
Vairocana9999 | Joined since 2020-07-13

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2020-11-08 11:13 | Report Abuse

Sifu, tqvm for your excellent analysis.

I would suggest next time, CiA team just don't reveal the actual PAT of Super in the next few qtrs, just put a figure which is 30-40% discount of your actual estimates, including ASP and etc. This will be good for the market.

Otherwise those greedy ones will always take this as an excuse to disrupt the market sentiment and Super will always be the worst hit.

Just look at the huge damage done on the release of the last two Qtrs results and BI issue. We should not let this happen again.

Many are just too greedy and they have ulterior motives due to many call warrants which are still lurking in the market.

Just let local IB analysts publish their calculations and report, to serve their main clients and those who want to believe in them.

Thank you sifu. I am very glad that I have listened to you since April. No regret in this up coming SUPER BLUE CHIP with THE MOST STABLE AND HIGHEST GROWTH in the KLCI.

Good luck to all those who hold Super.

News & Blogs

2020-11-03 09:30 | Report Abuse

Tqvm for the superb analysis, sifu..

News & Blogs

2020-10-20 11:11 | Report Abuse

Dear sifu and CiA team, excellent write up and research. Thank you so much.


2020-10-14 15:21 | Report Abuse

Actually, whether TG overtakes TIGER or not, not so important. Just let nature takes its course.

The most crucial part is whether TG's share price is still under value or not? Or is it over value?

What is TG's fair price?

You have to make your own judgement.

I believe the angmo funds will tell us the true answer very soon.

Posted by Stockisnotfun > Oct 14, 2020 10:41 AM | Report Abuse

So already take over maybank or not? Ok lo luckily now I can slowly wait for dividend without worrying in next two weeks.


2020-10-14 14:39 | Report Abuse

JPMorgan says you should be putting your money in these Southeast Asian stocks
Published Tue, Oct 13 20207:49 PM EDTUpdated 5 Hours Ago

(This story is for CNBC PRO subscribers only.)

SINGAPORE — Stocks in Southeast Asia have underperformed the broader regional markets this year, but JPMorgan says the worst may be over — and some sectors and companies are looking attractive.

Foreign investors retreated from Southeast Asian stock markets in the last few months as heightened uncertainties caused by the coronavirus pushed them to seek safer investments elsewhere.

“We believe that the worst is probably over for ASEAN but the path and speed of recovery still remain a concern,” JPMorgan strategists said in a note last month, referring to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations.


2020-10-14 14:29 | Report Abuse

JP Morgan are telling all the angmo funds to come to SEA.

We learnt that the Poland gloce company, MECATOR's price has increased so much already, sky high.

Angmo funds are not stupid. They must be asking themselves why keep chasing this South Thailand based factory/company? They are no where if compared withe the big 4, the diamonds, right?

Why not come and grab Puma and TG? They are so undervalued and dirt cheap (for now).

Somemore there are so many Puma and TG's structured warrants, and the IBs can keep on pressing the price of mother shares, and very successfully flushing out all the weak players.

Indeed, this warrant phenomenon, very weird and peculiar, right?

So now angmo funds are realizing this fact and what will they do? JP Morgan has provided the answer.

My two cents.

Posted by ATARAH > Oct 14, 2020 11:59 AM | Report Abuse

Supermax = Glove +Beyond Facemask+contact lenses + Full PPE + inclusion in Fbmklci+ Abnormal and Spectacular Qtr result + Blacrock Inc and Vanguard support and STANLEY THAI

what the true value of Supetmax share ?

RM 15..cannot be .

RM 20 cannot be

RM 23 cannot be

Look at Mercelo can be just RM 23 ?

so what the value of the share ?
Ask Black Puma high he will jump


2020-10-14 14:07 | Report Abuse

With the recent bonus issue and incoming QTR's cash gains, TG does not need to raise any cash from HK and TG will be listing of treasury shares through SBB to mob up the abundant floating shares.

TG will be listing 10% of the treasury shares (most probably through SBB from the open market, I guess) in HK exchange.

I am anticipating more aggressive buying from angmo funds now as TG has quicken its pace in putting all its plans in order.
Posted by ChrisMz > Oct 14, 2020 1:19 PM | Report Abuse

Says here that with HK dual listing, the potential impact would be 5-10% of EPS dilution.
This is just one side of the story. Dilution, yes, but how about the potential investors from HK and China?


2020-10-14 12:12 | Report Abuse

@freetospeak sifu,well, STANLEY should be back to the board of Puma. He is the catalyst for foreign funds to pour into Bolehland.

JP Morgan just announced that SEA now is the best emerging markets for the foreign funds.

So which sector will angmo funds be interested to pump in their money? Banking? Sorry, two years later, may be.

Tech? Oh, NASDAQ and DJI are going for a big correction as mentioned by IMF today, will Bolehland be spared with the Tch PE so high already? They are in tandem actually, that's why they are coming out fro USA market to look for gree pasture abroad.

Construction? With CMCO and so many types of MCO enforce, very difficult to see a revival anytime soon.

Tourism, Airlines? You know better than me.

Vaacines in Health sector? Just look at the major obstacles confronting those big pharmas where most vaccine trials have to be suspended or stopped. Lily, Johnson, males and female, all are not spared.

Gloves, Bolehland is the world greatest glove producer, the diamond in the market. With more and more Covid cases around the whole world, this is the only sector which will guarantee returns for the funds.

If fund managers (local and foreign)want to re-balance their portfolio, this is the best time, in order to fulfill their KPI and flying colours in their year end report cards, batter do it asap before the QTR PAT is out. Retailers are jumping in again.

So, welcome to all the ANGMO FUNDS.The more the merrier.

最后, 还是老话一句,按华人的习俗,STANLEY 应该要在宣布业绩和召开股东大会的时候, 宣布一系列的好消息, 例如额外现金股息等, 用喜气来冲掉过去的晦气。这是老祖宗传下,很有用的方法啊!

等PUMA的股价大涨的时候, 再来几轮的股息(提高到50%净利的派息率,以及每个季度分发股息)和一轮红股(不必很多, 奖励忠心支持者,三给一,就很好了, 太多的话,那些人乱乱套利,又冲淡盈利了)。

STANLEY, 希望你从此'飞龙在天”。


The SC has 14 days left to appeal the decision made by Judicial Commissioner Datuk Azhar Abdul Hamid, who found the Sessions Court's decision to convict the duo to be unsafe after hearing the submissions.

today is the last day..SC appeal had expired...welcome bak STANLEY as BOD soon.
STANLEY will hav good news n goodies to celebrate his return.
This AGM will be officially chaired by Stanley again and will boost foreign fund confidence.


2020-09-29 21:57 | Report Abuse

欢迎回来,恭喜Stanley T 恢复自由身。

Stanley 是条汉子,现在虎归深山,龙游深渊; 接下来,是让Suopermx 大展身手的时候了。

希望接下来的季度业绩(Q1/21),会比Supermx上个季度(Q4/20) 的399 mil, 多出至少一倍,达到800-950 mil。(我猜的,相信虽不中,亦不远亦!)

上一次的业绩揭晓(8月10日),红股之前股价是在24;这一次即将在十一月宣布的季度业绩,如果是比上个季度的一倍或更多,达到800-900mil, 那么股价应该也要飞到至少12,才合理。

今天的SUPER股价才8.49, 太不合理了。这意味着SUPER 的股价还有很大的上升空间。

这段时间,IB 频频剃他人头发,压低股价,也实在是太过分了些。要赚钱,道义上也不应该是这样的。


SUPER 这两天连续SBB,买回一大批市上游离票,希望再接再厉,把所有的游离票都吃上来,看看不断卖空的IB会不会焦头烂额?是时候,四大一起合作,联手SBB,好好教训他们一顿。

话说回来,相信SUPER的管理层会继续把一部分的TREASURY SHARE回馈股东做奖励,另外的保留起来,到外国去挂牌上市。




2020-09-25 10:11 | Report Abuse

Will Europe's second wave of Covid-19 cases mean a second huge death toll? By Emma Reynolds, CNN

Updated 1556 GMT (2356 HKT) September 24, 2020

Stella Kyriakides, European Commissioner for Health, says the rise in coronavirus cases across Europe is "a real cause for concern."

London (CNN)At first glance, the outlook doesn't seem too grim. While reported coronavirus cases are reaching record highs as Europe endures a "second wave," deaths are still well below their peak in April.
But experts warn the signs point to more tragedy ahead this winter.
Europe's hospitals are now better equipped for treating Covid-19. Measures such as social distancing and mask-wearing have become the norm and the latest spread of infection has been primarily among younger people, who are less likely to die if they contract the virus.

Yet colder weather is beginning to set in and the flu season is approaching. The infection is spreading to older populations, and there are signs that people are growing tired of adhering to the restrictions.

"Obviously we don't really have any ways of preventing Covid from going around, other than the lockdowns or social distancing measures and so on; we don't yet have a vaccine," Michael Head, senior research fellow in global health at the UK's University of Southampton, told CNN.
While he does not expect deaths to reach the levels seen in the first wave, Head added: "We'll see a lot of spread of cases, we will see a lot of hospitalizations, and a lot of burden on our health service.
"There will also be a big death toll."

Burden on hospitals
The arrival of the flu season is also a "huge concern" because of the potential burden on health services, Head said. France, which reported its highest daily rise in case numbers of 13,498 last Saturday, saw the number of people in intensive care rise 25% last week.
Deaths are not the only problem. The pressure on hospitals is also increased by the number of "long-haulers," those who are suffering adverse effects from coronavirus more than a month after they were ill. "Even in younger fitter people, we're still seeing about 10 to 20% who are having longer-term consequences beyond the initial infection," said Head.

'The perfect storm'
The approach to the second wave of infections varies across Europe. Leaders are trying to balance protecting public health with avoiding catastrophic economic damage from national lockdowns.
Spain reported a record 14,389 daily cases last Friday. In Madrid, which accounts for a third of its cases, residents in 37 areas are only allowed to leave their homes to go to work, school or for medical reasons, and parks and playgrounds were closed from Monday.

The UK, which reported its highest case number since April on Wednesday, has restricted gatherings to six people and will close pubs and restaurants at 10 p.m. The Czech Republic, which reported a record number of coronavirus infections on Friday, reintroduced indoor mask requirements earlier this month.

"The bottom line is the second wave is here in many countries in Europe already," said Drobac. "Our actions in the next couple of weeks, and throughout the winter, are going to be critical to stemming the spread but if we don't get a handle on it soon, particularly in places like the UK, Spain and France at the moment, we will certainly see a surge in deaths."

"In many ways, we think winter could be a perfect storm. That's why I wish we could have used our summer a lot better, to really crush the virus and make sure we were in better position for it."

Comment: It is indeed worrisome for all of us when we read about the return of the new waves of this pandemic. We are fortunate because we produce 65% of world gloves which can save many lives.

However, it is laughable to read many local analyst's comments in which they just simply look down upon the future of the glove sector, despite assurances from Harta and TG's boss.

These analysts who are not at the ground can simply write what they want, play their guessing game, mislead the investors, but they must always remember one solid fact that "this is once a century pandemic", and the big 4 will transform into high growth, high dividend blue chips companies very soon.

If they want to be slapped more often by the public, and let their reputation go down to the longkang, then be it.

It is their choice, and they deserve it.


2020-09-25 10:08 | Report Abuse

Will Europe's second wave of Covid-19 cases mean a second huge death toll? By Emma Reynolds, CNN

Updated 1556 GMT (2356 HKT) September 24, 2020

Stella Kyriakides, European Commissioner for Health, says the rise in coronavirus cases across Europe is "a real cause for concern."

London (CNN)At first glance, the outlook doesn't seem too grim. While reported coronavirus cases are reaching record highs as Europe endures a "second wave," deaths are still well below their peak in April.
But experts warn the signs point to more tragedy ahead this winter.
Europe's hospitals are now better equipped for treating Covid-19. Measures such as social distancing and mask-wearing have become the norm and the latest spread of infection has been primarily among younger people, who are less likely to die if they contract the virus.

Yet colder weather is beginning to set in and the flu season is approaching. The infection is spreading to older populations, and there are signs that people are growing tired of adhering to the restrictions.

"Obviously we don't really have any ways of preventing Covid from going around, other than the lockdowns or social distancing measures and so on; we don't yet have a vaccine," Michael Head, senior research fellow in global health at the UK's University of Southampton, told CNN.
While he does not expect deaths to reach the levels seen in the first wave, Head added: "We'll see a lot of spread of cases, we will see a lot of hospitalizations, and a lot of burden on our health service.
"There will also be a big death toll."

Burden on hospitals
The arrival of the flu season is also a "huge concern" because of the potential burden on health services, Head said. France, which reported its highest daily rise in case numbers of 13,498 last Saturday, saw the number of people in intensive care rise 25% last week.
Deaths are not the only problem. The pressure on hospitals is also increased by the number of "long-haulers," those who are suffering adverse effects from coronavirus more than a month after they were ill. "Even in younger fitter people, we're still seeing about 10 to 20% who are having longer-term consequences beyond the initial infection," said Head.

'The perfect storm'
The approach to the second wave of infections varies across Europe. Leaders are trying to balance protecting public health with avoiding catastrophic economic damage from national lockdowns.
Spain reported a record 14,389 daily cases last Friday. In Madrid, which accounts for a third of its cases, residents in 37 areas are only allowed to leave their homes to go to work, school or for medical reasons, and parks and playgrounds were closed from Monday.

The UK, which reported its highest case number since April on Wednesday, has restricted gatherings to six people and will close pubs and restaurants at 10 p.m. The Czech Republic, which reported a record number of coronavirus infections on Friday, reintroduced indoor mask requirements earlier this month.

"The bottom line is the second wave is here in many countries in Europe already," said Drobac. "Our actions in the next couple of weeks, and throughout the winter, are going to be critical to stemming the spread but if we don't get a handle on it soon, particularly in places like the UK, Spain and France at the moment, we will certainly see a surge in deaths."

"In many ways, we think winter could be a perfect storm. That's why I wish we could have used our summer a lot better, to really crush the virus and make sure we were in better position for it."

Comment: It is indeed worrisome for all of us when we read about the return of the new waves of this pandemic. We are fortunate because we produce 65% of world gloves which can save many lives.

However, it is laughable to read many local analyst's comments in which they just simply look down upon the future of the glove sector, despite assurances from Harta and TG's boss.

These analysts who are not at the ground can simply write what they want, play their guessing game, mislead the investors, but they must always remember one solid fact that "this is once a century pandemic", and the big 4 will transform into high growth, high dividend blue chips companies very soon.

If they want to be slapped more often by the public, and let their reputation go down to the longkang, then be it.

It is their choice, and they deserve it.


2020-09-23 14:01 | Report Abuse

I only observes one point, if DSAI become the new PM, all angmo funds will start pouring in. Why? Check the facts yourself.


2020-09-23 09:15 | Report Abuse

After 200,000 coronavirus deaths, the US faces another rude awakening.

The US death toll has doubled less than four months after the 100,000 landmark – and with autumn nearing, there is little chance of containing the contagion, experts say
Ed Pilkington
Ed Pilkington in New York
Tue 22 Sep 2020 16.45 BST

Last modified on Tue 22 Sep 2020 16.46 BST


Donald Trump attended one of his then daily White House coronavirus briefings on 17 April and in a moment of rare candor talked openly about his projections for the number of Americans who could die from the disease.

“Right now, we’re heading at probably around 60, maybe 65,000,” he said, adding: “One is too many. I always say it: One is too many.”

If one death from coronavirus is too many, then the president of the United States has a lot of explaining to do. His projection of a total 60,000 death toll was passed by 1 May, just two weeks after he made it.

By the end of that month the grim landmark of 100,000 deaths was surpassed. Now less than four months later the toll has doubled again, the virus crossing the 200,000 point with breezy abandon.

Personal protective equipment (PPE)

When the number of coronavirus infections began rising in the US in March, the failure of the Trump administration quickly to mobilise a national response led to dire shortages of protective gear across the country. Hospital workers and other essential staff were exposed to personal danger after inadequate supplies of masks, gowns and disinfectants ran out, leading some medical staff to improvise PPE out of piles of fabric and prompting nurses to protest outside the White House.

PPE shortages were one important factor behind the tragic loss of life among health workers. The Guardian’s project with Kaiser Health News, Lost on the frontline, has identified 1,150 medical workers who have died of Covid-19 having contracted the virus on the job.

Despite such tragedies, the US is still remarkably unprepared. The president of the American Medical Association, Susan Bailey, said last week that critical PPE shortages persist, “and in many ways things have only gotten worse”.

In many hospital systems, including Scripps Health in San Diego where Topol is based, the most effective form of protection, N95 masks, are still being rationed.

“Why the Trump administration, which has spent trillions of dollars bailing out companies, has not invested in protecting Americans with the best protection we can provide, is a mystery to me,” Topol said.

Comment: As predicted many times here, the new waves of Covid pandemic will strike again soon. In fact, it comes much earlier than expected. Acute shortage of PPE is now a major problem faced by US and European countries. You should know which is the best hedging tool currently.

News & Blogs

2020-09-21 20:31 | Report Abuse

Since many people do not believe in the profit sustainability of the big 4 including TG, do not trust the structural shift in demand of glove sector, and continue to throw all the shares in the open market, then it is better for Tan Sri to buy back all the floating shares, accumulate enough and go to HK Exchange for listing in 6 months time, the share price in HK will double or triple based on the next few qtrs's explosive PAT, plus the 50% dividend policy, the reward is huge.


2020-09-16 10:55 | Report Abuse

World still at the beginning of the pandemic, WHO expert warns

Amy Walker

The world is still at the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, a World Health Organization special envoy on Covid-19 has said.Dr David Nabarro described the situation as “grotesque” during a sitting of the UK’s foreign affairs committee.He told MPs:

It’s much worse than any of the science fiction about pandemics. This is really serious - we’re not even in the middle of it yet. We’re still at the beginning of it.

“And we’re beginning to see what damage it’s going to cause the world. And it’s getting nastier as we go into this particular phase in Europe of watching the thing come back again.”

He added: “None of us find the present situation anything other than horrible, grotesque, really embarrassing.

“It’s a terrible situation, a health issue has got so out of control it’s knocking the world into, not just a recession, but a huge economic contraction which would probably double the number of poor people, double the number of malnourished, lead to hundreds of millions of small businesses going bankrupt.”

Comment: WHO predicts that the earliest for the world to go back to the pre-covid level is 2022. Yesterday, Harta's boss confirmed that the demand of gloves will be more than supply for the next few years. ASPs will be increasing and it will only stabilize a few years later. The big 4 will still have increasing PATs for many qtrs to come. Decisions is yours.


2020-09-16 10:55 | Report Abuse

World still at the beginning of the pandemic, WHO expert warns

Amy Walker

The world is still at the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, a World Health Organization special envoy on Covid-19 has said.Dr David Nabarro described the situation as “grotesque” during a sitting of the UK’s foreign affairs committee.He told MPs:

It’s much worse than any of the science fiction about pandemics. This is really serious - we’re not even in the middle of it yet. We’re still at the beginning of it.

“And we’re beginning to see what damage it’s going to cause the world. And it’s getting nastier as we go into this particular phase in Europe of watching the thing come back again.”

He added: “None of us find the present situation anything other than horrible, grotesque, really embarrassing.

“It’s a terrible situation, a health issue has got so out of control it’s knocking the world into, not just a recession, but a huge economic contraction which would probably double the number of poor people, double the number of malnourished, lead to hundreds of millions of small businesses going bankrupt.”

Comment: WHO predicts that the earliest for the world to go back to the pre-covid level is 2022. Yesterday, Harta's boss confirmed that the demand of gloves will be more than supply for the next few years. ASPs will be increasing and it will only stabilize a few years later. The big 4 will still have increasing PATs for many qtrs to come. Decisions is yours.

News & Blogs

2020-09-12 14:36 | Report Abuse

Flip flop and u-turn, eat back their own shits, conscience? integrity? Credibility? Reliability? Reputation? All go into toilet and longkang overnight. Ha, ha. Everyone can vote and judge clearly.

News & Blogs

2020-09-12 14:32 | Report Abuse

All investors, just don't have to look at any warrants from these IBs, focus only on the mother shares,in order to prevent conflict of interest among them, otherwise these kinds of nonsense will emerge again from time to time, and investors will suffer due to this type of trash report.

News & Blogs

2020-09-11 14:38 | Report Abuse

Well said. To all investors,since these big guys' research teams are so reckless and lack of integrity, they are not reliable anymore. Their analysis and research reports are just trash. So, don't bother to read them. They can downgrade, upgrade, overweight or underweight, and all kind of bullshit,just keep it to themselves or share it with fund managers who depend on their reports to invest in the market. We will just stop buying these IB'sbig guys' warrants from today onward,let the fund managers buy and play among themselves. We only buy the mother shares.Let these big guys eat shits.

News & Blogs

2020-09-07 20:14 | Report Abuse

Sufu, well said, thanks for sharing.

News & Blogs

2020-09-07 14:13 | Report Abuse

I beg to differ.

Even when WHO's prediction of mass vaccination starts in mid 2021 comes true, it is only a beginning phase because it can take years to produce ample vaccines for the world populations.

The world economy will only start the real recovery journey when efficacious vaccines are available beyond 2021.

And to declare the Covid-19 pandemic is over, it could be another few years after 2021. In fact, WHO has predicted earlier that this pandemic would only be declared over most probably in 2025.

Then only the glove demand and supply will reach an equilibrium. However, the post covid-19 ASP for the big 4 will remain high and stable, due to the structural shift in demand and the new normal caused by this once in a century pandemic.

So from now till 2021/2022, we have a golden chance to witness the explosive PATs by the big 4 in the coming qtrs, and this is also once in a century, may be.


2020-09-04 21:04 | Report Abuse

@freetospeak sifu, even when the vaccine is out next year, I am still very doubtful regarding its efficacy.
Posted by freetospeak > Sep 4, 2020 8:18 PM | Report Abuse

Who already say no wide vaccination until next yr mid...those little individual vaccine no help in controlling the one safe until everyones safe.


2020-09-04 20:59 | Report Abuse

@freetospeak sifu, so we can anticipate explosive QTR PAT until 2022, and the company will be rewarding the share holders with more bonus issue and generous dividend. Good for medium and long term investment.

Posted by freetospeak > Sep 4, 2020 8:23 PM | Report Abuse

Tg is getting lockin price order at usd100 for 1 yr from customer as they anticipate asp will go even higher than that...meaning high asp will continue into 2022 already...these will soon become norm for all glove company. The high demand is going to last many yrs to come. Super asp at usd 220 will come sooner or later.

News & Blogs

2020-09-04 10:44 | Report Abuse

@sifu freetospeak, thank you very much for the comprehensive analysis. After writing so many articles with solid facts and figures, if people still don't want to listen, want to invest in goreng counters and etc, in this volatile market, then no choice, just let it be. After all, their money, their decisions.

News & Blogs

2020-09-04 10:25 | Report Abuse

@fighting dragons, excellent piece of analysis, very clear and concise. Thank you so much.

Indeed, glove sector is the only safe bet in this covid pandemic era. But somehow, many are distracted and put their money in other sectors, without looking at the real danger of the covid impact on the macro and micro economy frontiers.

The recovery phase will not be that fast for many countries, even China has to rely on the Inner and Outer-Dual Cycle (Domestic and export)to kick start their economy. The worse is yet to come.

Israel is facing another full scale lock down due to new wave of Covid. Many other countries will face the same problem and the irrational exuberance of the Nasdaq (tech sector) may create another huge bubble and similar incident in 2000 may occur anytime from now, with the ripples spread across the glove. Bolehland's tech sector will be hit hard if NASDAQ burst.

Kindly read the following article:
Aug 28, 2020 12:09 PM | Report Abuse
Published: 1:45am, 28 Aug, 2020

Beware: the US-China technology war is about to burst the tech bubble
• Tech stocks are overvalued, thanks to central banks. And as the impact of the US-China tech war becomes increasingly obvious and the pandemic cools demand for hi-tech goods, a chill will be thrown over stock markets

Comment: For those who are buying tech stocks, beware. Read this article carefully.


2020-09-02 10:41 | Report Abuse

@freetospeak sifu, yup, agreed. Super's share price may overtake TG after 7th September.

However, TG has the numbers in terms of production capacity, the largest of the big 4, with ASPs staying high for the next few quarters, the PATs are sustainable, I believe the momentum is still very strong.

Super has the unique OBM business model, plus new production capacity, it will be able to match TG in terms of PATs. Both are equally powerful, haha.
Posted by freetospeak > Sep 2, 2020 9:55 AM | Report Abuse

TG ex bonus price might b cheaper than super ..but TG weakest point is 8 bill share compare to super 2.6 bil.

Unless TG can prove to make at least 8 bill profit eps rm1 per share (2 bil per qtr expected to reach in qtr 1 dec) it will be a dragging factor going forward.

For supermax it is expected to make 2.6 bil (eps 1rm) or (650m per qtr expected to reach in qtr 1 nov)

So dun be surprise super can accelerate faster than TG becoz of lesser share and earlier profit target acchievement.

Of course there are other catalyst for TG like lifting of embargo and other unknown catalyst.

So my point is they are equally good interms of ex bonus price acceleration.


2020-09-02 10:32 | Report Abuse

@ freetospeak sifu, agreed.

Even after the bonus issue, where the NOSH of Super and TG increases to a new level,with coming qtr's PAT anticipated to be another all time high of 1.0 bil, the share price should be sustainable for both.

Posted by freetospeak > Sep 2, 2020 9:26 AM | Report Abuse

2nd liner and harta kossan are being sold to buy in tg n supermax today n tomolow are expected.

as their price will look more expensive compare to tg n supermax.


2020-08-31 22:49 | Report Abuse

@shearer202, wow, another huge earthquake if this comes true.

I just read that Berkshire invest in 5 Jap companies recently.

Since he has just sold off his stake of bank shares, and with the huge piles of cash in hand, chances of Berkshire's investment into our health care sector cannot be ruled out.

If Berkshire really want to invest in the glove sector, the big 4 will be the top priority in his list, I guess.

Will the pharma companies also included in the list, I am not sure. However, you can have a hint by looking at the share price fluctuation of Moderna recently,after the vaccine news subside.

但愿如此, 那大家就有机会跟他一起发财了。
Posted by shearer202 > Aug 31, 2020 9:49 PM | Report Abuse

Berkshire hathaway has their decision already after throughly studied the future profits of healthcare industries and Malaysia might be make the very first time in history for welcome the 90 years old CEO in the coming few months !We won't surprised to see the deal be done and i also transfer all my bullets from oversea market to Bursa aiming only Top glove and Supermax ! I will never look an eye on the other small counters and company bluffing without a mass production line !!

巴菲特要来啰!不知大家的心脏负荷的了吗?大家准备好子弹了吗?马来西亚金融证券史上很可能第一次吸引到了高龄90岁的股神! 他比老马还年轻噢!


2020-08-31 22:30 | Report Abuse

@JohnFarmer458, agreed. Hopefully, the re-balancing of the angmo funds can serve as the catalyst to initiate another round of up trend and bull run in Bursa, in the coming weeks. Hope everyone can fatt choy.
Posted by JohnFarmer458 > Aug 31, 2020 8:03 PM | Report Abuse

When IB and Foreign Fund come to buy in large number tomorrow, Retailers will chase also ....(Auntie,Uncle + Sifu + Sifu student + Smart investors) imagine so many people trying to buy Supermax next week. Such a promising week, and tonight is full moon.. great signs ahead


2020-08-31 22:14 | Report Abuse

@ThePacifier, well said.

The explosive PATs of TG and SPMX in the coming qtrs, will be the main thrust for the share price to go north continuously.

I presume one of the main reason for TG and SPMX to announce the bonus issues before the release of next qtr's PAT simultaneously, is to let those who miss the boat to have a chance to buy at a more affordable price level.

In fact, the signal is very obvious when TanSri Lim bought 50 million worth of TG shares recently. He is telling subtly that the chance to "fatt choy" is given to you all who miss the boat at the earlier round so, believe it or not, to grab it or not, up to you all. After all, date has been fixed.

If the investors have the holding power, they are still able to gain big when the unprecedented explosive PATs are announced in the coming months. The figures will definitely shock the financial world again. What a meaningful achievement and contribution of the glove sector to our country's economy at this crucial moment.
Posted by ThePacifier > Aug 31, 2020 8:24 PM | Report Abuse

Super will rally along with TG this month due to Unprecedented QR result release by TG. Next month Super will lead the rest towards RM 40 before its own bombastic QR. not surprise QR to be released earlier of Nov.


2020-08-31 21:08 | Report Abuse

Coronavirus may survive on outdoor surfaces for longer in autumn, US study suggests

Researchers find it could linger for up to a week outside in lower temperatures and humidity – more than the one to three days in summer
That could ‘potentially contribute to new outbreaks’ in northern hemisphere, they warn in non-peer-reviewed paper

Stephen Chen. Published: 7:00pm, 31 Aug, 2020

Researchers found that in lower temperatures and humidity, the virus could, for example, remain on a hiker’s jacket if it was outside for a week – and remain infectious for that time – whereas in summer its lifespan was estimated to be one to three days.

The prolonged survival of the virus on surfaces in autumn could “potentially contribute to new outbreaks”, the team led by Juergen Richt, professor of veterinary microbiology at Kansas State University, wrote in a non-peer-reviewed paper posted on preprint website on Monday.

They believed the virus would also survive for longer indoors in colder and less humid conditions. The study found it had an average half-life – or rate of decay – of nearly eight hours on a stainless steel doorknob, or nearly 10 hours on a window, which was about to twice the duration in summer.

Earlier in the pandemic, the research community had hoped the spread of the virus would slow in summer, believing it would be less likely to stay in the air in warmer weather.

But the resurgence of infections in many areas – especially the United States, the worst-hit country where nearly 80,000 cases per day were recorded at the peak of summer – raised the question of whether there was any seasonal impact at all.

Autumn could also see a rise in other infectious diseases such as flu, which might further stretch health care systems. It could also result in patients having multiple infections that make their symptoms worse, recent studies have warned.

The study follows a warning earlier this month from the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention of the potential for the situation to get worse in autumn. Director Robert Redfield said people needed to do four things: “wear a mask, social distance, wash your hands and be smart about crowds”. Otherwise, he said, it could be “the worst fall, from a public health perspective, we’ve ever had”.

Comment: Looks like new waves of pandemic is imminent as the northern hemisphere is entering Autumn and Winter soon, if strict SOP is not adhered accordingly.


2020-08-31 14:17 | Report Abuse

N.Y. State Faces Outbreaks; U.S. Cases Ticking Up: Virus Update.

The U.S. added almost 47,000 new cases, India recorded its biggest daily spike and Covid-19 infections worldwide surpassed 25 million, according to data collected by Johns Hopkins University and Bloomberg.

The U.K. added the most cases since early June amid slumping approval ratings for Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s Conservative Party. Turkey increased taxes on imported cars in a bid to prop up its economy as the pandemic cuts into tourism and exports to the European Union.

The head of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration promised that the review of a potential Covid-19 vaccine in the U.S. will be transparent to the public, with any clearance by the agency driven by data alone.

“We’ve said all along we’re not going to pre-judge what mechanism we’re going to use to authorize or approve a vaccine,” Commissioner Stephen Hahn said in an interview. “We’re going to let the data dictate that.”

A consensus is building among public health experts that it’s better to keep university students on campus after a Covid-19 outbreak rather than send them home as many are doing.

It’s easier to isolate sick or exposed students and trace their contacts if they stay put, said Ravina Kullar, epidemiologist and spokesperson for Infectious Diseases Society of America. Sending students home risks exposing other people there as well as along the way, and makes contact tracing all but impossible.

“There’s just inevitably going to be an outbreak,” she said. “Colleges need to take on the burden of having these students kept at their campus and taking care of them.”
India Has Third-Biggest Death Toll, Topping Mexico (12:55 p.m. HK)

India saw its Covid-19 fatalities top Mexico’s to claim the third-largest death toll globally. India, fast becoming the new virus epicenter, is now behind only the U.S. and Brazil in both deaths and infections as the pathogen sweeps across its vast rural hinterlands.

The grim milestone comes a day after the world’s second-most populous nation reported the most daily infections of any country, 78,761, surpassing a previous high set by the U.S.

India reported 78,512 additional cases and 971 fatalities on Monday. It now has more than 3.6 million cases, while the death toll is above 64,000.

Comment: As 17 31st Aug, Bloomberg's Virus Update shows that some countries' Covid-19 cases are gradually slowing, however, many countries are seeing a return of new waves of Covid-19.

The fear of another peak on Covid-19 cases during winter is plaguing the northern hemisphere especially. Germany's Merkel is one of them.

It is too early to conclude that the pandemic is slowing down and vaccines will be out soon, like what the local IBs has predicted last week in their analysis. Very misleading indeed.

These analysts should have done more readings and research before writing their reports since the covid-19 pandemic has created new normal thus, resulting in the structural shift in demand of gloves in the coming years, as confirmed by the big 4. If they are not sure what "structural shift in demand" means, kindly consult Harta's boss.

I believe currently, there are many investors who are the educated lot, doing plenty of homework and research in both FA and TA, before they pick their stocks.

This is very much different form the 1993 scenario. Hence, my sincere request to the analysts of the security firms and IBs, and the column writers/journalists of the media, do your homework and research thoroughly, be honest, have your conscience, don't be bias, write critically and fairly, otherwise it will back fire, and your reputation is at stake.


2020-08-29 22:50 | Report Abuse

70% of COVID-19 infections in children may be missed without testing.

By Brian P. Dunleavy

Aug. 28 (UPI) -- Up to 70% of COVID-19 infections in children might be missed unless routine testing and contact tracing measures are implemented, a study published Friday by JAMA Pediatrics found.

In an analysis of 91 children with confirmed cases of the virus from 20 hospitals in South Korea, 20 remained asymptomatic throughout their illness and 47 had unrecognized symptoms before testing, the researchers said.

Another 18 developed symptoms after they had been tested and their diagnosis had been confirmed, according to the researchers.

Still, based on results from retesting, even asymptomatic children in the study continued to shed virus, meaning they remained contagious, for up to 14 days after diagnosis, the researchers said.

These children could be "associated with silent COVID-19 transmission in the community," they said.

"Detecting infected children by testing is most vital," study co-author Dr. Eun Hwa Choi told UPI.

"We need to understand children's behavior -- or contact patterns -- which is very different from that of adults," said Choi, a professor of pediatric infectious diseases at Seoul National University Children's Hospital in South Korea.

The South Korea study is the second in recent weeks to describe children as potential "silent" spreaders of the new coronavirus. Researchers in Boston, in an article published Aug. 20 by the Journal of Pediatrics, found that asymptomatic children had higher levels of the virus in their systems than hospitalized adults.

"Losing the opportunity to test children during the early stage of infection may contribute to transmission," Choi said.

Comment: The covid-19 virus will stay in the children's body and mutation will keep on going. This will greatly reduce the efficacy of the vaccines and the implication on community transmission could be huge. Looks like the covid-19 virus will continue to play hide and seek with the humans for many years to come.


2020-08-29 22:43 | Report Abuse

1 in 5 in U.S. doesn't believe in vaccines, survey shows.

By HealthDay News. Aug. 28, 2020 / 1:10 PM

As many as 20% of Americans don't believe in vaccines, a new study finds.

Misinformed vaccine beliefs drive opposition to public vaccine policies even more than politics, education, religion or other factors, researchers say.

The findings are based on a survey of nearly 2,000 U.S. adults done in 2019, during the largest measles outbreak in 25 years.

The researchers, from the Annenberg Public Policy Center, or APPC, of the University of Pennsylvania, found that negative misperceptions about vaccinations:

-reduced the likelihood of supporting mandatory childhood vaccines by 70%,
-reduced the likelihood of opposing religious exemptions by 66%,
-reduced the likelihood of opposing personal belief exemptions by 79%.

"There are real implications here for a vaccine for COVID-19," lead author Dominik Stecula said in an APPC news release. He conducted the research while at APPC and is now an assistant professor of political science at Colorado State University. "The negative vaccine beliefs we examined aren't limited only to the measles, mumps and rubella [MMR] vaccine, but are general attitudes about vaccination."

Stecula called for an education campaign by public health professionals and journalists, among others, to preemptively correct misinformation and prepare the public to accept a COVID-19 vaccine.

With the coronavirus pandemic still raging, the number of Americans needed to be vaccinated to achieve community-wide immunity is not known, the researchers said.

The findings were recently published online in the American Journal of Public Health.

Comment: 1 in 5, approximately 20% of the population do not want to be vaccinated. Wow, this is quite serious. Looks like even Covid-19 vaccines are available in the future, many people in US are still sceptical on the efficacy and safety of the vaccines. Too bad. The community-wide immunity is tough to realise in this sense. The country will have to brace for more Covid-19 waves in the coming cold season and in the future.


2020-08-29 22:33 | Report Abuse

COVID deaths in U.S. top 1,000 for 3rd day in a row; 46K new cases

By Don Jacobson & Danielle Haynes Aug. 28, 2020 / 8:21 AM

Aug. 28 (UPI) -- There were more than 1,000 U.S. deaths from COVID-19 for the third straight day Thursday, new data from Johns Hopkins University showed Friday.

Figures from scientists at the university's Center for Systems Science and Engineering showed 1,100 deaths Thursday. U.S. deaths topped 1,200 on Tuesday and Wednesday after two straight days below 500.

In addition to the deaths, there were 46,000 new COVID-19 cases nationally on Thursday, according to Johns Hopkins -- the second-highest daily total in nearly two weeks.

Since the start of the pandemic, there have been 5.87 million cases and 180,800 deaths in the United States, the university's figures show.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Thursday clarified its revised testing guidelines that said asymptomatic patients don't need to be tested, even if they were exposed to the coronavirus.

Before Monday, CDC guidelines said all persons exposed to the virus should be tested. The change said anyone within 6 feet of someone with COVID-19, for at least 15 minutes, does not "necessarily need a test" if they haven't yet displayed symptoms.

Some scientists criticized the change, saying it was likely done to keep positive test numbers down for political reasons.

Comment: Even US coviod-19 testings on asymptomatic cases are not compulsory due to new CDC's policy change, the spike of the new cases and death cases are indeed scary. If the new waves return during the winter, the situation will get worse. I guess every state in the US is busy stockpiling PPE to face the unpredictable virus.


2020-08-29 14:15 | Report Abuse

@joecool32, well said. The glove sector which supply 65% of world gloves helps greatly to cushion the impact of covid-19 to the economy since the revenue from the oil and gas sector is in the doldrums.
Posted by joecool32 > Aug 29, 2020 1:42 PM | Report Abuse

I just don't understand this. Maybank, CIMB & Public Bank's PAT tanked and no dividend from Maybank. Super's PAT went from <50m to 500m with $2b still left in their order book and $1b in cash. They're giving bonus shares and dividends next week. TG is likely to announce similar PAT as Maybank 2 wks from now. How can any IB, traders etc talk negative about them? Show me another listed co with better value proposition, strong BS, excess CF, TAM, growth prospect and mgnt today. They are expanding which means they are hiring and making capital purchases. Can you imagine the unemployment rate of our country without glove's economic activities by itself and downstream?


2020-08-29 14:04 | Report Abuse

@kltower,well said. The revenue generated for the big 4 during this century's covid-19 pandemic, will be used for future expansion and diversification.

The market cap of the big 4 will be very much different compared to before. All of them will become popular Index-linked counters whether locally or internationally, due to years of hard work and perseverance.

Super has transformed into a well-defined and far-sighted glove company with ample cash in hand to fund all their business ventures, and the company is still able to reward the share holders and loyal supporters with bonus issue and generous dividends.

As mentioned by freetospeak sifu, after the post-covid era, Super will still be able to generate stable and handsome PAT per quarter, as their factories and production lines are fully commissioned in 2020 and 2021, apart from their unique OBM business model.

Hence the REEVALUATION, concluded by freetospeak sifu.

The smart angmo funds is already on the path to make their moves strategically (mid-term and long-term) in re-balancing their portfolios.

The Covid-19 pandemic has placed all the big 4 on the top seats of the index-linked counters, and they will be the next BLUE CHIPS stars, which outshine the IBs and many others in terms of EPS, ROE etc.

These angmo funds will not hesitate to buy big and invest heavily into the big 4 for long term investment.

So, post-covid era, it will be another frontier of great adventures for the big 4.
Posted by kltower > Aug 29, 2020 12:39 PM | Report Abuse

hehehehe...yesterday I went barber shop previously hair cut RM9 now RM14 people all accepted the price.

hengyuan is HARD LANDING, one kali ham ka chan but glove is different, unless worldwide 47.4% people all injected good vaccine to achieve herd immunity OR virus suddenly disappear otherwise glove demand remain strong.

Even few years later glove demand asp slowly decline it's soft landing NOT HARD LANDING, furthermore by that time Supermax production double up, contact lens and other ppe business also add on, this is once a lifetime opportunity to growth together with 7106.


2020-08-29 13:47 | Report Abuse

@see2sea, well, the recent qtr earnings released by the major financial institutions fall below the market consensus. Many have stopped giving dividends.

Due to low interest rate, many have taken out their FDs to invest in the market. So, the banks' coffer could be empty by now.

The IBs predict another OPR cut by BNM in Sept, as moratorium will end in 30th Sept. The FD and saving account's interest rate will dip further. So, most of the banks will have to standby ample liquidity and reserve.

If many unit trust holders also sell off their units in order to invest in the market directly, the impact to the major banks will be much severe. This possibility cannot be ruled out.

Hence, retailers must be smart enough to know which sector is the most reliable, resilient and profitable in the current situation.

Do the homework diligently, don't just listen to tips and rumours or hearsay.

Study and analyse the FA data and figures thoroughly, then only make the decision.

Want to make money, have to work hard, there is no free lunch in the market.

If they are able to pick the right companies, with holding power as well, their return will definitely beat the professional fund managers.
Posted by see2sea > Aug 29, 2020 11:44 AM | Report Abuse


Aug 28, 2020 12:31 PM | Report Abuse

U know why retailers are smarter than bank?

Bank already empty cash, all retailers pit their cash in glove.

They want retailer put back cash in bank? Spread fear hah?

Wait long long...LOL


Aug 28, 2020 12:40 PM | Report Abuse

All the companies making losses, will continue to make loss for few more quarters.

Only too smart investors will invest in them. What a joke! HAHA


2020-08-29 13:14 | Report Abuse

@geary, bro, well, two days ago, I predicted RMCO extension for two months due to community covid clusters. But instead, it is for months.

So, looks like the Covid-19 waves two, three, four will come back to haunt the northern hemisphere in the Autumn and Winter season.

WHO is right, there is still no panacea, and the covid-19 will accompany humans for many years to come.

More Vaccines = More gloves = Higher ASP and PAT for Glove Counters.
Posted by geary > Aug 28, 2020 10:25 PM | Report Abuse

KUALA LUMPUR (Aug 28): The Recovery Movement Control Order (RMCO) has been extended until 31 December 2020, said Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.

According to him, with the extension of the RMCO period, enforcement action under the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases Act 1988, or Act 342, could still be taken.

"This is to ensure that all parties comply with the Standard Operating Procedures and health protocols set," he said in a special message on the latest developments of RMCO which was broadcast on local television.

On June 7, the Prime Minister announced the implementation of RMCO to replace the Conditional Movement Control Order after Malaysia successfully curbed the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Gloves counters...all... Upswing...◉‿◉


2020-08-29 13:00 | Report Abuse

@Bibletruth, correct, bro. Since local glove manufacturers are more to nitrile gloves, we can sell our latex to China companies, they need a lot of raw material.

Or the small holders can always chop the rubber and oil palm trees and replant Musang King Durian instead, So can make more money.

After a while, some X or R-related company directors will come and sign contract with them to help selling their fruits to India and Middle East. No worry. This is definitely value-added.

By the way, if the small holders want to plant musang king durian trees, The EDGE and STAR should provide proper guidance and advice to the small holders, in order to fulfill their social responsibility.

Don't just report only. These two media companies can set up special MUSANG KING DURIAN REPLANTING FUND for the small holders. This will be much better.
Posted by Bibletruth > Aug 29, 2020 10:59 AM | Report Abuse

The edge report this morning on rubber small holders..Its objective are to RUN DOWN THE GLOVERS SECTORS just like star newsaapers and naysayers like rr88 or poseidon80
The report is so so stupid asking a char koay teow seller why he sell 1 plate of koay teow at rm 10 but only pay the KOAY TEOW maker rm 60cts a kilo[can fry 20 plates.]

Stooping so low to insunate and hinting that abnormal profits will end soon..


2020-08-28 18:24 | Report Abuse

Ntpboon, 是的, 你说得好。

百忍成金, 要在股市这片江湖里面生存, 是需要定力和智慧的。




Posted by Ntpboon > Aug 28, 2020 5:07 PM | Report Abuse






2020-08-28 18:16 | Report Abuse

@freetospeak sifu, your judement and calculation is fantastic. Now the angmo funds trust the figures done by you and the CiA team more than those so-called local analysts.

However, as they have been withdrawing their funds from the market many months ago,they could have neglected this part as they have their own teams of analysts and researchers.

Somehow, for the month of July and August, reports on the glove sector's performance has always made the headlines in Bloomberg and CNBC.

And since Super and Kossan will be included in MSCI on the 1st September, the angmo funds may want to have a big share of the godlmine, after all, so many investors are rushing to the arms of pharma-vaccine and penny counters, rather than the big 4.

So, this could be their golden chance to buy big into the big 4 before everyone suddenly wake up and jump in. He he.

I am waiting to see how these angmo funds flood the big 4 in the coming weeks.

Posted by freetospeak > Aug 28, 2020 5:27 PM | Report Abuse


SUPERMAX WILL BE REVALUED as per mentioned in my previous blog ...


2020-08-28 18:03 | Report Abuse

@Goldberg, yes, indeed, a very surprising movement.

But if the angmo funds who have sold almost everything in the past few months, after looking at the mediocre performance of the index linked taikos when qtr results are announced recently, they suddenly wake up and realise that the under-value big 4 are gold mines, they will of course adjust their strategy and portfolio.

Hence, we hope in the coming weeks, we will see some beautiful fireworks from these angmo. He he.

Our slogan for the big 4, especially Super and TG: SKY IS THE LIMIT.

Posted by Goldberg > Aug 28, 2020 5:21 PM | Report Abuse

RM1.2 billion worth of SUPER shares was done in the final 10 minutes of trade.

Some delusional clowns especially rr88 shouting foul play by big funds.

Even with the audacity to report this to the SC- just cannot accept the fact that SUPERMAX is a SUPER stock- what a pathetic sore loser.


2020-08-28 17:43 | Report Abuse

@yttihs sifu, indeed, this is the main reason behind the move. The big funds are readjusting their portfolios, whether it is 'NEUTRAL' or not.. Ha ha.

Posted by yttihs > Aug 28, 2020 5:10 PM | Report Abuse

OK lar...for ppl here...our group in private chat think it's the MSCI effect for Supermax where fund go in


2020-08-28 17:40 | Report Abuse

@masterus, well, without successful Phase three clinical trial's data, WHO will not endorse and I believe many countries will not dare to use it on their citizens. It may take at least 10-18 months for them to get the clearance. Vaccines journey----it is still a long way to go.

Meanwhile, prevention is the best method to counter this pandemic. Just stick to our Health DG's advice and follow the SOP, it will be safer.

Tonight, our PM's announcements will be most probably, the RMCO will continue for another two months, I guess, based on the current covid situation and clusters which pop up here and there.

Posted by masterus > Aug 28, 2020 3:30 PM | Report Abuse

Russian coronavirus vaccine effective and safe, says Vladimir Putin
By Associated Press


2020-08-28 12:09 | Report Abuse
Published: 1:45am, 28 Aug, 2020

Beware: the US-China technology war is about to burst the tech bubble
• Tech stocks are overvalued, thanks to central banks. And as the impact of the US-China tech war becomes increasingly obvious and the pandemic cools demand for hi-tech goods, a chill will be thrown over stock markets

Comment: For those who are buying tech stocks, beware. Read this article carefully.

My question:

Why are those analysts regards the Tech sector as OVERWEIGHT and NEUTRAL on GLOVE sector, even though most recent qtrs' PAT of these Tech companies are miserable due to severe covid impact, as compared to the all time high PAT achieved by glove companies, released recently by Kossan and Rubberex?

Are they having some hidden agenda? If yes, why? What are their next moves?

I couldn't find any answer yet.

But to all of you out there, kindly think deep and carefully.

Tell me your answer if you have found one.

Thank you.


2020-08-28 10:28 | Report Abuse

@kltower, you are right, bro.

So far, the Russian vaccines producers do not provide relevant clinical research data, and they are only starting the phase III trial. It is still a long way to go in order to get the approval by WHO and FDA.

I doubt their efficacy which can last for two years. What if the efficacy lasts only 6 months and the side effects of the vaccines last for whole life? This is not a small matter, human lives are at stake.

The best method now is still prevention, like what our Health DG keeps on telling us to adhere to the MOH advice and SOP.

Now, every government is pouring extra resources into stockpiling PPE especially medical gloves.

Whether the cases subside or not in the coming months, the large scale vaccination campaign by many developed nations will kick off most probably in the middle of 2021, and they will need even more medical gloves when administer the vaccines.

Full protection with adequate PPE is a must. How not to include medical gloves?

So as a conclusion, like what freetospeak sifu mentioned earlier, more vaccines = more gloves.
Posted by kltower > Aug 28, 2020 9:40 AM | Report Abuse

re: vairocana9999 ya bro, russia claim that their vaccine effect up to 2 year, one of the China vaccine only up to half year.

repeat of injection means need more glove la correct or not?


2020-08-28 10:15 | Report Abuse














Posted by shearer202 > Aug 27, 2020 10:21 PM | Report Abuse

如果IB真能够相信的话BURSA第一个倒闭因为没人开户头投资股票啰! 股市技术和数据指标是人类以学术角度为根据发明的!有时还真不如你亲自到处走走看看周围的气氛是否符合自己投资板块的大趋势!这招是我的爷爷未移民到美国前教我的!现在BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY他们正在研究HEALTH CARE SECTOR 的未来潜在利润!


2020-08-28 09:31 | Report Abuse

@kltower, the infection rate is still very high. More covid cases + more vaccines = more gloves needed. The glove sector is still having the 'OVERWEIGHT" label rather than 'NEUTRAL".

Posted by kltower > Aug 28, 2020 6:35 AM | Report Abuse

France 6,111 spain 3,781 US 41,657 Argentina first time exceed 10,000