory. Very objective and truthful analysis. That is why I m buying at this price. I m queuing a big one at 3.0, hopefully can catch at that price.


2021-06-28 17:52 | Report Abuse

The Australian state of New South Wales has reported 30 new Covid cases on the second day of Greater Sydney's two-week lockdown.

An expanded lockdown now covers 5m people in Greater Sydney, as well as the Blue Mountains, Central Coast and Wollongong.

Cases of the highly infectious Delta variant now stand at 110.

NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian said on Sunday that she expected that figure to rise.

"Given how contagious this strain of the virus is, we do anticipate that in the next few days, case numbers are likely to increase even beyond what we have seen today because we are seeing that people in isolation, unfortunately, would have already transmitted to all their house contacts," she said.


2021-06-28 17:51 | Report Abuse

The rapid spread of the delta coronavirus variant has forced a growing number of countries to reimpose lockdowns and other public health restrictions, raising fears that the more contagious variant was hampering global efforts to contain the pandemic.


2021-06-28 17:44 | Report Abuse

PJseow and CharlesT, both of you need to create a private room somewhere to continue your argument. Here we should be more focussed on glove related debates. You all need to be considerate to others.


2021-06-28 17:40 | Report Abuse

@MoneyMakers Jengjengjeng lowest daily close..tomorrow can catch-down kossan 3.2

TG 4.23 - Supermx should be 3.23
28/06/2021 4:58 PM

3.00 lai lai. I will park there to support the price.


2021-06-28 17:35 | Report Abuse

MoneyMakers Tonee Where got global lockdown?? US fully opened no restrictions, UK 80% open see stadium 60K people for EURO, EU allow travel for vacc people

West alrdy open for weeks, doing great..some outbreaks (expected after reopening) but very2 low hosp/deaths

Asia will catch-up eventually
28/06/2021 3:19 PM

"MM, as we are all aware, globally lockdowns and restrictions are still very prevalent to control Covid, to keep hospitalization and death from getting out of hand".

MM u misinterpreted my sentence. I meant - globally, lockdowns and restrictions are still very prevalent to control Covid. It means generally lockdowns and restrictions are being imposed in many countries as a means to control Covid, not global lockdowns. But as Delta variant starts to spread wider and become more dominant, it would not be surprising we may be seeing a global lockdown soon. This scenario may not be far away judging by the recent news.


2021-06-28 15:02 | Report Abuse

MoneyMakers No need fearmonger delta variant..UK/Israel medical experts alrdy say hosp/death very2 low b’coz vacc
28/06/2021 2:51 PM

MM, as we are all aware, globally lockdowns and restrictions are still very prevalent to control Covid, to keep hospitalization and death from getting out of hand. With the Delta variant, even the highly vacc countries like Israel also need to impose restrictions. South American countries though highly vacc also still see daily cases surging and high level of death. And they too need to lockdown to prevent more death. Once Delta lineage breakthru the current vaccines, then all hell breaks loose. How long can all these countries continue to lockdown? It will come a time when ppl will just ignore the lockdowns and go on with their lives, dead or alive. The dilemma is getting more real with every passing day.


2021-06-28 14:54 | Report Abuse

@CharlesT walau a oldman never stop
28/06/2021 2:26 PM

CharlesT, I do think that if you have hurt a fellow comrades feeling, its maybe good to just apologise and move on. There is no point to drag this matter any longer. Due to this matter you have also affected perception towards you. Saying sorry would do much to mend your reputation as an astute investor with positive outlook.


2021-06-28 14:46 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-06-28 14:15 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-06-28 14:05 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-06-28 13:49 | Report Abuse

Pjseow and CharlesT, be good if both of u can set a side your differences temporary and focus on your common goals. You know you both can go on forever but will not get anywhere. Sometimes, with situation like this, just need to move forward and avoid escalating it further. Save you r energy for something for positive.


2021-06-28 13:44 | Report Abuse

28/06/2021 1:36 PM

Haha, if you cannot screenshot something private to show here then don't keep asking others to do it la.


2021-06-28 13:41 | Report Abuse

@Beary pjseow I think the short sellers are in a dilemma now, they are trapped actually.

And they are bleeding.

When you bleed, you know there are sharks circling ready to attack.

If they push the price any lower the sharks may start biting causing the price to spike.

My imagination running wild again...haha
28/06/2021 12:02 PM

The shorties know they are currently pushing their luck at this price. That's why when the petition came out, they felt very threatened and panicked. Actually nothing wrong having RSS, but in a weak market caused by the pandemic, should temporary suspend to allow the market breathing space, especially when the shorties were abusing the RSS to push down good value stocks.


2021-06-28 13:33 | Report Abuse

@Citadel9999 hehe tunafa and pjseow two old folks always fattlanza
28/06/2021 1:09 PM

Citadel sei-kau, can you screenshot the picture where you and CITADEL, your siamese twin co-joined at the balls, competing to tfk and see who shot out first.


2021-06-28 13:07 | Report Abuse

@pjseow Wicked , Mean and Despicable hypocritic Citadel . Why you teach Charles T to ask me to do screenshot of my portfolio if you know that this is P and C ? You are big loser , big liar and big hypocrite who talk big everyday but chicken out .
No balls fellow.
28/06/2021 12:33 PM

pjseow. technically u r right, Citadel-seikau has no balls, since he co-owned the balls but legally he still have rights to half the balls, so in a way he has a ball.


2021-06-26 23:54 | Report Abuse

@MoneyMakers Tonee MY definitely can finish vacc by year end (regardless what happens in other countries)..glove shares gonna sink fast
26/06/2021 11:41 PM

Aiyoh, your thinking is too simplistic. "MY finish vacc by year end and glove shares gonna sink fast, regardless of what happens in other countries". Your statement is totally illogical. Maybe the petition is making u nervous and ur mind is not thinking clear alrdy. Don't worry, just relax and take some deep breath to calm your mind.


2021-06-26 23:42 | Report Abuse

@Beary If not for RSS u wouldn't hv this opportunity now to buy low.

Grab this once in a lifetime opportunity now.
26/06/2021 11:19 PM

Agree, that's why earlier I have been thanking the shorties for doing a good job, but now is the time they should step back and take a break and let the real market takeover. Time to give recognition to our glovemakers for doing a good job in saving the world and reward the faithful supporters for standing behind steadfastly.


2021-06-26 23:34 | Report Abuse

@MoneyMakers Major glove market US/UK/EU all doing well with delta b’coz high vacc..once Asia complete vacc year-end, glovers got no biz alrdy
26/06/2021 11:03 PM

Asia complete vacc by year end? u sure ka? India and Indon can ka? So far Indon only 4.8% fully vaccinated and India around 4%. Malaysia oso don't know yet. So u always claim ur info is correct, as below:
"I dont spread misinfo like u..always trying to fearmonger"
26/06/2021 9:54 PM
So proven here you like to tokok and is a certified fearmongrel. You are the one spreading misinfo all the time but instead u like to accuse others.


2021-06-26 23:17 | Report Abuse

@MoneyMakers Dream on RSS ban..Gov want announce more financial support, EPF need earn more from RSS

Raise RSS higher better..soo low 4% only
26/06/2021 10:54 PM

Excerpt from petition:
Sebahagian pelabur runcit terutama dalam kalangan Bumiputera & pelabur lain terasa tersempit akibat "penurunan harga berleluasa" di pasaran Bursa berikutan kegiatan jualan singkat terhad-"Restricted Short Selling-RSS" oleh institusi besar.

MM, this is appeal from Bumi retailers. Gov't will have to take heed if the Bumis are in trouble. Some more you want to increase the %? You sound like someone not grounded in reality but always dreaming about your 65sen fantasy. Maybe tan kuku for 5 years after global herd immunity to reach 65sen, provided no new pandemic appear before that.


2021-06-26 22:40 | Report Abuse

@DJoker89 1018 signed...let's go 1500

26/06/2021 10:16 PM

Haha DJoker....You making the shorties nervous and panicking alrdy.


2021-06-26 22:37 | Report Abuse

@GlovesOff Screenshot, screenshot !!! Hahaha
26/06/2021 10:09 PM

Oi GlovesOffock, later I screenshot my lawyer letter to u ok.


2021-06-26 22:36 | Report Abuse

@Citadel9999 tunafa please la, whats Ur average price and how big Ur position??? u can't answer then u are the tin kosong with loudest noise
26/06/2021 9:58 PM

Haha Citadel-seikau, so we now know you are the faster comer. I alrdy said I sold all at RM 5 and is now slowly collecting back. No need to reveal how big la, scared Aunty GF become horny later.


2021-06-26 22:24 | Report Abuse

@MoneyMakers Tonee Medical experts say “Delta case numbers not turning into hosp/deaths” on friday..where got old news

I dont spread misinfo like u..always trying to fearmonger
26/06/2021 9:54 PM

MM, u always looking at news from a biased angle.

Given time, new variants of the virus could find ways of evading that protection, if the steady march of mutations that SARS-CoV-2 has developed so far is an indication. “Right now we are seeing evolution in real time,” says Sophie Gobeil, fellow in the division of structural biology in Acharya’s lab. “The virus is trying really hard to evade those vaccines.”

That means staying ahead of the virus could require more, and different vaccines. “I would say we will need boosters for sure and I would even venture to say that the boosters won’t be the same [vaccines] we are getting now,” says Acharya. “From what we are seeing, the virus will likely evade vaccines at some point and we will need updated vaccines.”


2021-06-26 21:47 | Report Abuse

@MoneyMakers Woww 923 glovers crying out for papa zaf’s help..better blame promoters whole year spreading misinformation
26/06/2021 8:14 PM

Haha,,,all the shorties are panicking. Don't worry la , just a temporary ban until post u fearmongrels can take a rest and relax, but at least try to cover short position first before ban starts.


2021-06-26 21:36 | Report Abuse

@MoneyMakers Tonee “Delta case numbers not turning into hosp/deaths”

Medical experts say above, not me..all variants r concerning but data looking good..cautiously optimistic
26/06/2021 7:59 PM

Aiyoh, u always refer to 2 weeks old news. Latest they are saying highly likely Delta Plus can develop into a super variant to breakthru current vaccines rendering them useless, They are talking about requiring booster jabs soon.


2021-06-26 21:31 | Report Abuse

@Citadel9999 loss money then blame RSS lor, when share price up didn't see u ban hahaha. low skill investor.
26/06/2021 7:02 PM
26/06/2021 7:19 PM

Haha, today Citadel-seikau & CITADEL, the siamese twin brothers co-joined at the balls, are competing with each other to attack me. I think its better if both of you compete with each other to tfk and see who can shoot the fluid first.


2021-06-26 19:24 | Report Abuse

@MoneyMakers No need fearmonger delta variant..UK/Israel health officials alrdy come out explain delta case numbers not turning into hosp/deaths

Vaccines giving very2 strong protection
26/06/2021 1:53 PM

MM, your haste to quickly write off Delta Plus variant prematurely implies a strong bias on your side. If you are an objective person, you will base your position on latest medical experts opinion. And most experts are very concerned but said need more study and data to determine further. Even Aunty GF said let time tell the real story. Most experts agree eventually Delta Plus lineage will breakthru the current vaccines. Which means will need booster jabs to overcome. Booster jabs amidst on-going vaccination programs will mean pushing the time-frame for herd immunity further. Meantime, will such delay produce even more powerful Covid variants that will cause further surge in critical cases hospitalization and deaths?


2021-06-26 18:58 | Report Abuse

@invest_malaysia Don’t sohhai la you @very goat. Toh sui ka. You’re embarrassing malaysia investors. Skilled investors like WC & 天哥 didn’t even touch glove stock. WC fast in fast out.

Only amateur investors like you die die hold glove stocks think it’s a super FD only.
26/06/2021 6:33 PM

I don't think in the current pandemic time, RSS should be allowed in Bursa. Even with 4%, there can be much impact to a weak market, and in the case of glove counters, it is very much abused. RSS players have the license to manipulate the market with impunity. It's time to ban it until post-pandemic. Of course those who are part of the shortists will object to the proposal to ban it.


2021-06-25 21:33 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-06-25 21:14 | Report Abuse

25/06/2021 9:08 PM

Yup good move...must get shorties to cover all short positions first before the ban date.


2021-06-25 20:34 | Report Abuse

@MoneyMakers Morning goreng failed & whole evening weak..alrdy rest 2 days - next week continue journey gap down
25/06/2021 8:25 PM

I m still hoping to catch the big one at 3.0. Pls work harder Thanks


2021-06-25 20:33 | Report Abuse

25/06/2021 8:17 PM

Head of Public Health Services, Dr. Sharon Alray-Price, revealed the disturbing facts at a media presentation on Wednesday. According to her data, of the 891 cases of coronavirus confirmed in the last month alone, half had received both doses of Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine.

It is clear that officials were already aware that the vaccine does not provide sufficient protection, as quarantine regulations for those returning from abroad have recently been changed, requiring even those fully vaccinated to self-isolate upon return from certain countries.

In addition, military intelligence has been warning of such a scenario at least since January, when a report was published that suggested a mass vaccination campaign would lead to vaccine-resistant strains of Covid-19 emerging.


2021-06-25 18:19 | Report Abuse

@glovefinish Delta variant going to spread attack whole world is too early to say now everything is just your imagination and own assumption. Let time to present it. Time would tell the truth won't lie. Just wait to see. I have saved all the postings created by someones here about the spread of delta variant in the world that would be used for verification in the coming time to see whether it's true or not.
25/06/2021 5:08 PM

Aunty GF, i feel honored you feel my postings were worth saving up. Pls be fair to highlight once you verified them to be true later. Thank you.


2021-06-25 18:13 | Report Abuse

According to the Indian government's Covid-19 genome sequencing body, the Delta Plus variant exhibits several worrying traits such as increased transmissibility, stronger binding to receptors of lung cells, and a potential reduction in antibody response.
It's not yet clear what effect the mutation may have on vaccine efficacy -- but Julian Tang, professor of respiratory sciences at the University of Leicester, warned it could potentially give the variant "significant vaccine escape properties."
Most of the coronavirus vaccines are designed to train the body to recognize the spike protein, or parts of it -- the place where Delta Plus' extra mutation is.


2021-06-25 18:08 | Report Abuse

@Dannyfyl88 MM... Ya let's see. 6 weeks to QR and the crazy up or down will come. ToneeFa. Delta Plus or Delta Double Plus or Delta Super Duper Plus is Not a Concern here at ALL. US Dr Fauci is just chicken sh!t and fear-mongering the whole world. Malaysia will have Herd Immunity on September as what the backdoor PN government said. Even with 2m jabs administered last month, we are only 5K mah... Stable number mah... and Herd Immunity September... All Gloves NO more buying ya?
25/06/2021 5:52 PM

Haha.... don't ask me why, but strangely I can relate to your frustration. Its ok we just share our thoughts to those who are interested.


2021-06-25 17:46 | Report Abuse

@MoneyMakers If price drop 10% can say short term sentiment

When price alrdy drop 70% within 9 months, means fundamentally wrong..investors discounting effects of lower ASP/demand/oversupply
25/06/2021 5:32 PM

Whatever TA trend can be interrupted by black swanish-like occurance.


2021-06-25 17:44 | Report Abuse

@Dannyfyl88 MC33... even at 2.8... shorties will say 1.8 or 0.5c. Never-ending lah... Better not waste your time. Now.. bad sentiment... everything said can be countered with their super good BS. Like a BS fortune-teller who told me I will pass my exam if I study hard. WTF.... ASP will drop to Pre Pan because of increasing supplies even when there's shortages for the next 2 years. You think this counter will sit here at this price for the next 2 years? Delta... well under control even US cases have doubled in 2 weeks. Not a concern at all even all the news that this will kill all Vaccination drive goodness. Africa...don't use gloves lah. Talk more...lah... War on Virus will go on for years. Gloves will be in Demand.
25/06/2021 4:56 PM

Yes Dannyfyi88, Delta Plus which has integrated the Beta mutation into its spike protein is currently the most potent variant, which experts believe would be poised to be the strain that will breakthrough current vaccines. We may be staring at coming of the 2nd Covid black swan event.


2021-06-25 17:31 | Report Abuse

@MC33 Therefore do we have a consensus that 2.80 can buy ? After all there is a certain degree of predictability in the business model .
How will the US plant impact the business and therefore the share price ? If it goes ahead
25/06/2021 4:38 PM

This round likely won't touch 2.80.


2021-06-25 14:15 | Report Abuse

@Dannyfyl88 Ya ToneeFa... Easy to say Vaccine will kill Covid Next year when the gloves shares are down... The reality check will come soon. Delta blooming... War on Virus is not Over yet.
25/06/2021 2:02 PM

I think we are only midway thru the pandemic. Our in-house fearmongrels think we are coming to the end of it. But I think evidence is slowly flowing in now to support my view. My fear is that the Delta subsequent variants may bring us back to square one, rendering all vaccines useless and left humanity without protection again. The only consolation, if that happens, is that our medical experts have established a system to deal with such situation, but the down side is that revaccination will push the herd immunity further by at least 3 years and will see more death and sufferings, physically and financially.


2021-06-25 13:59 | Report Abuse

They Relied on Chinese Vaccines. Now They’re Battling Outbreaks.

Looks like evil Covid has reached the stage of seriously challenging the limit of our current vaccines strength.


2021-06-25 13:57 | Report Abuse


Israel is worried about the Delta coronavirus variant despite its widespread vaccinations
About 70% of new infections were the Delta variant, the Israeli Health Ministry's director said.

Israel is the benchmark for most vaccinated population. So what is happening there will indicate the future of most countries. Currently the Delta variant is causing mild to mid symptoms to fully vaccinated ppl. I shudder to think of the subsequent impact of Delta Plus or Delta Super later.