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2 months ago | Report Abuse

All of DNEX's businesses now capital intensive

Silterra has sucked up so much cashflow for capital investment. To be fair, they did a good job keeping the fab running and revenue rising. Cashflow is strong. Look at it, it's not a co in distress, very healthy cashsflow. The cost is of coz low margins and net net actually negative margins

Oilfield they have raised funds through the last placement. This may not be enough. They need more deals before a spin-off.

Even tech services, NIISE will require a sizeable capital outlay. That's still why it is more credible than Theta. Theta has something like 20M or so cash only last quarter. Scary if they get NIISE save for more funds raising

So DNEX really needs more cash despite more cashflow. Best to start planning for it now. Go issue a 1 for 3 warrants X and give it to us. We exercise the warrants 3 years later give you 1B cash DNEX


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Very interesting counter. Push up, announce more deals, placement, raise funds, share split, goreng


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Lots of stories nothing have materialised. While waiting...market is damn bullish, go pick up some other counters and trade our ways to riches 😆


2 months ago | Report Abuse

There are countless other MOUs. Got Arabian, got Korean. DNEX not shy to claim King of MOU title 🤣 Market talk is several large scale tenders were made for overseas smart city as well, so not solely reliant on NIISE


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Labour win should hit Hibiscus more than DNEX. DNEX's saving grace, next year Msia's late stage oil fields start pumping. It's still a concern, as DNEX's bottomline for the past 1.5-2 years have been heavily reliant on Oil instead of tech gosh.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

CGP Silterra by now should be a non-issue. Can hope there's some goreng once there's resolution. But from the beginning it wasn't that big of an issue. The idea is Silterra is sooo valuable both parties want control and it's ultimately between 45 or 55% ownership. No one seriously thought MITI will revoke Silterra's license either way. The problem is Silterra has been bleeding ever since. There has been various statements made on RM600M being invested into Silterra's expansion and apparently work done. However details scarce - we can't see from financial statements when or how it's made, and cannot see the apportionment between CGP and DNEX on said investment made


2 months ago | Report Abuse

29th May 2023, announcement was made to extend the MOU w Foxconn by a year to 16th May 2024. Since then no announcement of further extension. Last it made the news was in Oct'23 where DNEX said proposal to govt made. That's...10 months ago news and 12 months ago they would have made the proposal, and it has been 2 years without progress? 😂


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Reading what Zafrul said about the semi-con plan, Foxconn plant looks difficult. He's saying fab plants will come in Phase 3 or 4, and we haven't even started Phase 1...


2 months ago | Report Abuse

You're right, that 0.45 is holding is still good and trading side ways until something comes. Unfortunately side ways looks like the best case until so, what if it's being pushed down once more before an ultimate rise. Are we buyers or sellers then at 40 😅


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Sslee's bintang beer and lobster on liao 😆


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Go up or go down we can still make money...but go down make it much more difficult. This bull market, give chance keep climbing up like the other counters then easy money easy life la brothers


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Tsk today's rebound a bit underwhelming. Hope this is a real reversal back to uptrend


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Hope everyone including Syed Zainal Abidin makes loads of money ya 😆


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Nola FAInvestor it won't happen. What u suggest unheard of. This is a tender, there were 10 or so bids narrowed down to 2. These 2 have such different proposals and never said they want to work together. Govt force private entities to form a JV this way, unheard of. And even iffffff they wanna do it this way, fresh tender has to be called in. Then MYEG and others can come back to form new JVs to tender


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Or if they no grant no money, they can do rights issue or another placement. If they are raising capital for this reason they will need an EGM and 1) market will view it favourably 2) they will push up share price for placement, just like how they did Silterra acquisition


2 months ago | Report Abuse

@anson938 Gotttt...DNEX waiting for Govt grant to proceed w Foxconn plant, that should be greatest news


2 months ago | Report Abuse

It'll be cute if now they play down theta then market rush to buy DNEX 😂


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Nola don't take me seriously just speculating based on govt award so far in PMX's time which is nothing. Has this govt even awarded 1 big contract yet in any area


2 months ago | Report Abuse

I think both Dnex and Theta will not get the Niise contract


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Well done hello kitty i love your flexibility!!!


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Okla to be honest touch my heart, I probably couldn't do it. If it sell down to 42, even though it may be objectively a good idea to sell first, I will probably fail to pull the trigger. Cut loss always so hard haihz


2 months ago | Report Abuse

kuningNo1 I am very flexible 1...if at 50 it looks like it's going up, maybe I buy more. If at 42 it looks like its going down, I will have no loyalty and cabut 😂😂😂


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Ok took 500k shares at 45, replenish sold shares. Operator dont marah marah push back down ya 😂


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Bro, 630k I have and don't mind clearing it at 45. I can do it now click click. But what if after clearing it they queue another 10m shares at every bid then push it down back to 43 😂 so it's not 630k. 6.3M maybe can move it a bit, but if operators marah push it down 6.3m also disappear easily


45 sen big road block🐘🐘🐘. Need rn630k+ to clear it.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

anson938 you scare me with your constant reminder of cup and handle formation even tho that's clearly not your intention. Can share your insight? I can only see bottom of cup on top the way you put it, that's an inverted cup 🤣


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Actually, if we study Theta...we can't fathom how Theta could get NIISE over DNEX.

It is easier to believe that Govt cancel plans, or that Edge reported wrong both DNEX and Theta out...than to believe that Theta is the best candidate among all to do this project

Theta is almost like DNEX's junior in every way. CEO was DNEX's staff for 2 decades...major shareholder is DNEX's shareholder...in everyway, DNEX is more credible to public eyes, and politically that's what matters...

I say, maybe NIISE internalised like what they doing to MYEG 😂


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Back to NIISE looking at Theta. If they really know, why are they sooooo patient. Still no limit up. If NIISE is at least $1B, Theta should go triple limit up. Sky is the limit - it's not only the contract value but the strength of the cable etc signifiying the lady CEO's vision is real.

Now it's still going slow-mo.

So is this pump and dump before announcement, or is this real...the coming weeks will tell hopefully. Damn curious. As to end Jun award...I am not holding my breath. This govt, even luxury tax can't implement ahhhhhhh delay is thier game


2 months ago | Report Abuse

About silterra story, if the share price tells the story - the market has actually decided that win/lose, Silterra is still worth a ton. That is until silterra starts to bleed, and the sell-off began. So marekt actually dont care that much about cgp case. BUT if there's a positive resolve, of coz there would be a knee-jerk rebound (and vice versa).

I am confused too - because as the arbitration drags on these 2 years, I think they have poured in another 600M cash into silterra. Where did they money come from, and how did they divide their portion of investments pending resolution?


2 months ago | Report Abuse

We still can't rule out just yet that this is a bear trap preceding a huge rise in the coming weeks

DNEX moves like shit most of the time until recently. When it was like shit don't forget it was hovering at 40c for a very very long time. Then it broke down to around 32c. In hindsight it was clear that 10% or so drop that day was to push it down for the subsequent accumulation, placement and then the recent push.

So now where are we?

Fundamentally and technically, it looks like 40c is very3 strong. A lot of the "stories" have dragged on far too long and this is about time.

However...if all of the stories go wrong - 1) govt shutdown silterra cos cgp win the cases lol 2) foxconn abort deal cos dnex drag cos zafrul hates dnex 3) oil turn out to be a hox, then surely even 32c shouldn't hold


2 months ago | Report Abuse

If this is the end of the uptrend, then they are only throwing whats left. They have already thrown the bulk of it on 12/6 looking at the sky high volume


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Disagree ken2004...by right even if DNEX gets NIISE, any surge like 20-30% we should sell, if we don't believe in the other "stories". NIISE a bit small for DNEX, hugeeee for Theta

Can't write off Silterra just yet. U saw how much they have continued to invest in Silterra. Cold hard cash man


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Another point to say it isnt really NIISE related, recall that when Edge first reported the 3 of them were in the run, DNEX and Theta are quite close to current price. It has just went back to this. After Heitech out, both DNEX and Theta ran a bit higher. Then followed by days of DNEX climbing beautifully while Theta died. Alas, no easy money just yet, DNEX's short-term uptrend broke


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Yes buying otw down is very dangerous, we all kena before. Only in very rare cases those kena lock for eternity finally get super profit. Imagine how long YTL shareholders suffered from early days, then till today wow


2 months ago | Report Abuse

DNEX...this fall, I dont think its really NIISE related. It's the case of being burnt when everyone else is being burnt (except Theta lol). this rounded top in DNEX is seen everywhere else la. Index, construction, tech stocks, MYEG...is MYEG even a tech stock? So, doesnt look like it says anything about NIISE...what say you?


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Hesitated at 10am whether to buy Theta. Alas didnt pull the trigger and totally missed it. Pity


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Believers don't rush to buy. Don't be afraid to miss out when it is falling like a rock la. Let the fear kick in only on reversal, then rush to be buy 😉


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Yinson has deep deep value. Having that said, all momentum is currently loss. I have long exited my entire position, I shall reenter when they stop SBB lol


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Actually, re the Edge Weekly on Yinson creative accounting, they are actually talking about CIMB and KayHian's reports

CIMB's report is titled "Using financial tools to boost equity returns"

It's a dumb header. Because did you know, it is with this header that CIMB upgraded TP from $3.23 to $3.83


2 months ago | Report Abuse

If TMJ can be patient for a decade, so can we 😃


2 months ago | Report Abuse

RHB's call warrants take the average closing of last 5 trading days including T day. Today is T-1.

Wait till after 26th, but it won't be immediate cos it's too obvious

After a week or 2 as it easily goes above 2.40, don't forget how dirty the market is and always pay attention to CWs😉


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Can't say forum entirely useless despite Mike's relentless spamming. If not because you all curse Thong and insas till I shy to hold, I would not have sold alllll in the last run to 30 and up. Miraculously actually made money in this counter. We need more forums like that


2 months ago | Report Abuse

If you're like ken2004, do not believe in Silterra turnaround, do not believe in Silterra-CGP resolution, do not believe that Foxconn plant will materialise and do not believe that there's more oil gushing out from DNEX as soon as 1Q25, it's best to sellllllllll now before it breaks!


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Previously, it was pretty clear to me they were trying to flush out weak holders and bring in shareholders at a higher average. If this breaks it becomes murkier. Clearly today they are taking the opportunity to do it more aggressively. The likes of Notion JCY, even YTL correcting. But sideways followed by this is always worrying. Not easy to die die say hold. Because if it gets bad enough for everyone else, this one will get burnt too. If they're in control, no harm flushing it down to low 40s or even below 40. If so we will have to wait till neck long long.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

DNEX's momentum is temporarily halted by the broader market tech sell off. Close below 0.465, not that bad, I wouldn't say run just yet. But if you are on the school of thought like ken2004 then yes good idea to queue sell now at 0.465 lol. We watch 0.455 if it breaks. Breaking that point we see if it lasts. By then many people will curse already, yet there'll then be no rush to enter. Sadly, and illogically, buying at 0.465 would be better than buying at 0.450 since by then the momentum has broke.

On the other hand...in the unlikely scenario it closes at 0.480 today, see how nice the chart has become. Then if you are think you are a trader and you still on't buy, shame on you 🤣


2024-06-21 17:20 | Report Abuse

Collab doesnt make sense. My guess it's all or nothing for either of them. Hugeee impact to Theta.


2024-06-21 15:02 | Report Abuse

Or u can play notion. Yesterday notion was less than $2.00. Today it's higher than Hibiscus 🤣


2024-06-21 14:59 | Report Abuse

This counter can play. Moving beautifully. If you are a trader, this is a great counter. Buy now and set a tight stop. If it falls admit defeat sell move on la. If it doesn't and it keeps moving above the various MAs, take a ride with it. You never know what's happening behind the scenes


2024-06-21 14:57 | Report Abuse

Send them a thank you note you get to buy back Hibiscus at this price