
Warn3r | Joined since 2016-07-22

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2020-10-28 16:41 | Report Abuse

Approaching 9.50... Those arseholes quickly reinforced the wall to 2.4 mil shares...


2020-10-28 11:11 | Report Abuse

As Malaysians, it is important that we embrace differences, in opinions and other areas. We can agree to disagree respectfully without bashing each other...

It is such a backward mindset to believe that this is a zero sum game, this is the main cause of tension. For FA guys, the drop matters not because you’re looking at mid-long term and I believe the price will be much higher given time, for TA school of thoughts, seems like the price has dropped a little, I hope you picked up enough. In the end, everyone huat together, nobody left behind.

In my humble opinion, this is so much more important (to accept differences respectfully and to always believe there is a win-win scenario) than whether your predictions are more accurate than others. Our nation is in a terrible shape, if we can’t even handle small differences here, how do we progress as a nation?

Let’s make peace. Money is only a tool that allows you to enrich your lives, don’t be enslaved...
Have a good day everyone.


2020-10-27 19:32 | Report Abuse

A small bunch will only think of whether to cash-in tomorrow, but many others are thinking of getting in with such promising mid to long-term prospect...


2020-10-27 19:28 | Report Abuse

Profit doubled q-o-q Is considered slowing down.... what other companies are you comparing against Supermax?

Stockisnotfun Just need someone explain to me how u all analyze the QR. Profit wise is within expectation and excellent but the profit compared to previous quarter performance showing sign of slowing down, right?


2020-10-27 18:10 | Report Abuse

Gentle reminder: For those who made some money, please consider donating some to those in need. Times are bad and many unfortunate souls could use some kindness. Thank you.


2020-10-27 17:30 | Report Abuse

The side bonus of a stellar QR is that all those jokers like jonathanchee etc are out of sight. Peaceful....


2020-10-27 15:55 | Report Abuse

Elliott wave: Last week I thought we were already on wave 3... but yesterday the bottom of candlestick shadow breached the price level of the top of 14 Sept candlestick.

This forces me to re-evaluate, this could potentially mean that we have just past the end of wave 2 and at the first day of wave 3....

If this is true, beginning and end of wave 1 is about RM 5 surge, and wave 3 is usually much fiercer and longer.... which should bring us to at least RM 8.70 (yesterday’s bottom) + RM 5 = RM 13.70.... But I feel this round wave 3 is more likely to be around 1.5 times of wave 1 (pure speculation)...

This is based on the most pessimistic scenario of wave 3 surge = wave 1 surge. Let’s see how good my Elliott wave charting/prediction is when we revisit the price chart again 1-2 months down the road...

The pandemic is getting worse. Stay safe my friends.


2020-10-26 16:38 | Report Abuse

Is the shark trying to make a morning star or what... push up to 9.83 then let it slide back to 9.30...


2020-10-23 08:21 | Report Abuse

Today if close green, it’s a morning star isn’t it?


2020-10-22 16:41 | Report Abuse

I can’t tell if it’s 2 parties fighting or 1 party wan yeh...


2020-10-21 17:22 | Report Abuse

JonathanChee, we are not going anywhere. We own shares here, you don’t, you are the one who should leave and go back to your cave. Why progress and move out from your cave if you truly think staying the way it was is the best?


2020-10-21 17:13 | Report Abuse

Actually GiantPanda was just saying how things should be regulated to ensure a clean and fair market. But many people like you all don’t get it and will only leave stupid irrelevant comments, usually involves personal attack. That’s why this country is stuck with stupid corrupted politicians and people with backward mentality who will never want to improve anything...


2020-10-21 17:02 | Report Abuse

Don’t change the topic. You were saying it will drop 80% to below RM 2.00. We didn’t argue that it will not drop further. Monkeys have better memory than you...

rr88 Hello monkeys. Drop to 9.52 reboounded to 10++. Drop again to below 9.52, it will drop again lar stupid monkeys. Dump lar to that stupid buyers at 9.50.
21/10/2020 4:58 PM


2020-10-21 16:49 | Report Abuse

With all due respect, this is the stupidest thing I’ve heard this year. There is no returnIng to old normal.

rr88 Read my lips. Dont read my ass.

This weird life will return to normal. Hospitals will return to normal. Demand for gloves will return to normal. Supermax share price will return to normal.

Normal for supermax is 0.70 - 2.00, > 80% drop from here 9.52. Wake up IDIOTS !!
21/10/2020 4:36 PM


2020-10-21 13:17 | Report Abuse

I feel you. But those who would enter IB knew that the game they are playing. There’s no humility or integrity so to speak. It’s everyman for himself, they even slaughter their colleagues. Generally, they would value a 1” increase in rim size on their sport cars more than any lives on the street.

Morpheus61 https://grabify.link/A1E653

The reason for the drop ! IB Creeps. I wiil not ask 'How much money is enough for them', instead I ask "How many people do they want to kill" ?

Did you know that a 1% decrease in GDP is said to be concurrent with a 2% RISE in deaths due to joblessness, poverty, mental health condition ?


2020-10-21 12:05 | Report Abuse

So it’s a test to retain only those who are worthy of the next level... RM 16-20?


2020-10-21 11:59 | Report Abuse

Higher low formed. Going for higher high now...


2020-10-21 10:41 | Report Abuse

How do you know the QR date? Was it communicated?


2020-10-20 16:12 | Report Abuse

Submarine for a while. Today dip 3% come here to see if I missed out any big news like fire took out factories. If not, just continue to hold.


2020-10-06 16:00 | Report Abuse

If anything, gloves are in even higher demand now... when will people start thinking....


2020-10-02 11:24 | Report Abuse

Elliott wave 3 as described.


2020-09-30 16:00 | Report Abuse

Now that someone mentioned window dressing, why is today’s index so weak / red...?


2020-09-30 15:07 | Report Abuse

TheTitanic, look back at my past post. I listed some dates.


2020-09-30 15:04 | Report Abuse

No buy signal in terms of candlestick. But if you fit Elliott wave, we are at the early stage of Wave 3... Very few manage to buy at beginning of wave 1, so the next best/realistic entry point is beginning of wave 3, which is now.


2020-09-30 10:57 | Report Abuse

Most people know about the SBB. But the focus was mostly on how many shares bought, and the price range where the shares were bought. While those are important, another equally important info was the date it took place... end of Q3, basically the top line figures are already known.


2020-09-30 10:37 | Report Abuse

Winter is coming. There will be patients with flu, Covid or both. It won’t be apparent before the testing so medical practitioners will just be geared up fully for all cases. While the Covid case count is expected to surge, the flow to hospitals will increase even more, the PPE / glove / masks are all even more important as winter approaches...

What is 20-40 cents fluctuation now when it will ultimately go to RM 16-20..


2020-09-30 09:31 | Report Abuse

Fundamental wise, one of the best stock you can find now, order book can last a couple of years with deposit collected. Orders are still coming in.

Technical angle, 9th Sept marks the end of wave C. 14 Sept is Wave 1, 21 Sept is Wave 2, and we’re at the early stage of Wave C which is usually the longest stretch of up wave...


2020-09-25 12:34 | Report Abuse

Kossan not affected at all... because no call warrant?


2020-09-23 21:52 | Report Abuse

For those who like to read up and equip themselves with proper true information / knowledge to be immune to misinformation.


2020-09-23 21:03 | Report Abuse

It’s due to lack of understanding and misinformation...Partly spread by stupid IB’ers and finance/economy websites.

They spread misinformation like:
- Vaccines will be ready soon, fact is it will take many months to produce for the mass. And it doesn’t work well unless vast majority gets it.
- Everyone will take it if it’s free. Truth is, many will not want to take it due to the doubt and lack of confidence in the safety given how some Pharmaceutical companies have covered up serious cases.
- Vaccine is a silver bullet. Truth is, to pass FDA, it only needs to be 50% less infection rate than the control (placebo) group. It means that there’s still a real chance that one catch it even after being vaccinated.

Things most people do not know:
- the concept of herd immunity (read up more at https://www.jhsph.edu/covid-19/articles/achieving-herd-immunity-with-covid19.html).
- it means that, it’s basically useless to have a vaccine but without at least 60-80% of the population all vaccinated at the same time. Again, there is just no way to mass produce that much vaccine in a short period of time. By the time enough vaccine is produced to cover that % of population, the Covid would have mutated into a new strain.
- the vaccination, even available today, can only slow infection rate until we reach herd immunity, there is not going to be an eradication.
- Immunity can be lost and hence be re-infected after months / years

The stupidest notion:
- once there is vaccine for Covid, demand for gloves will go back to pre-Covid level.
- there isn’t a single party in the life cycle of gloves that has incentive to cut it out of the picture:
Patients / Visitors: Obviously prefer the doctors /hospitals that take extra precautions. Gloves must be disposed after performing checks on every single patient. The cost is negligible to the total bill, the risk and discomfort of having any doctor not wearing protective gloves / PPE is far greater.
Doctors / medical practitioners: Do you think they want to touch / do any test on any patient without mask and gloves? Do you think they will want to stop wearing gloves just because there is a vaccine?
Hospitals: another source of income to load into the bill. On the side, the more PPE used, the better the brand image and perceived service level.
Government / ministries of Health around the world / WHO: they would freaking want every medical practitioners to be safeguarded as much as possible until the world reach an equilibrium. That means more usage of gloves at all times at work.

This will take many years. And we will never be going back to the old normal. Seasonal influenza has a death rate of around 0.1% while so far Covid has a death rate of c 4% [1 million death / (1 million death + 24 million recovered cases) - https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/ ]

Whether you are just someone who is taking a test, or a patient receiving treatment, or a doctor, or hospital management / BoD, government, etc, would you actually want to reduce the usage of gloves, whether or not vaccine is available...?


2020-09-23 19:49 | Report Abuse

GiantPanda really summed it up nicely. Perhaps I can only add one item to the “worry” list, now even gold also volatile and on down trend, so glove counters really seem to be a really safe bet.


2020-09-23 16:47 | Report Abuse

Isaaka WHO is expecting the whole world will be vaccinated in 2024. Even Vaccine is here, they still need gloves

Exactly, don’t know why anyone would think once vaccination is here then there’s no need for gloves anymore...


2020-09-23 15:27 | Report Abuse

At the time of writing, red counters count is 900+.
Supermax climbed from 7.45 to 7.80 and kept a buffer in green zone, very commendable.


2020-09-23 15:19 | Report Abuse

I like how you referred to teamrocket as “it”. Hehehe.


2020-09-23 14:50 | Report Abuse

Don’t know how little you earned la, but need to talk so much nonsense to trick ppl just to earn a small 30 cents gap... your soul and ethics are really cheap...

Btw... it’s still going up...


2020-09-23 14:43 | Report Abuse

Once there was an idiot who buy/sell based on factors that don’t affect the company performance, for example the weather of the day... even though he has no plans to use the money in the immediate near term.

But he has some money so he was able to push the share price down by 1-2 cents for 10 seconds in the market. Besides him, there are other idiots who also buy/sell based on factors that do not affect the company performance, for example the 1-2 cents dip for 10 seconds created by the 1st idiot.

Along with this 2nd idiot, there are 3rd, 4th, 5th and so on. Fortunately, there are only this many idiots in the market that like to buy high sell low. So when these idiots run out of shares to throw for no reason, the price goes back to normal. Because these things do not affect the company performance.


2020-09-23 11:47 | Report Abuse

If you think change of MY government has an impact on the global demand of gloves as a result of the pandemic going out of hand, then you can sell...

If go back to MCO, I don’t know about other sectors but gloves is one of the better/best ones that will go up as it reflects how bad things are getting (locally and globally).


2020-09-22 16:46 | Report Abuse

Anything above 7.65 will form 破脚穿头。good closing.


2020-09-22 10:06 | Report Abuse

People who have conviction, bought and stock it aside and enjoy life... where the price goes between the purchase price and eventual target price doesn’t matter too much.

Some bought without confidence would Be swayed by comments, that’s not wrong but unfortunately sometimes victimised by the group I’m going to describe below.

This is the group of people, who does not think a company will do good (nothing wrong with that) or that the valuation is too high. So they don’t own the shares. There is nothing wrong with this either. But sadly their parents and teachers failed them, they got no lives hence always hang around at counters they don’t believe and spread negativity... They don’t share their opposing views objectively, or base their arguments on facts and figures. Remember, their parents and teachers failed them, and there is nothing better to do in their lives that they can spend time doing, so all they could do is speculate, assess a share based on short term movements and instil fear and doubt in others at counters that they don’t believe in instead of doing things they like or spend time with family and friends. When the price goes up a little, they shut up and hide in their sad corner.

It is fine either side one takes. Just be civilised and kind. Advice to these sad people, please get a life...


2020-09-22 09:37 | Report Abuse

I was waiting for lower to top up... why IB no more shares to throw..? Disappointed...


2020-09-21 17:18 | Report Abuse

2 months down the road when it’s RM 15...

A who held TG:” Damn, I didn’t get much chance to top up my TG, it’s now RM 10. Good la you, B, Supermax went down to RM 6.xx and now it’s RM 15. Sure you loaded a lot during that dip.”
B: “I was shitting in my pants during that dip and didn’t Top up...”
A: “Why? They get to set their own ASP, the order was enough to last for a couple of years and still pouring in... there’s no sight of the virus going away besides those silly people who don’t have the slightest knowledge in medicine/vaccination.”

Don’t be B...


2020-09-21 16:43 | Report Abuse

If it doesn’t drop, where got chance to buy cheaper...
Let’s hope it drops so much that everybody gets to top up to average down to a fraction of our cost now. And then shoot back up when result is out...

A lot of ppl do not understand...
Vaccination ready doesn’t mean there is vaccine for everyone.
It takes months to a year to produce enough for everyone. It is important because if there is no herd immunity then it doesn’t work (meaning need virtually everyone to be vaccinated at the same time). Even if there is sufficient vaccine at the same time for everyone, it wears off after a few months, not to forget that there are several strands of virus, and people who were infected can be infected again.

Those are the ideal scenarios... Now look at US and other countries... why are the Covid cases so rampant?

Americans can’t even get themselves to wear masks for their own good, do you think they will all just take vaccines quietly? The anti-vaxer community in US is crazily brainless and selfish... you can shoot them in the head but they will not take any vaccine.

And then, do you guys know how hospitals work? Cost of gloves can be charged to patients, it’s an income source. Whatever price they get it for, they’ll just load an X% and pass it on to patients. In the world of medical treatment, there’s no stepping back, there’s only over-treatment that goes one direction. Once it become an SOP that helps with the hospital income, it doesn’t get reversed...


2020-09-21 15:55 | Report Abuse

Damn you... not even RM 5 yet how dare you rebound.


2020-09-21 15:52 | Report Abuse

If only they’re willing to press it down to RM 1.. euphoria.


2020-09-21 15:43 | Report Abuse

Excited... everyday drop 35 cents, 20 trading days later I get to buy at 25 cents per share! Never mind the ones I’m already holding.


2020-09-18 16:50 | Report Abuse

I thought MACC is equally Corrupted...


2020-09-18 10:07 | Report Abuse

Higher low formed, going for higher high...


2020-09-17 16:51 | Report Abuse

Lesson learned, got money can screw anyone, including blue chips, BNM, Securities Commissions, and the daughters, sisters, wives, mothers and grandmothers of those who work there...


2020-09-17 14:43 | Report Abuse

Nowadays... only those counters with losses over past N quarters with unfounded speculations will rise... good companies with explosive profits get thrown... wtf...


2020-09-17 11:05 | Report Abuse

KLCI turned red... US all 3 composite indices futures turned red...
Today low volume here... it could go either way.
Just a kind reminder for all to be cautious...