
Warn3r | Joined since 2016-07-22

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2018-10-30 15:52 | Report Abuse

Why do I have to know? Any statement that doesn’t contain that information is nonsense?

By that logic, the statement that you have a brain is also nonsense. It wasn’t 1,700 lots. It was 1,900-2,000 lots. Learn how to read numbers first.

Just because you’re curious about one thing and ppl are talking about something else it doesn’t make other statements false.


2018-10-30 15:35 | Report Abuse

Which part is nonsense? Idiot.


2018-10-30 09:02 | Report Abuse

That dude suddenly became smarter and decided not to block at 1.07... no more road block.


2018-10-29 10:40 | Report Abuse

If someone could take down 2500 lots, that would land us at 1.10.


2018-10-29 10:38 | Report Abuse

It’s not taking off after the double bottom...


2018-10-26 17:14 | Report Abuse

2000 lots really isn’t a lot...


2018-10-26 17:10 | Report Abuse

Penang not only Alex Ooi can trade on Bursa. And even if it’s him, it’s highly unlikely he needs to do it himself. And if he doesn’t need to do it himself, then why does it matter where the seller is...


2018-10-26 16:10 | Report Abuse

Someone parked 2000 lots to block at RM1.07...


2018-10-25 01:00 | Report Abuse

Friendship. You said it like you knew what’s gonna be in the budget plan for sure... I was just hoping that it could happen but you sounded as if you have a source... How would you know?


2018-10-24 17:21 | Report Abuse

Glomac is calling for a revival of Home Ownership Program implemented back in the late 90’s in the upcoming budget.

It would be great if this could materialize. The next QR might give solid numbers but that would be end of Nov.


2018-10-24 16:43 | Report Abuse

How does ppl being naive or hoping share price go up affect you in anyway? What is wrong with you?


2018-10-24 16:22 | Report Abuse

Trulyinvest. What do you get from making fun of ppl when times are bad such as this? Does it make you happy?


2018-10-24 16:08 | Report Abuse

Touched 1.04.


2018-10-19 15:51 | Report Abuse

Feels like end of the world....


2018-10-18 16:22 | Report Abuse

Does the high overhang apply to I-Santorini or one foresta? We all know that’s not the case. And the high unsold % mostly apply to properties with price tag above RM 500k if you read carefully (actually I didn’t read carefully but also managed to catch this). So... do you understand what I mean or are you still unable to comprehend?


2018-10-18 16:19 | Report Abuse

trulyinvest. I mean, do you have the specific sales % for the injected development? An average of the few hundred or thousands developments across whole nation is at best, a very poor indicator for 3-4 specific projects in Penang.


2018-10-18 15:37 | Report Abuse

trulyinvest. If you have figures pls share. Don’t give generic comment that doesn’t help anyone.


2018-10-18 14:35 | Report Abuse

If it hits RM 2 before share split then it won’t be below RM 1. =D

The PE was low previously because there was no breadth in the company profile (only 2 mid-of-life projects). Now with the asset injection, the profit have better sustainability and continuity (5-7 projects). And with the extra money there’s capital to further expand and launch more projects. Yes the profit gets diluted but it’s still an upgrade from a sonic speed one wheel vehicle to a fast speed 4-wheel drive. If the size and diversity and continuity of projects / profits are more comparable to those larger property companies, shouldn’t the PE be higher at around 10-15?

The company seems to be targeting the right market - affordable housing. Target market is mostly Chinese, who is known to have strong preference for buying new house before getting married regardless of the economic climate. Numbers that are shown (existing projects under IUBB) looks good. The owner / chairman is condo king with a wealth of experience, broad network and capitals. The other 3 companies run by the same couple shouldn’t be vastly different.

The recent proposal also included quite a fair bit of info graphics which indicates that they are running business base on analytics.

What did I miss out?


2018-10-18 10:22 | Report Abuse

Alex Ooi pressed the price down from RM 1.70, he really should push it back up.


2018-10-16 15:12 | Report Abuse

Hentara. I wasn’t against ppl talking any counter down. I was against ppl talking rubbish / nonsense without facts. Get a life.


2018-10-10 15:46 | Report Abuse

I take my hat off to you guys who fished at the bottom 1.04. Really Godlike.

Now it should be on its road to recovery.


2018-10-10 14:53 | Report Abuse

Someone made a 400k+ shares dent at 1.04. That wall was rebuilt quickly.


2018-10-10 12:49 | Report Abuse

Erm... we’re still at the bottom. So nobody could have possibly sold below the current price point over the last 1+ months. So they didn’t actually lose out...at least not yet.


2018-10-10 12:33 | Report Abuse

It’s irony. But he may actually be the one who picked up at the lowest price before the pivotal turn. =_=


2018-10-04 17:01 | Report Abuse

After a battle of 3.4 mil shares, why not another 100 shares to close black instead of red?


2018-10-04 12:42 | Report Abuse

I think you’re taking the crazy guy’s talks too seriously.


2018-10-04 12:16 | Report Abuse

Cannot push too hard. Must give those weak holders time to throw their shares, at the same time it’s a mechanism for the shark to collect on the way up.

See if there’re 2nd wave, or at least they put up a floor to support at certain price.


2018-10-04 12:11 | Report Abuse

I know what you mean selective contrarian. It’s nice to have 2 deep pockets. Can pass things around pushing the price in either direction that they want.

Maybe we pay too close an attention as our horizon is at least another 2 QR release (I presume you’re the same as me).

I still check from time to time because the previous flash crash, increasing trade war tension, and DowJ is at record high...

But it looks legitimate this time.


2018-10-04 11:48 | Report Abuse



2018-10-02 16:03 | Report Abuse

If I’m allowed to speak stupid and crazy stuffs like spygame, let it drop to RM 0.01. I can sweep it clean. Few million shares also I can absorb and average down like no business. Then when next QR comes I’ll see if they manage to keep the price below RM 1.80.


2018-09-29 17:03 | Report Abuse

Sorry. Rebound to 0.8 or 1.8?


2018-09-28 22:46 | Report Abuse

Sorry. I’m just allergic to overly general statements. Don’t you think you could at least offer a little bit of insight if you’re gonna praise yourself in an adults’ forum?


2018-09-28 22:11 | Report Abuse

trulyinvest. Yongtai’s EPS in the past 4Q is 3.2 cents. Ideal’s is 36.7 cents. The former PE ratio is standing at 21+ While Ideal’s Is simply 3+. How are they the same?

If we look at future prospects. 10 cents EPS per quarter for the next 2 years are almost guaranteed. Do you even check whether what you think made sense before typing out?


2018-09-28 17:29 | Report Abuse

I hope Alan from iqapex could shed some light here too. My friend works in Goldman, used to be a trader in NY, then London, now in HK. He always says, most of the time got slaughtered and yet have no idea what happened


2018-09-28 16:43 | Report Abuse

It’s obvious he doesn’t care to slowly let go to fetch better price. And if he didn’t care about fetching a better price, why did he have to spread it over a few days to flash crash? Just do it one shot to kill the counter will do.

Digging a drain?


2018-09-28 16:32 | Report Abuse

Now it’s down to the price level before the previous QR is released. Unless the company is burnt down, wait, developer can still build condo’s without a proper office. So does the price reflect the value?


2018-09-28 16:24 | Report Abuse

Don’t let the fear get to you. What do you expect to learn from a psycho?


2018-09-28 16:10 | Report Abuse

What kind of tactic is this? Even to shake ppl off it’s a gradual shake off over a few days, how come this one like this one?


2018-09-28 09:00 | Report Abuse

Just to add on, they seem very careful in what they do. It might be against their style to just irresponsibly tell you to buy or hold, they might also be under immense pressure in checking and verifying the information they need and to immediately decide to double their position.

And if you want, the sales is still there below RM 1.50. Good luck. =]


2018-09-28 08:57 | Report Abuse

Good morning Selective contrarian. Please understand that they are not obliged to explain or answer any of our questions. Much like how you are not obliged to help us put that joker back into his place whenever he spread false information. Don’t take it the wrong way, I think what you and Alan did was noble and I am very grateful that there are still some selfless people out there. This is already a gift for me and honestly it makes my day better knowing just this fact.

Yes you were indeed rather accurate in your estimate in the no. of shares that poor guy disposed. I hope he didn’t have family emergency that he had to do liquidate in such a manner.

It’s extremely hard buying at lowest price and selling at highest price. And when you’re finally able to do that, the pressure and expectation you put on yourself will simply make you a less happy person. Try focusing on the positive things, we identified and are buying into a well run company. You obviously got in at a much lower price level. Having not bought with the information that you had at that point in time, in my personal humble opinion, was the right move. It’s all about discipline and not jumping the gun when you’re not quite sure what’s happening.

The risk has lapsed now with the newly provided information (courtesy of Alan), but it was real on the day at that time of flash crash.

Give yourself some credit, you’re doing awesome. Thank you again. And allow me to thank Alan again, both of you owe us nothing. It was conscious decisions of extending kindness to others by sharing useful and accurate information. Otherwise I (and perhaps others) would be very confused and upset.


2018-09-28 07:00 | Report Abuse

Thank you Alan for taking the trouble to write this up. It is most certainly helpful, at least for me. Proved to myself my earlier guess that someone indeed picked up those disposed shares at a discounted price. (Why pay them a good price when they want a quick exit?) With such due diligence and careful execution, you have indeed given me a boost of confidence in this counter. Albeit I think I need to work on this area, confidence should come within myself rooted from a deep understanding of exactly what and why I am buying.

Also, I would like to thank selective contrarian for helping us all to write to Quantum Apex Investments. Otherwise, Alan would not be aware of the confusion here, and cared enough to explain to us small fishes.

Thanks again. Your post is so informative and well written I’m going to jump right back to reading the second and likely third time after posting mine.


2018-09-27 19:24 | Report Abuse

Thanks again selective contrarian. I stand corrected. With an average daily traded shares of 300-400k, I made the simplistic presumption that almost all of them are from the big fish.

If the big fish threw 1+ million shares, are the other 3mils shares traded a knee-jerk reaction by small fishes like us?



2018-09-27 16:52 | Report Abuse

Thank you selective contrarian. There’s a small typo, yesterday the guy sold 4.2 mil shares. I also think the same, he probably needs money urgently, was frustrated or just want out and couldn’t be bothered spreading it over a few days.

I think Alfred from Batman was right about one thing, amongst others. Some people cannot be reasoned with, they just want to watch the world burn.


2018-09-27 16:47 | Report Abuse

I seriously don’t know if the price will ever go to RM 2. But I’m pretty sure FY18 EPS will hit 50+ cents.


2018-09-26 19:20 | Report Abuse

Long tail under a candle indicates support. Someone bailed and released his/her tickets. With an average volume of c 350k shares a day, today’s volume is more than 10 times the usual average.

Sellers don’t sell to thin air, so someone picked it up on the other side. At this stage, it could still be anything.

Just my 2 cents. Happy to hear from others and receive constructive criticisms.


2018-09-26 18:34 | Report Abuse

I always wonder why every counter has a joker like him. I always thought I’m pretty okay at reading ppl and understanding ppl’s motivation.

But I failed here. What do they get? Satisfaction?really?


2018-09-26 17:00 | Report Abuse

Does anyone know if we can track this joker down and sue him for spreading fake news?


2018-09-26 13:57 | Report Abuse

spygane007, you do realize that the more you talk the more exposed your stupidity is right?

He holds some shares here, he doesn’t lose out on anything if more ppl buy. It’s quite the opposite.

And I’m my own judge. He has been objective and factual in his sharing.


2018-09-07 20:32 | Report Abuse

I’ve been praying for it to dive to 1.50so that I can collect more...


2018-09-06 14:47 | Report Abuse

Are you being sarcastic? It’s not easy to tell over a forum post...